Example usage for com.mongodb DBCursor copy

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCursor copy


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCursor copy.


public DBCursor copy() 

Source Link


Creates a copy of an existing database cursor.


From source file:fr.cirad.mgdb.exporting.individualoriented.DARwinExportHandler.java

License:Open Source License

public void exportData(OutputStream outputStream, String sModule, Collection<File> individualExportFiles,
        boolean fDeleteSampleExportFilesOnExit, ProgressIndicator progress, DBCursor markerCursor,
        Map<Comparable, Comparable> markerSynonyms, Map<String, InputStream> readyToExportFiles)
        throws Exception {
    MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = MongoTemplateManager.get(sModule);
    GenotypingProject aProject = mongoTemplate.findOne(
            new Query(Criteria.where(GenotypingProject.FIELDNAME_PLOIDY_LEVEL).exists(true)),
    if (aProject == null)
        LOG.warn("Unable to find a project containing ploidy level information! Assuming ploidy level is 2.");

    int ploidy = aProject == null ? 2 : aProject.getPloidyLevel();

    File warningFile = File.createTempFile("export_warnings_", "");
    FileWriter warningFileWriter = new FileWriter(warningFile);

    int markerCount = markerCursor.count();

    ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream);

    if (readyToExportFiles != null)
        for (String readyToExportFile : readyToExportFiles.keySet()) {
            zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(readyToExportFile));
            InputStream inputStream = readyToExportFiles.get(readyToExportFile);
            byte[] dataBlock = new byte[1024];
            int count = inputStream.read(dataBlock, 0, 1024);
            while (count != -1) {
                zos.write(dataBlock, 0, count);
                count = inputStream.read(dataBlock, 0, 1024);
            }/*w w w  .  ja  v  a2 s.c  om*/

    String exportName = sModule + "_" + markerCount + "variants_" + individualExportFiles.size()
            + "individuals";

    StringBuffer donFileContents = new StringBuffer(
            "@DARwin 5.0 - DON -" + LINE_SEPARATOR + individualExportFiles.size() + "\t" + 1 + LINE_SEPARATOR
                    + "N" + "\t" + "individual" + LINE_SEPARATOR);

    int count = 0;
    String missingGenotype = "";
    for (int j = 0; j < ploidy; j++)
        missingGenotype += "\tN";

    zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(exportName + ".var"));
    zos.write(("@DARwin 5.0 - ALLELIC - " + ploidy + LINE_SEPARATOR + individualExportFiles.size() + "\t"
            + markerCount * ploidy + LINE_SEPARATOR + "N").getBytes());

    DBCursor markerCursorCopy = markerCursor.copy(); // dunno how expensive this is, but seems safer than keeping all IDs in memory at any time

    short nProgress = 0, nPreviousProgress = 0;
    int avgObjSize = (Integer) mongoTemplate
    int nChunkSize = nMaxChunkSizeInMb * 1024 * 1024 / avgObjSize;

    int nMarkerIndex = 0;
    while (markerCursorCopy.hasNext()) {
        DBObject exportVariant = markerCursorCopy.next();
        Comparable markerId = (Comparable) exportVariant.get("_id");

        if (markerSynonyms != null) {
            Comparable syn = markerSynonyms.get(markerId);
            if (syn != null)
                markerId = syn;
        for (int j = 0; j < ploidy; j++)
            zos.write(("\t" + markerId).getBytes());

    TreeMap<Integer, Comparable> problematicMarkerIndexToNameMap = new TreeMap<Integer, Comparable>();
    ArrayList<String> distinctAlleles = new ArrayList<String>(); // the index of each allele will be used as its code
    int i = 0;
    for (File f : individualExportFiles) {
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f));
        try {
            String individualId, line = in.readLine(); // read sample id

            if (line != null)
                individualId = line;
                throw new Exception("Unable to read first line of temp export file " + f.getName());

            donFileContents.append(++count + "\t" + individualId + LINE_SEPARATOR);

            zos.write((LINE_SEPARATOR + count).getBytes());
            nMarkerIndex = 0;

            while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) {
                List<String> genotypes = MgdbDao.split(line, "|");
                HashMap<Object, Integer> genotypeCounts = new HashMap<Object, Integer>(); // will help us to keep track of missing genotypes
                int highestGenotypeCount = 0;
                String mostFrequentGenotype = null;
                for (String genotype : genotypes) {
                    if (genotype.length() == 0)
                        continue; /* skip missing genotypes */

                    int gtCount = 1 + MgdbDao.getCountForKey(genotypeCounts, genotype);
                    if (gtCount > highestGenotypeCount) {
                        highestGenotypeCount = gtCount;
                        mostFrequentGenotype = genotype;
                    genotypeCounts.put(genotype, gtCount);

                if (genotypeCounts.size() > 1) {
                    warningFileWriter.write("- Dissimilar genotypes found for variant __" + nMarkerIndex
                            + "__, individual " + individualId + ". Exporting most frequent: "
                            + mostFrequentGenotype + "\n");
                    problematicMarkerIndexToNameMap.put(nMarkerIndex, "");

                String codedGenotype = "";
                if (mostFrequentGenotype != null)
                    for (String allele : mostFrequentGenotype.split(" ")) {
                        if (!distinctAlleles.contains(allele))
                        codedGenotype += "\t" + distinctAlleles.indexOf(allele);
                    codedGenotype = missingGenotype.replaceAll("N", "-1"); // missing data is coded as -1

        } catch (Exception e) {
            LOG.error("Error exporting data", e);
            progress.setError("Error exporting data: " + e.getClass().getSimpleName()
                    + (e.getMessage() != null ? " - " + e.getMessage() : ""));
        } finally {

        if (progress.hasAborted())

        nProgress = (short) (++i * 100 / individualExportFiles.size());
        if (nProgress > nPreviousProgress) {
            //            LOG.debug("============= doDARwinExport (" + i + "): " + nProgress + "% =============");
            nPreviousProgress = nProgress;

        if (!f.delete()) {
            LOG.info("Unable to delete tmp export file " + f.getAbsolutePath());

    zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(exportName + ".don"));

    // now read variant names for those that induced warnings
    nMarkerIndex = 0;
    while (markerCursor.hasNext()) {
        DBObject exportVariant = markerCursor.next();
        if (problematicMarkerIndexToNameMap.containsKey(nMarkerIndex)) {
            Comparable markerId = (Comparable) exportVariant.get("_id");

            if (markerSynonyms != null) {
                Comparable syn = markerSynonyms.get(markerId);
                if (syn != null)
                    markerId = syn;
            for (int j = 0; j < ploidy; j++)
                zos.write(("\t" + markerId).getBytes());

            problematicMarkerIndexToNameMap.put(nMarkerIndex, markerId);

    if (warningFile.length() > 0) {
        zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(exportName + "-REMARKS.txt"));
        int nWarningCount = 0;
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(warningFile));
        String sLine;
        while ((sLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
            for (Integer aMarkerIndex : problematicMarkerIndexToNameMap.keySet())
                sLine = sLine.replaceAll("__" + aMarkerIndex + "__",
            zos.write((sLine + "\n").getBytes());
        LOG.info("Number of Warnings for export (" + exportName + "): " + nWarningCount);

    progress.setCurrentStepProgress((short) 100);

From source file:fr.cirad.mgdb.exporting.markeroriented.VcfExportHandler.java

License:Open Source License

public void exportData(OutputStream outputStream, String sModule, List<SampleId> sampleIDs,
        ProgressIndicator progress, DBCursor markerCursor, Map<Comparable, Comparable> markerSynonyms,
        int nMinimumGenotypeQuality, int nMinimumReadDepth, Map<String, InputStream> readyToExportFiles)
        throws Exception {
    Integer projectId = null;/*from   w  ww  . ja v  a  2  s  .c om*/
    for (SampleId spId : sampleIDs) {
        if (projectId == null)
            projectId = spId.getProject();
        else if (projectId != spId.getProject()) {
            projectId = 0;
            break; // more than one project are involved: no header will be written

    File warningFile = File.createTempFile("export_warnings_", "");
    FileWriter warningFileWriter = new FileWriter(warningFile);

    MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = MongoTemplateManager.get(sModule);
    int markerCount = markerCursor.count();
    ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(outputStream);

    if (readyToExportFiles != null)
        for (String readyToExportFile : readyToExportFiles.keySet()) {
            zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(readyToExportFile));
            InputStream inputStream = readyToExportFiles.get(readyToExportFile);
            byte[] dataBlock = new byte[1024];
            int count = inputStream.read(dataBlock, 0, 1024);
            while (count != -1) {
                zos.write(dataBlock, 0, count);
                count = inputStream.read(dataBlock, 0, 1024);

    LinkedHashMap<SampleId, String> sampleIDToIndividualIdMap = new LinkedHashMap<SampleId, String>();
    ArrayList<String> individualList = new ArrayList<String>();
    List<Individual> individuals = getIndividualsFromSamples(sModule, sampleIDs);
    for (int i = 0; i < sampleIDs.size(); i++) {
        String individualId = individuals.get(i).getId();
        sampleIDToIndividualIdMap.put(sampleIDs.get(i), individualId);
        if (!individualList.contains(individualId)) {

    String exportName = sModule + "_" + markerCount + "variants_" + individualList.size() + "individuals";
    zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(exportName + ".vcf"));

    int avgObjSize = (Integer) mongoTemplate
    int nQueryChunkSize = nMaxChunkSizeInMb * 1024 * 1024 / avgObjSize;

    VariantContextWriter writer = null;
    try {
        List<String> distinctSequenceNames = new ArrayList<String>();

        String sequenceSeqCollName = MongoTemplateManager.getMongoCollectionName(Sequence.class);
        if (mongoTemplate.collectionExists(sequenceSeqCollName)) {
            DBCursor markerCursorCopy = markerCursor.copy();
            while (markerCursorCopy.hasNext()) {
                int nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop = 0;
                boolean fStartingNewChunk = true;
                while (markerCursorCopy.hasNext()
                        && (fStartingNewChunk || nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop % nQueryChunkSize != 0)) {
                    DBObject exportVariant = markerCursorCopy.next();
                    String chr = (String) ((DBObject) exportVariant
                    if (!distinctSequenceNames.contains(chr))

        Collections.sort(distinctSequenceNames, new AlphaNumericStringComparator());
        SAMSequenceDictionary dict = createSAMSequenceDictionary(sModule, distinctSequenceNames);
        writer = new CustomVCFWriter(null, zos, dict, false, false, true);
        //         VariantContextWriterBuilder vcwb = new VariantContextWriterBuilder();
        //         vcwb.unsetOption(Options.INDEX_ON_THE_FLY);
        //         vcwb.unsetOption(Options.DO_NOT_WRITE_GENOTYPES);
        //         vcwb.setOption(Options.USE_ASYNC_IOINDEX_ON_THE_FLY);
        //         vcwb.setOption(Options.ALLOW_MISSING_FIELDS_IN_HEADER);
        //         vcwb.setReferenceDictionary(dict);
        //         writer = vcwb.build();
        //         writer = new AsyncVariantContextWriter(writer, 3000);

        progress.moveToNextStep(); // done with dictionary
        DBCursor headerCursor = mongoTemplate
                .find(new BasicDBObject("_id." + VcfHeaderId.FIELDNAME_PROJECT, projectId));
        Set<VCFHeaderLine> headerLines = new HashSet<VCFHeaderLine>();
        boolean fWriteCommandLine = true, fWriteEngineHeaders = true; // default values

        while (headerCursor.hasNext()) {
            DBVCFHeader dbVcfHeader = DBVCFHeader.fromDBObject(headerCursor.next());

            // Add sequence header lines (not stored in our vcf header collection)
            BasicDBObject projection = new BasicDBObject(SequenceStats.FIELDNAME_SEQUENCE_LENGTH, true);
            int nSequenceIndex = 0;
            for (String sequenceName : distinctSequenceNames) {
                String sequenceInfoCollName = MongoTemplateManager.getMongoCollectionName(SequenceStats.class);
                boolean fCollectionExists = mongoTemplate.collectionExists(sequenceInfoCollName);
                if (fCollectionExists) {
                    DBObject record = mongoTemplate.getCollection(sequenceInfoCollName).findOne(
                            new Query(Criteria.where("_id").is(sequenceName)).getQueryObject(), projection);
                    if (record == null) {
                        LOG.warn("Sequence '" + sequenceName + "' not found in collection "
                                + sequenceInfoCollName);

                    Map<String, String> sequenceLineData = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
                    sequenceLineData.put("ID", (String) record.get("_id"));
                            ((Number) record.get(SequenceStats.FIELDNAME_SEQUENCE_LENGTH)).toString());
                    headerLines.add(new VCFContigHeaderLine(sequenceLineData, nSequenceIndex++));
            fWriteCommandLine = headerCursor.size() == 1 && dbVcfHeader.getWriteCommandLine(); // wouldn't make sense to include command lines for several runs
            if (!dbVcfHeader.getWriteEngineHeaders())
                fWriteEngineHeaders = false;

        VCFHeader header = new VCFHeader(headerLines, individualList);

        short nProgress = 0, nPreviousProgress = 0;
        long nLoadedMarkerCount = 0;
        HashMap<SampleId, Comparable /*phID*/> phasingIDsBySample = new HashMap<SampleId, Comparable>();

        while (markerCursor.hasNext()) {
            if (progress.hasAborted())

            int nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop = 0;
            boolean fStartingNewChunk = true;
            List<Comparable> currentMarkers = new ArrayList<Comparable>();
            while (markerCursor.hasNext()
                    && (fStartingNewChunk || nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop % nQueryChunkSize != 0)) {
                DBObject exportVariant = markerCursor.next();
                currentMarkers.add((Comparable) exportVariant.get("_id"));
                fStartingNewChunk = false;

            LinkedHashMap<VariantData, Collection<VariantRunData>> variantsAndRuns = MgdbDao.getSampleGenotypes(
                    mongoTemplate, sampleIDs, currentMarkers, true,
                    null /*new Sort(VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "." + ChromosomalPosition.FIELDNAME_SEQUENCE).and(new Sort(VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "." + ChromosomalPosition.FIELDNAME_START_SITE))*/); // query mongo db for matching genotypes
            for (VariantData variant : variantsAndRuns.keySet()) {
                VariantContext vc = variant.toVariantContext(variantsAndRuns.get(variant),
                        !ObjectId.isValid(variant.getId().toString()), sampleIDToIndividualIdMap,
                        phasingIDsBySample, nMinimumGenotypeQuality, nMinimumReadDepth, warningFileWriter,
                        markerSynonyms == null ? variant.getId() : markerSynonyms.get(variant.getId()));
                try {
                } catch (Throwable t) {
                    Exception e = new Exception("Unable to convert to VariantContext: " + variant.getId(), t);
                    LOG.debug("error", e);
                    throw e;

                if (nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop > currentMarkers.size())
                    LOG.error("Bug: writing variant number " + nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop + " (only "
                            + currentMarkers.size() + " variants expected)");

            nLoadedMarkerCount += nLoadedMarkerCountInLoop;
            nProgress = (short) (nLoadedMarkerCount * 100 / markerCount);
            if (nProgress > nPreviousProgress) {
                nPreviousProgress = nProgress;
        progress.setCurrentStepProgress((short) 100);

    } catch (Exception e) {
        LOG.error("Error exporting", e);
    } finally {
        if (warningFile.length() > 0) {
            zos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(exportName + "-REMARKS.txt"));
            int nWarningCount = 0;
            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(warningFile));
            String sLine;
            while ((sLine = in.readLine()) != null) {
                zos.write((sLine + "\n").getBytes());
            LOG.info("Number of Warnings for export (" + exportName + "): " + nWarningCount);
        if (writer != null)
            try {
            } catch (Throwable ignored) {

From source file:fr.cirad.web.controller.gigwa.base.AbstractVariantController.java

License:Open Source License

 * Export variants.//from   www  .  ja v a2  s  . com
 * @param request the request
 * @param response the response
 * @param sModule the module
 * @param fKeepExportOnServer whether or not to keep export on server
 * @param sExportFormat the export format
 * @param exportID the export id
 * @param projId the proj id
 * @param selectedVariantTypes the selected variant types
 * @param selectedSequences the selected sequences
 * @param selectedIndividuals the selected individuals
 * @param gtPattern the gt code
 * @param genotypeQualityThreshold the genotype quality threshold
 * @param readDepthThreshold the read depth threshold
 * @param missingData the missing data
 * @param minmaf the minmaf
 * @param maxmaf the maxmaf
 * @param minposition the minposition
 * @param maxposition the maxposition
 * @param alleleCount the allele count
 * @param geneName the gene name
 * @param variantEffects the variant effects
 * @throws Exception the exception
protected void exportVariants(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        @RequestParam("module") String sModule, @RequestParam("keepExportOnServer") boolean fKeepExportOnServer,
        @RequestParam("exportFormat") String sExportFormat, @RequestParam("exportID") String exportID,
        @RequestParam("project") int projId, @RequestParam("variantTypes") String selectedVariantTypes,
        @RequestParam("sequences") String selectedSequences,
        @RequestParam(value = "individuals", required = false) String selectedIndividuals,
        @RequestParam("gtPattern") String gtPattern,
        @RequestParam("genotypeQualityThreshold") int genotypeQualityThreshold,
        @RequestParam("readDepthThreshold") int readDepthThreshold,
        @RequestParam("missingData") double missingData,
        @RequestParam(value = "minmaf", required = false) Float minmaf,
        @RequestParam(value = "maxmaf", required = false) Float maxmaf,
        @RequestParam("minposition") Long minposition, @RequestParam("maxposition") Long maxposition,
        @RequestParam("alleleCount") String alleleCount, @RequestParam("geneName") String geneName,
        @RequestParam("variantEffects") String variantEffects) throws Exception {
    //      exportID = URLDecoder.decode(exportID, "UTF-8");
    String token = exportID.substring(1 + exportID.indexOf('|'));

    ProgressIndicator progress = ProgressIndicator.get(token);
    if (progress == null) {
        progress = new ProgressIndicator(token, new String[] { "Identifying matching variants" });

    long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = MongoTemplateManager.get(sModule);

    List<String> selectedIndividualList = selectedIndividuals.length() == 0
            ? getIndividualsInDbOrder(sModule, projId)
            /* no selection means all selected */ : Arrays.asList(selectedIndividuals.split(";"));

    long count = countVariants(request, sModule, projId, selectedVariantTypes, selectedSequences,
            selectedIndividuals, gtPattern, genotypeQualityThreshold, readDepthThreshold, missingData, minmaf,
            maxmaf, minposition, maxposition, alleleCount, geneName, variantEffects,
            "" /* if we pass exportID then the progress indicator is going to be replaced by another, and we don't need it for counting since we cache count values */);
    DBCollection tmpVarColl = getTemporaryVariantCollection(sModule, token, false);
    long nTempVarCount = mongoTemplate.count(new Query(), tmpVarColl.getName());
    boolean fWorkingOnFullDataset = mongoTemplate.count(null, VariantData.class) == count;
    if (!fWorkingOnFullDataset && nTempVarCount == 0) {

    // use a cursor to avoid using too much memory
    DBObject query = count == nTempVarCount ? null
            : new BasicDBObject(VariantData.FIELDNAME_VERSION, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true));
    String sequenceField = VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "."
            + ReferencePosition.FIELDNAME_SEQUENCE;
    String startField = VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "." + ReferencePosition.FIELDNAME_START_SITE;
    BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject("_id",
            1); /* necessary for MgdbDao.getSampleGenotypes to work properly */
    DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject();
    projection.put(sequenceField, 1);
    projection.put(startField, 1);

    DBCursor markerCursor = mongoTemplate.getCollection(
            !fWorkingOnFullDataset ? tmpVarColl.getName() : mongoTemplate.getCollectionName(VariantData.class))
            .find(query, projection).sort(sort);

    try {
        AbstractIndividualOrientedExportHandler individualOrientedExportHandler = AbstractIndividualOrientedExportHandler
        AbstractMarkerOrientedExportHandler markerOrientedExportHandler = AbstractMarkerOrientedExportHandler

        GenotypingProject project = mongoTemplate.findById(projId, GenotypingProject.class);
        String filename = sModule + "_" + project.getName() + "_"
                + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()) + "_" + count + "variants_"
                + sExportFormat + "."
                + (individualOrientedExportHandler != null ? individualOrientedExportHandler
                        : markerOrientedExportHandler).getExportFileExtension();
        OutputStream os;
        LOG.info((fKeepExportOnServer ? "On-server" : "Direct-download") + " export requested: " + token);
        if (fKeepExportOnServer) {
            String relativeOutputFolder = File.separator + FRONTEND_URL + File.separator + TMP_OUTPUT_FOLDER
                    + File.separator + token.replaceAll("\\|", "_") + File.separator;
            File outputLocation = new File(
            if (!outputLocation.exists() && !outputLocation.mkdirs())
                throw new Exception("Unable to create folder: " + outputLocation);
            os = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputLocation.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + filename));
        } else {
            os = response.getOutputStream();
            response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "inline; filename=" + filename);

        ArrayList<SampleId> sampleIDs = new ArrayList<SampleId>();
        for (String individual : selectedIndividualList)
            for (Integer individualSampleIndex : project.getIndividualSampleIndexes(individual))
                sampleIDs.add(new SampleId(projId, individualSampleIndex));

        if (fKeepExportOnServer) {
            String relativeOutputFolder = FRONTEND_URL + File.separator + TMP_OUTPUT_FOLDER + File.separator
                    + token.replaceAll("\\|", "_") + File.separator;
            String relativeOutputFolderUrl = request.getContextPath() + "/"
                    + relativeOutputFolder.replace(File.separator, "/");
            String exportURL = relativeOutputFolderUrl + filename;
            LOG.debug("On-server export file for export " + token + ": " + exportURL);
        //         else
        //         {
        //            // The two next lines are an ugly hack that makes the client believe transfer has started. Otherwise we may end-up with a client-side timeout (search for network.http.response.timeout for more details)
        //            response.getOutputStream().print(" ");
        //            response.getOutputStream().flush();
        //         }

        HashMap<String, Integer> annotationFieldThresholds = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        annotationFieldThresholds.put(VCFConstants.GENOTYPE_QUALITY_KEY, genotypeQualityThreshold);
        annotationFieldThresholds.put(VCFConstants.DEPTH_KEY, readDepthThreshold);

        if (individualOrientedExportHandler != null) {
            progress.addStep("Reading and re-organizing genotypes"); // initial step will consist in organizing genotypes by individual rather than by marker
            progress.moveToNextStep(); // done with identifying variants
            TreeMap<String, File> exportFiles = individualOrientedExportHandler.createExportFiles(sModule,
                    markerCursor.copy(), sampleIDs, new ArrayList<SampleId>(), token, annotationFieldThresholds,
                    new HashMap<String, Integer>(), project.getSampleIdToIndividualMap(selectedIndividualList),
            if (!progress.hasAborted()) {
                for (String step : individualOrientedExportHandler.getStepList())
                individualOrientedExportHandler.exportData(os, sModule, exportFiles.values(), true, progress,
                        markerCursor, null, null);
        } else if (markerOrientedExportHandler != null) {
            for (String step : markerOrientedExportHandler.getStepList())
            progress.moveToNextStep(); // done with identifying variants

            markerOrientedExportHandler.exportData(os, sModule, sampleIDs, new ArrayList<SampleId>(), progress,
                    markerCursor, null, annotationFieldThresholds, new HashMap<String, Integer>(),
                    project.getSampleIdToIndividualMap(selectedIndividualList), null);
            LOG.debug("done with exportData");
        } else
            throw new Exception("No export handler found for format " + sExportFormat);

        if (!progress.hasAborted()) {
            LOG.info("doVariantExport took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before) / 1000d + "s to process "
                    + count + " variants and " + selectedIndividualList.size() + " individuals");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.error("Error exporting data", t);
        progress.setError("Error exporting data: " + t.getClass().getSimpleName()
                + (t.getMessage() != null ? " - " + t.getMessage() : ""));
    } finally {

From source file:gov.llnl.iscr.iris.LDAModel.java

License:Open Source License

 * returns a list of iterator objects containing key-value maps of the related topics and probabilities for each topic in the given list 
 * @param enrichedSet//from  w  ww. j  a  va 2s.co  m
 * @return
public List<DBCursor> getRelatedTopics(List<Integer> enrichedSet) {
    BasicDBObject orderByCovar = new BasicDBObject("covar", -1);
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("_id", 0);
    DBCursor cur;
    List<DBCursor> relatedTopicsCursors = new ArrayList<DBCursor>();
    for (Integer topicID : enrichedSet) {
        cur = related.find(new BasicDBObject("topic", topicID), query).sort(orderByCovar);

    return relatedTopicsCursors;