List of usage examples for com.vaadin.server StreamResource StreamResource
public StreamResource(StreamSource streamSource, String filename)
From source
License:Open Source License
private VerticalLayout createBookCoverLayout(final BookEntry bookEntry) { Image image = new Image(); image.setDescription(bookEntry.getTitle() + " von " + bookEntry.getAuthor()); image.setHeight("200px"); image.setWidth("130px"); image.setImmediate(true);/*from w w w .j av a2s. c o m*/ if (bookEntry.getThumbnail() != null) { StreamResource.StreamSource source = new ByteStreamResource(bookEntry.getThumbnail()); image.setSource(new StreamResource(source, bookEntry.getId() + "_thumb.png")); } else if (bookEntry.getCover() != null) { StreamResource.StreamSource source = new ByteStreamResource(bookEntry.getCover()); image.setSource(new StreamResource(source, bookEntry.getId() + ".png")); } VerticalLayout result = new VerticalLayout(image); result.setHeight("210px"); result.addStyleName("pointer-cursor"); result.addStyleName("book-cover"); result.setComponentAlignment(image, Alignment.MIDDLE_CENTER); result.addLayoutClickListener(new LayoutEvents.LayoutClickListener() { @Override public void layoutClick(LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent event) { bookDetailLayout.loadData(bookEntry); bookDetailLayout.setLayoutVisible(true); } }); return result; }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void openViewer(final byte[] data, final OutputType type, final String title, final ProcessInfo pi) throws JRException { final StreamResource pdfResource = new StreamResource(() -> new ByteArrayInputStream(data), "report.pdf"); final Window window = new Window(); window.setCaption(title);/* w w w. j a v a 2 s .c om*/ window.setStyleName(STYLE);; window.setWidth(800, Unit.PIXELS); window.setHeight(600, Unit.PIXELS); final BrowserFrame pdfComp = new BrowserFrame(); pdfComp.setPrimaryStyleName(STYLE + "-content"); pdfComp.setSizeFull(); pdfComp.setSource(pdfResource); window.setContent(pdfComp); UI.getCurrent().addWindow(window); }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public static StreamResource createDatabaseExportStreamResource(DatabaseExportView databaseExportView, String fileName, String mimeType) { StreamResource streamResource = new StreamResource(new StreamSource() { @Override/*from ww w. j a va 2 s . com*/ public InputStream getStream() { try { Map<CheckBox, DatabaseTable> databaseToggles = databaseExportView.getDatabaseTableToggles(); List<DatabaseTable> tablesToExport = new ArrayList<>(); for (CheckBox checkBox : databaseToggles.keySet()) { if (checkBox.getValue() == true) { tablesToExport.add(databaseToggles.get(checkBox)); } } String zipPath = FacadeProvider.getExportFacade().generateDatabaseExportArchive(tablesToExport); return new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(new File(zipPath).toPath())); } catch (IOException | ExportErrorException e) { // TODO This currently requires the user to click the "Export" button again or reload the page as the UI // is not automatically updated; this should be changed once Vaadin push is enabled (see #516) databaseExportView.showExportErrorNotification(); return null; } } }, fileName); streamResource.setMIMEType(mimeType); streamResource.setCacheTime(0); return streamResource; }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public static StreamResource createFileStreamResource(String filePath, String fileName, String mimeType, String errorTitle, String errorText) { StreamResource streamResource = new StreamResource(new StreamSource() { @Override/*w w w. j a va2 s . c o m*/ public InputStream getStream() { try { return new BufferedInputStream(Files.newInputStream(new File(filePath).toPath())); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO This currently requires the user to click the "Export" button again or reload the page as the UI // is not automatically updated; this should be changed once Vaadin push is enabled (see #516) new Notification(errorTitle, errorText, Type.ERROR_MESSAGE, false).show(Page.getCurrent()); return null; } } }, fileName); streamResource.setMIMEType(mimeType); streamResource.setCacheTime(0); return streamResource; }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public static StreamResource createStringStreamResource(String content, String fileName, String mimeType) { StreamResource streamResource = new StreamResource(new StreamSource() { @Override/*from ww w . j a v a 2*/ public InputStream getStream() { return new ByteArrayInputStream(content.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } }, fileName); streamResource.setMIMEType(mimeType); return streamResource; }
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License:Open Source License
@SuppressWarnings("serial") public static <T> StreamResource createCsvExportStreamResource(Class<T> exportRowClass, BiFunction<Integer, Integer, List<T>> exportRowsSupplier, BiFunction<String, Class<?>, String> propertyIdCaptionFunction, String exportFileName) { StreamResource extendedStreamResource = new StreamResource(new StreamSource() { @Override/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s. c om*/ public InputStream getStream() { try (ByteArrayOutputStream byteStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream()) { try (CSVWriter writer = CSVUtils.createCSVWriter( new OutputStreamWriter(byteStream,, FacadeProvider.getConfigFacade().getCsvSeparator())) { // 1. fields in order of declaration - not using Introspector here, because it gives properties in alphabetical order List<Method> readMethods = new ArrayList<Method>(); readMethods.addAll( .filter(m -> (m.getName().startsWith("get") || m.getName().startsWith("is")) && m.isAnnotationPresent(Order.class)) .sorted((a, b) ->[0].value(), b.getAnnotationsByType(Order.class)[0].value())) .collect(Collectors.toList())); // 2. replace entity fields with all the columns of the entity Map<Method, Function<T, ?>> subEntityProviders = new HashMap<Method, Function<T, ?>>(); for (int i = 0; i < readMethods.size(); i++) { Method method = readMethods.get(i); if (EntityDto.class.isAssignableFrom(method.getReturnType())) { // allows us to access the sub entity Function<T, ?> subEntityProvider = (o) -> { try { return method.invoke(o); } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException | InvocationTargetException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }; // remove entity field readMethods.remove(i); // add columns of the entity List<Method> subReadMethods = Arrays .stream(method.getReturnType().getDeclaredMethods()) .filter(m -> (m.getName().startsWith("get") || m.getName().startsWith("is")) && m.isAnnotationPresent(Order.class)) .sorted((a, b) -> a.getAnnotationsByType(Order.class)[0].value(), b.getAnnotationsByType(Order.class)[0].value())) .collect(Collectors.toList()); readMethods.addAll(i, subReadMethods); i--; for (Method subReadMethod : subReadMethods) { subEntityProviders.put(subReadMethod, subEntityProvider); } } } String[] fieldValues = new String[readMethods.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < readMethods.size(); i++) { Method method = readMethods.get(i); // field caption String propertyId = method.getName().startsWith("get") ? method.getName().substring(3) : method.getName().substring(2); propertyId = Character.toLowerCase(propertyId.charAt(0)) + propertyId.substring(1); fieldValues[i] = propertyIdCaptionFunction.apply(propertyId, method.getReturnType()); } writer.writeNext(fieldValues); int startIndex = 0; List<T> exportRows = exportRowsSupplier.apply(startIndex, DETAILED_EXPORT_STEP_SIZE); while (!exportRows.isEmpty()) { try { for (T exportRow : exportRows) { for (int i = 0; i < readMethods.size(); i++) { Method method = readMethods.get(i); Function<T, ?> subEntityProvider = subEntityProviders.getOrDefault(method, null); Object entity = subEntityProvider != null ? subEntityProvider.apply(exportRow) : exportRow; // Sub entity might be null Object value = entity != null ? method.invoke(entity) : null; if (value == null) { fieldValues[i] = ""; } else if (value instanceof Date) { fieldValues[i] = DateHelper.formatLocalShortDate((Date) value); } else if (value.getClass().equals(boolean.class) || value.getClass().equals(Boolean.class)) { fieldValues[i] = DataHelper.parseBoolean((Boolean) value); } else if (value instanceof Set) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Object o : (Set<?>) value) { if (sb.length() != 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(o); } fieldValues[i] = sb.toString(); } else { fieldValues[i] = value.toString(); } } writer.writeNext(fieldValues); } ; } catch (InvocationTargetException | IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } writer.flush(); startIndex += DETAILED_EXPORT_STEP_SIZE; exportRows = exportRowsSupplier.apply(startIndex, DETAILED_EXPORT_STEP_SIZE); } } return new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(byteStream.toByteArray())); } catch (IOException e) { // TODO This currently requires the user to click the "Export" button again or reload the page as the UI // is not automatically updated; this should be changed once Vaadin push is enabled (see #516) new Notification(I18nProperties.getString(Strings.headingExportFailed), I18nProperties.getString(Strings.messageExportFailed), Type.ERROR_MESSAGE, false) .show(Page.getCurrent()); return null; } } }, exportFileName); extendedStreamResource.setMIMEType("text/csv"); extendedStreamResource.setCacheTime(0); return extendedStreamResource; }
From source
License:Apache License
private void updateDownloadLink(ContainerRow row, final ContainerBlob containerBlob, final FileMetadata metadata, Link link) { if (!containerBlob.isEmpty()) { StreamSource streamSource = containerBlob.getStreamSource(); String displayName = metadata.getCurrentDisplayname(row); String fileName = metadata.getCurrentFilename(row); String mimeType = metadata.getCurrentMimetype(row); StreamResource resource = new StreamResource(streamSource, fileName); resource.setMIMEType(mimeType);//from w w w .j av a2s .co m link.setVisible(true); link.setTargetName("_blank"); link.setCaption(displayName); link.setResource(resource); } }
From source
License:Apache License
private Link buildBlobLink(ContainerRow row, String columnId, ContainerBlob containerBlob) { StreamSource streamSource = containerBlob.getStreamSource(); FileMetadata metadata = columns.get(columnId).getFileMetadata(); StreamResource resource = new StreamResource(streamSource, metadata.getFileName()); String fileName = metadata.getCurrentDisplayname(row); String mimeType = metadata.getCurrentMimetype(row); resource.setMIMEType(mimeType);/* ww w . j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ Link link = new Link(); link.setCaption(fileName); link.setResource(resource); link.setTargetName("_blank"); return link; }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Precondition: {DatasetView#table} has to be initialized. e.g. with * {DatasetView#buildFilterTable} If it is not, strange behaviour has to be expected. builds the * Layout of this view./* w 2 s.c o m*/ */ private void buildLayout() { this.vert.removeAllComponents(); this.vert.setSizeFull(); vert.setResponsive(true); // Table (containing datasets) section VerticalLayout tableSection = new VerticalLayout(); HorizontalLayout tableSectionContent = new HorizontalLayout(); tableSection.setResponsive(true); tableSectionContent.setResponsive(true); // tableSectionContent.setCaption("Datasets"); // tableSectionContent.setIcon(FontAwesome.FLASK); // tableSection.addComponent(new Label(String.format("This project contains %s dataset(s).", // numberOfDatasets))); tableSectionContent.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, true, false)); tableSection.addComponent(headerLabel); tableSectionContent.addComponent(this.table); vert.setMargin(new MarginInfo(false, true, false, false)); tableSection.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, false, true)); // tableSectionContent.setMargin(true); // tableSection.setMargin(true); tableSection.addComponent(tableSectionContent); this.vert.addComponent(tableSection); table.setSizeFull(); tableSection.setSizeFull(); tableSectionContent.setSizeFull(); // this.table.setSizeFull(); HorizontalLayout buttonLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); buttonLayout.setMargin(new MarginInfo(false, false, true, true)); buttonLayout.setHeight(null); // buttonLayout.setWidth("100%"); buttonLayout.setSpacing(true); buttonLayout.setResponsive(true); // final Button visualize = new Button(VISUALIZE_BUTTON_CAPTION); Button checkAll = new Button("Select all datasets"); checkAll.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { for (Object itemId : table.getItemIds()) { ((CheckBox) table.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("Select").getValue()).setValue(true); } } }); Button uncheckAll = new Button("Unselect all datasets"); uncheckAll.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { for (Object itemId : table.getItemIds()) { ((CheckBox) table.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("Select").getValue()).setValue(false); } } }); String content = "<p> In case of multiple file selections, Project Browser will create a tar archive.</p>" + "<hr>" + "<p> If you need help on extracting a tar archive file, follow the tips below: </p>" + "<p>" + FontAwesome.WINDOWS.getHtml() + " Windows </p>" + "<p> To open/extract TAR file on Windows, you can use 7-Zip, Easy 7-Zip, PeaZip.</p>" + "<hr>" + "<p>" + FontAwesome.APPLE.getHtml() + " MacOS </p>" + "<p> To open/extract TAR file on Mac, you can use Mac OS built-in utility Archive Utility,<br> or third-party freeware. </p>" + "<hr>" + "<p>" + FontAwesome.LINUX.getHtml() + " Linux </p>" + "<p> You need to use command tar. The tar is the GNU version of tar archiving utility. <br> " + "To extract/unpack a tar file, type: $ tar -xvf file.tar</p>"; export.setIcon(FontAwesome.DOWNLOAD); PopupView tooltip = new PopupView(new helpers.ToolTip(content)); tooltip.setHeight("44px"); HorizontalLayout help = new HorizontalLayout(); help.setSizeFull(); HorizontalLayout helpContent = new HorizontalLayout(); // helpContent.setSizeFull(); help.setMargin(new MarginInfo(false, false, false, true)); Label helpText = new Label("Attention: Click here before Download!"); helpContent.addComponent(new Label(FontAwesome.QUESTION_CIRCLE.getHtml(), ContentMode.HTML)); helpContent.addComponent(helpText); helpContent.addComponent(tooltip); helpContent.setSpacing(true); help.addComponent(helpContent); help.setComponentAlignment(helpContent, Alignment.TOP_CENTER); buttonLayout.addComponent(export); buttonLayout.addComponent(checkAll); buttonLayout.addComponent(uncheckAll); // buttonLayout.addComponent(visualize); buttonLayout.addComponent(; /** * prepare download. */ download.setEnabled(false); download.setResource(new ExternalResource("javascript:")); // visualize.setEnabled(false); for (final Object itemId : this.table.getItemIds()) { setCheckedBox(itemId, (String) this.table.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("CODE").getValue()); } this.table.addItemClickListener(new ItemClickListener() { @Override public void itemClick(ItemClickEvent event) { if (!event.isDoubleClick() & !((boolean) table.getItem(event.getItemId()).getItemProperty("isDirectory").getValue())) { String datasetCode = (String) table.getItem(event.getItemId()).getItemProperty("CODE") .getValue(); String datasetFileName = (String) table.getItem(event.getItemId()).getItemProperty("File Name") .getValue(); URL url; try { Resource res = null; Object parent = table.getParent(event.getItemId()); if (parent != null) { String parentDatasetFileName = (String) table.getItem(parent) .getItemProperty("File Name").getValue(); url = datahandler.getOpenBisClient().getUrlForDataset(datasetCode, parentDatasetFileName + "/" + datasetFileName); } else { url = datahandler.getOpenBisClient().getUrlForDataset(datasetCode, datasetFileName); } Window subWindow = new Window(); VerticalLayout subContent = new VerticalLayout(); subContent.setMargin(true); subContent.setSizeFull(); subWindow.setContent(subContent); QbicmainportletUI ui = (QbicmainportletUI) UI.getCurrent(); Boolean visualize = false; if (datasetFileName.endsWith(".pdf")) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); streamres.setMIMEType("application/pdf"); res = streamres; visualize = true; } if (datasetFileName.endsWith(".png")) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); // streamres.setMIMEType("application/png"); res = streamres; visualize = true; } if (datasetFileName.endsWith(".qcML")) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); streamres.setMIMEType("text/xml"); res = streamres; visualize = true; } if (datasetFileName.endsWith(".alleles")) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); streamres.setMIMEType("text/plain"); res = streamres; visualize = true; } if (datasetFileName.endsWith(".tsv")) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); streamres.setMIMEType("text/plain"); res = streamres; visualize = true; } if (datasetFileName.endsWith(".GSvar")) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); streamres.setMIMEType("text/plain"); res = streamres; visualize = true; } if (datasetFileName.endsWith(".log")) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); streamres.setMIMEType("text/plain"); res = streamres; visualize = true; } if (datasetFileName.endsWith(".html")) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); streamres.setMIMEType("text/html"); res = streamres; visualize = true; } if (visualize) { // LOGGER.debug("Is resource null?: " + String.valueOf(res == null)); BrowserFrame frame = new BrowserFrame("", res); subContent.addComponent(frame); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setSizeUndefined(); subWindow.setHeight("75%"); subWindow.setWidth("75%"); subWindow.setResizable(false); frame.setSizeFull(); frame.setHeight("100%"); // frame.setHeight((int) (ui.getPage().getBrowserWindowHeight() * 0.9), Unit.PIXELS); // Open it in the UI ui.addWindow(subWindow); } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOGGER.error(String.format("Visualization failed because of malformedURL for dataset: %s", datasetCode)); "Given dataset has no file attached to it!! Please Contact your project manager. Or check whether it already has some data", Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } }); this.vert.addComponent(buttonLayout); this.vert.addComponent(help); }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Precondition: {DatasetView#table} has to be initialized. e.g. with * {DatasetView#buildFilterTable} If it is not, strange behaviour has to be expected. builds the * Layout of this view./* w w w .j a v a2 s . c om*/ */ private void buildLayout() { this.vert.removeAllComponents(); int browserWidth = UI.getCurrent().getPage().getBrowserWindowWidth(); int browserHeight = UI.getCurrent().getPage().getBrowserWindowHeight(); this.vert.setWidth("100%"); this.setWidth(String.format("%spx", (browserWidth * 0.6))); // this.setHeight(String.format("%spx", (browserHeight * 0.8))); VerticalLayout statistics = new VerticalLayout(); HorizontalLayout statContent = new HorizontalLayout(); statContent.setCaption("Statistics"); statContent.setIcon(FontAwesome.BAR_CHART_O); statContent.addComponent(new Label(String.format("%s registered dataset(s).", numberOfDatasets))); statContent.setMargin(true); statContent.setSpacing(true); statistics.addComponent(statContent); statistics.setMargin(true); this.vert.addComponent(statistics); // Table (containing datasets) section VerticalLayout tableSection = new VerticalLayout(); HorizontalLayout tableSectionContent = new HorizontalLayout(); tableSectionContent.setCaption("Registered Datasets"); tableSectionContent.setIcon(FontAwesome.FLASK); tableSectionContent.addComponent(this.table); tableSectionContent.setMargin(true); tableSection.setMargin(true); tableSection.addComponent(tableSectionContent); this.vert.addComponent(tableSection); table.setWidth("100%"); tableSection.setWidth("100%"); tableSectionContent.setWidth("100%"); // this.table.setSizeFull(); HorizontalLayout buttonLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); buttonLayout.setHeight(null); buttonLayout.setWidth("100%"); buttonLayout.setSpacing(false); final Button visualize = new Button(VISUALIZE_BUTTON_CAPTION); buttonLayout.addComponent(; buttonLayout.addComponent(visualize); Button checkAll = new Button("Select all datasets"); checkAll.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { for (Object itemId : table.getItemIds()) { ((CheckBox) table.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("Select").getValue()).setValue(true); } } }); Button uncheckAll = new Button("Unselect all datasets"); uncheckAll.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { for (Object itemId : table.getItemIds()) { ((CheckBox) table.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("Select").getValue()).setValue(false); } } }); buttonLayout.addComponent(checkAll); buttonLayout.addComponent(uncheckAll); /** * prepare download. */ download.setResource(new ExternalResource("javascript:")); download.setEnabled(false); visualize.setEnabled(false); for (final Object itemId : this.table.getItemIds()) { setCheckedBox(itemId, (String) this.table.getItem(itemId).getItemProperty("CODE").getValue()); } /* * Update the visualize button. It is only enabled, if the files can be visualized. */ this.table.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -4875903343717437913L; /** * check for what selection can be visualized. If so, enable the button. TODO change to * checked. */ @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { // Nothing selected or more than one selected. Set<Object> selectedValues = (Set<Object>) event.getProperty().getValue(); if (selectedValues == null || selectedValues.size() == 0 || selectedValues.size() > 1) { visualize.setEnabled(false); return; } // if one selected check whether its dataset type is either fastqc or qcml. // For now we only visulize these two file types. Iterator<Object> iterator = selectedValues.iterator(); Object next =; String datasetType = (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("Dataset Type").getValue(); String fileName = (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("File Name").getValue(); // TODO: No hardcoding!! // if (datasetType.equals("FASTQC") || datasetType.equals("QCML") || // datasetType.equals("BAM") // || datasetType.equals("VCF")) { if (datasetType.equals("Q_WF_MS_QUALITYCONTROL_RESULTS") && (fileName.endsWith(".html") || fileName.endsWith(".qcML"))) { visualize.setEnabled(true); } else if (datasetType.equals("Q_WF_MS_QUALITYCONTROL_LOGS") && (fileName.endsWith(".err") || fileName.endsWith(".out"))) { visualize.setEnabled(true); } else { visualize.setEnabled(false); } } }); // TODO Workflow Views should get those data and be happy /* * Send message that in datasetview the following was selected. WorkflowViews get those messages * and save them, if it is valid information for them. */ this.table.addValueChangeListener(new ValueChangeListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3554627008191389648L; @Override public void valueChange(ValueChangeEvent event) { // Nothing selected or more than one selected. Set<Object> selectedValues = (Set<Object>) event.getProperty().getValue(); State state = (State) UI.getCurrent().getSession().getAttribute("state"); ArrayList<String> message = new ArrayList<String>(); message.add("DataSetView"); if (selectedValues != null && selectedValues.size() == 1) { Iterator<Object> iterator = selectedValues.iterator(); Object next =; String datasetType = (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("Dataset Type").getValue(); message.add(datasetType); String project = (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("Project").getValue(); String space = datahandler.getOpenBisClient().getProjectByCode(project).getSpaceCode();// .getIdentifier().split("/")[1]; message.add(project); message.add((String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("Sample").getValue()); // message.add((String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("Sample Type").getValue()); message.add((String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("dl_link").getValue()); message.add((String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("File Name").getValue()); message.add(space); // state.notifyObservers(message); } else { message.add("null"); } // TODO // state.notifyObservers(message); } }); // TODO get the GV to work here. Together with reverse proxy // Assumes that table Value Change listner is enabling or disabling the button if preconditions // are not fullfilled visualize.addClickListener(new ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 9015273307461506369L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { Set<Object> selectedValues = (Set<Object>) table.getValue(); Iterator<Object> iterator = selectedValues.iterator(); Object next =; String datasetCode = (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("CODE").getValue(); String datasetFileName = (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("File Name").getValue(); URL url; try { Object parent = table.getParent(next); if (parent != null) { String parentDatasetFileName = (String) table.getItem(parent).getItemProperty("File Name") .getValue(); url = datahandler.getOpenBisClient().getUrlForDataset(datasetCode, parentDatasetFileName + "/" + datasetFileName); } else { url = datahandler.getOpenBisClient().getUrlForDataset(datasetCode, datasetFileName); } Window subWindow = new Window( "QC of Sample: " + (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("Sample").getValue()); VerticalLayout subContent = new VerticalLayout(); subContent.setMargin(true); subWindow.setContent(subContent); QbicmainportletUI ui = (QbicmainportletUI) UI.getCurrent(); // Put some components in it Resource res = null; String datasetType = (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("Dataset Type").getValue(); final RequestHandler rh = new ProxyForGenomeViewerRestApi(); boolean rhAttached = false; if (datasetType.equals("Q_WF_MS_QUALITYCONTROL_RESULTS") && datasetFileName.endsWith(".qcML")) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); streamres.setMIMEType("application/xml"); res = streamres; } else if (datasetType.equals("Q_WF_MS_QUALITYCONTROL_RESULTS") && datasetFileName.endsWith(".html")) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); streamres.setMIMEType("text/html"); res = streamres; } else if (datasetType.equals("Q_WF_MS_QUALITYCONTROL_LOGS") && (datasetFileName.endsWith(".err") || datasetFileName.endsWith(".out"))) { QcMlOpenbisSource re = new QcMlOpenbisSource(url); StreamResource streamres = new StreamResource(re, datasetFileName); streamres.setMIMEType("text/plain"); res = streamres; } else if (datasetType.equals("FASTQC")) { res = new ExternalResource(url); } else if (datasetType.equals("BAM") || datasetType.equals("VCF")) { String filePath = (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("dl_link").getValue(); filePath = String.format("/store%s", filePath.split("store")[1]); String fileId = (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("File Name").getValue(); // fileId = "control.1kg.panel.samples.vcf.gz"; // UI.getCurrent().getSession().addRequestHandler(rh); rhAttached = true; ThemeDisplay themedisplay = (ThemeDisplay) VaadinService.getCurrentRequest() .getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY); String hostTmp = "http://localhost:7778/vizrest/rest";// "http://localhost:8080/web/guest/mainportlet?p_p_id=QbicmainportletApplicationPortlet_WAR_QBiCMainPortlet_INSTANCE_5pPd5JQ8uGOt&p_p_lifecycle=2&p_p_state=normal&p_p_mode=view&p_p_cacheability=cacheLevelPage&p_p_col_id=column-1&p_p_col_count=1"; // hostTmp += // "&qbicsession=" + UI.getCurrent().getSession().getAttribute("gv-restapi-session") // + "&someblabla="; // String hostTmp = themedisplay.getURLPortal() + // UI.getCurrent().getPage().getLocation().getPath() + "?qbicsession=" + // UI.getCurrent().getSession().getAttribute("gv-restapi-session") + "&someblabla=" ; // String host = Base64.encode(hostTmp.getBytes()); String title = (String) table.getItem(next).getItemProperty("Sample").getValue(); // res = // new ExternalResource( // String // .format( // "http://localhost:7778/genomeviewer/?host=%s&title=%s&fileid=%s&featuretype=alignments&filepath=%s&removeZeroGenotypes=false", // host, title, fileId, filePath)); } BrowserFrame frame = new BrowserFrame("", res); if (rhAttached) { frame.addDetachListener(new DetachListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1534523447730906543L; @Override public void detach(DetachEvent event) { UI.getCurrent().getSession().removeRequestHandler(rh); } }); } frame.setSizeFull(); subContent.addComponent(frame); // Center it in the browser window; subWindow.setModal(true); subWindow.setSizeFull(); frame.setHeight((int) (ui.getPage().getBrowserWindowHeight() * 0.8), Unit.PIXELS); // Open it in the UI ui.addWindow(subWindow); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { LOGGER.error(String.format("Visualization failed because of malformedURL for dataset: %s", datasetCode)); "Given dataset has no file attached to it!! Please Contact your project manager. Or check whether it already has some data", Notification.Type.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }); this.vert.addComponent(buttonLayout); }