List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBRef DBRef
public DBRef(final String collectionName, final Object id)
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License:Apache License
@Override public Edge addEdge(Object id, Vertex outVertex, Vertex inVertex, String label) throws MongoWriteException, MongoWriteConcernException { if (label == null) { throw ExceptionFactory.edgeLabelCanNotBeNull(); }/*from ww w .j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ if (id == null) { id = getCollectionNextID(edgeCollection); } MongoDBEdgeIterable edgeIt; MongoDBEdge edge; // Insert the new edge this.rawGraph.getCollection(edgeCollection) .insertOne(new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_ID, id).append(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_LABEL, label) .append(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_OUTV, new DBRef(vertexCollection, outVertex.getId())) .append(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_INV, new DBRef(vertexCollection, inVertex.getId()))); // Fetch the newly created edge edgeIt = new MongoDBEdgeIterable( this.rawGraph.getCollection(edgeCollection).find(new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_ID, id)), this); try { edge = (MongoDBEdge) edgeIt.iterator().next(); } catch (NoSuchElementException nsee) { logger.warn("Newly created edge could not be fetched. The error message: " + nsee.getMessage()); edge = null; } return edge; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public Iterable<Edge> getEdges(Direction direction, String... labels) { if (direction.equals(Direction.OUT)) { Document query = new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_OUTV, new DBRef(MongoDBConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_COLLECTION, getId())) .append(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_LABEL, new Document("$in", Arrays.asList(labels))); FindIterable<Document> result = this.graph.getEdgeCollection().find(query); return new MongoDBEdgeIterable(result, graph); } else if (direction.equals(Direction.IN)) { Document query = new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_INV, new DBRef(MongoDBConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_COLLECTION, getId())) .append(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_LABEL, new Document("$in", Arrays.asList(labels))); FindIterable<Document> result = this.graph.getEdgeCollection().find(query); return new MongoDBEdgeIterable(result, graph); } else {/* ww w.ja v a2 m*/ Document query = new Document("$or", Arrays.asList( new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_OUTV, new DBRef(MongoDBConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_COLLECTION, getId())).append( MongoDBConstants.FIELD_LABEL, new Document("$in", Arrays.asList(labels))), new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_INV, new DBRef(MongoDBConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_COLLECTION, getId())).append( MongoDBConstants.FIELD_LABEL, new Document("$in", Arrays.asList(labels))))); FindIterable<Document> result = this.graph.getEdgeCollection().find(query); return new MongoDBEdgeIterable(result, graph); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public Iterable<Vertex> getVertices(Direction direction, String... labels) { List<Integer> ids = new ArrayList<Integer>(); Iterator<Document> it; FindIterable<Document> result; if (direction.equals(Direction.OUT)) { Document query = new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_INV, new DBRef(MongoDBConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_COLLECTION, getId())) .append(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_LABEL, new Document("$in", Arrays.asList(labels))); result = this.graph.getEdgeCollection().find(query); it = result.iterator();/* w w w . j a va 2s. c om*/ while (it.hasNext()) { Document document = (Document); DBRef inV = (DBRef) document.get(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_OUTV); ids.add((Integer) inV.getId()); } } else if (direction.equals(Direction.IN)) { Document query = new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_OUTV, new DBRef(MongoDBConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_COLLECTION, getId())) .append(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_LABEL, new Document("$in", Arrays.asList(labels))); result = this.graph.getEdgeCollection().find(query); it = result.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Document document = (Document); DBRef outV = (DBRef) document.get(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_INV); ids.add((Integer) outV.getId()); } } else { Document query = new Document("$or", Arrays.asList( new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_OUTV, new DBRef(MongoDBConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_COLLECTION, getId())).append( MongoDBConstants.FIELD_LABEL, new Document("$in", Arrays.asList(labels))), new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_INV, new DBRef(MongoDBConstants.DEFAULT_VERTEX_COLLECTION, getId())).append( MongoDBConstants.FIELD_LABEL, new Document("$in", Arrays.asList(labels))))); result = this.graph.getEdgeCollection().find(query); it = result.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Document document = (Document); DBRef inV = (DBRef) document.get(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_INV); DBRef outV = (DBRef) document.get(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_OUTV); if (inV.getId() != getId()) { ids.add((Integer) inV.getId()); } else { ids.add((Integer) outV.getId()); } } } return new MongoDBVertexIterable(this.graph.getVertexCollection() .find(new Document(MongoDBConstants.FIELD_ID, new Document("$in", ids))), graph); }
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License:Apache License
private void setObjectIdRecursive(Map<String, Object> mapObject) { if (mapObject.containsKey("_id")) { String objectId = ((Map) mapObject.get("_id")).get("$oid").toString(); mapObject.put("_id", new ObjectId(objectId)); }/*from w ww . ja va2s. c o m*/ //set category reference. if (mapObject.containsKey("category")) { Map<String, Object> categoryRef = (Map) mapObject.get("category"); String refNamespace = categoryRef.get("$ref").toString(); String objectId = ((Map) categoryRef.get("$id")).get("$oid").toString(); mapObject.put("category", new DBRef(refNamespace, new ObjectId(objectId))); } for (Object object : mapObject.values()) { if (object instanceof Map) { Map<String, Object> innerMap = (Map) object; setObjectIdRecursive(innerMap); } if (object instanceof List) { List<Map<String, Object>> innerListMap = (List) object; innerListMap.forEach(this::setObjectIdRecursive); } } }
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@ChangeSet(order = "001", id = "002.001", author = "apostas") public void criarPerfil(DB db) { DBCollection perfil = db.getCollection("perfil"); DBCollection permissao = db.getCollection("permissao"); BasicDBObject filtro = new BasicDBObject(); filtro.put("papel", new BasicDBObject("$in", Arrays.asList("ROLE_GERAL", "ROLE_ADMIN"))); List listaPermissoes = new ArrayList(); DBObject ob1 = permissao.findOne(new BasicDBObject("papel", "ROLE_ADMIN")); listaPermissoes.add(new DBRef("permissao", ob1.get("_id"))); DBObject ob2 = permissao.findOne(new BasicDBObject("papel", "ROLE_GERAL")); listaPermissoes.add(new DBRef("permissao", ob2.get("_id"))); BasicDBObject admin = new BasicDBObject(); admin.append("dataatualizacao", null); admin.append("datacriacao", new Date()); admin.append("nome", "Perfil Administrador"); admin.append("descricao", "Perfil com permisso geral."); admin.append("permissoes", listaPermissoes); perfil.insert(admin);/* w w w. j av a 2s . com*/ BasicDBObject visitante = new BasicDBObject(); visitante.append("dataatualizacao", null); visitante.append("datacriacao", new Date()); visitante.append("nome", "Perfil Visitante"); visitante.append("descricao", "Perfil sem permisso para gerenciar uma aposta."); perfil.insert(visitante); }
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License:Apache License
private void relationToDBRef(DBObject dbObject, String projectId) { for (String key : dbObject.keySet()) { Object obj = dbObject.get(key); if (obj instanceof DBObject) { DBObject doc = (DBObject) obj; if (doc.containsField("_rel")) { DBObject relation = (DBObject) doc.get("_rel"); dbObject.put(key, new DBRef(projectId + "_" + (String) relation.get("entity"), new ObjectId((String) relation.get("_id")))); } else { relationToDBRef(doc, projectId); }//from ww w . j av a 2 s . c o m } } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public DBRef generateDBRef(T toGenerate) { DBCollection dbCollection = db.getCollection(collection); // { $ref : <collname>, $id : <idvalue>[, $db : <dbname>] } BSONObject dbRefObj = new BasicDBObject("$ref", dbCollection.getName()) .append("$id", toGenerate.getMongoId()).append("$db", db.getName()); DBRef dbRef = new DBRef(db, dbRefObj); return dbRef; }
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License:Open Source License
public DBRef getDBRef() { if (this.dbRef == null) { this.dbRef = new DBRef(collection.getName(), object.get("_id")); }/* w w w . j a va 2 s .c o m*/ return this.dbRef; }
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License:Open Source License
public DBRef keyToRef(final Key key) { if (key == null) { return null; }/*from w ww . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ if (key.getKindClass() == null && key.getKind() == null) { throw new IllegalStateException("How can it be missing both?"); } if (key.getKind() == null) { key.setKind(getCollectionName(key.getKindClass())); } return new DBRef(key.getKind(), key.getId()); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public DBRef createDbRef( annotation, MongoPersistentEntity<?> entity, Object id) { return new DBRef(entity.getCollection(), id); }