List of usage examples for com.rabbitmq.client Channel basicGet
GetResponse basicGet(String queue, boolean autoAck) throws IOException;
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License:Apache License
@Override public AsyncExecutionRequest getTask() throws AsyncTaskConsumptionException { try {// ww w .j ava 2 s . co m Connection connection = factory.newConnection(); Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(this.queue, false); if (response != null) { AsyncExecutionRequest message = deserialize(response.getBody()); long deliveryTag = response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(); channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, true); return message; } } catch (IOException | TimeoutException | ClassNotFoundException ex) { LOGGER.error("Failed to read message from the queue", ex); throw new AsyncTaskConsumptionException(); } return null; // Won't ever reach here }
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License:Apache License
@Override public Message receive(final String queueName) { return execute(new ChannelCallback<Message>() { @Override//from w w w .j a v a2 s .co m public Message doInRabbit(Channel channel) throws IOException { GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(queueName, !isChannelTransacted()); // Response can be null is the case that there is no message on // the queue. if (response != null) { long deliveryTag = response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(); if (isChannelLocallyTransacted(channel)) { channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); channel.txCommit(); } else if (isChannelTransacted()) { // Not locally transacted but it is transacted so it // could be synchronized with an external transaction ConnectionFactoryUtils.registerDeliveryTag(getConnectionFactory(), channel, deliveryTag); } return RabbitTemplate.this.buildMessageFromResponse(response); } return null; } }); }
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License:Apache License
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private <R, S> boolean doReceiveAndReply(final String queueName, final ReceiveAndReplyCallback<R, S> callback, final ReplyToAddressCallback<S> replyToAddressCallback) throws AmqpException { return this.execute(new ChannelCallback<Boolean>() { @Override/*from w w w . j a v a2 s .c o m*/ public Boolean doInRabbit(Channel channel) throws Exception { boolean channelTransacted = RabbitTemplate.this.isChannelTransacted(); GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(queueName, !channelTransacted); // Response can be null in the case that there is no message on // the queue. if (response != null) { long deliveryTag = response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(); boolean channelLocallyTransacted = RabbitTemplate.this.isChannelLocallyTransacted(channel); if (channelLocallyTransacted) { channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); } else if (channelTransacted) { // Not locally transacted but it is transacted so it // could be synchronized with an external transaction ConnectionFactoryUtils.registerDeliveryTag(RabbitTemplate.this.getConnectionFactory(), channel, deliveryTag); } Message receiveMessage = RabbitTemplate.this.buildMessageFromResponse(response); Object receive = receiveMessage; if (!(ReceiveAndReplyMessageCallback.class.isAssignableFrom(callback.getClass()))) { receive = RabbitTemplate.this.getRequiredMessageConverter().fromMessage(receiveMessage); } S reply; try { reply = callback.handle((R) receive); } catch (ClassCastException e) { StackTraceElement[] trace = e.getStackTrace(); if (trace[0].getMethodName().equals("handle") && trace[1].getFileName().equals("")) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("ReceiveAndReplyCallback '" + callback + "' can't handle received object '" + receive + "'", e); } else { throw e; } } if (reply != null) { Address replyTo = replyToAddressCallback.getReplyToAddress(receiveMessage, reply); Message replyMessage = RabbitTemplate.this.convertMessageIfNecessary(reply); MessageProperties receiveMessageProperties = receiveMessage.getMessageProperties(); MessageProperties replyMessageProperties = replyMessage.getMessageProperties(); Object correlation = RabbitTemplate.this.correlationKey == null ? receiveMessageProperties.getCorrelationId() : receiveMessageProperties.getHeaders().get(RabbitTemplate.this.correlationKey); if (RabbitTemplate.this.correlationKey == null || correlation == null) { // using standard correlationId property if (correlation == null) { String messageId = receiveMessageProperties.getMessageId(); if (messageId != null) { correlation = messageId.getBytes(RabbitTemplate.this.encoding); } } replyMessageProperties.setCorrelationId((byte[]) correlation); } else { replyMessageProperties.setHeader(RabbitTemplate.this.correlationKey, correlation); } // 'doSend()' takes care about 'channel.txCommit()'. RabbitTemplate.this.doSend(channel, replyTo.getExchangeName(), replyTo.getRoutingKey(), replyMessage, null); } else if (channelLocallyTransacted) { channel.txCommit(); } return true; } return false; } }); }
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License:Open Source License
public void recover1() throws Exception { ConnectionFactory cnxFactory = new ConnectionFactory(); Connection connection = cnxFactory.newConnection(); Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); DeclareOk declareOk = channel.queueDeclare("testqueue", true, false, false, null); channel.txSelect();//from ww w. j ava2s . co m for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { channel.basicPublish("", declareOk.getQueue(), MessageProperties.PERSISTENT_BASIC, "this is a test message !!!".getBytes()); } channel.txCommit(); killAgentServer((short) 0); startAgentServer((short) 0); connection = cnxFactory.newConnection(); channel = connection.createChannel(); declareOk = channel.queueDeclarePassive("testqueue"); for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { GetResponse msg = channel.basicGet("testqueue", true); assertNotNull(msg); assertEquals("this is a test message !!!", new String(msg.getBody())); } GetResponse msg = channel.basicGet("testqueue", true); assertNull(msg); channel.queueDelete(declareOk.getQueue()); }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void prePutHappyCase() throws Exception { Map<String, String> kvs = configureHBase(primaryTableNameString, secondaryIdxTableNameString, "e", "eg", "a", amq_default_address, primaryTableNameString, "true", ""); setupHBase(kvs);/*from ww w . ja va2s. c om*/ //simulate population of secondary index as a result of the above Put idxPut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); idxPut.addColumn("a".getBytes(), "EFB1".getBytes(), "".getBytes()); secondaryIdxTable.put(idxPut); // Add a column to the primary table, which should trigger a data ripple to the downstream table Put tablePut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); tablePut.addColumn("e".getBytes(), "some_key".getBytes(), "some_value".getBytes()); primaryTable.put(tablePut); //check that values made it to the queue com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory factory = new com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory(); factory.setUri(amq_default_address); com.rabbitmq.client.Connection conn = factory.newConnection(); com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel = conn.createChannel(); System.out.println(String.format("Test: connecting to %s", primaryTableNameString)); while (true) { GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(primaryTableNameString, false); if (response == null)//busy-wait until the message has made it through the MQ { continue; } String routingKey = response.getEnvelope().getRoutingKey(); Assert.assertEquals("Routing key should be rowkey", "genome", routingKey); String contentType = response.getProps().getContentType(); Assert.assertEquals("Content type should be preserved", "application/json", contentType); Map<String, Object> headers = response.getProps().getHeaders(); Assert.assertEquals("An action should be set on the message", "put", headers.get("action").toString()); byte[] body = response.getBody(); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(new String(body)); String column_family = (String) jo.get("column_family"); Assert.assertEquals("Column family should be preserved in the message body", "eg", column_family); String column_value = (String) jo.get("column_value"); Assert.assertEquals("Column value should be preserved in the message body", "some_value", column_value); long deliveryTag = response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(); channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); break; } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void verifyValueNotSentByDefault() throws Exception { Map<String, String> kvs = configureHBase(primaryTableNameString, secondaryIdxTableNameString, "e", "eg", "a", amq_default_address, primaryTableNameString, "false", ""); setupHBase(kvs);/*from w ww . j av a 2 s.c o m*/ //simulate population of secondary index as a result of the above Put idxPut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); idxPut.addColumn("a".getBytes(), "EFB1".getBytes(), "".getBytes()); secondaryIdxTable.put(idxPut); // Add a column to the primary table, which should trigger a data ripple to the downstream table Put tablePut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); tablePut.addColumn("e".getBytes(), "some_key".getBytes(), "some_value".getBytes()); primaryTable.put(tablePut); //check that values made it to the queue com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory factory = new com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory(); factory.setUri(amq_default_address); com.rabbitmq.client.Connection conn = factory.newConnection(); com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel = conn.createChannel(); System.out.println(String.format("Test: connecting to %s", primaryTableNameString)); while (true) { GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(primaryTableNameString, false); if (response == null)//busy-wait until the message has made it through the MQ { continue; } String routingKey = response.getEnvelope().getRoutingKey(); Assert.assertEquals("Routing key should be rowkey", "genome", routingKey); String contentType = response.getProps().getContentType(); Assert.assertEquals("Content type should be preserved", "application/json", contentType); Map<String, Object> headers = response.getProps().getHeaders(); Assert.assertEquals("An action should be set on the message", "put", headers.get("action").toString()); byte[] body = response.getBody(); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(new String(body)); String column_family = (String) jo.get("column_family"); Assert.assertEquals("Column family should be preserved in the message body", "eg", column_family); String column_value = (String) jo.get("column_value"); Assert.assertEquals("Column value is not sent by default", "", column_value); long deliveryTag = response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(); channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); break; } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void filterOnQualifiers() throws Exception { Map<String, String> kvs = configureHBase(primaryTableNameString, secondaryIdxTableNameString, "e", "eg", "a", amq_default_address, primaryTableNameString, "false", "one_key|some_key"); setupHBase(kvs);// w w w . j a va2 s . c o m //simulate population of secondary index as a result of the above Put idxPut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); idxPut.addColumn("a".getBytes(), "EFB1".getBytes(), "".getBytes()); secondaryIdxTable.put(idxPut); // Add a column to the primary table, which should trigger a data ripple to the downstream table Put tablePut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); tablePut.addColumn("e".getBytes(), "some_key".getBytes(), "some_value".getBytes()); primaryTable.put(tablePut); //check that values made it to the queue com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory factory = new com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory(); factory.setUri(amq_default_address); com.rabbitmq.client.Connection conn = factory.newConnection(); com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel = conn.createChannel(); System.out.println(String.format("Test: connecting to %s", primaryTableNameString)); while (true) { GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(primaryTableNameString, false); if (response == null)//busy-wait until the message has made it through the MQ { continue; } String routingKey = response.getEnvelope().getRoutingKey(); Assert.assertEquals("Routing key should be rowkey", "genome", routingKey); String contentType = response.getProps().getContentType(); Assert.assertEquals("Content type should be preserved", "application/json", contentType); Map<String, Object> headers = response.getProps().getHeaders(); Assert.assertEquals("An action should be set on the message", "put", headers.get("action").toString()); byte[] body = response.getBody(); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(new String(body)); String column_family = (String) jo.get("column_family"); Assert.assertEquals("Column family should be preserved in the message body", "eg", column_family); String column_value = (String) jo.get("column_value"); Assert.assertEquals("Column value is not sent by default", "", column_value); long deliveryTag = response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(); channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); break; } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void onlyPutWhenInQualifierFilter() throws Exception { Map<String, String> kvs = configureHBase(primaryTableNameString, secondaryIdxTableNameString, "e", "eg", "a", amq_default_address, primaryTableNameString, "false", "some_key"); setupHBase(kvs);//from ww w . java 2 s.c om //simulate population of secondary index as a result of the above Put idxPut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); idxPut.addColumn("a".getBytes(), "EFB1".getBytes(), "".getBytes()); secondaryIdxTable.put(idxPut); // Add a column to the primary table, which should trigger a data ripple to the downstream table Put tablePut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); tablePut.addColumn("e".getBytes(), "some_key".getBytes(), "some_value".getBytes()); tablePut.addColumn("e".getBytes(), "other_key".getBytes(), "some_value".getBytes()); tablePut.addColumn("e".getBytes(), "third_key".getBytes(), "some_value".getBytes()); primaryTable.put(tablePut); //check that values made it to the queue com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory factory = new com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory(); factory.setUri(amq_default_address); com.rabbitmq.client.Connection conn = factory.newConnection(); com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel = conn.createChannel(); System.out.println(String.format("Test: connecting to %s", primaryTableNameString)); while (true) { int numMessages = channel.queueDeclarePassive(primaryTableNameString).getMessageCount(); GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(primaryTableNameString, false); if (response == null || numMessages == 0)//busy-wait until the message has made it through the MQ { continue; } Assert.assertEquals("There should be only a single key in the queue", 1, numMessages); String routingKey = response.getEnvelope().getRoutingKey(); Assert.assertEquals("Routing key should be rowkey", "genome", routingKey); String contentType = response.getProps().getContentType(); Assert.assertEquals("Content type should be preserved", "application/json", contentType); Map<String, Object> headers = response.getProps().getHeaders(); Assert.assertEquals("An action should be set on the message", "put", headers.get("action").toString()); byte[] body = response.getBody(); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(new String(body)); String column_family = (String) jo.get("column_family"); Assert.assertEquals("Column family should be preserved in the message body", "eg", column_family); String column_value = (String) jo.get("column_value"); Assert.assertEquals("Column value is not sent by default", "", column_value); long deliveryTag = response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(); channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); break; } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void preDeleteHappyCase() throws Exception { Map<String, String> kvs = configureHBase(primaryTableNameString, secondaryIdxTableNameString, "e", "eg", "a", amq_default_address, primaryTableNameString, "true", ""); setupHBase(kvs);/*from w w w . j av a 2 s .c o m*/ com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory factory = new com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory(); factory.setUri(amq_default_address); com.rabbitmq.client.Connection conn = factory.newConnection(); com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel = conn.createChannel(); //simulate population of secondary index for a put on the downstreamTable Put idxPut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); idxPut.addColumn("a".getBytes(), "EFB1".getBytes(), "".getBytes()); secondaryIdxTable.put(idxPut); //simulate a data rippling performed by the data_rippler service consuming off of the rabbitmq queue Put tablePut = new Put("EFB1".getBytes()); tablePut.addColumn("eg".getBytes(), "some_key".getBytes(), "some_value".getBytes()); downstreamTable.put(tablePut); // since we made no active put to the queue from the prePut, we need to declare it explicitly here channel.queueDeclare(primaryTableNameString, true, false, false, null); // finished with the setup, we now issue a delete which should be caught by the rabbitmq Delete d = new Delete("EFG1".getBytes()); primaryTable.delete(d); //check that values made it to the queue while (true) { GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(primaryTableNameString, false); if (response == null)//busy-wait until the message has made it through the MQ { continue; } String routingKey = response.getEnvelope().getRoutingKey(); Assert.assertEquals("Routing key should be rowkey", "genome", routingKey); String contentType = response.getProps().getContentType(); Assert.assertEquals("Content type should be preserved", "application/json", contentType); Map<String, Object> headers = response.getProps().getHeaders(); Assert.assertEquals("An action should be set on the message", "delete", headers.get("action").toString()); byte[] body = response.getBody(); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(new String(body)); String column_qualifier = (String) jo.get("column_qualifier"); Assert.assertEquals("Column qualifier should be empty, signalling a row delete", "", column_qualifier); long deliveryTag = response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(); channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); break; } }
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License:Apache License
@Test public void discernNewPutFromUpdate() throws Exception { Map<String, String> kvs = configureHBase(primaryTableNameString, secondaryIdxTableNameString, "e", "eg", "a", amq_default_address, primaryTableNameString, "true", ""); setupHBase(kvs);// ww w .j a v a 2s .com //simulate population of secondary index as a result of the above Put idxPut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); idxPut.addColumn("a".getBytes(), "EFB1".getBytes(), "".getBytes()); secondaryIdxTable.put(idxPut); /* The first put should be registered as a "put" action, while the second should be registered as an "update" action, thereby signalling different action to be taken by the consumers */ Put tablePut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); tablePut.addColumn("e".getBytes(), "some_key".getBytes(), "some_value".getBytes()); primaryTable.put(tablePut); tablePut = new Put("EFG1".getBytes()); tablePut.addColumn("e".getBytes(), "some_other_key".getBytes(), "some_value".getBytes()); primaryTable.put(tablePut); //check that values made it to the queue com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory factory = new com.rabbitmq.client.ConnectionFactory(); factory.setUri(amq_default_address); com.rabbitmq.client.Connection conn = factory.newConnection(); com.rabbitmq.client.Channel channel = conn.createChannel(); int msgs_to_consume = 2; while (msgs_to_consume > 0) { System.out.println(String.format("Messages to get: %s", msgs_to_consume)); GetResponse response = channel.basicGet(primaryTableNameString, false); if (response == null)//busy-wait until the message has made it through the MQ { continue; } String routingKey = response.getEnvelope().getRoutingKey(); Assert.assertEquals("Routing key should be rowkey", "genome", routingKey); String contentType = response.getProps().getContentType(); Assert.assertEquals("Content type should be preserved", "application/json", contentType); Map<String, Object> headers = response.getProps().getHeaders(); byte[] body = response.getBody(); JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(new String(body)); String column_family = (String) jo.get("column_family"); Assert.assertEquals("Column family should be preserved in the message body", "eg", column_family); String column_value = (String) jo.get("column_qualifier"); if (headers.get("action").toString().equals("update")) { Assert.assertEquals("Column value should be preserved in the message body", "some_other_key", column_value); } else { Assert.assertEquals("Column value should be preserved in the message body", "some_key", column_value); } long deliveryTag = response.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(); channel.basicAck(deliveryTag, false); msgs_to_consume--; } }