Example usage for com.mongodb MapReduceCommand getInput

List of usage examples for com.mongodb MapReduceCommand getInput


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb MapReduceCommand getInput.


public String getInput() 

Source Link


Get the name of the collection the MapReduce will read from


From source file:com.impetus.client.mongodb.MongoDBClient.java

License:Apache License

 * Execute native query.//from  w  ww  . j a v  a  2  s  . c  om
 * @param jsonClause
 *            the json clause
 * @param entityMetadata
 *            the entity metadata
 * @return the list
public List executeNativeQuery(String jsonClause, EntityMetadata entityMetadata) {
    List entities = new ArrayList();
    String[] tempArray = jsonClause.split("\\.");
    String tempClause = tempArray[tempArray.length - 1];

    if (tempClause.contains("findOne(") || tempClause.contains("findAndModify(")) {
        DBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) executeScript(jsonClause);
        populateEntity(entityMetadata, entities, obj);
        return entities;

    } else if (tempClause.contains("find(") || jsonClause.contains("aggregate(")) {
        jsonClause = jsonClause.concat(".toArray()");
        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList) executeScript(jsonClause);
        for (Object obj : list) {
            populateEntity(entityMetadata, entities, (DBObject) obj);
        return entities;

    } else if (tempClause.contains("count(") || tempClause.contains("dataSize(")
            || tempClause.contains("storageSize(") || tempClause.contains("totalIndexSize(")
            || tempClause.contains("totalSize(")) {
        Long count = ((Double) executeScript(jsonClause)).longValue();
        return entities;

    } else if (tempClause.contains("distinct(")) {
        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList) executeScript(jsonClause);
        for (Object obj : list) {
        return entities;

    } else if (jsonClause.contains("mapReduce(")) {
        final MapReduceCommand command = parseMapReduceCommand(jsonClause);
        final MapReduceOutput output = mongoDb.getCollection(command.getInput()).mapReduce(command);

        final BasicDBList list = new BasicDBList();
        for (final DBObject item : output.results()) {
        return list;
    } else {
        BasicDBList list = (BasicDBList) executeScript(jsonClause);
        for (Object obj : list) {
        return entities;

From source file:org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.MongoTemplate.java

License:Apache License

public <T> MapReduceResults<T> mapReduce(Query query, String inputCollectionName, String mapFunction,
        String reduceFunction, MapReduceOptions mapReduceOptions, Class<T> entityClass) {

    String mapFunc = replaceWithResourceIfNecessary(mapFunction);
    String reduceFunc = replaceWithResourceIfNecessary(reduceFunction);
    DBCollection inputCollection = getCollection(inputCollectionName);

    MapReduceCommand command = new MapReduceCommand(inputCollection, mapFunc, reduceFunc,
            mapReduceOptions.getOutputCollection(), mapReduceOptions.getOutputType(),
            query == null || query.getQueryObject() == null ? null
                    : queryMapper.getMappedObject(query.getQueryObject(), null));

    copyMapReduceOptionsToCommand(query, mapReduceOptions, command);

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("Executing MapReduce on collection [{}], mapFunction [{}], reduceFunction [{}]",
                command.getInput(), mapFunc, reduceFunc);
    }/*from   ww  w. j av a  2 s. co m*/

    MapReduceOutput mapReduceOutput = inputCollection.mapReduce(command);

    if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
        LOGGER.debug("MapReduce command result = [{}]", serializeToJsonSafely(mapReduceOutput.results()));

    List<T> mappedResults = new ArrayList<T>();
    DbObjectCallback<T> callback = new ReadDbObjectCallback<T>(mongoConverter, entityClass,

    for (DBObject dbObject : mapReduceOutput.results()) {

    return new MapReduceResults<T>(mappedResults, mapReduceOutput);