Example usage for com.mongodb DBObject removeField

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBObject removeField


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBObject removeField.


Object removeField(String key);

Source Link


Removes a field with a given name from this object.


From source file:com.restfeel.controller.rest.EntityDataController.java

License:Apache License

@RequestMapping(value = "/api/{projectId}/entities/{name}/{id}", method = RequestMethod.GET, headers = "Accept=application/json")
public @ResponseBody String getEntityDataById(@PathVariable("projectId") String projectId,
        @PathVariable("name") String entityName, @PathVariable("id") String entityDataId,
        @RequestHeader(value = "authToken", required = false) String authToken) {

    JSONObject authRes = authService.authorize(projectId, authToken, "USER");
    if (!authRes.getBoolean(SUCCESS)) {
        return authRes.toString(4);
    }//from  w  w  w  .  j av a  2  s  .c o m

    DBCollection dbCollection = mongoTemplate.getCollection(projectId + "_" + entityName);

    BasicDBObject queryObject = new BasicDBObject();
    queryObject.append("_id", new ObjectId(entityDataId));

    DBObject resultObject = dbCollection.findOne(queryObject);

    if (resultObject == null) {
        return "Not Found";

    if (entityName.equals("User")) {

    String json = resultObject.toString();

    // Indentation
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json);
    return jsonObject.toString(4);

From source file:com.restfeel.controller.rest.EntityDataController.java

License:Apache License

@RequestMapping(value = "/api/{projectId}/entities/{name}/{uuid}", method = RequestMethod.PUT, headers = "Accept=application/json", consumes = "application/json")
public @ResponseBody String updateEntityData(@PathVariable("projectId") String projectId,
        @PathVariable("name") String entityName, @PathVariable("uuid") String uuid,
        @RequestBody Object genericEntityDataDTO,
        @RequestHeader(value = "authToken", required = false) String authToken) {

    DBRef user;//  w  w w .ja va  2  s .co  m
    JSONObject authRes = authService.authorize(projectId, authToken, "USER");
    if (authRes.getBoolean(SUCCESS)) {
        user = (DBRef) authRes.get("user");
    } else {
        return authRes.toString(4);

    DBObject resultObject = new BasicDBObject();
    if (genericEntityDataDTO instanceof Map) {
        Map map = (Map) genericEntityDataDTO;
        if (map.get("id") != null && map.get("id") instanceof String) {
            String entityDataId = (String) map.get("id");
            logger.debug("Updating Entity Data with Id " + entityDataId);
        JSONObject uiJson = new JSONObject(map);
        // ID is stored separately (in a different column).
        DBObject obj = (DBObject) JSON.parse(uiJson.toString());

        DBCollection dbCollection = mongoTemplate.getCollection(projectId + "_" + entityName);
        BasicDBObject queryObject = new BasicDBObject();
        queryObject.append("_id", new ObjectId(uuid));
        resultObject = dbCollection.findOne(queryObject);

        Set<String> keySet = obj.keySet();
        for (String key : keySet) {
            resultObject.put(key, obj.get(key));

        if (entityName.equals("User")) {
            DBObject loggedInUser = dbCollection.findOne(user);
            if (loggedInUser.get(USERNAME).equals(resultObject.get(USERNAME))) {
                return handleUserEntityData(projectId, resultObject, obj.containsField(PASSWORD));
            } else {
                return new JSONObject().put(SUCCESS, false).put("msg", "unauthorized").toString(4);

        relationToDBRef(resultObject, projectId);

        resultObject.put("updatedBy", user);
        resultObject.put("updatedAt", new Date());

    String json = resultObject.toString();

    // Indentation
    JSONObject jsonObject = new JSONObject(json);
    return jsonObject.toString(4);

From source file:com.restfeel.controller.rest.EntityDataController.java

License:Apache License

private String handleUserEntityData(String projectId, DBObject user, boolean encryptPassword) {
    JSONObject response = new JSONObject();

    if (!user.containsField(USERNAME)) {
        response.put("msg", "username is mandotary");
        return response.toString(4);
    }/*from  w  ww.  j  a  v  a  2 s  . c om*/

    if (((String) user.get(USERNAME)).length() < 3) {
        response.put("msg", "username must be more then 3 character");
        return response.toString(4);

    if (!user.containsField(PASSWORD)) {
        response.put("msg", "password is mandotary");
        return response.toString(4);

    if (((String) user.get(PASSWORD)).length() < 3) {
        response.put("msg", "password must be more then 3 character");
        return response.toString(4);

    DBCollection dbCollection = mongoTemplate.getCollection(projectId + "_User");

    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    query.append(USERNAME, user.get(USERNAME));

    DBObject existingUser = dbCollection.findOne(query);

    if (existingUser != null && !existingUser.get("_id").equals(user.get("_id"))) {
        response.put("msg", "username already exists");
        return response.toString(4);

    if (encryptPassword) {
        BCryptPasswordEncoder encoder = new BCryptPasswordEncoder();
        user.put(PASSWORD, encoder.encode((String) user.get(PASSWORD)));

    relationToDBRef(user, projectId);

    String json = user.toString();

    // Indentation
    response = new JSONObject(json);
    return response.toString(4);

From source file:com.restfeel.controller.rest.EntitySessionController.java

License:Apache License

@RequestMapping(value = "/api/{projectId}/entities/login", method = RequestMethod.POST, headers = "Accept=application/json", consumes = "application/json")
public @ResponseBody String createEntityData(@PathVariable("projectId") String projectId,
        @RequestBody Object userDTO) {
    DBObject data;/*from   w w  w.j  av  a 2s.co  m*/
    if (!(userDTO instanceof Map)) {
        return null;

    JSONObject response = new JSONObject();

    Map map = (Map) userDTO;
    JSONObject jsonObj = new JSONObject(map);
    try {
        data = authService.authenticate(jsonObj, projectId);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        response.put("msg", e.getMessage());
        return response.toString(4);
    DBCollection userCollection = mongoTemplate.getCollection(projectId + "_User");

    DBObject user = userCollection.findOne(((DBRef) (data.get("user"))).getId());
    data.put("user", user);

    data.put("authToken", data.get("_id"));
    String json = data.toString();

    // Indentation
    response = new JSONObject(json);
    return response.toString(4);

From source file:com.sitewhere.mongodb.device.MongoDeviceManagement.java

License:Open Source License

public IDeviceAssignment endDeviceAssignment(String token) throws SiteWhereException {
    DBObject match = assertDeviceAssignment(token);
    match.put(MongoDeviceAssignment.PROP_RELEASED_DATE, Calendar.getInstance().getTime());
    match.put(MongoDeviceAssignment.PROP_STATUS, DeviceAssignmentStatus.Released.name());
    DBCollection assignments = getMongoClient().getDeviceAssignmentsCollection();
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(MongoDeviceAssignment.PROP_TOKEN, token);
    MongoPersistence.update(assignments, query, match);

    // Update cache with new assignment data.
    if (getCacheProvider() != null) {
        DeviceAssignment updated = MongoDeviceAssignment.fromDBObject(match);
        getCacheProvider().getDeviceAssignmentCache().put(updated.getToken(), updated);
    }/*from   w ww . j ava  2 s. co m*/

    // Remove device assignment reference.
    DBCollection devices = getMongoClient().getDevicesCollection();
    String hardwareId = (String) match.get(MongoDeviceAssignment.PROP_DEVICE_HARDWARE_ID);
    DBObject deviceMatch = getDeviceDBObjectByHardwareId(hardwareId);
    query = new BasicDBObject(MongoDevice.PROP_HARDWARE_ID, hardwareId);
    MongoPersistence.update(devices, query, deviceMatch);

    // Update cache with new device data.
    if (getCacheProvider() != null) {
        Device updated = MongoDevice.fromDBObject(deviceMatch);
        getCacheProvider().getDeviceCache().put(updated.getHardwareId(), updated);

    DeviceAssignment assignment = MongoDeviceAssignment.fromDBObject(match);
    return assignment;

From source file:com.softinstigate.restheart.db.CollectionDAO.java

License:Open Source License

 * Upsert the collection properties./*from   w  ww .j  a  v  a  2  s  .  c om*/
 * @param dbName the database name of the collection
 * @param collName the collection name
 * @param content the new collection properties
 * @param etag the entity tag. must match to allow actual write (otherwise
 * http error code is returned)
 * @param updating true if updating existing document
 * @param patching true if use patch semantic (update only specified fields)
 * @return the HttpStatus code to set in the http response
public static int upsertCollection(String dbName, String collName, DBObject content, ObjectId etag,
        boolean updating, boolean patching) {
    DB db = DBDAO.getDB(dbName);

    DBCollection coll = db.getCollection(collName);

    if (patching && !updating) {
        return HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND;

    if (updating) {
        if (etag == null) {
            return HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT;

        BasicDBObject idAndEtagQuery = new BasicDBObject("_id", "_properties");
        idAndEtagQuery.append("_etag", etag);

        if (coll.count(idAndEtagQuery) < 1) {
            return HttpStatus.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED;

    ObjectId timestamp = new ObjectId();
    Instant now = Instant.ofEpochSecond(timestamp.getTimestamp());

    if (content == null) {
        content = new BasicDBObject();

    content.removeField("_id"); // make sure we don't change this field

    if (updating) {
        content.removeField("_crated_on"); // don't allow to update this field
        content.put("_etag", timestamp);
    } else {
        content.put("_id", "_properties");
        content.put("_created_on", now.toString());
        content.put("_etag", timestamp);

    if (patching) {
        coll.update(PROPS_QUERY, new BasicDBObject("$set", content), true, false);
        return HttpStatus.SC_OK;
    } else {
        // we use findAndModify to get the @created_on field value from the existing properties document
        // we need to put this field back using a second update 
        // it is not possible in a single update even using $setOnInsert update operator
        // in this case we need to provide the other data using $set operator and this makes it a partial update (patch semantic) 

        DBObject old = coll.findAndModify(PROPS_QUERY, fieldsToReturn, null, false, content, false, true);

        if (old != null) {
            Object oldTimestamp = old.get("_created_on");

            if (oldTimestamp == null) {
                oldTimestamp = now.toString();
                logger.warn("properties of collection {} had no @created_on field. set to now",

            // need to readd the @created_on field 
            BasicDBObject createdContet = new BasicDBObject("_created_on", "" + oldTimestamp);
            coll.update(PROPS_QUERY, new BasicDBObject("$set", createdContet), true, false);

            return HttpStatus.SC_OK;
        } else {
            // need to readd the @created_on field 
            BasicDBObject createdContet = new BasicDBObject("_created_on", now.toString());
            coll.update(PROPS_QUERY, new BasicDBObject("$set", createdContet), true, false);


            return HttpStatus.SC_CREATED;

From source file:com.softinstigate.restheart.db.DBDAO.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param dbName/* ww w  .j  a  va2  s. c o m*/
 * @param content
 * @param etag
 * @param patching
 * @return
public static int upsertDB(String dbName, DBObject content, ObjectId etag, boolean patching) {
    DB db = client.getDB(dbName);

    boolean existing = db.getCollectionNames().size() > 0;

    if (patching && !existing) {
        return HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND;

    DBCollection coll = db.getCollection("_properties");

    // check the etag
    if (db.collectionExists("_properties")) {
        if (etag == null) {
            return HttpStatus.SC_CONFLICT;

        BasicDBObject idAndEtagQuery = new BasicDBObject("_id", "_properties");
        idAndEtagQuery.append("_etag", etag);

        if (coll.count(idAndEtagQuery) < 1) {
            return HttpStatus.SC_PRECONDITION_FAILED;

    // apply new values
    ObjectId timestamp = new ObjectId();
    Instant now = Instant.ofEpochSecond(timestamp.getTimestamp());

    if (content == null) {
        content = new BasicDBObject();

    content.put("_etag", timestamp);
    content.removeField("_created_on"); // make sure we don't change this field
    content.removeField("_id"); // make sure we don't change this field

    if (patching) {
        coll.update(METADATA_QUERY, new BasicDBObject("$set", content), true, false);

        return HttpStatus.SC_OK;
    } else {
        // we use findAndModify to get the @created_on field value from the existing document
        // we need to put this field back using a second update 
        // it is not possible in a single update even using $setOnInsert update operator
        // in this case we need to provide the other data using $set operator and this makes it a partial update (patch semantic) 
        DBObject old = coll.findAndModify(METADATA_QUERY, fieldsToReturn, null, false, content, false, true);

        if (old != null) {
            Object oldTimestamp = old.get("_created_on");

            if (oldTimestamp == null) {
                oldTimestamp = now.toString();
                logger.warn("properties of collection {} had no @created_on field. set to now",

            // need to readd the @created_on field 
            BasicDBObject createdContet = new BasicDBObject("_created_on", "" + oldTimestamp);
            coll.update(METADATA_QUERY, new BasicDBObject("$set", createdContet), true, false);

            return HttpStatus.SC_OK;
        } else {
            // need to readd the @created_on field 
            BasicDBObject createdContet = new BasicDBObject("_created_on", now.toString());
            coll.update(METADATA_QUERY, new BasicDBObject("$set", createdContet), true, false);

            return HttpStatus.SC_CREATED;

From source file:com.softinstigate.restheart.db.DocumentDAO.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param dbName/*from w ww.  j  a v  a  2s  .  com*/
 * @param collName
 * @param documentId
 * @param content
 * @param requestEtag
 * @param patching
 * @return the HttpStatus code to retrun
public static int upsertDocument(String dbName, String collName, String documentId, DBObject content,
        ObjectId requestEtag, boolean patching) {
    DB db = DBDAO.getDB(dbName);

    DBCollection coll = db.getCollection(collName);

    ObjectId timestamp = new ObjectId();
    Instant now = Instant.ofEpochSecond(timestamp.getTimestamp());

    if (content == null) {
        content = new BasicDBObject();

    content.put("_etag", timestamp);

    BasicDBObject idQuery = new BasicDBObject("_id", getId(documentId));

    if (patching) {
        content.removeField("_created_on"); // make sure we don't change this field

        DBObject oldDocument = coll.findAndModify(idQuery, null, null, false,
                new BasicDBObject("$set", content), false, false);

        if (oldDocument == null) {
            return HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND;
        } else {
            // check the old etag (in case restore the old document version)
            return optimisticCheckEtag(coll, oldDocument, requestEtag, HttpStatus.SC_OK);
    } else {
        content.put("_created_on", now.toString()); // let's assume this is an insert. in case we'll set it back with a second update

        // we use findAndModify to get the @created_on field value from the existing document
        // in case this is an update well need to put it back using a second update 
        // it is not possible to do it with a single update
        // (even using $setOnInsert update because we'll need to use the $set operator for other data and this would make it a partial update (patch semantic) 
        DBObject oldDocument = coll.findAndModify(idQuery, null, null, false, content, false, true);

        if (oldDocument != null) { // upsert
            Object oldTimestamp = oldDocument.get("_created_on");

            if (oldTimestamp == null) {
                oldTimestamp = now.toString();
                logger.warn("properties of document /{}/{}/{} had no @created_on field. set to now", dbName,
                        collName, documentId);

            // need to readd the @created_on field 
            BasicDBObject created = new BasicDBObject("_created_on", "" + oldTimestamp);
            coll.update(idQuery, new BasicDBObject("$set", created), true, false);

            // check the old etag (in case restore the old document version)
            return optimisticCheckEtag(coll, oldDocument, requestEtag, HttpStatus.SC_OK);
        } else { // insert
            return HttpStatus.SC_CREATED;

From source file:com.softinstigate.restheart.db.DocumentDAO.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param exchange/* www . ja v a2 s .com*/
 * @param dbName
 * @param collName
 * @param content
 * @param requestEtag
 * @return the HttpStatus code to retrun
public static int upsertDocumentPost(HttpServerExchange exchange, String dbName, String collName,
        DBObject content, ObjectId requestEtag) {
    DB db = DBDAO.getDB(dbName);

    DBCollection coll = db.getCollection(collName);

    ObjectId timestamp = new ObjectId();
    Instant now = Instant.ofEpochSecond(timestamp.getTimestamp());

    if (content == null) {
        content = new BasicDBObject();

    content.put("_etag", timestamp);
    content.put("_created_on", now.toString()); // make sure we don't change this field

    Object _id = content.get("_id");

    if (_id == null) {
        ObjectId id = new ObjectId();
        content.put("_id", id);


                getReferenceLink(exchange.getRequestURL(), id.toString()).toString());

        return HttpStatus.SC_CREATED;

    BasicDBObject idQuery = new BasicDBObject("_id", getId("" + _id));

    // we use findAndModify to get the @created_on field value from the existing document
    // we need to put this field back using a second update 
    // it is not possible in a single update even using $setOnInsert update operator
    // in this case we need to provide the other data using $set operator and this makes it a partial update (patch semantic) 
    DBObject oldDocument = coll.findAndModify(idQuery, null, null, false, content, false, true);

    if (oldDocument != null) { // upsert
        Object oldTimestamp = oldDocument.get("_created_on");

        if (oldTimestamp == null) {
            oldTimestamp = now.toString();
            logger.warn("properties of document /{}/{}/{} had no @created_on field. set to now", dbName,
                    collName, _id.toString());

        // need to readd the @created_on field 
        BasicDBObject createdContet = new BasicDBObject("_created_on", "" + oldTimestamp);
        coll.update(idQuery, new BasicDBObject("$set", createdContet), true, false);

        // check the old etag (in case restore the old document version)
        return optimisticCheckEtag(coll, oldDocument, requestEtag, HttpStatus.SC_OK);
    } else { // insert
        return HttpStatus.SC_CREATED;

From source file:com.softinstigate.restheart.handlers.injectors.BodyInjectorHandler.java

License:Open Source License

 * @param exchange//from  ww w  . j  av  a 2 s . c  o m
 * @param context
 * @throws Exception
public void handleRequest(HttpServerExchange exchange, RequestContext context) throws Exception {
    if (context.getMethod() == RequestContext.METHOD.GET || context.getMethod() == RequestContext.METHOD.OPTIONS
            || context.getMethod() == RequestContext.METHOD.DELETE) {
        next.handleRequest(exchange, context);

    // check content type
    HeaderValues contentTypes = exchange.getRequestHeaders().get(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE);

    if (contentTypes == null || contentTypes.isEmpty() || contentTypes.stream().noneMatch(
            ct -> ct.startsWith(Representation.HAL_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE) || ct.startsWith(JSON_MEDIA_TYPE))) // content type header can be also: Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
        ResponseHelper.endExchangeWithMessage(exchange, HttpStatus.SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE,
                "Contet-Type must be either " + Representation.HAL_JSON_MEDIA_TYPE + " or " + JSON_MEDIA_TYPE);

    String _content = ChannelReader.read(exchange.getRequestChannel());

    DBObject content;

    try {
        content = (DBObject) JSON.parse(_content);
    } catch (JSONParseException ex) {
        ResponseHelper.endExchangeWithMessage(exchange, HttpStatus.SC_NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "invalid data", ex);

    HashSet<String> keysToRemove = new HashSet<>();

    if (content == null) {
    } else {
        // filter out reserved keys
        content.keySet().stream().filter(key -> key.startsWith("_") && !key.equals("_id")).forEach(key -> {

        keysToRemove.stream().map(keyToRemove -> {
            return keyToRemove;
        }).forEach(keyToRemove -> {
            context.addWarning("the reserved field " + keyToRemove + " was filtered out from the request");

        // inject the request content in the context

    next.handleRequest(exchange, context);