List of usage examples for com.mongodb MongoClientURI getHosts
public List<String> getHosts()
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License:Apache License
@Override protected void service(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { PrintWriter writer = resp.getWriter(); writer.println("<html>"); writer.println("<head><title>MyServlet</title></head>"); writer.println("<body><h1>MyServlet</h1>"); writer.println("<h2>MongoDB</h2>"); String uriAsString = System.getProperty("MONGOHQ_URL_MYDB", "mongodb://localhost/local"); MongoClient mongoClient = null;/* w ww .j a v a 2 s . co m*/ try { writer.println("<h4>MongoClientURI</h4>"); MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(uriAsString); writer.println("<p>" + "host=" + uri.getHosts() + ",username=" + uri.getUsername() + ",database=" + uri.getDatabase() + ",collection=" + uri.getCollection() + "</p>"); writer.println("<h4>MongoClient</h4>"); mongoClient = new MongoClient(uri); writer.println("<p>" + mongoClient + "</p>"); writer.println("<h4>Databases</h4>"); try { List<String> databaseNames = mongoClient.getDatabaseNames(); writer.println("<ul>"); for (String databaseName : databaseNames) { writer.println("<li>" + databaseName + (databaseName.equals(uri.getDatabase()) ? " - default database" : "")); } writer.println("</ul>"); } catch (Exception e) { writer.println("<p>Could not list the databases of the MongoDB instance: <code>" + e.getMessage() + "</code></p>"); } writer.println("<h4>Database</h4>"); DB db = mongoClient.getDB(uri.getDatabase()); writer.println("<p>DB: " + db.getName() + "</p>"); writer.println("<h4>Collections</h4>"); Set<String> myCollections = db.getCollectionNames(); if (myCollections.isEmpty()) { writer.println("<p>NO COLLECTIONS!</p>"); } else { writer.println("<ul>"); for (String collection : myCollections) { DBCollection dbCollection = db.getCollection(collection); writer.println( "<li>" + dbCollection.getName() + " - " + dbCollection.getCount() + " entries</li>"); } writer.println("</ul>"); } writer.println("<h4>Success!</h4>"); writer.println("SUCCESS to access the mongodb database"); } catch (Exception e) { writer.println("<code><pre>"); e.printStackTrace(writer); writer.println("</pre></code>"); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (mongoClient != null) { try { mongoClient.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } writer.println("</body></html>"); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Validates MongoClientURI //www .ja va 2s . c o m * @param mongoClientURI {MongoClientURI} must not be null and contain valid host and (optional) port. */ private void validateMongoClientURI(MongoClientURI mongoClientURI) { // 1. Argument not optional if (null == mongoClientURI) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("'mongoClientURI' argument may not be null."); } // 2. Validate host for (String host : mongoClientURI.getHosts()) { // ensure not null or empty or just whitespace chars if (null != host && host.trim().length() > 0) { try { // create a URI from the host name - may throw URISyntaxException URI uri = new URI("my://" + host); // get host without port from URI host = uri.getHost(); if (null == host || host.trim().length() == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "'mongoClientURI' argument must contain a valid host: " + mongoClientURI); } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { // validation failed due to malformed host throw new IllegalArgumentException( "'mongoClientURI' argument must contain a valid host: " + mongoClientURI); } } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "'mongoClientURI' argument: host is mandatory: " + mongoClientURI); } } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Get a Mongo host string e.g. <b></b> *//*from w w w. j av a 2 s .c o m*/ public String getMongoHost() { MongoClientURI mongoClientURI = new MongoClientURI(getMongoURIWithoutDB()); return mongoClientURI.getHosts().get(0); }
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License:Apache License
private void registerNodeStore() throws IOException { String uri = PropertiesUtil.toString(prop(PROP_URI, FWK_PROP_URI), DEFAULT_URI); String db = PropertiesUtil.toString(prop(PROP_DB, FWK_PROP_DB), DEFAULT_DB); int cacheSize = toInteger(prop(PROP_CACHE), DEFAULT_CACHE); int nodeCachePercentage = toInteger(prop(PROP_NODE_CACHE_PERCENTAGE), DEFAULT_NODE_CACHE_PERCENTAGE); int prevDocCachePercentage = toInteger(prop(PROP_PREV_DOC_CACHE_PERCENTAGE), DEFAULT_NODE_CACHE_PERCENTAGE); int childrenCachePercentage = toInteger(prop(PROP_CHILDREN_CACHE_PERCENTAGE), DEFAULT_CHILDREN_CACHE_PERCENTAGE); int docChildrenCachePercentage = toInteger(prop(PROP_DOC_CHILDREN_CACHE_PERCENTAGE), DEFAULT_DOC_CHILDREN_CACHE_PERCENTAGE); int diffCachePercentage = toInteger(prop(PROP_DIFF_CACHE_PERCENTAGE), DEFAULT_DIFF_CACHE_PERCENTAGE); int blobCacheSize = toInteger(prop(PROP_BLOB_CACHE_SIZE), DEFAULT_BLOB_CACHE_SIZE); String persistentCache = PropertiesUtil.toString(prop(PROP_PERSISTENT_CACHE), DEFAULT_PERSISTENT_CACHE); int cacheSegmentCount = toInteger(prop(PROP_CACHE_SEGMENT_COUNT), DEFAULT_CACHE_SEGMENT_COUNT); int cacheStackMoveDistance = toInteger(prop(PROP_CACHE_STACK_MOVE_DISTANCE), DEFAULT_CACHE_STACK_MOVE_DISTANCE); DocumentMK.Builder mkBuilder = new DocumentMK.Builder().setStatisticsProvider(statisticsProvider) .memoryCacheSize(cacheSize * MB) .memoryCacheDistribution(nodeCachePercentage, prevDocCachePercentage, childrenCachePercentage, docChildrenCachePercentage, diffCachePercentage) .setCacheSegmentCount(cacheSegmentCount).setCacheStackMoveDistance(cacheStackMoveDistance) .setLeaseCheck(true /* OAK-2739: enabled by default */) .setLeaseFailureHandler(new LeaseFailureHandler() { @Override/*from w w w . j a v a 2s . c om*/ public void handleLeaseFailure() { try { // plan A: try stopping oak-core log.error("handleLeaseFailure: stopping oak-core..."); Bundle bundle = context.getBundleContext().getBundle(); bundle.stop(); log.error("handleLeaseFailure: stopped oak-core."); // plan A worked, perfect! } catch (BundleException e) { log.error("handleLeaseFailure: exception while stopping oak-core: " + e, e); // plan B: stop only DocumentNodeStoreService (to stop the background threads) log.error("handleLeaseFailure: stopping DocumentNodeStoreService..."); context.disableComponent(DocumentNodeStoreService.class.getName()); log.error("handleLeaseFailure: stopped DocumentNodeStoreService"); // plan B succeeded. } } }); if (persistentCache != null && persistentCache.length() > 0) { mkBuilder.setPersistentCache(persistentCache); } boolean wrappingCustomBlobStore = customBlobStore && blobStore instanceof BlobStoreWrapper; //Set blobstore before setting the DB if (customBlobStore && !wrappingCustomBlobStore) { checkNotNull(blobStore, "Use of custom BlobStore enabled via [%s] but blobStore reference not " + "initialized", CUSTOM_BLOB_STORE); mkBuilder.setBlobStore(blobStore); } if (documentStoreType == DocumentStoreType.RDB) { checkNotNull(dataSource, "DataStore type set [%s] but DataSource reference not initialized", PROP_DS_TYPE); if (!customBlobStore) { checkNotNull(blobDataSource, "DataStore type set [%s] but BlobDataSource reference not initialized", PROP_DS_TYPE); mkBuilder.setRDBConnection(dataSource, blobDataSource);"Connected to datasources {} {}", dataSource, blobDataSource); } else { if (blobDataSource != null && blobDataSource != dataSource) {"Ignoring blobDataSource {} as custom blob store takes precedence.", blobDataSource); } mkBuilder.setRDBConnection(dataSource);"Connected to datasource {}", dataSource); } } else { MongoClientURI mongoURI = new MongoClientURI(uri); if (log.isInfoEnabled()) { // Take care around not logging the uri directly as it // might contain passwords "Starting DocumentNodeStore with host={}, db={}, cache size (MB)={}, persistentCache={}, " + "blobCacheSize (MB)={}, maxReplicationLagInSecs={}", mongoURI.getHosts(), db, cacheSize, persistentCache, blobCacheSize, maxReplicationLagInSecs);"Mongo Connection details {}", MongoConnection.toString(mongoURI.getOptions())); } mkBuilder.setMaxReplicationLag(maxReplicationLagInSecs, TimeUnit.SECONDS); mkBuilder.setMongoDB(uri, db, blobCacheSize);"Connected to database '{}'", db); } if (!customBlobStore) { defaultBlobStore = mkBuilder.getBlobStore();"Registering the BlobStore with ServiceRegistry"); blobStoreReg = context.getBundleContext().registerService(BlobStore.class.getName(), defaultBlobStore, null); } //Set wrapping blob store after setting the DB if (wrappingCustomBlobStore) { ((BlobStoreWrapper) blobStore).setBlobStore(mkBuilder.getBlobStore()); mkBuilder.setBlobStore(blobStore); } mkBuilder.setExecutor(executor); mk =; // ensure a clusterId is initialized // and expose it as 'oak.clusterid' repository descriptor GenericDescriptors clusterIdDesc = new GenericDescriptors(); clusterIdDesc.put(ClusterRepositoryInfo.OAK_CLUSTERID_REPOSITORY_DESCRIPTOR_KEY, new SimpleValueFactory().createValue(ClusterRepositoryInfo.getOrCreateId(mk.getNodeStore())), true, false); whiteboard.register(Descriptors.class, clusterIdDesc, Collections.emptyMap()); // If a shared data store register the repo id in the data store if (SharedDataStoreUtils.isShared(blobStore)) { try { String repoId = ClusterRepositoryInfo.getOrCreateId(mk.getNodeStore()); ((SharedDataStore) blobStore).addMetadataRecord(new ByteArrayInputStream(new byte[0]), SharedDataStoreUtils.SharedStoreRecordType.REPOSITORY.getNameFromId(repoId)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Could not register a unique repositoryId", e); } } registerJMXBeans(mk.getNodeStore(), mkBuilder); registerLastRevRecoveryJob(mk.getNodeStore()); registerJournalGC(mk.getNodeStore()); NodeStore store; documentNodeStore = mk.getNodeStore(); store = documentNodeStore; observerTracker = new ObserverTracker(documentNodeStore); observerTracker.start(context.getBundleContext()); DocumentStore ds = mk.getDocumentStore(); // OAK-2682: time difference detection applied at startup with a default // max time diff of 2000 millis (2sec) final long maxDiff = Long.parseLong(System.getProperty("oak.documentMK.maxServerTimeDiffMillis", "2000")); try { if (maxDiff >= 0) { final long timeDiff = ds.determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis();"registerNodeStore: server time difference: {}ms (max allowed: {}ms)", timeDiff, maxDiff); if (Math.abs(timeDiff) > maxDiff) { throw new AssertionError("Server clock seems off (" + timeDiff + "ms) by more than configured amount (" + maxDiff + "ms)"); } } } catch (RuntimeException e) { // no checked exception // in case of a RuntimeException, just log but continue log.warn("registerNodeStore: got RuntimeException while trying to determine time difference to server: " + e, e); } Dictionary<String, Object> props = new Hashtable<String, Object>(); props.put(Constants.SERVICE_PID, DocumentNodeStore.class.getName()); props.put(DESCRIPTION, getMetadata(ds)); // OAK-2844: in order to allow DocumentDiscoveryLiteService to directly // require a service DocumentNodeStore (instead of having to do an 'instanceof') // the registration is now done for both NodeStore and DocumentNodeStore here. nodeStoreReg = context.getBundleContext().registerService(new String[] { NodeStore.class.getName(), DocumentNodeStore.class.getName(), Clusterable.class.getName() }, store, props); }
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License:Open Source License
private List<String> getCommands(final Path scriptPath) throws MongoDataException { List<String> commandList = new ArrayList<>(); if (SystemUtils.IS_OS_WINDOWS) { commandList.add("CMD"); commandList.add("/C"); }//ww w . j a v a2s. c om if (StringUtils.isBlank(mongoClientBin)) { throw new MongoDataException("Unable to run scripts, mongo client bin path is not set "); } String pwd = null; String authSource = null; String user = null; MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(connectionStr); if (uri.getCredentials() != null) { authSource = uri.getCredentials().getSource(); user = uri.getCredentials().getUserName(); if (uri.getCredentials().getPassword() != null) { pwd = new String(uri.getCredentials().getPassword()); } } String replicaSetName = ""; if (uri.getHosts().size() > 1) { replicaSetName = uri.getOptions().getRequiredReplicaSetName() + "/"; } final String host = StringUtils.trim(replicaSetName + StringUtils.join(uri.getHosts(), ",")); commandList.add(mongoClientBin); commandList.add("--host"); commandList.add(host); commandList.add(uri.getDatabase()); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(user) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(pwd) && StringUtils.isNotBlank(authSource)) { commandList.add("-u"); commandList.add(user); commandList.add("-p"); commandList.add(pwd); commandList.add("--authenticationDatabase"); commandList.add(authSource); } commandList.add(scriptPath.toAbsolutePath().toString()); return commandList; }
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License:Open Source License
private ServerAddress[] extractServerAddresses(MongoClientURI mongoClientURI) { final List<String> hosts = mongoClientURI.getHosts(); final List<ServerAddress> serverAddresses = new ArrayList<>(hosts.size()); for (String host : hosts) { final HostAndPort hostAndPort = HostAndPort.fromString(host) .withDefaultPort(ServerAddress.defaultPort()); final ServerAddress serverAddress = new ServerAddress(hostAndPort.getHostText(), hostAndPort.getPort()); serverAddresses.add(serverAddress); }/*from w w w . j a v a2 s. c o m*/ return serverAddresses.toArray(new ServerAddress[serverAddresses.size()]); }
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License:Open Source License
private void parseOptionsFromURI(MongoClientURI uri, Map<String, String> options) { if (uri.getUsername() != null && uri.getUsername().isEmpty() == false) { options.put(MongoDumpOptions.USERNAME, uri.getUsername()); }//from ww w . j ava 2s. c om if (uri.getPassword() != null && uri.getPassword().length > 0) { options.put(MongoDumpOptions.PASSWORD, new String(uri.getPassword())); } if (uri.getHosts() != null && uri.getHosts().isEmpty() == false) { final String hostWithPort = uri.getHosts().get(0); final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(.*)(:(\\d+))?"); final Matcher m = p.matcher(hostWithPort); if (m.matches()) { final String host =; final String port =; if (host.isEmpty() == false) { options.put(MongoDumpOptions.HOST, host); if (port != null) { options.put(MongoDumpOptions.PORT, port); } } } } if (uri.getDatabase() != null && uri.getDatabase().isEmpty() == false) { options.put(MongoDumpOptions.DB, uri.getDatabase()); } if (uri.getCollection() != null && uri.getCollection().isEmpty() == false) { options.put(MongoDumpOptions.COLLECTION, uri.getCollection()); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void parseOptionsFromURI(MongoClientURI uri, Map<String, String> options) { if (uri.getUsername() != null && uri.getUsername().isEmpty() == false) { options.put(MongoRestoreOptions.USERNAME, uri.getUsername()); }/*from w w w .j a va 2s .com*/ if (uri.getPassword() != null && uri.getPassword().length > 0) { options.put(MongoRestoreOptions.PASSWORD, new String(uri.getPassword())); } if (uri.getHosts() != null && uri.getHosts().isEmpty() == false) { final String hostWithPort = uri.getHosts().get(0); final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(.*)(:(\\d+))?"); final Matcher m = p.matcher(hostWithPort); if (m.matches()) { final String host =; final String port =; if (host.isEmpty() == false) { options.put(MongoRestoreOptions.HOST, host); if (port != null) { options.put(MongoRestoreOptions.PORT, port); } } } } if (uri.getDatabase() != null && uri.getDatabase().isEmpty() == false) { options.put(MongoRestoreOptions.DB, uri.getDatabase()); } if (uri.getCollection() != null && uri.getCollection().isEmpty() == false) { options.put(MongoRestoreOptions.COLLECTION, uri.getCollection()); } }
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License:Open Source License
private void parseOptionsFromURI(ProcessCreator.Builder builder, MongoClientURI uri) { if (uri.getUsername() != null && uri.getUsername().isEmpty() == false) { builder.option("--username", uri.getUsername()); }/*from w w w .ja va2 s. c o m*/ if (uri.getPassword() != null && uri.getPassword().length > 0) { builder.option("--password", new String(uri.getPassword())); } if (uri.getHosts() != null && uri.getHosts().isEmpty() == false) { final String hostWithPort = uri.getHosts().get(0); final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(.*)(:(\\d+))?"); final Matcher m = p.matcher(hostWithPort); if (m.matches()) { final String host =; final String port =; if (host.isEmpty() == false) { builder.option("--host", host); if (port != null) { builder.option("--port", port); } } } } }
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License:Open Source License
private void parseOptionsFromURI(MongoClientURI uri, Map<String, String> options) { if (uri.getUsername() != null && uri.getUsername().isEmpty() == false) { options.put(MongoDumpOptions.USERNAME, uri.getUsername()); }//from ww w . ja v a2s. com if (uri.getPassword() != null && uri.getPassword().length > 0) { options.put(MongoDumpOptions.PASSWORD, new String(uri.getPassword())); } if (uri.getHosts() != null && uri.getHosts().isEmpty() == false) { final String hostWithPort = uri.getHosts().get(0); final Pattern p = Pattern.compile("(.*)(:(\\d+))?"); final Matcher m = p.matcher(hostWithPort); if (m.matches()) { final String host =; final String port =; if (host.isEmpty() == false) { options.put(MongoDumpOptions.HOST, host); if (port != null) { options.put(MongoDumpOptions.PORT, port); } } } } }