Example usage for com.vaadin.server AbstractExtension subclass-usage

List of usage examples for com.vaadin.server AbstractExtension subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.vaadin.server AbstractExtension subclass-usage.


From source file de.metas.procurement.webui.widgetset.TextOverlay.java

public class TextOverlay extends AbstractExtension implements Property.Viewer {
    public static TextOverlay extend(final Component comp) {
        final TextOverlay overlay = new TextOverlay();
        final AbstractClientConnector compConnector = (AbstractClientConnector) comp;

From source file edu.kit.dama.ui.admin.HelpExtension.java

 * @author mf6319
public class HelpExtension extends AbstractExtension {

From source file eu.maxschuster.vaadin.localstorage.LocalStorage.java

 * Allows limited access to the browsers localStorage.
 * You have to use {@link LocalStorage#getCurrent()} or {@link LocalStorage#getCurrent(UI)} to get an instance of {@link LocalStorage}
 * @author Max Schuster <dev@maxschutser.eu>

From source file fi.jasoft.draganddrop.DragAndDrop.java

 * Drag & Drop extension for enabling drag and drop operations on any component
public class DragAndDrop<T extends Component> extends AbstractExtension {

From source file fi.jasoft.remoteconnection.ServerRemoteConnection.java

 * Server implementation for {@link RemoteConnection}
 * @author John Ahlroos

From source file info.magnolia.ui.vaadin.extension.MaxLengthIndicator.java

 * An {@link AbstractTextField}-compatible extension which adds an indicator of maximum possible vs currently entered amount of characters in an input.<br/>
 * This extension is only meant for the text fields with the <i>maxLength</i> property defined.
 * @see com.vaadin.ui.TextField
 * @see com.vaadin.ui.TextArea

From source file info.magnolia.ui.vaadin.extension.ShortcutProtector.java

 * An extension that prevents keyboard events from propagating out of the extended component.
 * This is helpful when we want to bypass the usual Vaadin shortcut handling mechanism.
public class ShortcutProtector extends AbstractExtension {

From source file info.magnolia.ui.vaadin.richtext.TextAreaStretcher.java

 * Extension that applies to text areas and rich-text editors in forms. It expands them to the full-size
 * of the forms horizontally and stretches to the bottom of the screen.
public class TextAreaStretcher extends AbstractExtension {

From source file it.zero11.vaadin.animatedscrollintoview.AnimatedScrollIntoView.java

public class AnimatedScrollIntoView extends AbstractExtension {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private char offset = 'a';

    public static AnimatedScrollIntoView applyTo(UI target) {
        AnimatedScrollIntoView extension = new AnimatedScrollIntoView();

From source file org.eclipse.hawkbit.ui.filtermanagement.TextFieldSuggestionBox.java

 * Extension for the AutoCompleteTexfield.
public class TextFieldSuggestionBox extends AbstractExtension implements TextFieldSuggestionBoxServerRpc {