Example usage for Java com.mongodb MongoURI fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | MONGODB_PREFIX The prefix for mongodb URIs. |
MongoURI(final String uri) Creates a MongoURI from a string. | |
MongoURI(final MongoClientURI proxied) Create a new MongoURI from a MongoClientURI. |
Mongo | connect() Creates a Mongo instance based on the URI. |
DB | connectDB() Returns the DB object from a newly created Mongo instance based on this URI. |
String | getCollection() Gets the collection name. |
MongoCredential | getCredentials() Gets the credentials. |
String | getDatabase() Gets the database name. |
MongoOptions | getOptions() Gets the options. |
char[] | getPassword() Gets the password. |
String | getUsername() Gets the username. |
String | toString() |