Java com.vaadin.client UIDL fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.vaadin.client UIDL fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.vaadin.client UIDL.

The text is from its open source code.


booleangetBooleanAttribute(String name)
Gets the named attribute as a boolean.
booleangetBooleanVariable(String name)
Gets the value of the named variable.
UIDLgetChildByTagName(String tagName)
Returns the child UIDL by its name.
Returns the number of children.
Gets an iterator that can be used to iterate trough the children of this UIDL.
StringgetChildString(int i)
Gets the child at the given index as a String.
UIDLgetChildUIDL(int i)
Gets the UIDL for the child at the given index.
doublegetDoubleAttribute(String name)
Gets the named attribute as a double.
Shorthand for getting the attribute named "id", which for Paintables is the essential paintableId which binds the server side component to the client side widget.
int[]getIntArrayAttribute(final String name)
Gets the named attribute as an int array.
intgetIntAttribute(String name)
Gets the named attribute as an int.
longgetLongAttribute(String name)
Gets the named attribute as a long.
ValueMapgetMapAttribute(String name)
Gets the named attribute as a Map of named values (key/value pairs).
String[]getStringArrayAttribute(String name)
Gets the named attribute as an array of Strings.
SetgetStringArrayVariableAsSet(final String name)
Gets the value of the named String[] variable as a Set of Strings.
StringgetStringAttribute(String name)
Gets the named attribute as a String.
StringgetStringVariable(String name)
Gets the value of the named variable.
Gets the name of this UIDL section, as created with PaintTarget#startTag(String) PaintTarget.startTag() in the server-side Component#paint(PaintTarget) Component.paint() or (usually) com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent#paintContent(PaintTarget) AbstractComponent.paintContent() .
booleanhasAttribute(final String name)
Indicates whether or not the named attribute is available.
booleanhasVariable(String name)
Checks if the named variable is available.