List of usage examples for com.mongodb WriteConcern SAFE
WriteConcern SAFE
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Write operations that use this write concern will wait for acknowledgement from the primary server before returning.
From source
License:Open Source License
public void toggleFavorite(String user, String targetUser) { DBCollection coll = db().getCollection(M_USERS_COLLECTION); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("user", user); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query);/* w ww .j a v a2 s.c o m*/ if (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject doc =; List<String> favorites = new ArrayList<String>(); if (doc.containsField("favorites")) { favorites = (List<String>) doc.get("favorites"); } if (favorites.contains(targetUser)) favorites.remove(targetUser); else favorites.add(targetUser); doc.put("favorites", favorites);, WriteConcern.SAFE); } }
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License:Open Source License
public void setSpaces(String user, List<SpaceBean> spaces) { List<String> spaceIds = new ArrayList<String>(); DBCollection coll = db().getCollection(M_ROOMS_COLLECTION); for (SpaceBean bean : spaces) { String room = ChatUtils.getRoomId(bean.getId()); spaceIds.add(room);//w w w. j av a 2 s. c o m BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("_id", room); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query); if (!cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); doc.put("_id", room); doc.put("space_id", bean.getId()); doc.put("displayName", bean.getDisplayName()); doc.put("groupId", bean.getGroupId()); doc.put("shortName", bean.getShortName()); doc.put("type", ChatService.TYPE_ROOM_SPACE); coll.insert(doc); } else { DBObject doc =; String displayName = doc.get("displayName").toString(); if (!bean.getDisplayName().equals(displayName)) { doc.put("_id", room); doc.put("displayName", bean.getDisplayName()); doc.put("groupId", bean.getGroupId()); doc.put("shortName", bean.getShortName());; } } } coll = db().getCollection(M_USERS_COLLECTION); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("user", user); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query); if (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject doc =; doc.put("spaces", spaceIds);, WriteConcern.SAFE); } else { BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); doc.put("_id", user); doc.put("user", user); doc.put("spaces", spaceIds); coll.insert(doc); } }
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License:Open Source License
public void addTeamRoom(String user, String teamRoomId) { List<String> teamIds = new ArrayList<String>(); teamIds.add(teamRoomId);//from www . j a v a 2 s . co m DBCollection coll = db().getCollection(M_USERS_COLLECTION); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("user", user); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query); if (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject doc =; if (doc.containsField("teams")) { List<String> existingTeams = ((List<String>) doc.get("teams")); if (!existingTeams.contains(teamRoomId)) existingTeams.add(teamRoomId); doc.put("teams", existingTeams); } else { doc.put("teams", teamIds); }, WriteConcern.SAFE); } else { BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); doc.put("_id", user); doc.put("user", user); doc.put("teams", teamIds); coll.insert(doc); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void removeTeamUsers(String teamRoomId, List<String> users) { DBCollection coll = db().getCollection(M_USERS_COLLECTION); for (String user : users) {"Team Remove : " + user); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("user", user); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query); if (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject doc =; if (doc.containsField("teams")) { List<String> teams = (List<String>) doc.get("teams"); if (teams.contains(teamRoomId)) { teams.remove(teamRoomId); doc.put("teams", teams);, WriteConcern.SAFE); }//w w w.j a v a 2s .c om } } } }
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License:Open Source License
public String setStatus(String user, String status) { DBCollection coll = db().getCollection(M_USERS_COLLECTION); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("user", user); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query);//from w w w . ja va2 m if (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject doc =; doc.put("status", status);, WriteConcern.SAFE); } else { BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); doc.put("_id", user); doc.put("user", user); doc.put("status", status); coll.insert(doc); } return status; }
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License:Open Source License
public void setAsAdmin(String user, boolean isAdmin) { DBCollection coll = db().getCollection(M_USERS_COLLECTION); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); query.put("user", user); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query);/*from ww w .j av a 2s.c o m*/ if (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject doc =; doc.put("isSupportAdmin", isAdmin);, WriteConcern.SAFE); } else { BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject(); doc.put("_id", user); doc.put("user", user); doc.put("isSupportAdmin", isAdmin); coll.insert(doc); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void exportDocuments(final Iterable<JSONObject> it, final int tell) { if (it == null) { throw new NullPointerException("it"); }//w ww. java 2 s . co m if (tell <= 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("tell <= 0"); } BulkWriteOperation builder = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOperation(); //coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation(); int tot = 0; int bulkNum = 0; for (JSONObject obj : it) { if (++tot % tell == 0) { System.out.println("+++" + tot); } try { coll.insert(convertToDBObj(obj), WriteConcern.SAFE); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()).severe(iae.getMessage()); } } /*for (JSONObject obj : it) { if (++tot % tell == 0) { System.out.println("+++" + tot); } bulkNum++; builder.insert(convertToDBObj(obj)); if (bulkNum >= MAX_BULK_DOCS) { System.out.print("Sending documents to MongoDB - "); final BulkWriteResult result = builder.execute(); final int inserted = result.getInsertedCount(); System.out.println("OK"); if (inserted < bulkNum) { final String msg = "Insertion error: inserted[" + inserted + "] expected[" + bulkNum + "]"; Logger.getLogger(Json2Mongo.class.getName()) .log(Level.SEVERE, msg); } bulkNum = 0; builder = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOperation(); //builder = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation(); } } if (bulkNum > 0) { final BulkWriteResult result = builder.execute(); final int inserted = result.getInsertedCount(); if (inserted < bulkNum) { final String msg = "Insertion error: inserted[" + inserted + "] expected[" + bulkNum + "]"; Logger.getLogger(Json2Mongo.class.getName()) .log(Level.SEVERE, msg); } }*/ }
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License:Apache License
/** * Returns the mongoDB write strategy used in saving. By default, it is set to <code>SAFE</code>. This means * exceptions are raised for network issues, and server errors; waits on a server for the write operation. However, * it can be overridden.//from ww w. java 2 s .co m */ protected WriteConcern getDBWriteConern() { return WriteConcern.SAFE; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * @see org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.SessionDataStore#delete(String) */// w ww . j a v a 2s .co m @Override public boolean delete(String id) throws Exception { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Remove:session {} for context ", id, _context); /* * Check if the session exists and if it does remove the context * associated with this session */ BasicDBObject mongoKey = new BasicDBObject(__ID, id); //DBObject sessionDocument = _dbSessions.findOne(mongoKey,_version_1); DBObject sessionDocument = _dbSessions.findOne(new BasicDBObject(__ID, id)); if (sessionDocument != null) { DBObject c = (DBObject) getNestedValue(sessionDocument, __CONTEXT); if (c == null) { //delete whole doc _dbSessions.remove(mongoKey, WriteConcern.SAFE); return false; } Set<String> contexts = c.keySet(); if (contexts.isEmpty()) { //delete whole doc _dbSessions.remove(mongoKey, WriteConcern.SAFE); return false; } if (contexts.size() == 1 && contexts.iterator().next().equals(getCanonicalContextId())) { //delete whole doc _dbSessions.remove(new BasicDBObject(__ID, id), WriteConcern.SAFE); return true; } //just remove entry for my context BasicDBObject remove = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBObject unsets = new BasicDBObject(); unsets.put(getContextField(), 1); remove.put("$unset", unsets); WriteResult result = _dbSessions.update(mongoKey, remove, false, false, WriteConcern.SAFE); return true; } else { return false; } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * @see org.eclipse.jetty.server.session.AbstractSessionDataStore#doStore(String, SessionData, long) *//* w w w .jav a 2 s .c om*/ @Override public void doStore(String id, SessionData data, long lastSaveTime) throws Exception { NoSqlSessionData nsqd = (NoSqlSessionData) data; // Form query for upsert BasicDBObject key = new BasicDBObject(__ID, id); // Form updates BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject(); boolean upsert = false; BasicDBObject sets = new BasicDBObject(); BasicDBObject unsets = new BasicDBObject(); Object version = ((NoSqlSessionData) data).getVersion(); // New session if (lastSaveTime <= 0) { upsert = true; version = new Long(1); sets.put(__CREATED, nsqd.getCreated()); sets.put(__VALID, true); sets.put(getContextSubfield(__VERSION), version); sets.put(getContextSubfield(__LASTSAVED), data.getLastSaved()); sets.put(getContextSubfield(__LASTNODE), data.getLastNode()); sets.put(__MAX_IDLE, nsqd.getMaxInactiveMs()); sets.put(__EXPIRY, nsqd.getExpiry()); nsqd.setVersion(version); } else { sets.put(getContextSubfield(__LASTSAVED), data.getLastSaved()); sets.put(getContextSubfield(__LASTNODE), data.getLastNode()); version = new Long(((Number) version).longValue() + 1); nsqd.setVersion(version); update.put("$inc", _version_1); //if max idle time and/or expiry is smaller for this context, then choose that for the whole session doc BasicDBObject fields = new BasicDBObject(); fields.append(__MAX_IDLE, true); fields.append(__EXPIRY, true); DBObject o = _dbSessions.findOne(new BasicDBObject("id", id), fields); if (o != null) { Long tmpLong = (Long) o.get(__MAX_IDLE); long currentMaxIdle = (tmpLong == null ? 0 : tmpLong.longValue()); tmpLong = (Long) o.get(__EXPIRY); long currentExpiry = (tmpLong == null ? 0 : tmpLong.longValue()); if (currentMaxIdle != nsqd.getMaxInactiveMs()) sets.put(__MAX_IDLE, nsqd.getMaxInactiveMs()); if (currentExpiry != nsqd.getExpiry()) sets.put(__EXPIRY, nsqd.getExpiry()); } else LOG.warn("Session {} not found, can't update", id); } sets.put(__ACCESSED, nsqd.getAccessed()); Set<String> names = nsqd.takeDirtyAttributes(); if (lastSaveTime <= 0) { names.addAll(nsqd.getAllAttributeNames()); // note dirty may include removed names } for (String name : names) { Object value = data.getAttribute(name); if (value == null) unsets.put(getContextField() + "." + encodeName(name), 1); else sets.put(getContextField() + "." + encodeName(name), encodeName(value)); } // Do the upsert if (!sets.isEmpty()) update.put("$set", sets); if (!unsets.isEmpty()) update.put("$unset", unsets); WriteResult res = _dbSessions.update(key, update, upsert, false, WriteConcern.SAFE); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("Save:db.sessions.update( {}, {},{} )", key, update, res); }