Example usage for com.mongodb MongoClient MongoClient

List of usage examples for com.mongodb MongoClient MongoClient


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb MongoClient MongoClient.


public MongoClient(final MongoClientURI uri, final MongoDriverInformation mongoDriverInformation) 

Source Link


Creates a Mongo described by a URI.


From source file:com.garyclayburg.persistence.config.LocalMongoClientConfig.java

License:Open Source License

@Bean/*from  w w w.  j ava  2s  .  c  o m*/
public Mongo mongo() throws Exception {
    log.info("configuring local mongo bean: " + mongoHost + ":" + mongoPort);
    MongoClient mongoClient = null;
    try {
        log.debug("mongoHost: " + mongoHost);
        log.debug("mongoPort: " + mongoPort);
        log.debug("mongoUser: " + mongoUser);
        log.debug("mongoDatabase: " + mongoDatabase);

        if (mongoUser != null) {
            log.debug("using user/password authentication to mongodb");
            MongoCredential credential = MongoCredential.createCredential(mongoUser, getDatabaseName(),
            List<MongoCredential> credList = new ArrayList<MongoCredential>();
            mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(mongoHost, mongoPort), credList);
        } else {

            log.debug("attempting no authentication to mongodb");
            mongoClient = new MongoClient(mongoHost, mongoPort);


    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        log.warn("kaboom", e);
    return mongoClient;

From source file:com.gdn.x.ui.function.Permute.java

static void permute(java.util.List<Integer> arr, int k) {
    for (int i = k; i < arr.size(); i++) {
        java.util.Collections.swap(arr, i, k);
        permute(arr, k + 1);//from   w w  w.  j ava 2  s .  c o m
        java.util.Collections.swap(arr, k, i);
    if (k == arr.size() - 1) {
        MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);
        DB db = mongoClient.getDB("tool_data");
        DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("combination");
        BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject();
        doc.put("weight", java.util.Arrays.toString(arr.toArray()));

From source file:com.github.camellabs.iot.cloudlet.document.driver.DriverDocumentCloudlet.java

License:Apache License

@ConditionalOnProperty(value = "camel.labs.iot.cloudlet.document.driver.mongodb.springbootconfig", matchIfMissing = true, havingValue = "false")
Mongo mongo() throws UnknownHostException {
    String mongodbKubernetesHost = System.getenv("MONGODB_SERVICE_HOST");
    String mongodbKubernetesPort = System.getenv("MONGODB_SERVICE_PORT");
    if (mongodbKubernetesHost != null && mongodbKubernetesPort != null) {
        LOG.info("Kubernetes MongoDB service detected - {}:{}. Connecting...", mongodbKubernetesHost,
                mongodbKubernetesPort);//from  w  ww  . j  av a  2 s  . c om
        return new MongoClient(mongodbKubernetesHost, parseInt(mongodbKubernetesPort));
    } else {
        LOG.info("Can't find MongoDB Kubernetes service.");
        LOG.debug("Environment variables: {}", getenv());

    try {
        LOG.info("Attempting to connect to the MongoDB server at mongodb:27017.");
        Mongo mongo = new MongoClient("mongodb");
        return mongo;
    } catch (MongoTimeoutException e) {
        LOG.info("Can't connect to the MongoDB server at mongodb:27017. Falling back to the localhost:27017.");
        return new MongoClient();

From source file:com.github.danzx.zekke.mongo.config.MongoClientConfig.java

License:Apache License

public MongoClient mongoClient(MongoDbSettings mongoSettings) {
    return mongoSettings.getCredential().isPresent()
            ? new MongoClient(mongoSettings.getAddress(), singletonList(mongoSettings.getCredential().get()))
            : new MongoClient(mongoSettings.getAddress());

From source file:com.github.danzx.zekke.test.mongo.EmbeddedMongo.java

License:Apache License

public void start() throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
    mongodExe = MONGO_STARTER.prepare(new MongodConfigBuilder().version(Version.Main.V3_4)
            .net(new Net(bindIp, port, Network.localhostIsIPv6())).build());
    mongod = mongodExe.start();//from ww  w  .jav  a  2s.  c  o m
    mongo = new MongoClient(bindIp, port);

From source file:com.github.frapontillo.pulse.crowd.data.repository.DataLayer.java

License:Apache License

 * Reads from a {@code database.properties} file and sets up the DB client and connection,
 * mapping all of the entity classes.//from  ww  w  .jav a  2  s  . co m
 * <p/>
 * You can optionally specify a target DB name that will override the one in the properties
 * file.
 * <p/>
 * The configuration file must have the following:
 * <ul>
 * <li>{@code database.host}, the server host of the DB instance</li>
 * <li>{@code database.port}, the server port of the DB instance</li>
 * <li>{@code database.name}, the name of the DB collection</li>
 * <li>{@code database.username}, the username with access to the collection</li>
 * <li>{@code database.password}, the password of the user with access to the collection</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param db The target database to connect to.
public DataLayer(String db) {
    // the input target overrides the DB name in the `database.properties` file
    DBConfig config = new DBConfig(getClass(), db);

    MongoClient client = new MongoClient(config.getServerAddress(), config.getCredentials());

    // map all Morphia classes
    Morphia morphia = new Morphia();
    // create and/or get the datastore
    datastore = morphia.createDatastore(client, config.getDBName());

From source file:com.github.frapontillo.pulse.crowd.data.repository.Repository.java

License:Apache License

 * Create a new Repository using the default configuration in `database.properties` and
 * overriding the db name//w w w .  j a  va2s  .  c  o m
 * with the one in input.
 * @param db The database name to use for this Repository instance.
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "deprecation" })
public Repository(String db) {
    DBConfig config = new DBConfig(getClass(), db);

    MongoClient client = new MongoClient(config.getServerAddress(), config.getCredentials());

    // map all Morphia classes
    morphia = new Morphia();

    ClusterSettings clusterSettings = ClusterSettings.builder()
    MongoClientSettings settings = MongoClientSettings.builder().clusterSettings(clusterSettings)
    com.mongodb.reactivestreams.client.MongoClient rxClient = MongoClients.create(settings);

    // create and/or get the datastore
    datastore = morphia.createDatastore(client, config.getDBName());
    // init the DAO

    // create the reactive database
    rxDatastore = rxClient.getDatabase(config.getDBName());


From source file:com.github.joelittlejohn.embedmongo.MongoScriptsMojo.java

License:Apache License

DB connectToMongoAndGetDatabase() throws MojoExecutionException {
    if (databaseName == null || databaseName.trim().length() == 0) {
        throw new MojoExecutionException("Database name is missing");
    }//www .  j  av a 2s.  c  o m

    MongoClient mongoClient;
    try {
        mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", getPort());
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to connect to mongo instance", e);
    getLog().info("Connected to MongoDB");
    return mongoClient.getDB(databaseName);

From source file:com.github.maasdi.mongo.wrapper.NoAuthMongoClientWrapper.java

License:Apache License

protected MongoClient getClient(MongoDbMeta meta, VariableSpace vars, LogChannelInterface log,
        List<ServerAddress> repSet, boolean useAllReplicaSetMembers, MongoClientOptions opts)
        throws KettleException {
    try {/*from www . ja v  a2s  .  c om*/
        // Mongo's java driver will discover all replica set or shard
        // members (Mongos) automatically when MongoClient is constructed
        // using a list of ServerAddresses. The javadocs state that MongoClient
        // should be constructed using a SingleServer address instance (rather
        // than a list) when connecting to a stand-alone host - this is why
        // we differentiate here between a list containing one ServerAddress
        // and a single ServerAddress instance via the useAllReplicaSetMembers
        // flag.
        return (repSet.size() > 1 || (useAllReplicaSetMembers && repSet.size() >= 1)
                ? new MongoClient(repSet, opts)
                : (repSet.size() == 1 ? new MongoClient(repSet.get(0), opts)
                        : new MongoClient(new ServerAddress("localhost"), opts))); //$NON-NLS-1$
    } catch (UnknownHostException u) {
        throw new KettleException(u);

From source file:com.github.sakserv.storm.bolt.MongoBolt.java

License:Apache License

public void prepare(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Map stormConf, TopologyContext context,
        OutputCollector collector) {/*from  w  w w  .ja  v  a  2 s . c  om*/

    this.collector = collector;
    try {
        this.mongoDB = new MongoClient(mongoHost, mongoPort).getDB(mongoDbName);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);