List of usage examples for com.mongodb MongoClient getDB
@Deprecated public DB getDB(final String dbName)
From source
public String validate(String username, String password) { String returnText = LOGIN_FAILURE; Mongo mongo = new Mongo("localhost", 27017); DB db = mongo.getDB("Restaurant"); try {//ww w .j av a 2 s . c o m //boolean auth = db.authenticate(username, password.toCharArray()); MongoCredential credential2 = MongoCredential.createCredential(username, "Restaurant", password.toCharArray()); MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(), Arrays.asList(credential2)); DB db2 = mongoClient.getDB("Restaurant"); System.out.println("Connect to database successfully"); DBCollection coll = db2.getCollection("Users"); System.out.println("Collection users selected successfully"); BasicDBObject document2 = new BasicDBObject(); document2.put("UserName", username); document2.put("Password", password); //coll.insert(document2); DBCursor cur2 = coll.find(document2); System.out.println(cur2.toString()); while (cur2.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } System.out.println("Login is successful!"); if (credential2 != null) { DBCollection table = db.getCollection("Users"); BasicDBObject document = new BasicDBObject(); document.put("UserName", username); table.insert(document); DBCursor cur = table.find(document); while (cur.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } HttpSession session = SessionBean.getSession(); session.setAttribute("UserName", user); System.out.println("Login is successful!"); returnText = LOGIN_SUCCESS; return "admins"; } else { FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_WARN, "Incorrect Username and Passowrd", "Please enter correct username and Password")); System.out.println("Login is failed!"); return "login"; } //System.out.println("Done"); //return returnText; } catch (MongoException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { mongo.close(); } return returnText; }
From source
public Boolean connectDB() { try {//from www .j ava 2s . co m // To connect to mongo dbserver MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(Constants.HOST_BD_MONGO, Constants.PORT_BD_MONGO); // Now connect to your databases DB db = mongoClient.getDB("recuerdos"); System.out.println("Connect to database successfully"); coll = db.getCollection("orders"); System.out.println("Collection orders selected successfully"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); return false; } }
From source
public Boolean connectDB() { try {//from www. jav a 2 s . c om // To connect to mongo dbserver MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(Constants.HOST_BD_MONGO, Constants.PORT_BD_MONGO); // Now connect to your databases DB db = mongoClient.getDB("recuerdos"); System.out.println("Connect to database successfully"); coll = db.getCollection("shops"); System.out.println("Collection account selected successfully"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); return false; } }
From source
public Boolean connectDB() { try {// ww w . j a va2 s. c o m // To connect to mongo dbserver MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(Constants.HOST_BD_MONGO, Constants.PORT_BD_MONGO); // Now connect to your databases DB db = mongoClient.getDB("recuerdos"); System.out.println("Connect to database successfully"); coll = db.getCollection("users"); System.out.println("Collection account selected successfully"); return true; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage()); return false; } }
From source
public void usersOfUrl(String URL) { // TODO code application logic here // TODO code application logic here int limit = 0; String filename = "Users_Of_Url_" + URL + ".txt"; // To directly connect to a single MongoDB server (note that this will not auto-discover the primary even MongoClient mongoClient; try {/*from w w w. j av a 2s .c o m*/ mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost"); //use database DB db = mongoClient.getDB("users"); //get collection DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("urls"); // build the $projection operation // DBObject fields = new BasicDBObject("user", 1); // fields.put("_id", 0); // BasicDBObject project = new BasicDBObject("$project", fields); //build the match operation DBObject matchFields = new BasicDBObject("url", URL); DBObject match = new BasicDBObject("$match", matchFields); // Now the $group operation DBObject groupFields = new BasicDBObject("_id", "$user"); groupFields.put("count", new BasicDBObject("$sum", 1)); DBObject group = new BasicDBObject("$group", groupFields); // Finally the $sort operation BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject("$sort", new BasicDBObject("count", -1)); // run aggregation List<DBObject> pipeline; if (limit == 0) {// without limits! pipeline = Arrays.asList(match, group, sort); } else { // create new BasicDBObject that limit query result in only 100 rows DBObject limitRes = new BasicDBObject("$limit", limit); pipeline = Arrays.asList(match, group, sort, limitRes); } AggregationOptions aggregationOptions = AggregationOptions.builder().batchSize(100) .outputMode(AggregationOptions.OutputMode.CURSOR).allowDiskUse(true).build(); Cursor cursor = coll.aggregate(pipeline, aggregationOptions); writeToFile(cursor, filename, "User\t Count"); cursor.close(); mongoClient.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("Something's Wrong! " + ex); } }
From source
public void topUrls() { // TODO code application logic here int limit = 0; String filename = "Top_Urls_More.txt"; // To directly connect to a single MongoDB server (note that this will not auto-discover the primary even MongoClient mongoClient; try {//ww w.j a va 2s. co m mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost"); //use database DB db = mongoClient.getDB("users"); //get collection DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("urls"); // build the $projection operation DBObject fields = new BasicDBObject("url", 1); fields.put("_id", 0); BasicDBObject project = new BasicDBObject("$project", fields); // Now the $group operation DBObject groupFields = new BasicDBObject("_id", "$url"); groupFields.put("count", new BasicDBObject("$sum", 1)); DBObject group = new BasicDBObject("$group", groupFields); // Finally the $sort operation BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject("$sort", new BasicDBObject("count", -1)); // run aggregation List<DBObject> pipeline; if (limit == 0) {// without limits! pipeline = Arrays.asList(project, group, sort); } else { // create new BasicDBObject that limit query result in only 100 rows DBObject limitRes = new BasicDBObject("$limit", limit); pipeline = Arrays.asList(project, group, sort, limitRes); } AggregationOptions aggregationOptions = AggregationOptions.builder().batchSize(100) .outputMode(AggregationOptions.OutputMode.CURSOR).allowDiskUse(true).build(); Cursor cursor = coll.aggregate(pipeline, aggregationOptions); writeToFile2(cursor, filename, "URL\t Count"); cursor.close(); mongoClient.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("Something's Wrong! " + ex); } }
From source
public void timeIntervals() { // TODO code application logic here int limit = 0; String filename = "Times.txt"; // To directly connect to a single MongoDB server (note that this will not auto-discover the primary even MongoClient mongoClient; try {// w w w . j a v a 2 s.c o m mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost"); //use database DB db = mongoClient.getDB("users"); //get collection DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("urls"); // build the $projection operation DBObject fields = new BasicDBObject("time", 1); fields.put("_id", 0); BasicDBObject project = new BasicDBObject("$project", fields); // Now the $group operation DBObject groupFields = new BasicDBObject("_id", "$time"); //groupFields.put("count", new BasicDBObject("$sum", 1)); DBObject group = new BasicDBObject("$group", groupFields); // Finally the $sort operation //BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject("$sort", new BasicDBObject("count", -1)); // run aggregation List<DBObject> pipeline; if (limit == 0) {// without limits! pipeline = Arrays.asList(project, group); } else { // create new BasicDBObject that limit query result in only 100 rows DBObject limitRes = new BasicDBObject("$limit", limit); pipeline = Arrays.asList(project, group, limitRes); } AggregationOptions aggregationOptions = AggregationOptions.builder().batchSize(100) .outputMode(AggregationOptions.OutputMode.CURSOR).allowDiskUse(true).build(); Cursor cursor = coll.aggregate(pipeline, aggregationOptions); writeToFile3(cursor, filename, "Times"); cursor.close(); mongoClient.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("Something's Wrong! " + ex); } }
From source
public void usersToUrls() { // To directly connect to a single MongoDB server (note that this will not auto-discover the primary even MongoClient mongoClient; try {//from ww w .ja va 2 s.c om mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost"); //use database DB db = mongoClient.getDB("users"); //get collection DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("urls"); //iterate with a cursor BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("source", new BasicDBObject("$exists", true)); DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query); BufferedWriter writer = null; try { writer = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter("Users_To_Urls.txt")); writer.write("url,user,time\n"); while (cursor.hasNext()) { BasicDBObject tweet = (BasicDBObject); String time = tweet.get("created_at").toString(); String user = tweet.get("from_user").toString(); String urls[] = tweet.get("source").toString().replaceAll(""", "").split(";"); for (String url : urls) { if (url.matches("http.*")) { //The user posted one link, write it in the file! writer.write(url + "," + user + "," + time + "\n"); } } } } finally { cursor.close(); mongoClient.close(); writer.close(); } } catch (IOException ex) { System.out.println("Something's Wrong! " + ex); } }
From source
License:Apache License
public void run() { try {//from w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m this.imageOutputDir = System.getProperty(""); File outputBase = new File(this.imageOutputDir); testAndCreateDirectory(outputBase); MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(this.mongohost, this.mongoport); DB db = mongoClient.getDB(this.mongodb); GridFS gridFS = new GridFS(db); DBCursor cursor = gridFS.getFileList(this.queryFromOptions()).sort(new BasicDBObject("uploadDate", -1)); int imageNumber = 0; while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject fileObject =; GridFSDBFile file = gridFS.find((ObjectId) fileObject.get("_id")); printGridFSDBFile(file); if (writeImageFile(outputBase, imageNumber, file)) { imageNumber++; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * This function is establishing a connection to the new database and storing the new super user as well as the new root division. To correctly execute this function the {@link #mongoIsAvailable} function should be called first. * @param user The new super admin.//from w w w. ja v a 2s.c o m * @param division The new root division. * @return True if the operation was successfully, false otherwise. */ private boolean savingInitialSetup(User user, Division division, Settings settings) { if (mongoAddress != null && databaseName != null && !databaseName.isEmpty()) { logger.trace("Saving user and division using new MongoDB connection"); MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(mongoAddress, mongoCredential); DB mongoDB = mongoClient.getDB(databaseName); if (mongoClient.getDatabaseNames().contains(databaseName)) { logger.warn("The database already contains the defined collection, dropping content."); mongoDB.dropDatabase(); } try { if (user != null) { logger.debug("Storing user"); DBObject userObject = (DBObject) mappingMongoConverter.convertToMongoType(user); userObject.put("_class", user.getClass().getCanonicalName()); mongoDB.getCollection(user.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase()).insert(userObject); } if (division != null) { logger.debug("Storing division"); DBObject divisionObject = (DBObject) mappingMongoConverter.convertToMongoType(division); divisionObject.put("_class", division.getClass().getCanonicalName()); mongoDB.getCollection(division.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase()).insert(divisionObject); } if (settings != null) { logger.debug("Storing settings"); settings.saveSettings(user, null); DBObject settingsObject = (DBObject) mappingMongoConverter.convertToMongoType(settings); settingsObject.put("_class", settings.getClass().getCanonicalName()); mongoDB.getCollection(settings.getClass().getSimpleName().toLowerCase()).insert(settingsObject); }"Successfully saved root division and super admin"); return true; } catch (MongoException e) { logger.warn("Unable to store root division and super admin in database"); return false; } finally { mongoClient.close(); } } else { logger.warn( "Unable to save super admin and new root division, because the new MongoDB connection is not available"); return false; } }