Example usage for Java com.vaadin.client WidgetUtil fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | escapeHTML(String html) Converts html entities to text. |
T | findWidget(Element element, Class extends Widget> class1) Helper method to find first instance of given Widget type found by traversing DOM upwards from given element. |
void | focus(Element el) Will (attempt) to focus the given DOM Element. |
Element | getElementFromPoint(int clientX, int clientY) Returns the topmost element of from given coordinates. |
Element | getElementUnderMouse(NativeEvent event) Find the element corresponding to the coordinates in the passed mouse event. |
Element | getFocusedElement() Gets the currently focused element. |
int | getNativeScrollbarSize() |
int | getRequiredHeight(com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element element) Gets the border-box height for the given element, i.e. |
int | getRequiredHeight(Widget widget) |
int | getRequiredWidth(com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element element) Gets the border-box width for the given element, i.e. |
int | getRequiredWidth(Widget widget) |
int | getTouchOrMouseClientX(Event event) A helper method to return the client position from an event. |
int | getTouchOrMouseClientX(NativeEvent event) |
int | getTouchOrMouseClientY(Event event) A helper method to return the client position from an event. |
int | getTouchOrMouseClientY(NativeEvent currentGwtEvent) |
boolean | isTouchEventOrLeftMouseButton(Event event) Checks if the given event is either a touch event or caused by the left mouse button. |
boolean | mayHaveScrollBars(com.google.gwt.dom.client.Element pe) Detects what is currently the overflow style attribute in given element. |
int | measureVerticalBorder(Element element) |
void | runWebkitOverflowAutoFix(final Element elem) Run workaround for webkits overflow auto issue. |
void | sinkOnloadForImages(Element element) |