Example usage for Java com.vaadin.server WebBrowser fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | getAddress() Gets the IP-address of the web browser. |
String | getBrowserApplication() Get the browser user-agent string. |
int | getBrowserMajorVersion() Gets the major version of the browser the user is using. |
int | getBrowserMinorVersion() Gets the minor version of the browser the user is using. |
Locale | getLocale() Get the default locate of the browser. |
int | getRawTimezoneOffset() Returns the browser-reported TimeZone offset in milliseconds from GMT ignoring possible daylight saving adjustments that may be in effect in the browser. |
int | getScreenHeight() Gets the height of the screen in pixels. |
int | getScreenWidth() Gets the width of the screen in pixels. |
int | getTimezoneOffset() Returns the browser-reported TimeZone offset in milliseconds from GMT. |
boolean | isAndroid() Tests if the browser is run on Android. |
boolean | isChrome() Tests whether the user is using Chrome. |
boolean | isChromeFrame() Tests whether the user is using Chrome Frame. |
boolean | isChromeFrameCapable() Tests whether the user's browser is Chrome Frame capable. |
boolean | isEdge() Tests whether the user is using Edge. |
boolean | isFirefox() Tests whether the user is using Firefox. |
boolean | isIE() Tests whether the user is using Internet Explorer. |
boolean | isIOS() Tests if the browser is run in iOS. |
boolean | isIPad() Tests if the browser is run on IPad. |
boolean | isIPhone() Tests if the browser is run on IPhone. |
boolean | isLinux() Tests whether the user is using Linux. |
boolean | isMacOSX() Tests whether the user is using Mac OS X. |
boolean | isOpera() Tests whether the user is using Opera. |
boolean | isSafari() Tests whether the user is using Safari. |
boolean | isSecureConnection() Is the connection made using HTTPS? |
boolean | isTouchDevice() |
boolean | isWindows() Tests whether the user is using Windows. |
boolean | isWindowsPhone() Tests whether the user is using Windows Phone. |
void | updateRequestDetails(VaadinRequest request) For internal use by VaadinServlet/VaadinPortlet only. |