List of usage examples for com.mongodb MongoClient close
public void close()
From source
@Override public VideoData getVideo(String id) throws RemoteException { try {/*w ww . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ //Cria conexao com MongoDB MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017); DB db = mongoClient.getDB("VideoDatabase"); //Recupera o video atraves do ID GridFS gfsVideo = new GridFS(db, "video"); BasicDBObject whereQuery = new BasicDBObject(); whereQuery.put("videoId", id); GridFSDBFile videoForOutput = gfsVideo.findOne(whereQuery); String filename = videoForOutput.getFilename(); try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("/Users/philcr/Documents/" + filename)) { videoForOutput.writeTo(fos); } Path path = Paths.get("/Users/philcr/Documents/" + filename); byte[] data = Files.readAllBytes(path); File videoFile = new File("/Users/philcr/Documents/" + filename); //Exclui o arquivo local boolean deletedFlag = videoFile.delete(); if (!deletedFlag) { System.err.println("Video could not be deleted!"); } mongoClient.close(); return new VideoData(data, filename, id); } catch (UnknownHostException ex) { Logger.getLogger(VideoServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { Logger.getLogger(VideoServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(VideoServer.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return null; } }
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/** * Processes requests for both HTTP <code>GET</code> and <code>POST</code> * methods.//w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m * * @param request * servlet request * @param response * servlet response * @throws ServletException * if a servlet-specific error occurs * @throws IOException * if an I/O error occurs */ protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("application/json;charset=UTF-8"); PrintWriter out = response.getWriter(); MongoClient mongoClient = null; try { if (request.getSession().getAttribute("userInfo") == null) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "Unauthorized"); return; } UserInfo userInfo = (UserInfo) request.getSession().getAttribute("userInfo"); String username = userInfo.getUsername(); String password = userInfo.getPassword(); String type = request.getParameter("type"); String other = request.getParameter("other"); String details = request.getParameter("details"); ConfigurationManager confMgr = ConfigurationManagerHandler.getInstance(); String mdburi = confMgr.getMongoDbUri(); int pos = mdburi.lastIndexOf("/"); String dbName = mdburi.substring(pos + 1, mdburi.length()); MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(mdburi); mongoClient = new MongoClient(uri); MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(dbName); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("advices"); Map<String, Object> userinfo = new HashMap<String, Object>(); userinfo.put("name", userInfo.getName()); userinfo.put("surname", userInfo.getSurname()); userinfo.put("course", userInfo.getCourse()); userinfo.put("department", userInfo.getDepartment()); userinfo.put("totalCFU", userInfo.getTotalCFU()); userinfo.put("username", userInfo.getUsername()); userinfo.put("studentId", userInfo.getStudentId()); userinfo.put("enrolledExams", userInfo.getEnrolledExams()); userinfo.put("registrationDate", userInfo.getRegistrationDate()); userinfo.put("studentClass", userInfo.getStudentClass()); userinfo.put("coursePath", userInfo.getCoursePath()); userinfo.put("courseLength", userInfo.getCourseLength()); Document userInfoDoc = new Document(userinfo); Map<String, Object> advice = new HashMap<String, Object>(); advice.put("type", type); if (other != null) advice.put("other", other); advice.put("details", details); advice.put("userInfo", userInfoDoc); collection.insertOne(new Document(advice)); out.println("{\"result\":\"success\"}"); } catch (Exception ex) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Internal server error"); } finally { out.close(); mongoClient.close(); } }
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License:GNU General Public License
public void close(@Disposes MongoClient client) {"Close Mongo Client"); client.close(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Connect MongoDB and call callback, close connection at last. * * @param collectionName Collection name. * @param callback Callback//from w w w .j av a2 s . c o m * @param <T> The type of value which you want to return. * @return The value which callback returned. */ public <T> T connect(String collectionName, CollectionCallback<T> callback) { MongoClient client = null; T t = null; try { client = getConnectedClient(); MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase(databaseName); MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection(collectionName); t = callback.doInCollection(collection); } finally { if (client != null) { client.close(); } } return t; }
From source
public static void main(final String[] args) throws ClassNotFoundException, SQLException, IOException { // /* ww w. j a v a 2 s .co m*/ CSVParser csv = new CSVParser(); dao mydao = new dao(); csv.insertData(); List<Country> coun = csv.getRecord(); // for (Country region:coun){ // if (region.getClass().toString().contains("entities.Region")){ // Region reg=(Region)region; // System.out.println(reg.getCityName()); // } // System.out.println(region.getClass()); // } // 1. Connect to MongoDB instance running on localhost MongoClient mongoClient = Connection.getMongoClient(); // Access database named 'test' MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("citySearchV3"); // Access collection named 'restaurants' MongoCollection collection = database.getCollection("locations"); //mydao.addData(coun, collection); // FindIterable<Document> docList = mydao.findCityByName("\"Vail\"", collection); // FindIterable<Document> docList = mydao.findCityByCoordinates(0, 0, collection); System.out.println("Select An Option"); System.out.println("1: Find Neigbhour cities based on Name"); System.out.println("2: Find Neigbhour cities based on Longtitude and Latitude"); System.out.println("3: Distance between Cities using Longitudes and Latitudes"); System.out.println("4: Exit The Program"); Scanner sc = new Scanner(; int val = sc.nextInt(); switch (val) { case 4: System.exit(0); break; case 3: float longi1, longi2, lati1, lati2; System.out.println("Enter Longitude of First City"); longi1 = sc.nextFloat(); while (Math.abs(longi1) > 180) { System.out.println("Enter the Value Again [-180,180]"); longi1 = sc.nextFloat(); } System.out.println("Enter Latitude of First City"); lati1 = sc.nextFloat(); while (Math.abs(lati1) > 90) { System.out.println("Enter the Value Again [-90,90]"); lati1 = sc.nextFloat(); } System.out.println("Enter Longitude of Second City"); longi2 = sc.nextFloat(); while (Math.abs(longi2) > 180) { System.out.println("Enter the Value Again [-180,180]"); longi2 = sc.nextFloat(); } System.out.println("Enter Latitude of Second City"); lati2 = sc.nextFloat(); while (Math.abs(lati2) > 90) { System.out.println("Enter the Value Again [-90,90]"); lati2 = sc.nextFloat(); } System.out.println("Distance is:"); System.out.println(GreatDistance(longi1, longi2, lati1, lati2) * 6371000); break; case 1: String s; System.out.println("Enter the City Name"); s = sc.nextLine(); // To avoid the empty line, caused by earlier use of Scanner String st = sc.nextLine(); FindIterable<Document> docList = mydao.findCityByName(st, collection); System.out.println("Result Of Longitude and Latitude"); Document tempDoc = docList.first(); Double currentLongitude = tempDoc.getDouble("longitude"); Double currentLatitude = tempDoc.getDouble("latitude"); System.out.println("How Many Nearby locations should be checked?"); int value = sc.nextInt(); BasicDBObject searchQuery = new BasicDBObject(); searchQuery.put("longitude", new BasicDBObject("$gt", currentLongitude)); searchQuery.put("latitude", new BasicDBObject("$lt", currentLongitude)); docList = collection.find(searchQuery).sort(new BasicDBObject("longitude", 1)); int tempCount = 1; for (Document d : docList) { if (d.getDouble("longitude") < currentLongitude) { continue; } if (tempCount <= value) { System.out.println(d.getString("name")); System.out.println(d.getDouble("longitude")); System.out.println(d.getDouble("latitude")); System.out.print("Distance : "); System.out.println(GreatDistance(currentLongitude, d.getDouble("longitude"), currentLatitude, d.getDouble("latitude"))); tempCount++; } } break; case 2: System.out.println("Enter Longitude:"); float f = sc.nextFloat(); System.out.println("Enter Latitude:"); float f2 = sc.nextFloat(); FindIterable<Document> docListv2 = mydao.findCityByCoordinates(f, f2, collection); Document doc = docListv2.first(); Double currentLongitudev2 = doc.getDouble("longitude"); Double currentLatitudev2 = doc.getDouble("latitude"); System.out.println("How Many Nearby locations should be checked?"); int valuev2 = sc.nextInt(); BasicDBObject searchQueryv2 = new BasicDBObject(); searchQueryv2.put("longitude", new BasicDBObject("$gt", currentLongitudev2)); searchQueryv2.put("longitude", new BasicDBObject("$lt", currentLongitudev2)); docList = collection.find(searchQueryv2).sort(new BasicDBObject("longitude", 1)); int tempCountv2 = 1; for (Document d : docList) { if ((d.getDouble("longitude") - currentLongitudev2) >= -1 && tempCountv2 <= valuev2) { System.out.println(d.getString("name")); System.out.println(d.getDouble("longitude")); System.out.println(d.getDouble("latitude")); System.out.print("Distance : "); System.out.println(GreatDistance(currentLongitudev2, d.getDouble("longitude"), currentLatitudev2, d.getDouble("latitude"))); tempCountv2++; } } break; } System.out.println("Done"); System.exit(0); mongoClient.close(); System.out.println("Done "); }
From source
License:Apache License
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // connect to the local database server MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(); /*/*from www.j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ // Authenticate - optional MongoCredential credential = MongoCredential.createMongoCRCredential(userName, database, password); MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(), Arrays.asList(credential)); */ System.out.println("##### DataBaseInitial"); // get db names for (String s : mongoClient.getDatabaseNames()) { System.out.println(s); } // get a db DB db = mongoClient.getDB("mydb"); System.out.println("##### With new DataBase MYDB"); // do an insert so that the db will really be created. Calling getDB() doesn't really take any // action with the server db.getCollection("testcollection").insert(new BasicDBObject("i", 1)); for (String s : mongoClient.getDatabaseNames()) { System.out.println(s); } // drop a database mongoClient.dropDatabase("mydb"); System.out.println("##### DataBase drop MYDB"); for (String s : mongoClient.getDatabaseNames()) { System.out.println(s); } // create a collection db = mongoClient.getDB("mydb"); db.createCollection("testCollection", new BasicDBObject("capped", true).append("size", 1048576)); System.out.println("##### ListAllCollection MYDB"); // List all collections for (String s : db.getCollectionNames()) { System.out.println(s); } // Dropping a collection DBCollection testCollection = db.getCollection("testCollection"); testCollection.drop(); System.out.println("##### ListAllCollection MYDB - Drop testCollection"); System.out.println(db.getCollectionNames()); /* Indexes */ // get a collection object to work with DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("testCollection"); // drop all the data in it coll.drop(); // create an index on the "i" field coll.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("i", 1)); // Geospatial query coll.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("loc", "2dsphere")); BasicDBList coordinates = new BasicDBList(); coordinates.put(0, -73.97); coordinates.put(1, 40.77); coll.insert(new BasicDBObject("name", "Central Park") .append("loc", new BasicDBObject("type", "Point").append("coordinates", coordinates)) .append("category", "Parks")); coordinates.put(0, -73.88); coordinates.put(1, 40.78); coll.insert(new BasicDBObject("name", "La Guardia Airport") .append("loc", new BasicDBObject("type", "Point").append("coordinates", coordinates)) .append("category", "Airport")); // Find whats within 500m of my location BasicDBList myLocation = new BasicDBList(); myLocation.put(0, -73.965); myLocation.put(1, 40.769); DBObject myDoc = coll.findOne(new BasicDBObject("loc", new BasicDBObject("$near", new BasicDBObject("$geometry", new BasicDBObject("type", "Point").append("coordinates", myLocation)) .append("$maxDistance", 500)))); System.out.println(myDoc.get("name")); // create a text index on the "content" field coll.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("content", "text")); coll.insert(new BasicDBObject("_id", 0).append("content", "textual content")); coll.insert(new BasicDBObject("_id", 1).append("content", "additional content")); coll.insert(new BasicDBObject("_id", 2).append("content", "irrelevant content")); // Find using the text index BasicDBObject search = new BasicDBObject("$search", "textual content -irrelevant"); BasicDBObject textSearch = new BasicDBObject("$text", search); int matchCount = coll.find(textSearch).count(); System.out.println("Text search matches: " + matchCount); // Find using the $language operator textSearch = new BasicDBObject("$text", search.append("$language", "english")); matchCount = coll.find(textSearch).count(); System.out.println("Text search matches (english): " + matchCount); // Find the highest scoring match BasicDBObject projection = new BasicDBObject("score", new BasicDBObject("$meta", "textScore")); myDoc = coll.findOne(textSearch, projection); System.out.println("Highest scoring document: " + myDoc); // list the indexes on the collection List<DBObject> list = coll.getIndexInfo(); for (final DBObject o : list) { System.out.println(o); } // clean up mongoClient.dropDatabase("mydb"); mongoClient.close(); }
From source
public void addToCollection(String jsonString) { MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(), Arrays.asList(MongoCredential.createCredential("admin", "test", "password".toCharArray()))); try {/*ww w .java 2 s . c om*/ for (String databaseName : mongoClient.listDatabaseNames()) { System.out.println("Database: " + databaseName); } MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase("test"); MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection("test2"); Document doc = Document.parse(jsonString); coll.insertOne(doc); } finally { mongoClient.close(); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws UnknownHostException { MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress(), Arrays.asList(MongoCredential.createCredential("admin", "test", "password".toCharArray()))); try {//from www . ja v a2 s. co m for (String databaseName : mongoClient.listDatabaseNames()) { System.out.println("Database: " + databaseName); } MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase("test"); MongoCollection coll = db.getCollection("test"); System.out.println(coll.find().first()); } finally { mongoClient.close(); } }
From source
public synchronized void persistDataOnMongolab() { //disable console logging //Logger mongoLogger = Logger.getLogger("org.mongodb.driver"); //mongoLogger.setLevel(Level.SEVERE); iStoredTemperatures = iTemperatureStore.getTemperatures(); if (iStoredTemperatures.isEmpty()) {"Nothing to persist. Exiting"); return;/* w w w . j a va 2 s. c om*/ }"Prepairing to persist [{}] Temps in the cloud", iStoredTemperatures.size()); MongoCollection<Document> mongoCollection = null; MongoClient client = null; List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<>(); for (TemperatureMeasure tTemp : iStoredTemperatures) { //Exception in thread "Timer-2" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException Document doc = new Document(); doc.put("Location", tTemp.getLocation()); //Location doc.put("Group", tTemp.getGroup()); //Group doc.put("Date", Helper.getDateAsString(tTemp.getDate())); //Date doc.put("Day", Helper.getDayAsString(tTemp.getDate())); doc.put("Time", Helper.getTimeAsString(tTemp.getDate())); doc.put("Temp", Helper.getTempAsString(tTemp.getTemp())); //Temp documents.add(doc); iPersistedTemperatures.add(tTemp); } try { MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(ThermostatProperties.ML_URL); client = new MongoClient(uri); MongoDatabase database = (MongoDatabase) client.getDatabase(uri.getDatabase()); mongoCollection = database.getCollection("dailytemps"); mongoCollection.insertMany(documents); //eliminate stored Temps from the collection iTemperatureStore.removeAll(iPersistedTemperatures); client.close();"Temperatures persisted on mongolab: [{}]. Exiting.", iPersistedTemperatures.size()); iPersistedTemperatures.clear(); } catch (Throwable e) { logger.error("Failed to store Temps in the cloud. Stacktrace: [{}]. Exiting.", e); iPersistedTemperatures.clear(); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (client != null) { client.close(); } iPersistedTemperatures.clear(); } }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Run this main method to see the output of this quick example. * * @param args takes an optional single argument for the connection string */// ww w . j a v a2 s . c o m public static void main(final String[] args) { MongoClient mongoClient; if (args.length == 0) { // connect to the local database server mongoClient = new MongoClient(); } else { mongoClient = new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI(args[0])); } // get handle to "mydb" database MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("mydb"); database.drop(); // get a list of the collections in this database and print them out List<String> collectionNames = database.listCollectionNames().into(new ArrayList<String>()); for (final String s : collectionNames) { System.out.println(s); } // get a handle to the "test" collection MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("test"); // drop all the data in it collection.drop(); // make a document and insert it Document doc = new Document("name", "MongoDB").append("type", "database").append("count", 1).append("info", new Document("x", 203).append("y", 102)); collection.insertOne(doc); // get it (since it's the only one in there since we dropped the rest earlier on) Document myDoc = collection.find().first(); System.out.println(myDoc); // now, lets add lots of little documents to the collection so we can explore queries and cursors List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<Document>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { documents.add(new Document("i", i)); } collection.insertMany(documents); System.out.println( "total # of documents after inserting 100 small ones (should be 101) " + collection.count()); // lets get all the documents in the collection and print them out MongoCursor<Document> cursor = collection.find().iterator(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } finally { cursor.close(); } for (Document cur : collection.find()) { System.out.println(cur); } // now use a query to get 1 document out myDoc = collection.find(eq("i", 71)).first(); System.out.println(myDoc); // now use a range query to get a larger subset cursor = collection.find(gt("i", 50)).iterator(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } finally { cursor.close(); } // range query with multiple constraints cursor = collection.find(and(gt("i", 50), lte("i", 100))).iterator(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } finally { cursor.close(); } // max time collection.find().maxTime(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS).first(); collection.drop(); // ordered bulk writes List<WriteModel<Document>> writes = new ArrayList<WriteModel<Document>>(); writes.add(new InsertOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 4))); writes.add(new InsertOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 5))); writes.add(new InsertOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 6))); writes.add( new UpdateOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 1), new Document("$set", new Document("x", 2)))); writes.add(new DeleteOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 2))); writes.add(new ReplaceOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 3), new Document("_id", 3).append("x", 4))); collection.bulkWrite(writes); collection.drop(); collection.bulkWrite(writes, new BulkWriteOptions().ordered(false)); // getting a list of databases for (String name : mongoClient.listDatabaseNames()) { System.out.println(name); } // drop a database mongoClient.dropDatabase("databaseToBeDropped"); // create a collection database.createCollection("cappedCollection", new CreateCollectionOptions().capped(true).sizeInBytes(0x100000)); for (String name : database.listCollectionNames()) { System.out.println(name); } // create an ascending index on the "i" field collection.createIndex(new Document("i", 1)); // list the indexes on the collection for (final Document index : collection.listIndexes()) { System.out.println(index); } // create a text index on the "content" field collection.createIndex(new Document("content", "text")); collection.insertOne(new Document("_id", 0).append("content", "textual content")); collection.insertOne(new Document("_id", 1).append("content", "additional content")); collection.insertOne(new Document("_id", 2).append("content", "irrelevant content")); // Find using the text index Document search = new Document("$search", "textual content -irrelevant"); Document textSearch = new Document("$text", search); long matchCount = collection.count(textSearch); System.out.println("Text search matches: " + matchCount); // Find using the $language operator textSearch = new Document("$text", search.append("$language", "english")); matchCount = collection.count(textSearch); System.out.println("Text search matches (english): " + matchCount); // Find the highest scoring match Document projection = new Document("score", new Document("$meta", "textScore")); myDoc = collection.find(textSearch).projection(projection).first(); System.out.println("Highest scoring document: " + myDoc); // release resources mongoClient.close(); }