Example usage for Java com.vaadin.client UIDL fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
boolean | getBooleanAttribute(String name) Gets the named attribute as a boolean. |
boolean | getBooleanVariable(String name) Gets the value of the named variable. |
UIDL | getChildByTagName(String tagName) Returns the child UIDL by its name. |
int | getChildCount() Returns the number of children. |
Iterator | getChildIterator() Gets an iterator that can be used to iterate trough the children of this UIDL. |
String | getChildString(int i) Gets the child at the given index as a String. |
UIDL | getChildUIDL(int i) Gets the UIDL for the child at the given index. |
double | getDoubleAttribute(String name) Gets the named attribute as a double. |
String | getId() Shorthand for getting the attribute named "id", which for Paintables is the essential paintableId which binds the server side component to the client side widget. |
int[] | getIntArrayAttribute(final String name) Gets the named attribute as an int array. |
int | getIntAttribute(String name) Gets the named attribute as an int. |
long | getLongAttribute(String name) Gets the named attribute as a long. |
ValueMap | getMapAttribute(String name) Gets the named attribute as a Map of named values (key/value pairs). |
String[] | getStringArrayAttribute(String name) Gets the named attribute as an array of Strings. |
Set | getStringArrayVariableAsSet(final String name) Gets the value of the named String[] variable as a Set of Strings. |
String | getStringAttribute(String name) Gets the named attribute as a String. |
String | getStringVariable(String name) Gets the value of the named variable. |
String | getTag() Gets the name of this UIDL section, as created with PaintTarget#startTag(String) PaintTarget.startTag() in the server-side Component#paint(PaintTarget) Component.paint() or (usually) com.vaadin.ui.AbstractComponent#paintContent(PaintTarget) AbstractComponent.paintContent() . |
boolean | hasAttribute(final String name) Indicates whether or not the named attribute is available. |
boolean | hasVariable(String name) Checks if the named variable is available. |