List of usage examples for com.rabbitmq.client BasicProperties getCorrelationId
public abstract String getCorrelationId();
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/** * @param args the command line arguments * @throws*from w w w.j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ * @throws java.lang.InterruptedException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { // TODO code application logic here ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); System.out.println(factory.getUsername() + " " + factory.getPassword()); factory.setHost("localhost"); Connection connection = factory.newConnection(); Channel channel = connection.createChannel(); channel.queueDeclare(RPC_QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null); channel.basicQos(1); QueueingConsumer consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel); channel.basicConsume(RPC_QUEUE_NAME, false, consumer); System.out.println(" [x] Awaiting RPC requests"); while (true) { QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = consumer.nextDelivery(); BasicProperties props = delivery.getProperties(); BasicProperties replyProps = new BasicProperties.Builder().correlationId(props.getCorrelationId()) .build(); String message = new String(delivery.getBody()); System.out.println(" [.] convert(" + message + ")"); String response = "" + convert(message); channel.basicPublish("", props.getReplyTo(), replyProps, response.getBytes()); channel.basicAck(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * {@link} implementation. * if message instance of {@link com.rabbitmq.client.QueueingConsumer.Delivery} : * <br/> decode the message/* www .ja v a2 s . c o m*/ * <br/> then request treatment from attached worker and send reply if needed. * else unhandled * @param message the akka message received by actor * @throws IOException if problem encountered while publishing reply or ack request */ @Override public void onReceive(Object message) throws IOException { if (message instanceof QueueingConsumer.Delivery) { Envelope envelope = ((QueueingConsumer.Delivery) message).getEnvelope(); BasicProperties properties = ((QueueingConsumer.Delivery) message).getProperties(); byte[] body = ((QueueingConsumer.Delivery) message).getBody(); Map<String, Object> finalMessage = ((MsgTranslator) super.getTranslator()) .decode(new Message().setEnvelope(envelope).setProperties(properties).setBody(body)); if (((HashMap) finalMessage).containsKey(MomMsgTranslator.MSG_TRACE)) { if (super.getClient().isMsgDebugOnTimeout()) ((MomLogger) log).setMsgTraceLevel(true); else finalMessage.remove(MomMsgTranslator.MSG_TRACE); } ((MomLogger) log).traceMessage("MsgRequestActor.onReceive - in", finalMessage); Map<String, Object> reply = null; if (finalMessage.get(MsgTranslator.MSG_CORRELATION_ID) != null && super.getReplyFromCache((String) finalMessage.get(MsgTranslator.MSG_CORRELATION_ID)) != null) reply = super.getReplyFromCache((String) finalMessage.get(MsgTranslator.MSG_CORRELATION_ID)); if (reply == null) reply = super.getMsgWorker().apply(finalMessage); else log.debug("reply from cache !"); if (finalMessage.get(MsgTranslator.MSG_CORRELATION_ID) != null) super.putReplyToCache((String) finalMessage.get(MsgTranslator.MSG_CORRELATION_ID), reply); if (properties.getReplyTo() != null && properties.getCorrelationId() != null && reply != null) { reply.put(MsgTranslator.MSG_CORRELATION_ID, properties.getCorrelationId()); if (super.getClient().getClientID() != null) reply.put(MsgTranslator.MSG_APPLICATION_ID, super.getClient().getClientID()); Message replyMessage = ((MsgTranslator) super.getTranslator()).encode(reply); String replyTo = properties.getReplyTo(); channel.basicPublish("", replyTo, (AMQP.BasicProperties) replyMessage.getProperties(), replyMessage.getBody()); } channel.basicAck(((QueueingConsumer.Delivery) message).getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); ((MomLogger) log).traceMessage("MsgRequestActor.onReceive - out", finalMessage); if (((HashMap) finalMessage).containsKey(MomMsgTranslator.MSG_TRACE)) ((MomLogger) log).setMsgTraceLevel(false); } else unhandled(message); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Decode given Message into Map message * @param message a RabbitMQ friendly message * @return Map message//w w w . j a v a 2 s . co m */ @Override public Map<String, Object> decode(Message message) { Envelope envelope = message.getEnvelope(); BasicProperties properties = (BasicProperties) message.getProperties(); byte[] body = message.getBody(); LinkedHashMap<String, Object> decodedMessage = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>(); if (envelope != null) { decodedMessage.put(MSG_RBQ_DELIVERY_TAG, envelope.getDeliveryTag()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_RBQ_EXCHANGE, envelope.getExchange()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_RBQ_ROUTINGKEY, envelope.getRoutingKey()); } if (properties != null) { decodedMessage.put(MSG_APPLICATION_ID, properties.getAppId()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_RBQ_CONTENT_ENCODING, properties.getContentEncoding()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_RBQ_CONTENT_TYPE, properties.getContentType()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_CORRELATION_ID, properties.getCorrelationId()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_DELIVERY_MODE, properties.getDeliveryMode()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_EXPIRATION, properties.getExpiration()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_MESSAGE_ID, properties.getMessageId()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_PRIORITY, properties.getPriority()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_REPLY_TO, properties.getReplyTo()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_TIMESTAMP, properties.getTimestamp()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_TYPE, properties.getType()); decodedMessage.put(MSG_RBQ_USER_ID, properties.getUserId()); Map<String, Object> headerFields = properties.getHeaders(); if (headerFields != null) { for (String key : headerFields.keySet()) if (headerFields.get(key) != null) { if (headerFields.get(key) instanceof LongString) decodedMessage.put(key, headerFields.get(key).toString()); else decodedMessage.put(key, headerFields.get(key)); } else decodedMessage.put(key, headerFields.get(key)); } } if (body.length == 0) decodedMessage.put(MSG_BODY, null); else decodedMessage.put(MSG_BODY, body); return decodedMessage; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Listen for SdnReceivePacket messages, corresponding to PACKET_IN messages * received at the controller./*from w ww. jav a 2 s . c om*/ */ public void run() { try { packetInChannel = connection.createChannel(); // Create an emphemeral queue and bind it to the exchange so we can get // notifications. String queueName = packetInChannel.queueDeclare().getQueue(); packetInChannel.queueBind(queueName, Common.notificationExchangeName, ""); packetInChannel.basicQos(1); // Set up consumer to read from this queue on this channel packetInConsumer = new QueueingConsumer(packetInChannel); packetInChannel.basicConsume(queueName, false, packetInConsumer); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } while (true) { try { // Grab the next PACKET_IN QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = packetInConsumer.nextDelivery(); // Get the properties for the request message, set up the properties // for the reply message. BasicProperties props = delivery.getProperties(); BasicProperties replyProps = new BasicProperties.Builder().correlationId(props.getCorrelationId()) .build(); try { // Parse the body. Get the string containing the JSON data. String message = new String(delivery.getBody(), "UTF-8"); // Figure out the message type as a string so we know how to parse it. SdnReply rep = mapper.readValue(message, SdnReply.class); if (rep.getReplyType().equals(SdnReceivePacketReply.TYPE)) { // Do PACKET_IN processing here. Log, and invoke callback if it's // been configured. logger.debug("Got PACKET_IN"); SdnReceivePacketReply packetIn = mapper.readValue(message, SdnReceivePacketReply.class); if (callback != null) { callback.packetInCallback(packetIn.getDpid(), packetIn.getInPort(), packetIn.getPayload()); } } else { // Unknown message. logger.error("Unknown message when PACKET_IN expected"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // ACK the old message packetInChannel.basicAck(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // We can get here if there was a problem reading a message from the AMPQ service. // Sleep for a second to avoid us busy-waiting in this loop. try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e2) { } } } }
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License:Open Source License
public void run() { // Loop forever while (true) { try {/*w ww . ja v a 2s . c o m*/ // Get the next message QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = consumer.nextDelivery(); // Get the properties for the request message, set up the properties // for the reply message. BasicProperties props = delivery.getProperties(); BasicProperties replyProps = new BasicProperties.Builder().correlationId(props.getCorrelationId()) .build(); // Placeholder for a reply, if we have one to send String message2 = null; try { // Parse the body. Get the string containing the JSON data. String message = new String(delivery.getBody(), "UTF-8");"Received: " + message); // Figure out the message type as a string so we know how to parse it. SdnRequest req = mapper.readValue(message, SdnRequest.class); SdnReply rep = null; // Dispatch to command handlers depending on the type of message // // Handle ping requests here since they're pretty trivial if (req.getRequestType().equals(SdnPingRequest.TYPE)) { SdnPingRequest pingReq = mapper.readValue(message, SdnPingRequest.class); SdnPingReply pingRep = new SdnPingReply(); pingRep.setError(false); pingRep.setPayload(pingReq.getPayload()); rep = pingRep; } // Other request types dispatch to handler functions in this module. // Place in alphabetical order. else if (req.getRequestType().equals(SdnDeleteMeterRequest.TYPE)) { SdnDeleteMeterRequest meterReq = mapper.readValue(message, SdnDeleteMeterRequest.class); rep = doSdnDeleteMeter(meterReq); } else if (req.getRequestType().equals(SdnDeleteForwardRequest.TYPE)) { SdnDeleteForwardRequest forwardReq = mapper.readValue(message, SdnDeleteForwardRequest.class); rep = doSdnDeleteForward(forwardReq); } else if (req.getRequestType().equals(SdnForwardRequest.TYPE)) { SdnForwardRequest forwardReq = mapper.readValue(message, SdnForwardRequest.class); rep = doSdnForward(forwardReq); } else if (req.getRequestType().equals(SdnForwardToControllerRequest.TYPE)) { SdnForwardToControllerRequest flowReq = mapper.readValue(message, SdnForwardToControllerRequest.class); rep = doSdnForwardToController(flowReq); } else if (req.getRequestType().equals(SdnInstallMeterRequest.TYPE)) { SdnInstallMeterRequest meterReq = mapper.readValue(message, SdnInstallMeterRequest.class); rep = doSdnInstallMeter(meterReq); } else if (req.getRequestType().equals(SdnTransmitPacketRequest.TYPE)) { SdnTransmitPacketRequest packetReq = mapper.readValue(message, SdnTransmitPacketRequest.class); rep = doSdnTransmitPacket(packetReq); } else { // Unknown message. rep = new SdnReply(); rep.setError(true); rep.setErrorMessage("Unknown message type"); } // If there's a response, then get it in JSON representation if (rep != null) { message2 = mapper.writeValueAsString(rep); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // If we have a reply to send, then great, send it and ACK the old message if (message2 != null) {"Reply: " + message2); channel.basicPublish("", props.getReplyTo(), replyProps, message2.getBytes("UTF-8")); } channel.basicAck(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // We can get here if there was a problem reading a message from the AMPQ service. // Sleep for a second to avoid us busy-waiting in this loop. try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (Exception e2) { } } } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Extract transport level headers for AMQP from the given message into a Map * //from w w w. jav a2 s .c o m * @param message * the AMQP message * @return a Map of the transport headers * @throws AxisFault */ public static Map<String, Object> getTransportHeaders(AMQPMessage message) throws AxisFault { // create a Map to hold transport headers Map<String, Object> map = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> headers = message.getProperties().getHeaders(); BasicProperties msg_prop = message.getProperties(); Envelope msg_env = message.getEnvelope(); // correlation ID if (msg_prop.getCorrelationId() != null) { map.put(AMQPConstants.AMQP_CORRELATION_ID, msg_prop.getCorrelationId()); } // set the delivery mode as persistent or not map.put(AMQPConstants.AMQP_DELIVERY_MODE, Integer.toString(msg_prop.getDeliveryMode())); // FIXME ? Extract destination from... where? /*// destination name if (message.getAMQPDestination() != null) { Destination dest = message.getAMQPDestination(); map.put(AMQPConstants.AMQP_DESTINATION, dest instanceof Queue ? ((Queue) dest).getQueueName() : ((Topic) dest).getTopicName()); }*/ // expiration map.put(AMQPConstants.AMQP_EXPIRATION, msg_prop.getExpiration()); // if a AMQP message ID is found if (msg_prop.getMessageId() != null) { map.put(AMQPConstants.AMQP_MESSAGE_ID, msg_prop.getMessageId()); } // priority map.put(AMQPConstants.AMQP_PRIORITY, Long.toString(msg_prop.getPriority())); // redelivered map.put(AMQPConstants.AMQP_REDELIVERED, Boolean.toString(msg_env.isRedeliver())); // replyto destination name if (msg_prop.getReplyTo() != null) { Destination dest = DestinationFactory.parseAddress(msg_prop.getReplyTo()); map.put(AMQPConstants.AMQP_REPLY_TO, dest); } // priority map.put(AMQPConstants.AMQP_TIMESTAMP, Long.toString(msg_prop.getTimestamp().getTime())); // message type if (msg_prop.getType() != null) { map.put(AMQPConstants.AMQP_TYPE, msg_prop.getType()); } // any other transport properties / headers Set<String> e = null; e = msg_prop.getHeaders().keySet(); for (String headerName : e) { Object o = headers.get(e); if (o instanceof String) map.put(headerName, (String) o); if (o instanceof Boolean) map.put(headerName, (Boolean) o); if (o instanceof Integer) map.put(headerName, (Integer) o); if (o instanceof Long) map.put(headerName, (Long) o); if (o instanceof Double) map.put(headerName, (Double) o); if (o instanceof Float) map.put(headerName, (Float) o); } return map; }
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License:Apache License
public static void main(String[] argv) { Connection connection = null; Channel channel = null;//from w w w .ja v a2s. co m try { ConnectionFactory factory = new ConnectionFactory(); factory.setHost("localhost"); connection = factory.newConnection(); channel = connection.createChannel(); channel.queueDeclare(RPC_QUEUE_NAME, false, false, false, null); channel.basicQos(1); QueueingConsumer consumer = new QueueingConsumer(channel); channel.basicConsume(RPC_QUEUE_NAME, false, consumer); System.out.println(" [x] Awaiting RPC requests"); while (true) { String response = null; QueueingConsumer.Delivery delivery = consumer.nextDelivery(); BasicProperties props = delivery.getProperties(); BasicProperties replyProps = new BasicProperties.Builder().correlationId(props.getCorrelationId()) .build(); try { String message = new String(delivery.getBody(), "UTF-8"); int n = Integer.parseInt(message); System.out.println(" [.] fib(" + message + ")"); response = "" + fib(n); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println(" [.] " + e.toString()); response = ""; } finally { channel.basicPublish("", props.getReplyTo(), replyProps, response.getBytes("UTF-8")); channel.basicAck(delivery.getEnvelope().getDeliveryTag(), false); } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (connection != null) { try { connection.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } } }
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License:Open Source License
private void handleDelivery(final Delivery delivery) { final BasicProperties properties = delivery.getProperties(); final Envelope envelope = delivery.getEnvelope(); final byte[] body = delivery.getBody(); final String hashKey = envelope.getExchange() + ":" + envelope.getRoutingKey(); Map<String, String> headers = null; try {//from ww w .j a v a 2 s . c o m final String correlationId = properties.getCorrelationId(); LogUtil.enhanceLogWithCorrelationId(log, correlationId); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Received message from RabbitMQ ({}//{}): {}", envelope, properties, new String(body, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); } headers = extractHeadersFromMessage(properties, envelope); final ExternalMessageBuilder externalMessageBuilder = ExternalMessageFactory .newExternalMessageBuilder(headers); final String contentType = properties.getContentType(); final String text = new String(body, CharsetDeterminer.getInstance().apply(contentType)); if (shouldBeInterpretedAsBytes(contentType)) { externalMessageBuilder.withBytes(body); } else { externalMessageBuilder.withTextAndBytes(text, body); } externalMessageBuilder.withAuthorizationContext(authorizationContext); externalMessageBuilder.withEnforcement(headerEnforcementFilterFactory.getFilter(headers)); externalMessageBuilder.withHeaderMapping(headerMapping); externalMessageBuilder.withSourceAddress(sourceAddress); final ExternalMessage externalMessage =; inboundMonitor.success(externalMessage); forwardToMappingActor(externalMessage, hashKey); } catch (final DittoRuntimeException e) { log.warning("Processing delivery {} failed: {}", envelope.getDeliveryTag(), e.getMessage()); if (headers != null) { // send response if headers were extracted successfully forwardToMappingActor(e.setDittoHeaders(DittoHeaders.of(headers)), hashKey); inboundMonitor.failure(headers, e); } else { inboundMonitor.failure(e); } } catch (final Exception e) { log.warning("Processing delivery {} failed: {}", envelope.getDeliveryTag(), e.getMessage()); if (headers != null) { inboundMonitor.exception(headers, e); } else { inboundMonitor.exception(e); } } }
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License:Open Source License
private static Map<String, String> extractHeadersFromMessage(final BasicProperties properties, final Envelope envelope) { final Map<String, String> headersFromProperties = getHeadersFromProperties(properties.getHeaders()); // set headers specific to rmq messages if (properties.getReplyTo() != null) { headersFromProperties.put(ExternalMessage.REPLY_TO_HEADER, properties.getReplyTo()); }/*from w w w. j ava 2 s . c o m*/ if (properties.getCorrelationId() != null) { headersFromProperties.put(DittoHeaderDefinition.CORRELATION_ID.getKey(), properties.getCorrelationId()); } if (properties.getContentType() != null) { headersFromProperties.put(ExternalMessage.CONTENT_TYPE_HEADER, properties.getContentType()); } headersFromProperties.put(MESSAGE_ID_HEADER, Long.toString(envelope.getDeliveryTag())); return headersFromProperties; }
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License:Open Source License
private void addBasicProperties(final DefaultMuleMessage muleMessage, final Map<String, Object> messageProperties, final BasicProperties amqpProperties) { if (amqpProperties == null) return;//from ww w . ja v a 2 s . c om putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.APP_ID, amqpProperties.getAppId()); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.CONTENT_ENCODING, amqpProperties.getContentEncoding()); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE, amqpProperties.getContentType()); final String correlationId = amqpProperties.getCorrelationId(); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.CORRELATION_ID, correlationId); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, MuleProperties.MULE_CORRELATION_ID_PROPERTY, correlationId); muleMessage.setCorrelationId(correlationId); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.DELIVERY_MODE, amqpProperties.getDeliveryMode()); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.EXPIRATION, amqpProperties.getExpiration()); final String messageId = amqpProperties.getMessageId(); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.MESSAGE_ID, messageId); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, MuleProperties.MULE_MESSAGE_ID_PROPERTY, messageId); muleMessage.setUniqueId(messageId); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.PRIORITY, amqpProperties.getPriority()); final String replyTo = amqpProperties.getReplyTo(); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.REPLY_TO, replyTo); muleMessage.setReplyTo(replyTo); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.TIMESTAMP, amqpProperties.getTimestamp()); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.TYPE, amqpProperties.getType()); putIfNonNull(messageProperties, AmqpConstants.USER_ID, amqpProperties.getUserId()); messageProperties.putAll(amqpProperties.getHeaders()); }