Example usage for com.mongodb MongoException subclass-usage

List of usage examples for com.mongodb MongoException subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb MongoException subclass-usage.


From source file com.grooveshark.util.db.MongoAccessException.java

 * Exception to be thrown, when there is any discrepancies in
 * {@link MongoAccess}
 * @author andy.compeer@gmail.com

From source file com.lowereast.guiceymongo.GuiceyMongoEvalException.java

public class GuiceyMongoEvalException extends MongoException {
    private static String _errorPrefix = "eval failed: { \"errno\" : -3.0 , \"errmsg\" : \"invoke failed: JS Error: ";

    private String _type;

From source file com.mattinsler.guiceymongo.GuiceyMongoEvalException.java

public class GuiceyMongoEvalException extends MongoException {
    private static String _errorPrefix = "eval failed: { \"errno\" : -3.0 , \"errmsg\" : \"invoke failed: JS Error: ";

    private String _type;

From source file net.vz.mongodb.jackson.MongoJsonMappingException.java

 * Exception used to indicate a problem occurred when converting the MongoDB objects to Jackson
 * @author James Roper
 * @since 1.0

From source file org.mongojack.MongoJsonMappingException.java

 * Exception used to indicate a problem occurred when converting the MongoDB objects to Jackson
 * @author James Roper
 * @since 1.0