List of usage examples for com.vaadin.server VaadinRequest getPathInfo
public String getPathInfo();
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License:Open Source License
/** * Calcul du nom de la base de donnes partir de l'url saisie * @param request// www. jav a2s .c o m * @return */ public String getDbName(VaadinRequest request) { String dbName = request.getPathInfo(); if ((dbName == null) || (dbName.length() <= 1)) { dbName = "amap1"; } else { dbName = dbName.substring(1); // On supprime les eventuels complements dans l'url if (dbName.indexOf('/') > 0) { dbName = dbName.substring(0, dbName.indexOf('/')); } } return dbName; }
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@Override public boolean handleRequest(VaadinSession session, VaadinRequest request, VaadinResponse response) throws IOException { // does the request concern us? if (request.getPathInfo().startsWith("/popup" + imagePath)) { ZipResult zipResult = (ZipResult) VaadinSession.getCurrent() .getAttribute(; // if this is about the example picture we use the example ZipResult if (request.getPathInfo().endsWith(examplePictureName)) { zipResult = exampleZipResult; }//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om if (zipResult != null) { byte[] resource = zipResult .getExternalResource(request.getPathInfo().substring(PATH_PREFIX_LENGTH)); if (resource != null) { response.getOutputStream().write(resource); return true; } else { throw new IOException(Messages.getString("ExternalResourceRequestHandler.resourceNotFound", request.getPathInfo().substring(PATH_PREFIX_LENGTH))); } } } return false; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public boolean handleRequest(VaadinSession session, VaadinRequest request, VaadinResponse response) throws IOException { // We simply filter the resources we want to serve directly if (path_to_resource.containsKey(request.getPathInfo())) { DownloadStream stream = path_to_resource.get(request.getPathInfo()).getStream(); if (stream != null) { stream.writeResponse(request, response); return (true); }//from w ww. j a v a 2 s. co m // Fall back if not found here } return (super.handleRequest(session, request, response)); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @see org.opencms.ui.A_CmsUI#init(com.vaadin.server.VaadinRequest) */// ww w . ja v a 2 s. c o m @Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { super.init(request); Throwable t = null; String errorMessage = null; try { OpenCms.getRoleManager().checkRole(getCmsObject(), CmsRole.ELEMENT_AUTHOR); try { String resources = request.getParameter("resources"); List<CmsResource> resourceList; if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(resources)) { resourceList = new ArrayList<CmsResource>(); String[] resIds = resources.split(";"); for (int i = 0; i < resIds.length; i++) { if (CmsUUID.isValidUUID(resIds[i])) { resourceList.add(getCmsObject().readResource(new CmsUUID(resIds[i]), CmsResourceFilter.IGNORE_EXPIRATION)); } } } else { resourceList = Collections.<CmsResource>emptyList(); } String typeParam = request.getParameter("contextType"); ContextType type; String appId = ""; try { type = ContextType.valueOf(typeParam); if (ContextType.containerpageToolbar.equals(type)) { appId = CmsPageEditorConfiguration.APP_ID; } else if (ContextType.sitemapToolbar.equals(type)) { appId = CmsSitemapEditorConfiguration.APP_ID; } } catch (Exception e) { type = ContextType.appToolbar; LOG.error("Could not parse context type parameter " + typeParam); } m_currentContext = new CmsEmbeddedDialogContext(appId, type, resourceList); I_CmsWorkplaceAction action = getAction(request); if (action.isActive(m_currentContext)) { action.executeAction(m_currentContext); } else { errorMessage = CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_WORKPLACE_ACCESS_DENIED_TITLE_0); } } catch (Throwable e) { t = e; errorMessage = CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText( org.opencms.ui.dialogs.Messages.ERR_DAILOG_INSTANTIATION_FAILED_1, request.getPathInfo()); } } catch (CmsRoleViolationException ex) { t = ex; errorMessage = CmsVaadinUtils.getMessageText(Messages.GUI_WORKPLACE_ACCESS_DENIED_TITLE_0); } if (errorMessage != null) { CmsErrorDialog.showErrorDialog(errorMessage, t, new Runnable() { public void run() { m_currentContext = new CmsEmbeddedDialogContext("", null, Collections.<CmsResource>emptyList()); m_currentContext.finish(null); } }); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Returns the dialog id extracted from the requested path.<p> * * @param request the request/*www.jav a 2s. c om*/ * * @return the id */ private String getDialogId(VaadinRequest request) { String path = request.getPathInfo(); // remove the leading slash return path != null ? path.substring(1) : null; }
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License:Open Source License
private void addHeader(VaadinRequest request) { if (m_headerProvider != null) { try {/*from w w w. jav a 2s .c om*/ setHeaderHtml( m_headerProvider.getHeaderHtml(((VaadinServletRequest) request).getHttpServletRequest())); } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("failed to get header HTML for request " + request.getPathInfo(), e.getCause()); } } if (m_headerHtml != null) { InputStream is = null; try { is = new ByteArrayInputStream(m_headerHtml.getBytes()); final CustomLayout headerLayout = new CustomLayout(is); headerLayout.setWidth("100%"); headerLayout.addStyleName("onmsheader"); m_rootLayout.addComponent(headerLayout); } catch (final IOException e) { closeQuietly(is); LOG.debug("failed to get header layout data", e); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void init(final VaadinRequest request) { // Register a cleanup request.getService().addSessionDestroyListener( (SessionDestroyListener) event -> m_widgetManager.removeUpdateListener(TopologyUI.this)); try {//from w ww . ja v a 2s .c o m m_headerHtml = getHeader(((VaadinServletRequest) request).getHttpServletRequest()); } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.error("failed to get header HTML for request " + request.getPathInfo(), e.getCause()); } //create VaadinApplicationContext m_applicationContext = m_serviceManager.createApplicationContext(new VaadinApplicationContextCreator() { @Override public VaadinApplicationContext create(OnmsServiceManager manager) { VaadinApplicationContextImpl context = new VaadinApplicationContextImpl(); context.setSessionId(request.getWrappedSession().getId()); context.setUiId(getUIId()); context.setUsername(request.getRemoteUser()); return context; } }); m_verticesUpdateManager = new OsgiVerticesUpdateManager(m_serviceManager, m_applicationContext); m_serviceManager.getEventRegistry().addPossibleEventConsumer(this, m_applicationContext); // Set the algorithm last so that the criteria and SZLs are // in place before we run the layout algorithm. m_graphContainer.setSessionId(m_applicationContext.getSessionId()); m_graphContainer.setLayoutAlgorithm(new TopoFRLayoutAlgorithm()); createLayouts(); setupErrorHandler(); // Set up an error handler for UI-level exceptions setupAutoRefresher(); // Add an auto refresh handler to the GraphContainer loadUserSettings(); // the layout must be created BEFORE loading the hop criteria and the semantic zoom level TopologyUIRequestHandler handler = new TopologyUIRequestHandler(); getSession().addRequestHandler(handler); // Add a request handler that parses incoming focusNode and szl query parameters handler.handleRequestParameter(request); // deal with those in init case // Add the default criteria if we do not have already a criteria set if (getWrappedVertexHopCriteria(m_graphContainer).isEmpty() && noAdditionalFocusCriteria()) { m_graphContainer.addCriteria(m_graphContainer.getBaseTopology().getDefaultCriteria()); // set default } // If no Topology Provider was selected (due to loadUserSettings(), fallback to default if (m_graphContainer.getBaseTopology() == null || m_graphContainer.getBaseTopology() == MergingGraphProvider.NULL_PROVIDER) { TopologySelectorOperation defaultTopologySelectorOperation = createOperationForDefaultGraphProvider( m_bundlecontext, "(|(label=Enhanced Linkd)(label=Linkd))"); Objects.requireNonNull(defaultTopologySelectorOperation, "No default GraphProvider found."); // no default found, abort defaultTopologySelectorOperation.execute(m_graphContainer); } // We set the listeners at the end, to not fire them all the time when initializing the UI setupListeners(); // We force a reload of the topology provider as it may not have been initialized m_graphContainer.getBaseTopology().refresh(); // We force a reload to trigger a fireGraphChanged() m_graphContainer.setDirty(true); m_graphContainer.redoLayout(); // Trigger a selectionChanged m_selectionManager.selectionChanged(m_selectionManager); }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected void init(VaadinRequest request) { VaadinPagelet pagelet = pageletTracker.matchPathToPagelet(request.getPathInfo()); if (pagelet != null) { try {/* w w w.j a v a 2 s .co m*/ pagelet.service(request); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Unable to service request", e); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else { // pagelet not found - return HTTP 404 - Not found VaadinResponse response = CurrentInstance.get(VaadinResponse.class); try { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "Not found"); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public boolean handleRequest(VaadinSession session, VaadinRequest request, VaadinResponse response) throws IOException { if (request.getPathInfo() != null && request.getPathInfo().endsWith(UPLOAD_ACTION_PATH)) { if (request instanceof VaadinServletRequest) { VaadinServletRequest vsr = (VaadinServletRequest) request; HttpServletRequest req = vsr.getHttpServletRequest(); if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req)) { try { synchronized (this) { ServletFileUpload upload = new ServletFileUpload(); FileItemIterator items = upload.getItemIterator(req); PluploadChunk chunk = PluploadChunkFactory.create(items); PluploadChunkHandler fileHandler = this.getExpectedFileHandler(chunk.getFileId()); fileHandler.handleUploadedChunk(chunk); this.writeResponse(chunk, response); }// w ww . j a va2 s .c o m } catch (Exception ex) { response.getWriter().append("file upload unsuccessful, because of " + ex.getClass().getName() + ":" + ex.getMessage()); throw new IOException( "There was a problem during processing of uploaded chunk. Nested exceptions may have more info.", ex); } return true; } } } return false; }