Example usage for com.mongodb MapReduceCommand MapReduceCommand

List of usage examples for com.mongodb MapReduceCommand MapReduceCommand


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb MapReduceCommand MapReduceCommand.


public MapReduceCommand(final DBCollection inputCollection, final String map, final String reduce,
        @Nullable final String outputCollection, final OutputType type, final DBObject query) 

Source Link


Represents the command for a map reduce operation Runs the command in REPLACE output type to a named collection


From source file:govt_import_export.Order.java

private void sort_cars() {
    MongoClient mongo = null;//from  www . j av a  2 s . c o m
    try {
        mongo = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);
        //get database
    } catch (UnknownHostException | MongoException e) {
    String[] st = new String[10];
    st[0] = "HYUNDAI";
    st[1] = "MARUTISUZUKI";
    st[2] = "NISSAN";
    st[3] = "BAJAJ";
    st[4] = "KTM";
    st[5] = "VOLKSVAGEN";
    DB db = mongo.getDB("AUTOMOBILEXPO");
    DBCollection table;

    ArrayList<Order> arr = new ArrayList<Order>();
    for (int j = 0; j < 6; j++) {
        table = db.getCollection(st[j]);

        if (table.findOne() != null) {
            String map = "function () {" + "emit(this.model,this.Units);" + "}";
            String reduce;
            reduce = "function (key,value) { " + "return Array.sum(value)}";

            MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(table, map, reduce, null,
                    MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE, null);

            MapReduceOutput out = table.mapReduce(cmd);
            String str;
            for (DBObject o : out.results()) {
                str = o.get("value").toString().trim();
                int i = 0;
                // var i=(int)(Convert.ToDouble("1.2"));
                //int a = int.Parse("1.2".Split('.')[0]);
                if (!str.equals(null)) {
                    Float f = Float.parseFloat(str);
                    i = (int) Math.ceil(f);
                    arr.add(new Order(o.get("_id").toString(), i) {

                        public int compare(Order o1, Order o2) {
                            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

                        public int compareTo(Order o) {
                            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

    Collections.sort(arr, new Order() {
    for (Order a : arr)
        System.out.println(" " + a.getid() + " " + a.getval());
    Sorted s = new Sorted(arr);


From source file:govt_import_export.export.java

private void jButton3ActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt) {//GEN-FIRST:event_jButton3ActionPerformed
    // TODO add your handling code here:
    JLabel p = new JLabel();
    MongoClient mongo = null;//  w  ww .  ja  v  a2  s .  c  o m
    try {
        mongo = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017);
        //get database
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {

    catch (MongoException e) {
    DB db = mongo.getDB("AUTOMOBILEXPO");
    DBCollection table = db.getCollection(manufac);
    String map = "function () {" + "emit(this.model,this.Units);" + "}";
    String reduce = "function (key, values) { " + "return Array.sum(values)}";

    MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(table, map, reduce, null, MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE,

    MapReduceOutput out = table.mapReduce(cmd);

    for (DBObject o : out.results()) {


From source file:mongosensors_server.MongoTools.java

License:Open Source License

public MapReduceOutput mongoMapReduce(String collection, String map, String reduce, DBObject query) {
    DBCollection col = db.getCollection(collection);
    MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(col, map, reduce, null, MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE,
            query);//  w ww .  j a  v a 2  s  .  c o m
    return col.mapReduce(cmd);

From source file:net.vz.mongodb.jackson.JacksonDBCollection.java

License:Apache License

 * performs a map reduce operation/*from   w  w w. j  a v  a  2s . co m*/
 * Runs the command in REPLACE output mode (saves to named collection)
 * @param map          map function in javascript code
 * @param outputTarget optional - leave null if want to use temp collection
 * @param reduce       reduce function in javascript code
 * @param query        to match
 * @return The output
 * @throws MongoException If an error occurred
public MapReduceOutput mapReduce(String map, String reduce, String outputTarget, DBObject query)
        throws MongoException {
    return mapReduce(new MapReduceCommand(dbCollection, map, reduce, outputTarget,
            MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REPLACE, query));

From source file:net.vz.mongodb.jackson.JacksonDBCollection.java

License:Apache License

 * performs a map reduce operation//  w w w.j av a 2s .c o  m
 * Specify an outputType to control job execution
 * * INLINE - Return results inline
 * * REPLACE - Replace the output collection with the job output
 * * MERGE - Merge the job output with the existing contents of outputTarget
 * * REDUCE - Reduce the job output with the existing contents of
 * outputTarget
 * @param map          map function in javascript code
 * @param outputTarget optional - leave null if want to use temp collection
 * @param outputType   set the type of job output
 * @param reduce       reduce function in javascript code
 * @param query        to match
 * @return The output
 * @throws MongoException If an error occurred
public MapReduceOutput mapReduce(String map, String reduce, String outputTarget,
        MapReduceCommand.OutputType outputType, DBObject query) throws MongoException {
    return mapReduce(new MapReduceCommand(dbCollection, map, reduce, outputTarget, outputType, query));

From source file:org.aw20.mongoworkbench.command.MapReduceMongoCommand.java

License:Open Source License

@Override//from   ww w .  j a v  a  2 s .  co m
public void execute() throws Exception {
    MongoClient mdb = MongoFactory.getInst().getMongo(sName);

    if (mdb == null)
        throw new Exception("no server selected");

    if (sDb == null)
        throw new Exception("no database selected");


    DB db = mdb.getDB(sDb);
    BasicDBObject cmdMap = parseMongoCommandString(db, cmd);

    if (!cmdMap.containsField("mapreduceArgs"))
        throw new Exception("no mapReduce document");

    DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(sColl);

    // Build the Map
    BasicDBObject options = (BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBList) cmdMap.get("mapreduceArgs")).get(2);

    String outputCollection = null;
    String outputDB = null;
    MapReduceCommand.OutputType outputType = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE;

    if (options.get("out") instanceof String) {
        outputCollection = (String) options.get("out");
        outputType = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REPLACE;
    } else if (options.get("out") instanceof BasicDBObject) {
        BasicDBObject out = (BasicDBObject) options.get("out");

        if (out.containsField("inline")) {
            outputCollection = null;
        } else if (out.containsField("replace")) {
            outputCollection = (String) out.get("replace");
            outputType = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REPLACE;
        } else if (out.containsField("merge")) {
            outputCollection = (String) out.get("merge");
            outputType = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.MERGE;
        } else if (out.containsField("reduce")) {
            outputCollection = (String) out.get("reduce");
            outputType = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REDUCE;

        if (out.containsField("db"))
            outputDB = (String) out.get("db");

    MapReduceCommand mrc = new MapReduceCommand(collection,
            ((Code) ((BasicDBList) cmdMap.get("mapreduceArgs")).get(0)).getCode(),
            ((Code) ((BasicDBList) cmdMap.get("mapreduceArgs")).get(1)).getCode(), outputCollection, outputType,
            (BasicDBObject) options.get("query"));

    if (outputDB != null)

    if (options.containsField("sort") && options.get("sort") instanceof DBObject)
        mrc.setSort((DBObject) options.get("sort"));

    if (options.containsField("scope") && options.get("scope") instanceof DBObject)
        mrc.setScope(((DBObject) options.get("scope")).toMap());

    if (options.containsField("finalize") && options.get("scope") instanceof Code)
        mrc.setFinalize(((Code) options.get("scope")).getCode());

    if (options.containsField("limit"))
        mrc.setLimit(StringUtil.toInteger(options.get("limit"), -1));

    mrc.addExtraOption("jsMode", StringUtil.toBoolean(options.get("jsMode"), false));
    mrc.setVerbose(StringUtil.toBoolean(options.get("verbose"), false));

    // Run the actual mapreduce function
    MapReduceOutput mro = collection.mapReduce(mrc);

    // Pull the inline results
    if (mro.getOutputCollection() == null) {
        dbListResult = new BasicDBList();
        Iterable<DBObject> it = mro.results();
        for (DBObject dbo : it) {

    BasicDBObject dbo = mro.getRaw();
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

    if (dbo.containsField("timeMillis"))
        sb.append("Time=").append(dbo.get("timeMillis")).append("ms; ");

    if (dbo.containsField("counts")) {
        BasicDBObject counts = (BasicDBObject) dbo.get("counts");
        sb.append("Counts: input=" + counts.get("input"));
        sb.append("; emit=" + counts.get("emit"));
        sb.append("; reduce=" + counts.get("reduce"));
        sb.append("; output=" + counts.get("output"));


From source file:org.basex.modules.MongoDB.java

License:BSD License

 * Mongodb Mapreduce function with 3 parameters, Map, reduce and query Option.
 * @param handler Database Handler.//  w  ww.  j a v a 2 s.c  om
 * @param col Collection name
 * @param map Map method
 * @param reduce Reduce Method
 * @param query Selection options.
 * @return Items.
 * @throws Exception
public Item mapreduce(final Str handler, final Str col, final Str map, final Str reduce, final Item finalalize,
        final Item query, final Map options) throws Exception {
    final DB db = getDbHandler(handler);
    if (map == null) {
        throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError("Map function cannot be empty in Mapreduce");
    final DBObject q = query != null ? getDbObjectFromStr(query) : null;
    final DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(itemToString(col));
    String out = null;
    String outType = null;
    OutputType op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE;
    if (options != null) {
        for (Item k : options.keys()) {
            String key = (String) k.toJava();
            if (key.equals("outputs")) {
                out = (String) options.get(k, null).toJava();
            if (key.equals("outputype")) {
                outType = (String) options.get(k, null).toJava();
        if (out != null) {
            if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("REPLACE")) {
                op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REPLACE;
            } else if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("MERGE")) {
                op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.MERGE;
            } else if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("REDUCE")) {
                op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REDUCE;
    try {
        MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(collection, map.toJava(), reduce.toJava(), out, op, q);
        if (finalalize != null) {
            cmd.setFinalize((String) finalalize.toJava());
        final MapReduceOutput outcmd = collection.mapReduce(cmd);
        return returnResult(handler, Str.get(JSON.serialize(outcmd.results())));
    } catch (MongoException e) {
        throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError(e);
    } finally {

From source file:org.basex.modules.MongoDB.java

License:BSD License

 * Mapreduce all functions in xquery's Map like :{"map":"function(){..}"
 * , "reduce":"function(){}"}./*ww  w  .j a va 2s  .c om*/
 * @param handler
 * @param col collection name
 * @param options all options of Mapreduce including "map" in key.
 * @return
 * @throws Exception
public Item mapreduce(final Str handler, final Str col, final Map options) throws Exception {
    if (options == null) {
        throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError("Map optoins are empty");
    final DB db = getDbHandler(handler);
    final DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(itemToString(col));
    String out = null;
    String outType = null;
    String map = null;
    String reduce = null;
    DBObject query = null;
    DBObject sort = null;
    int limit = 0;
    String finalalize = null;
    OutputType op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE;
    for (Item k : options.keys()) {
        String key = (String) k.toJava();
        Value val = options.get(k, null);
        String value = (String) val.toJava();
        if (key.toLowerCase().equals("map")) {
            map = (String) value;
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals("reduce")) {
            reduce = value;
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals("outputs")) {
            out = value;
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals("outputype")) {
            outType = value;
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals("limit")) {
            if (val.type().instanceOf(SeqType.ITR_OM)) {
                long l = ((Item) val).itr(null);
                limit = (int) l;
            } else {
                throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError(" Expected integer Value");
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals(SORT)) {
            sort = getDbObjectFromStr(Str.get(value));
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals(QUERY)) {
            query = getDbObjectFromStr(Str.get(value));
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals(FINALIZE)) {
            finalalize = value;
    if (out != null && outType != null) {
        if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("REPLACE")) {
            op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REPLACE;
        } else if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("MERGE")) {
            op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.MERGE;
        } else if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("REDUCE")) {
            op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REDUCE;
    } else if (out != null) {
        op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REPLACE;
    if (map == null) {
        throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError("Map function cannot be empty");
    try {
        MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(collection, map, reduce, out, op, query);
        if (finalalize != null) {
        if (limit != 0) {
        if (sort != null) {
        final MapReduceOutput outcmd = collection.mapReduce(cmd);
        return returnResult(handler, Str.get(JSON.serialize(outcmd.results())));
    } catch (MongoException e) {
        throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError(e);
    } finally {

From source file:org.basex.modules.nosql.MongoDB.java

License:BSD License

 * Mongodb Mapreduce function with 5 parameters, Map, reduce and query Option.
 * @param handler database handler//  w  w  w.j  ava  2s. c om
 * @param col collection name
 * @param map Map method
 * @param reduce Reduce Method
 * @param finalalize mongodb finalize parameter
 * @param query Selection options.
 * @param options additional options
 * @return Item
 * @throws Exception exception
public Item mapreduce(final Str handler, final Str col, final Str map, final Str reduce, final Item finalalize,
        final Item query, final Map options) throws Exception {
    final DB db = getDbHandler(handler);
    if (map == null) {
        throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError("Map function cannot be empty in Mapreduce");
    final DBObject q = query != null ? getDbObjectFromItem(query) : null;
    final DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(itemToString(col));
    String out = null;
    String outType = null;
    OutputType op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE;
    if (options != null) {
        for (Item k : options.keys()) {
            String key = (String) k.toJava();
            if (key.equals("outputs")) {
                out = (String) options.get(k, null).toJava();
            if (key.equals("outputype")) {
                outType = (String) options.get(k, null).toJava();
        if (out != null) {
            if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("REPLACE")) {
                op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REPLACE;
            } else if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("MERGE")) {
                op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.MERGE;
            } else if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("REDUCE")) {
                op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REDUCE;
    try {
        MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(collection, map.toJava(), reduce.toJava(), out, op, q);
        if (finalalize != null) {
            cmd.setFinalize((String) finalalize.toJava());
        final MapReduceOutput outcmd = collection.mapReduce(cmd);
        return returnResult(handler, Str.get(JSON.serialize(outcmd.results())));
    } catch (MongoException e) {
        throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError(e);
    } finally {

From source file:org.basex.modules.nosql.MongoDB.java

License:BSD License

 * Mapreduce all functions in xquery's Map like :{"map":"function(){..}"
 * , "reduce":"function(){}"}./*from   w w  w.  j  a v a2  s  . co  m*/
 * @param handler database handler
 * @param col collection name
 * @param options all options of Mapreduce including "map" in key.
 * @return Item
 * @throws Exception exception
public Item mapreduce(final Str handler, final Str col, final Map options) throws Exception {
    if (options == null) {
        throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError("Map optoins are empty");
    final DB db = getDbHandler(handler);
    final DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(itemToString(col));
    String out = null;
    String outType = null;
    String map = null;
    String reduce = null;
    DBObject query = null;
    DBObject sort = null;
    int limit = 0;
    String finalalize = null;
    OutputType op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.INLINE;
    for (Item k : options.keys()) {
        String key = (String) k.toJava();
        Value val = options.get(k, null);
        String value = (String) val.toJava();
        if (key.toLowerCase().equals(MAP)) {
            map = value;
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals(REDUCE)) {
            reduce = value;
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals(OUTPUTS)) {
            out = value;
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals(OUTPUTTYPE)) {
            outType = value;
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals(LIMIT)) {
            if (val.seqType().instanceOf(SeqType.ITR_OM)) {
                long l = ((Item) val).itr(null);
                limit = (int) l;
            } else {
                throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError(" Expected integer Value");
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals(SORT)) {
            sort = getDbObjectFromItem(Str.get(value));
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals(QUERY)) {
            query = getDbObjectFromItem(Str.get(value));
        } else if (key.toLowerCase().equals(FINALIZE)) {
            finalalize = value;
    if (out != null && outType != null) {
        if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("REPLACE")) {
            op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REPLACE;
        } else if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("MERGE")) {
            op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.MERGE;
        } else if (outType.toUpperCase().equals("REDUCE")) {
            op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REDUCE;
    } else if (out != null) {
        op = MapReduceCommand.OutputType.REPLACE;
    if (map == null) {
        throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError("Map function cannot be empty");
    try {
        MapReduceCommand cmd = new MapReduceCommand(collection, map, reduce, out, op, query);
        if (finalalize != null) {
        if (limit != 0) {
        if (sort != null) {
        final MapReduceOutput outcmd = collection.mapReduce(cmd);
        return returnResult(handler, Str.get(JSON.serialize(outcmd.results())));
    } catch (MongoException e) {
        throw MongoDBErrors.generalExceptionError(e);
    } finally {