Example usage for com.mongodb.util JSON serialize

List of usage examples for com.mongodb.util JSON serialize


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb.util JSON serialize.


public static String serialize(final Object object) 

Source Link


Serializes an object into its JSON form.

This method delegates serialization to JSONSerializers.getLegacy


From source file:org.alfresco.bm.api.v1.ResultsRestAPI.java

License:Open Source License

@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)/*ww  w.j  ava  2  s.  c  o m*/
public String getEventResults(
        @DefaultValue(ALL_EVENT_NAMES) @QueryParam("filterEventName") String filterEventName,
        @DefaultValue("All") @QueryParam("filterSuccess") String filterSuccess,
        @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("skipResults") int skipResults,
        @DefaultValue("10") @QueryParam("numberOfResults") int numberOfResults) {

    EventResultFilter filter = getFilter(filterSuccess);
    final ResultService resultService = getResultService();
    String nameFilterString = filterEventName.equals(ALL_EVENT_NAMES) ? "" : filterEventName;

    // get event details
    List<EventDetails> details = resultService.getEventDetails(filter, nameFilterString, skipResults,

    // serialize back ....
    BasicDBList retList = new BasicDBList();
    for (EventDetails detail : details) {
    return JSON.serialize(retList);

From source file:org.alfresco.bm.api.v1.StatusAPI.java

License:Open Source License

@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON)/*  w  w w.ja  v a  2 s .  c  o  m*/
public String getLogs(@QueryParam("driverId") String driverId, @QueryParam("test") String test,
        @QueryParam("run") String run, @DefaultValue("INFO") @QueryParam("level") String levelStr,
        @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("from") Long from,
        @DefaultValue("" + Long.MAX_VALUE) @QueryParam("to") Long to,
        @DefaultValue("0") @QueryParam("skip") int skip, @DefaultValue("50") @QueryParam("count") int count) {
    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
        logger.debug("Inbound: " + "[driverId:" + driverId + ",test:" + test + ",run:" + run + ",level:"
                + levelStr + ",from:" + new Date(from) + ",to:" + new Date(to) + ",skip:" + skip + ",count:"
                + count + "]");
    LogLevel level = LogLevel.INFO;
    try {
        level = LogLevel.valueOf(levelStr);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        // Just allow this

    DBCursor cursor = null;
    try {
        String json = "[]";
        cursor = logService.getLogs(driverId, test, run, level, from, to, skip, count);
        if (cursor.count() > 0) {
            json = JSON.serialize(cursor);
        if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
            logger.debug("Outbound: " + json);
        return json;
    } catch (WebApplicationException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throwAndLogException(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e);
        return null;
    } finally {
        if (cursor != null) {
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {

From source file:org.apache.camel.component.gridfs.GridFsConsumer.java

License:Apache License

public void run() {
    DBCursor c = null;//from ww w.j  a  v  a2s  .c  o m
    java.util.Date fromDate = null;

    QueryStrategy s = endpoint.getQueryStrategy();
    boolean usesTimestamp = (s != QueryStrategy.FileAttribute);
    boolean persistsTimestamp = (s == QueryStrategy.PersistentTimestamp
            || s == QueryStrategy.PersistentTimestampAndFileAttribute);
    boolean usesAttribute = (s == QueryStrategy.FileAttribute || s == QueryStrategy.TimeStampAndFileAttribute
            || s == QueryStrategy.PersistentTimestampAndFileAttribute);

    DBCollection ptsCollection = null;
    DBObject persistentTimestamp = null;
    if (persistsTimestamp) {
        ptsCollection = endpoint.getDB().getCollection(endpoint.getPersistentTSCollection());
        // ensure standard indexes as long as collections are small
        try {
            if (ptsCollection.count() < 1000) {
                ptsCollection.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("id", 1));
        } catch (MongoException e) {
            //TODO: Logging
        persistentTimestamp = ptsCollection.findOne(new BasicDBObject("id", endpoint.getPersistentTSObject()));
        if (persistentTimestamp == null) {
            persistentTimestamp = new BasicDBObject("id", endpoint.getPersistentTSObject());
            fromDate = new java.util.Date();
            persistentTimestamp.put("timestamp", fromDate);
        fromDate = (java.util.Date) persistentTimestamp.get("timestamp");
    } else if (usesTimestamp) {
        fromDate = new java.util.Date();
    try {
        while (isStarted()) {
            if (c == null || c.getCursorId() == 0) {
                if (c != null) {
                String queryString = endpoint.getQuery();
                DBObject query;
                if (queryString == null) {
                    query = new BasicDBObject();
                } else {
                    query = (DBObject) JSON.parse(queryString);
                if (usesTimestamp) {
                    query.put("uploadDate", new BasicDBObject("$gt", fromDate));
                if (usesAttribute) {
                    query.put(endpoint.getFileAttributeName(), null);
                c = endpoint.getFilesCollection().find(query);
            boolean dateModified = false;
            while (c.hasNext() && isStarted()) {
                GridFSDBFile file = (GridFSDBFile) c.next();
                GridFSDBFile forig = file;
                if (usesAttribute) {
                    file.put(endpoint.getFileAttributeName(), "processing");
                    DBObject q = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start("_id", file.getId()).append("camel-processed", null)
                    forig = (GridFSDBFile) endpoint.getFilesCollection().findAndModify(q, null, null, false,
                            file, true, false);
                if (forig != null) {
                    file = endpoint.getGridFs().findOne(new BasicDBObject("_id", file.getId()));

                    Exchange exchange = endpoint.createExchange();
                    exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.FILE_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getContentType());
                    exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.FILE_LENGTH, file.getLength());
                    exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.FILE_LAST_MODIFIED, file.getUploadDate());
                    exchange.getIn().setBody(file.getInputStream(), InputStream.class);
                    try {
                        //System.out.println("Processing " + file.getFilename());
                        if (usesAttribute) {
                            forig.put(endpoint.getFileAttributeName(), "done");
                        if (usesTimestamp) {
                            if (file.getUploadDate().compareTo(fromDate) > 0) {
                                fromDate = file.getUploadDate();
                                dateModified = true;
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
            if (persistsTimestamp && dateModified) {
                persistentTimestamp.put("timestamp", fromDate);
    } catch (Throwable e1) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    if (c != null) {

From source file:org.apache.camel.component.gridfs.GridFsProducer.java

License:Apache License

public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception {
    String operation = endpoint.getOperation();
    if (operation == null) {
        operation = exchange.getIn().getHeader(GridFsEndpoint.GRIDFS_OPERATION, String.class);
    }// ww  w . ja v  a  2s .c  om
    if (operation == null || "create".equals(operation)) {
        final String filename = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, String.class);
        Long chunkSize = exchange.getIn().getHeader(GridFsEndpoint.GRIDFS_CHUNKSIZE, Long.class);

        InputStream ins = exchange.getIn().getMandatoryBody(InputStream.class);
        GridFSInputFile gfsFile = endpoint.getGridFs().createFile(ins, filename, true);
        if (chunkSize != null && chunkSize > 0) {
        final String ct = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, String.class);
        if (ct != null) {
        String metaData = exchange.getIn().getHeader(GridFsEndpoint.GRIDFS_METADATA, String.class);
        DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) JSON.parse(metaData);
        exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME_PRODUCED, gfsFile.getFilename());
    } else if ("remove".equals(operation)) {
        final String filename = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, String.class);
    } else if ("findOne".equals(operation)) {
        final String filename = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, String.class);
        GridFSDBFile file = endpoint.getGridFs().findOne(filename);
        if (file != null) {
            exchange.getIn().setHeader(GridFsEndpoint.GRIDFS_METADATA, JSON.serialize(file.getMetaData()));
            exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.FILE_CONTENT_TYPE, file.getContentType());
            exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.FILE_LENGTH, file.getLength());
            exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.FILE_LAST_MODIFIED, file.getUploadDate());
            exchange.getIn().setBody(file.getInputStream(), InputStream.class);
        } else {
            throw new FileNotFoundException("No GridFS file for " + filename);
    } else if ("listAll".equals(operation)) {
        final String filename = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, String.class);
        DBCursor cursor;
        if (filename == null) {
            cursor = endpoint.getGridFs().getFileList();
        } else {
            cursor = endpoint.getGridFs().getFileList(new BasicDBObject("filename", filename));
        exchange.getIn().setBody(new DBCursorFilenameReader(cursor), Reader.class);
    } else if ("count".equals(operation)) {
        final String filename = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.FILE_NAME, String.class);
        DBCursor cursor;
        if (filename == null) {
            cursor = endpoint.getGridFs().getFileList();
        } else {
            cursor = endpoint.getGridFs().getFileList(new BasicDBObject("filename", filename));
        exchange.getIn().setBody(cursor.count(), Integer.class);


From source file:org.apache.jmeter.protocol.mongodb.mongo.EvalResultHandler.java

License:Apache License

public String handle(DBObject o) {
    return JSON.serialize(o);

From source file:org.apereo.openlrs.model.event.Event.java

License:Educational Community License

public String getRaw() {
    if (raw != null) {
        return JSON.serialize(raw);
    return toJSON();

From source file:org.axonframework.mongo.serialization.DBObjectToStringContentTypeConverter.java

License:Apache License

public String convert(DBObject original) {
    return JSON.serialize(original);

From source file:org.bananaforscale.cormac.dao.database.DatabaseDataServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Returns statistics that reflect the use state of a single database.
 * @param databaseName the database//from w  ww .j av  a 2s  .c  om
 * @return A JSON string with statistics reflecting the database state.
 * @throws DatasourceException
 * @throws NotFoundException
public String getDatabaseStats(String databaseName) throws DatasourceException, NotFoundException {
    try {
        if (!databaseExists(databaseName)) {
            throw new NotFoundException("The database doesn't exist in the datasource");
        // TODO: Find equivalent in java api for MongoDatabase
        DB mongoDatabase = mongoClient.getDB(databaseName);
        DBObject statsObject = mongoDatabase.getStats();
        return JSON.serialize(statsObject);
    } catch (MongoException ex) {
        logger.error("An error occured while retrieving database stats", ex);
        throw new DatasourceException("An error occured while retrieving database stats");

From source file:org.bananaforscale.cormac.dao.document.DocumentDataServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Returns all the documents in a collection.
 * @param databaseName the database/*from w w  w  .jav a2  s  .  co  m*/
 * @param collectionName the collection
 * @param query a JSON query param in the style of mongo
 * @param fields fields to return
 * @param skip the amount of documents to skip
 * @param limit the amount of documents to limit the result to
 * @param orderBy order ascending or descending by property
 * @param includeId determines whether to include the Mongo "_id" field
 * @return the documents in a collection
 * @throws DatasourceException
 * @throws NotFoundException
public List<String> getAll(String databaseName, String collectionName, String query, String fields, String skip,
        String limit, String orderBy, boolean includeId) throws DatasourceException, NotFoundException {
    try {
        if (!databaseExists(databaseName)) {
            throw new NotFoundException("The database doesn't exist in the datasource");

        if (!collectionExists(databaseName, collectionName)) {
            throw new NotFoundException("The collection doesn't exist in the datasource");
        Integer intSkip, intLimit;
        try {
            intSkip = Integer.parseInt(skip);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            intSkip = 0;
        try {
            intLimit = Integer.parseInt(limit);
        } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
            intLimit = 0;

        // 1 or -1 to specify an ascending or descending sort respectively.
        Document orderByObject = null;
        if (orderBy != null && !orderBy.isEmpty()) {
            if (orderBy.contains("ascending")) {
                String[] parts = orderBy.split(":");
                orderByObject = new Document(parts[0], 1);
            } else if (orderBy.contains("descending")) {
                String[] parts = orderBy.split(":");
                orderByObject = new Document(parts[0], -1);
        MongoDatabase mongoDatabase = mongoClient.getDatabase(databaseName);
        MongoCollection collection = mongoDatabase.getCollection(collectionName);
        FindIterable iterable = (query == null || query.isEmpty()) ? collection.find()
                : collection.find(Document.parse(query));

        // TODO: Figure out how to do this in new API
        //            if (fields != null && !fields.isEmpty()) {
        //                // expect the form to be field:value,field:value
        //                Document document = new Document();
        //                String[] parts = fields.split(",");
        //                for (String part : parts) {
        //                    String[] tempParts = part.split(":");
        //                    document.append(tempParts[0], tempParts[1]);
        //                }
        //                iterable.projection(document);
        //            }
        if (orderByObject != null) {
        Iterator<Document> curIter = iterable.iterator();
        List<String> documentList = new ArrayList<>();
        while (curIter.hasNext()) {
            Document current = curIter.next();
            if (!includeId) {
        return documentList;
    } catch (MongoException ex) {
        logger.error("An error occured while retrieving the document list", ex);
        throw new DatasourceException("An error occured while retrieving the document list");

From source file:org.bananaforscale.cormac.dao.document.DocumentDataServiceImpl.java

License:Apache License

 * Returns the document of the given document identifier.
 * @param databaseName the database//w  ww.  ja  va  2 s  .  c  om
 * @param collectionName the collection
 * @param documentId the document identifier to query for
 * @return the document of the given identifier
 * @throws DatasourceException
 * @throws NotFoundException
public String getById(String databaseName, String collectionName, String documentId)
        throws DatasourceException, NotFoundException {
    try {
        if (!databaseExists(databaseName)) {
            throw new NotFoundException("The database doesn't exist in the datasource");
        if (!collectionExists(databaseName, collectionName)) {
            throw new NotFoundException("The collection doesn't exist in the datasource");
        MongoDatabase mongoDatabase = mongoClient.getDatabase(databaseName);
        MongoCollection<Document> collection = mongoDatabase.getCollection(collectionName);
        Document query = new Document("_id", new ObjectId(documentId));
        if (collection.count(query) == 0) {
            throw new NotFoundException("The document doesn't exist in the datasource");
        Document document = collection.find(query).first();
        return JSON.serialize(document);
    } catch (MongoException ex) {
        logger.error("An error occured while retrieving the document", ex);
        throw new DatasourceException("An error occured while retrieving the document");