List of usage examples for com.vaadin.ui Alignment MIDDLE_CENTER
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/** * Update the property configuration component depending on the selected * type.// ww w . j av a 2s .c o m * * @param pSelection The selected property type to create. */ private void updateTriggerSelection(TRIGGER_TYPE pSelection) { LOGGER.debug("Updating trigger selection component to type '{}'", pSelection); triggerEditorLayout.removeAllComponents(); Component componentToAdd; switch (pSelection) { case NOW_TRIGGER: currentPanel = new NowTriggerConfigurationPanel(); componentToAdd = currentPanel.getLayout(); break; case AT_TRIGGER: currentPanel = new AtTriggerConfigurationPanel(); componentToAdd = currentPanel.getLayout(); break; case EXPRESSION_TRIGGER: currentPanel = new ExpressionTriggerConfigurationPanel(); componentToAdd = currentPanel.getLayout(); break; case INTERVAL_TRIGGER: currentPanel = new IntervalTriggerConfigurationPanel(); componentToAdd = currentPanel.getLayout(); break; default: currentPanel = null; componentToAdd = new Label("Unsupported Trigger Type"); } triggerEditorLayout.addComponent(componentToAdd); triggerEditorLayout.setComponentAlignment(componentToAdd, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); }
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@Override public AbstractLayout getLayout() { GridLayout layout = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(2, 5).addComponent(getGroupField(), 0, 0) .addComponent(getNameField(), 1, 0).addComponent(getPrioritySlider(), 0, 1, 2, 1) .addComponent(new Label("No configuration needed."), Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER, 0, 2, 2, 1) .addComponent(getDescriptionField(), 0, 3, 2, 2).getLayout(); layout.setMargin(false);//www . jav a2s . co m layout.setSpacing(true); layout.setSizeFull(); return layout; }
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@Override public void buildMainLayout() { Label introduction = new Label( "Welcome to your new repository system installation. This wizard will guide you through the initial setup of your system. " + "If you need more information about the underlying repository framework please visit the <a href=''>KIT Data Manager Homepage</a><br/>" + "This wizard is organized in multiple steps. You may switch between completed steps back and forth. If all information are collected, you can finish the wizard. " + "This is the moment where all collected data is written to the database. You will be redirected to the login page where you can login using the created administrator account or" + "you can create a user account for yourself and login with this account.", ContentMode.HTML);/*from w w w . j av a2s. co m*/ introduction.setSizeFull(); getMainLayout().addComponent(introduction); getMainLayout().setComponentAlignment(introduction, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); }
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/** * Update the property configuration component depending on the selected * type./* w w w . j av a 2s . c o m*/ * * @param pSelection The selected property type to create. */ private void updatePropertySelection(ENVIRONMENT_PROPERTY_TYPE pSelection) { LOGGER.debug("Updating property selection component to type '{}'", pSelection); switch (pSelection) { case STRING_VALUE_PROPERTY: propertyEditorLayout.removeAllComponents(); currentPanel = new StringValuePropertyConfigurationPanel(); propertyEditorLayout.addComponent(currentPanel.getLayout()); break; case SOFTWARE_MAP_PROPERTY: propertyEditorLayout.removeAllComponents(); currentPanel = new LinuxSoftwareMapPropertyConfigurationPanel(); propertyEditorLayout.addComponent(currentPanel.getLayout()); break; default: propertyEditorLayout.removeAllComponents(); currentPanel = null; Label errorLabel = new Label("Unsupported Property Type"); propertyEditorLayout.addComponent(errorLabel); propertyEditorLayout.setComponentAlignment(errorLabel, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } }
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/** * Update the layout. This method is either called internally when scrolling * or/*from w w w. ja v a2 s . c om*/ */ public final void update() { //remove all components (old result page and navigation) removeAllComponents(); //add current results renderPage(); //build pagination int pages = overallEntries / entriesPerPage; if (overallEntries % entriesPerPage > 0) { pages++; } final int overallPages = pages; HorizontalLayout navigation = new HorizontalLayout(); //add "JumpToFirstPage" button final NativeButton first = new NativeButton(); first.setIcon(firstIcon); if (firstIcon == null) { first.setCaption("<<"); } first.setDescription("First Page"); first.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { currentPage = 0; update(); } }); //add "PreviousPage" button final NativeButton prev = new NativeButton(); prev.setIcon(prevIcon); if (prevIcon == null) { prev.setCaption("<"); } prev.setDescription("Previous Page"); prev.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (currentPage > 0) { currentPage--; update(); } } }); //add "NextPage" button final NativeButton next = new NativeButton(); next.setIcon(nextIcon); if (nextIcon == null) { next.setCaption(">"); } next.setDescription("Next Page"); next.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (currentPage + 1 < overallPages) { currentPage++; update(); } } }); //add "JumpToLastPage" button final NativeButton last = new NativeButton(); last.setIcon(endIcon); if (endIcon == null) { next.setCaption(">>"); } last.setDescription("Last Page"); last.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { currentPage = overallPages - 1; update(); } }); //enable/disable buttons depending on the current page if (overallPages == 0) { first.setEnabled(false); prev.setEnabled(false); next.setEnabled(false); last.setEnabled(false); } else { first.setEnabled(!(currentPage == 0) || !(overallPages < 2)); prev.setEnabled(!(currentPage == 0) || !(overallPages < 2)); next.setEnabled(!(currentPage == overallPages - 1) || !(overallPages < 2)); last.setEnabled(!(currentPage == overallPages - 1) || !(overallPages < 2)); } //at first, put the page size selection box into the navigation final ComboBox entriesPerPageBox = new ComboBox(); entriesPerPageBox.setItemCaptionPropertyId("name"); entriesPerPageBox.addContainerProperty("name", String.class, null); entriesPerPageBox.addItem(5); entriesPerPageBox.getContainerProperty(5, "name").setValue("5 Entries / Page"); entriesPerPageBox.addItem(10); entriesPerPageBox.getContainerProperty(10, "name").setValue("10 Entries / Page"); entriesPerPageBox.addItem(15); entriesPerPageBox.getContainerProperty(15, "name").setValue("15 Entries / Page"); entriesPerPageBox.addItem(20); entriesPerPageBox.getContainerProperty(20, "name").setValue("20 Entries / Page"); entriesPerPageBox.setValue(entriesPerPage); entriesPerPageBox.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); entriesPerPageBox.setImmediate(true); entriesPerPageBox.addListener(new Property.ValueChangeListener() { public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { entriesPerPage = (Integer) entriesPerPageBox.getValue(); update(); } }); navigation.addComponent(entriesPerPageBox); //filler labels are added to the beginning and to the end to keep the navigation in the middle Label leftFiller = new Label(); leftFiller.setWidth("25px"); navigation.addComponent(leftFiller); navigation.addComponent(first); navigation.addComponent(prev); //Show max. 10 pages at once for performance and layout reasons. //If there are more than 10 pages, "move" the to show 10 pages based on the current page. int start = currentPage - 5; start = (start < 0) ? 0 : start; int end = start + 10; end = (end > pages) ? pages : end; if (end - start < 10 && pages > 10) { start = end - 10; } if (overallPages == 0) { Label noEntryLabel = new Label("<i>No entries</i>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); //noEntryLabel.setWidth("80px"); noEntryLabel.setSizeUndefined(); navigation.addComponent(noEntryLabel); navigation.setComponentAlignment(noEntryLabel, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } //build the actual page entries for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { if (i == currentPage) { //the current page is marked with a special style Label pageLink = new Label("<b>" + Integer.toString(i + 1) + "</b>", Label.CONTENT_XHTML); pageLink.setStyleName("currentpage"); pageLink.setWidth("15px"); navigation.addComponent(pageLink); navigation.setComponentAlignment(pageLink, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } else { //otherwise normal links are added, click-events are handled via LayoutClickListener Link pageLink = new Link(Integer.toString(i + 1), null); navigation.addComponent(pageLink); navigation.setComponentAlignment(pageLink, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } } //add right navigation buttons navigation.addComponent(next); navigation.addComponent(last); //...and fill the remaining space Label rightFiller = new Label(); navigation.addComponent(rightFiller); // navigation.setExpandRatio(leftFiller, 1.0f); navigation.setExpandRatio(rightFiller, 1.0f); navigation.setSpacing(true); //put everything ot the middle navigation.setComponentAlignment(first, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); navigation.setComponentAlignment(prev, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); navigation.setComponentAlignment(next, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); navigation.setComponentAlignment(last, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); //add layout click listener to be able to navigate by clicking the single pages navigation.addListener(new LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener() { @Override public void layoutClick(LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent event) { // Get the child component which was clicked Component child = event.getChildComponent(); if (child == null) { // Not over any child component } else { // Over a child component if (child instanceof Link) { // Over a valid child element currentPage = Integer.parseInt(((Link) child).getCaption()) - 1; update(); } } } }); //finalize navigation.setWidth("100%"); navigation.setHeight("25px"); //add navigation and align it right below the result page addComponent(page); setExpandRatio(page, 1f); if (overallEntries > 0) { addComponent(navigation); setComponentAlignment(navigation, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); setExpandRatio(navigation, .05f); } requestRepaint(); }
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License:Apache License
public static void openResourceSubWindow(File sourceFile) { boolean fileAccessible = sourceFile != null && sourceFile.exists() && sourceFile.canRead(); // Set subwindow for displaying file resource final Window window = new Window(fileAccessible ? sourceFile.getName() : "Information");;/*from www . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ // Set window layout VerticalLayout windowLayout = new VerticalLayout(); windowLayout.setSizeFull(); if (fileAccessible) { // Set resource that has to be embedded final Embedded resource = new Embedded(null, new FileResource(sourceFile)); if ("application/octet-stream".equals(resource.getMimeType())) { window.setWidth("570px"); window.setHeight("150px"); windowLayout.setMargin(true); Label attentionNote = new Label( "A file preview is not possible as the file type is not supported by your browser."); attentionNote.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); Link fileURL = new Link("Click here for downloading the file.", new FileResource(sourceFile)); windowLayout.addComponent(attentionNote); windowLayout.addComponent(fileURL); windowLayout.setComponentAlignment(attentionNote, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); windowLayout.setComponentAlignment(fileURL, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } else { window.setResizable(true); window.setWidth("800px"); window.setHeight("500px"); final Image image = new Image(null, new FileResource(sourceFile)); image.setSizeFull(); windowLayout.addComponent(image); } } else { //file is not accessible window.setWidth("570px"); window.setHeight("150px"); windowLayout.setMargin(true); Label attentionNote = new Label("Provided file cannot be accessed."); attentionNote.setContentMode(ContentMode.HTML); windowLayout.addComponent(attentionNote); windowLayout.setComponentAlignment(attentionNote, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } window.setContent(windowLayout); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(window); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Build the main layout of the representation of one digital object. * * @param pContext The authorization context used to decide whether special * administrative features are available or not. *//*from w w w .j av a2 s .com*/ private void buildMainLayout(IAuthorizationContext pContext) { //check if the object could be obtained or not, e.g. due to missing permissions. If not, show an error message. if (ERROR_PLACEHOLDER.equals(object.getLabel())) { Label warnLabel = new Label("<h3>Failed to obtain entry with identifier '" + object.getDigitalObjectIdentifier() + "' from database.</h3>", ContentMode.HTML); final Button cleanup = new Button("Cleanup"); cleanup.setDescription("Click to remove object from search index."); cleanup.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { cleanup.setEnabled(false); new Notification("Information", "Cleanup not implemented, yet.", Notification.Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION).show(Page.getCurrent()); } }); if (pContext.getRoleRestriction().atLeast(Role.ADMINISTRATOR)) { //show cleanup button mainLayout = new HorizontalLayout(warnLabel, cleanup); } else { //no cleanup available mainLayout = new HorizontalLayout(warnLabel); } mainLayout.setSizeFull(); return; } //initialize image field typeImage = new Image(); typeImage.setSizeFull(); setImage(object); //initialize title label/field titleField = UIUtils7.factoryTextField(null, "dc:title"); titleField.addStyleName("basic_title"); titleLabel = new Label("dc:title"); titleLabel.setWidth("100%"); titleLabel.addStyleName("basic_title"); //initialize creator label if (object.getUploader() != null) { creatorLabel = new Label(StringUtils.abbreviate(object.getUploader().getFullname(), 100)); creatorLabel.setEnabled(true); } else { creatorLabel = new Label("dc:creator"); creatorLabel.setEnabled(false); } creatorLabel.setWidth("100%"); creatorLabel.addStyleName("basic_left"); //initialize creation label if (object.getStartDate() != null) { creationLabel = new Label(new SimpleDateFormat().format(object.getStartDate())); creationLabel.setEnabled(true); } else { creationLabel = new Label("dc:date"); creationLabel.setEnabled(false); } creationLabel.setWidth("100%"); //initialize identifier label objectIdLabel = new Label(StringUtils.abbreviate(object.getDigitalObjectIdentifier(), 100)); objectIdLabel.setWidth("100%"); //initialize description label/area descriptionLabel = new Label("dc:description"); descriptionArea = UIUtils7.factoryTextArea(null, "dc:description"); descriptionArea.setHeight("50px"); descriptionLabel.setHeight("50px"); descriptionLabel.setWidth("100%"); //action buttons downloadButton = new NativeButton("Download"); downloadButton.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/32x32/download.png")); downloadButton.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); downloadButton.setDescription("Download the data of this digital object."); downloadButton.setWidth("100%"); shareButton = new NativeButton("Share"); shareButton.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/share.png")); shareButton.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); shareButton.setDescription("Share this digital object."); Role eligibleRole = Role.GUEST; if (parent.getParentUI().isUserLoggedIn()) { //obtain role only if a user is logged in and we are not in ingest mode. //Otherwise, the dummy context of MyVaadinUI would be used and will cause unwanted access. try { //Determine eligible role of currently logged in user eligibleRole = ResourceServiceLocal.getSingleton().getGrantRole(object.getSecurableResourceId(), parent.getParentUI().getAuthorizationContext().getUserId(), AuthorizationContext.factorySystemContext()); } catch (EntityNotFoundException | UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to determine eligable role for context " + parent.getParentUI().getAuthorizationContext() + ". Continue with GUEST permissions.", ex); } } //Update share button depending on role. Only possessing the role MANAGER (being the owner) entitles to share an object. if (eligibleRole.atLeast(Role.MANAGER)) { shareButton.setEnabled(true); shareButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (parent != null) { parent.showSharingPopup(object); } } }); } else { shareButton.setEnabled(false); shareButton.setDescription("Only the object owner is allowed to change sharing information."); } editButton = new NativeButton("Edit Metadata"); editButton.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/edit.png")); editButton.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); editButton.setDescription("Edit this digital object's metadata."); //Update edit button depending on role. If the object is shared with or owned by the logged in user, editing will be allowed. if (eligibleRole.atLeast(Role.MEMBER)) { editButton.setEnabled(true); editButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { switchEditMode(); } }); } else { editButton.setEnabled(false); editButton.setDescription( "Only the object owner and users the object is shared with are allowed to change metadata information."); } starButton = new NativeButton("Favorite"); starButton.setImmediate(true); starButton.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/unstarred.png")); starButton.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); starButton.setDescription("Add/remove digital object to/from favorites."); //Update star button depending on role. If the object is shared with or owned by the logged in user, "star'ing" will be allowed. if (eligibleRole.atLeast(Role.MEMBER)) { starButton.setEnabled(true); starButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { IMetaDataManager mdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement().getMetaDataManager(); mdm.setAuthorizationContext(AuthorizationContext.factorySystemContext()); try { DigitalObjectType favoriteType = mdm .findSingleResult("SELECT t FROM DigitalObjectType t WHERE t.identifier='" + MyVaadinUI.FAVORITE_TYPE_IDENTIFIER + "' AND t.typeDomain='" + MyVaadinUI.FAVORITE_TYPE_DOMAIN + "'", DigitalObjectType.class); if (DigitalObjectTypeHelper.isTypeAssignedToObject(object, favoriteType, AuthorizationContext.factorySystemContext())) { //remove favorite status DigitalObjectTypeHelper.removeTypeFromObject(object, favoriteType, AuthorizationContext.factorySystemContext()); starButton.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/unstarred.png")); new Notification("Information", "Successfully removed favorite tag from object " + object.getDigitalObjectIdentifier() + ".", Notification.Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION).show(Page.getCurrent()); } else { //assign favorite status DigitalObjectTypeHelper.assignTypeToObject(object, favoriteType, AuthorizationContext.factorySystemContext()); starButton.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/starred.png")); new Notification("Information", "Successfully added favorite tag to object " + object.getDigitalObjectIdentifier() + ".", Notification.Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION).show(Page.getCurrent()); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Failed to change 'favorite' status of digital object.", e); new Notification("Warning", "Failed to update favorite status.", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE).show(Page.getCurrent()); } } }); } else { starButton.setEnabled(false); starButton.setDescription( "Only the object owner and users the object is shared with are allowed to change the favorite state."); } dcLayout = new UIUtils7.GridLayoutBuilder(3, 5).addComponent(titleLabel, 0, 0, 2, 1) .addComponent(creationLabel, 2, 0, 1, 1).addComponent(creatorLabel, 0, 1, 3, 1) .addComponent(objectIdLabel, 0, 2, 3, 1).fill(descriptionLabel, 0, 3).getLayout(); dcLayout.setSizeFull(); Button.ClickListener saveCancelButtonListener = new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (saveEditButton.equals(event.getButton())) { //do save IMetaDataManager mdm = MetaDataManagement.getMetaDataManagement().getMetaDataManager(); mdm.setAuthorizationContext(AuthorizationContext.factorySystemContext()); try { String title = titleField.getValue(); String description = descriptionArea.getValue(); Investigation investigation = object.getInvestigation(); boolean wasError = false; if (description != null && description.length() <= 1024 && investigation != null) { if (!description.equals(investigation.getDescription())) { investigation.setDescription(description); //store investigation; } } else { LOGGER.warn( "Failed to commit updated description '{}'. Either length is exceeded or investigation '{}' is null.", description, investigation); wasError = true; } //store object if (title != null && title.length() >= 3 && title.length() <= 255) { if (!title.equals(object.getLabel())) { //store object object.setLabel(title); object =; } } else { LOGGER.warn("Failed to commit updated title '{}'. Length is invalid (3<=l<=255).", title); wasError = true; } if (wasError) { new Notification("Warning", "Failed to update title and/or description. See logfile for details.", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE).show(Page.getCurrent()); } //As there is not automatic sync between database and search index the entry has to be reindexed at this point in order //to keep both systems consistent. However, changes taking place in between are lost. LOGGER.debug("Object committed to database. Updating index."); ElasticsearchHelper.indexEntry(object); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessAttemptException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to commit changes.", ex); new Notification("Warning", "Failed to commit changes. See logfile for details.", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE).show(Page.getCurrent()); } finally { mdm.close(); } } //do cancel/reload and switch back to read-mode reset(); switchEditMode(); } }; //save/cancel buttons saveEditButton = new NativeButton("Commit Update"); saveEditButton.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/save.png")); saveEditButton.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); saveEditButton.setDescription("Save changes to this digital object's metadata."); saveEditButton.addClickListener(saveCancelButtonListener); cancelEditButton = new NativeButton("Cancel Update"); cancelEditButton.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/cancel.png")); cancelEditButton.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); cancelEditButton.setDescription("Withdraw all changes to this digital object's metadata."); cancelEditButton.addClickListener(saveCancelButtonListener); //default action layout Label spacerMiscActionLayout = new Label(); miscActionLayout = new HorizontalLayout(editButton, shareButton, starButton, spacerMiscActionLayout); miscActionLayout.setWidth("100%"); miscActionLayout.setHeight("18px"); miscActionLayout.setSpacing(false); miscActionLayout.setMargin(false); miscActionLayout.setExpandRatio(spacerMiscActionLayout, .9f); //edit action layout Label spacerEditActionLayout = new Label(); editActionLayout = new HorizontalLayout(saveEditButton, cancelEditButton, spacerEditActionLayout); editActionLayout.setWidth("100%"); editActionLayout.setHeight("18px"); editActionLayout.setSpacing(false); editActionLayout.setMargin(false); editActionLayout.setExpandRatio(spacerEditActionLayout, .9f); //divider generation Label dividerTop = new Label(); dividerTop.setHeight("5px"); dividerTop.addStyleName("horizontal-line"); dividerTop.setWidth("90%"); Label dividerBottom = new Label(); dividerBottom.setHeight("5px"); dividerBottom.addStyleName("horizontal-line"); dividerBottom.setWidth("90%"); Label dividerLeft = new Label(); dividerLeft.addStyleName("vertical-line"); dividerLeft.setWidth("5px"); dividerLeft.setHeight("90%"); Label dividerRight = new Label(); dividerRight.addStyleName("vertical-line"); dividerRight.setWidth("5px"); dividerRight.setHeight("90%"); //build content layout HorizontalLayout contentLayout = new HorizontalLayout(typeImage, dividerLeft, dcLayout, dividerRight, downloadButton); contentLayout.setSizeFull(); contentLayout.setSpacing(true); contentLayout.setComponentAlignment(typeImage, Alignment.TOP_RIGHT); contentLayout.setComponentAlignment(dividerLeft, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); contentLayout.setComponentAlignment(dcLayout, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); contentLayout.setComponentAlignment(dividerRight, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); contentLayout.setComponentAlignment(downloadButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); contentLayout.setExpandRatio(typeImage, .1f); contentLayout.setExpandRatio(dcLayout, .8f); contentLayout.setExpandRatio(downloadButton, .1f); //build main layout mainLayout = new VerticalLayout(dividerTop, contentLayout, dividerBottom, miscActionLayout); mainLayout.setExpandRatio(dividerTop, .05f); mainLayout.setComponentAlignment(dividerTop, Alignment.TOP_LEFT); mainLayout.setExpandRatio(contentLayout, .80f); mainLayout.setExpandRatio(dividerBottom, .05f); mainLayout.setComponentAlignment(dividerBottom, Alignment.BOTTOM_RIGHT); mainLayout.setExpandRatio(miscActionLayout, .1f); mainLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout.setMargin(true); mainLayout.addStyleName("basic"); mainLayout.setWidth("100%"); mainLayout.setHeight("185px"); //do reset to load title and description reset(); LOGGER.debug("Layout successfully build up."); }
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/** * Build the main layout./*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . com*/ */ private void buildMainLayout() { mainLayout = new VerticalLayout(); mainLayout.setSizeFull(); pageLayout.setSizeFull(); pageLayout.setSpacing(true); mainLayout.addComponent(pageLayout); mainLayout.addComponent(navigation); mainLayout.setComponentAlignment(pageLayout, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); mainLayout.setComponentAlignment(navigation, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); mainLayout.setExpandRatio(pageLayout, 1.0f); mainLayout.setExpandRatio(navigation, .1f); mainLayout.addComponent(shareComponent.getPopupView()); mainLayout.setComponentAlignment(shareComponent.getPopupView(), Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); }
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/** * Build the navigation layout including the appropriate buttons to navigate * through the pagination pages./*from w ww .jav a 2 s .c om*/ * * @return The navigation layout component. */ private HorizontalLayout buildNavigationComponent() { HorizontalLayout result = new HorizontalLayout(); //add "JumpToFirstPage" button final NativeButton first = new NativeButton(); first.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/beginning.png")); first.setDescription("First Page"); first.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { currentPage = 0; updatePage(); } }); //add "PreviousPage" button final NativeButton prev = new NativeButton(); prev.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/prev.png")); prev.setDescription("Previous Page"); prev.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (currentPage > 0) { currentPage--; updatePage(); } } }); //add "NextPage" button final NativeButton next = new NativeButton(); next.setDescription("Next Page"); next.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/next.png")); next.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (currentPage + 1 < overallPages) { currentPage++; updatePage(); } } }); //add "JumpToLastPage" button final NativeButton last = new NativeButton(); last.setDescription("Last Page"); last.setIcon(new ThemeResource("img/16x16/end.png")); last.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { currentPage = overallPages - 1; updatePage(); } }); //enable/disable buttons depending on the current page if (overallPages == 0) { first.setEnabled(false); prev.setEnabled(false); next.setEnabled(false); last.setEnabled(false); } else { first.setEnabled(!(currentPage == 0) || !(overallPages < 2)); prev.setEnabled(!(currentPage == 0) || !(overallPages < 2)); next.setEnabled(!(currentPage == overallPages - 1) || !(overallPages < 2)); last.setEnabled(!(currentPage == overallPages - 1) || !(overallPages < 2)); } Label leftFiller = new Label(); result.addComponent(leftFiller); result.setExpandRatio(leftFiller, 1.0f); result.addComponent(first); result.addComponent(prev); int start = currentPage - 5; start = (start < 0) ? 0 : start; int end = start + 10; end = (end > overallPages) ? overallPages : end; if (end - start < 10 && overallPages > 10) { start = end - 10; } if (overallPages == 0) { Label noEntryLabel = new Label("<i>No entries</i>", ContentMode.HTML); //noEntryLabel.setWidth("80px"); noEntryLabel.setSizeUndefined(); result.addComponent(noEntryLabel); result.setComponentAlignment(noEntryLabel, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } //build the actual page entries for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { if (i == currentPage) { //the current page is marked with a special style Label pageLink = new Label("<b>" + Integer.toString(i + 1) + "</b>", ContentMode.HTML); pageLink.setStyleName("currentpage"); pageLink.setWidth("15px"); result.addComponent(pageLink); result.setComponentAlignment(pageLink, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } else { //otherwise normal links are added, click-events are handled via LayoutClickListener Link pageLink = new Link(Integer.toString(i + 1), null); result.addComponent(pageLink); result.setComponentAlignment(pageLink, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); } } //add right navigation buttons result.addComponent(next); result.addComponent(last); //...and fill the remaining space Label rightFiller = new Label(); result.addComponent(rightFiller); result.setExpandRatio(rightFiller, 1.0f); result.setSpacing(true); //put everything ot the middle result.setComponentAlignment(first, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); result.setComponentAlignment(prev, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); result.setComponentAlignment(next, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); result.setComponentAlignment(last, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); //add layout click listener to be able to navigate by clicking the single pages result.addLayoutClickListener(new LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener() { @Override public void layoutClick(LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent event) { // Get the child component which was clicked Component child = event.getChildComponent(); if (child == null) { // Not over any child component } else // Over a child component { if (child instanceof Link) { } } } }); //finalize result.setWidth("100%"); result.setHeight("25px"); return result; }