List of usage examples for com.rabbitmq.client Connection close
@Override void close() throws IOException;
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void run() { running = true;/* ww w .ja v a2s. co m*/ Connection connection = null; try { ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost(rabbitHost); connection = factory.newConnection(); Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); channel.basicQos(1); channel.queueDeclare(queueName, false, false, true, null); Consumer consumer = new DefaultConsumer(channel) { @Override public void handleDelivery(String consumerTag, Envelope envelope, AMQP.BasicProperties properties, byte[] body) throws IOException { BasicProperties replyProps = new BasicProperties.Builder() .correlationId(properties.getCorrelationId()).deliveryMode(2).build(); channel.basicPublish("", properties.getReplyTo(), replyProps, body); } }; channel.basicConsume(queueName, true, consumer); while (running) { Thread.sleep(3000); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Test public void test() throws InterruptedException, IOException, TimeoutException { EchoServer server = new EchoServer(TestConstants.RABBIT_HOST, REQUEST_QUEUE_NAME); Thread serverThread = new Thread(server); serverThread.start();// w w w . ja v a 2 s.c om System.out.println("Server started."); Random rand = new Random(); Thread clientThreads[] = new Thread[NUMBER_OF_CLIENTS]; RabbitRpcClient client = null; Connection connection = null; long time; try { ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost(TestConstants.RABBIT_HOST); connection = factory.newConnection(); client = RabbitRpcClient.create(connection, REQUEST_QUEUE_NAME); for (int i = 0; i < clientThreads.length; ++i) { clientThreads[i] = new Thread( new RpcClientBasedEchoClient(client, NUMBER_OF_MSGS, rand.nextLong())); } Timer timer = new Timer(); final Thread testThread = Thread.currentThread(); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void run() { testThread.stop(); } }, MAX_RUNTIME); time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < clientThreads.length; ++i) { clientThreads[i].start(); System.out.print("Client #"); System.out.print(i); System.out.println(" started."); } for (int i = 0; i < clientThreads.length; ++i) { clientThreads[i].join(); System.out.print("Client #"); System.out.print(i); System.out.println(" terminated."); } server.setRunning(false); serverThread.join(); timer.cancel(); time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; System.out.println("Server terminated."); System.out.println("runtime : " + time + "ms"); } finally { if (client != null) { client.close(); } if (connection != null) { connection.close(); } } }
From source
@Test public void canSendMessageToQueue() throws IOException, TimeoutException { ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost("localhost"); Connection connection = factory.newConnection(); Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null); for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) { String message = "Hello world " + i; channel.basicPublish("", QUEUE_NAME, null, message.getBytes()); }// www .j a va 2 s . com channel.close(); connection.close(); }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected void unregister() { try {//from ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m ((VnfmSpringHelperRabbit) vnfmHelper).sendMessageToQueue(RabbitConfiguration.queueName_vnfmUnregister, vnfmManagerEndpoint); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { log.warn("Got exception while unregistering trying to do it manually"); ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost(rabbitHost); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.newConnection(); Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); String message = gson.toJson(vnfmManagerEndpoint); channel.basicPublish("openbaton-exchange", RabbitConfiguration.queueName_vnfmUnregister, MessageProperties.TEXT_PLAIN, message.getBytes("UTF-8")); log.debug("Sent '" + message + "'"); channel.close(); connection.close(); } catch (IOException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void destroyQueue(String queueName) {"Started delete of queue {}", queueName); // lookup connection by queueName MessageBusConnectionData messageBusConnectionData = queueNameToConnectionData.get(queueName); if (messageBusConnectionData != null) { // get channel from active connections map Channel channel =; String brokerIp = messageBusConnectionData.brokerIp; Connection conn = messageBusConnectionData.conn; try {/* www .jav a2 s . c om*/ // kill the queue dont wait for confirmation if (channel != null) { try { channel.queueDelete(queueName);"Deleted queue {} successfully", queueName); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to delete queue {} msg: {}", queueName, e.getMessage()); } channel.close(); } else { LOG.warn("Null channel while deleting queue {} on broker {}", queueName, brokerIp); } if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } else { LOG.warn("Null connection while deleting queue {} on broker {}", queueName, brokerIp); } } catch (IOException | TimeoutException e) { LOG.warn("Failed to close channel while deleting queue {} on broker {}", queueName, brokerIp, e); } // remove the queue from the internal queue list queueNameToConnectionData.remove(queueName); } else { LOG.warn("Cancelled deletion of queue {} because queueName not found in queueNameToConnectionData", queueName); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public boolean PublisherCreateConnection() throws { ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost(""); factory.setPort(5672);/*from w w w . j a v a 2s .c om*/ factory.setUsername("chs"); factory.setPassword("chs123"); Connection connection = null; try { connection = factory.newConnection(); Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); channel.exchangeDeclare(EXCHANGE_NAME, "direct", true); channel.basicPublish(EXCHANGE_NAME, topic, MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_TEXT_PLAIN, msg.getBytes()); System.out.println(" [x] Sent '" + msg + "'"); channel.close(); } catch (TimeoutException e) { System.out.println("Connection Timed out"); e.printStackTrace(); } connection.close(); return true; }
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License:Apache License
private void sendStatistics(String topicName, String csvMessage) throws KeyManagementException, NoSuchAlgorithmException, URISyntaxException, IOException { Connection conn = null; Channel channel = null;// w w w. j a va 2 s. co m try { log.debug("Establishing RabbitMQ connection with sla manager with URI: " + slaManagerUri); ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost(slaManagerUri.getHost()); conn = factory.newConnection(); channel = conn.createChannel(); channel.exchangeDeclare(topicName, "direct"); log.debug("Publishing message in RabbitMQ channel."); channel.basicPublish(topicName, RABBIT_MQ_ROUTING_KEY, new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder().contentType(OBSERVATIONS_CONTENT_TYPE).build(), csvMessage.getBytes()); log.debug("Message successfully sent to SLA manager."); } finally { if (channel != null && channel.isOpen()) channel.close(); if (conn != null && conn.isOpen()) conn.close(); log.debug("Connection to RabbitMQ server closed."); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void start() throws MuleException { System.out.println("Create Queue Agent is running..."); Connection connection = null; Channel channel = null;//w w w . ja v a 2s . c o m try { ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost("localhost"); connection = factory.newConnection(); channel = connection.createChannel(); channel.queueDeclare(QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null); String message = "Hello World! I am creating a queue..."; Map<String, Object> props = new HashMap<String, Object>(); props.put("path", "queue"); props.put("branch", "create"); AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder bob = new AMQP.BasicProperties.Builder(); AMQP.BasicProperties basicProps = bob.headers(props).build(); channel.basicPublish("", QUEUE_NAME, basicProps, message.getBytes()); System.out.println("Agent has created the queue..."); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Something wrong " + e); } finally { try { if (channel != null) channel.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } try { if (connection != null) connection.close(); } catch (IOException e) { } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Pushes messages to the shared queue on execution of triggers * @param JobExecutionContext Job execution context * @throws JobExecutionException //from ww w .jav a 2 s. c om */ @Override public void execute(JobExecutionContext jobExecutionContext) { try { Connection connection = PeriodicScheduler.factory.newConnection(); Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); String queueName = "work-queue-1"; Map<String, Object> params = new HashMap<>(); params.put("x-ha-policy", "all"); channel.queueDeclare(queueName, true, false, false, params); String mesg = "Sent at: " + System.currentTimeMillis(); byte[] body = mesg.getBytes("UTF-8"); channel.basicPublish("", queueName, MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_TEXT_PLAIN, body);"Message sent: " + mesg); connection.close(); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } }
From source
License:Apache License
@Test public void testConnectionCache() throws Exception { Connection c1 = this.connectionCf.createConnection(); Connection c2 = this.connectionCf.createConnection(); Channel ch1 = c1.createChannel(false); Channel ch2 = c1.createChannel(false); Channel ch3 = c2.createChannel(true); Channel ch4 = c2.createChannel(true); Channel ch5 = c2.createChannel(false); ch1.close();/*from www . j a v a 2 s.c om*/ ch2.close(); ch3.close(); ch4.close(); ch5.close(); c1.close(); Properties props = this.connectionCf.getCacheProperties(); assertEquals("10", props.getProperty("channelCacheSize")); assertEquals("5", props.getProperty("connectionCacheSize")); assertEquals("2", props.getProperty("openConnections")); assertEquals("1", props.getProperty("idleConnections")); c2.close(); props = this.connectionCf.getCacheProperties(); assertEquals("2", props.getProperty("idleConnections")); assertEquals("2", props.getProperty("idleConnectionsHighWater")); int c1Port = c1.getLocalPort(); int c2Port = c2.getLocalPort(); assertEquals("2", props.getProperty("idleChannelsNotTx:" + c1Port)); assertEquals("0", props.getProperty("idleChannelsTx:" + c1Port)); assertEquals("2", props.getProperty("idleChannelsNotTxHighWater:" + c1Port)); assertEquals("0", props.getProperty("idleChannelsTxHighWater:" + c1Port)); assertEquals("1", props.getProperty("idleChannelsNotTx:" + c2Port)); assertEquals("2", props.getProperty("idleChannelsTx:" + c2Port)); assertEquals("1", props.getProperty("idleChannelsNotTxHighWater:" + c2Port)); assertEquals("2", props.getProperty("idleChannelsTxHighWater:" + c2Port)); }