Example usage for Java com.mongodb MapReduceOutput fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
MapReduceOutput(final DBObject command, final DBCursor resultsFromCollection, final MapReduceStatistics mapReduceStatistics, final DBCollection outputCollection) Constructor for use when the map reduce output was put into a collection |
void | drop() Drops the collection that holds the results. |
String | getCollectionName() Get the name of the collection that the results of the map reduce were saved into. |
DBObject | getCommand() Get the original command that was sent to the database. |
int | getDuration() Get the amount of time, in milliseconds, that it took to run this map reduce. |
int | getEmitCount() Get the number of messages emitted from the provided map function. |
int | getInputCount() Get the number of documents that were input into the map reduce operation |
DBCollection | getOutputCollection() Gets the collection that holds the results (Will return null if results are Inline). |
int | getOutputCount() Get the number of documents generated as a result of this map reduce |
Iterable | results() Returns an iterable containing the results of the operation. |