Example usage for com.mongodb DBCursor addOption

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCursor addOption


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCursor addOption.


public DBCursor addOption(final int option) 

Source Link


Adds a query option.


From source file:fr.cirad.web.controller.gigwa.base.AbstractVariantController.java

License:Open Source License

 * Export variants.//  w ww .j  a va2s. c om
 * @param request the request
 * @param response the response
 * @param sModule the module
 * @param fKeepExportOnServer whether or not to keep export on server
 * @param sExportFormat the export format
 * @param exportID the export id
 * @param projId the proj id
 * @param selectedVariantTypes the selected variant types
 * @param selectedSequences the selected sequences
 * @param selectedIndividuals the selected individuals
 * @param gtPattern the gt code
 * @param genotypeQualityThreshold the genotype quality threshold
 * @param readDepthThreshold the read depth threshold
 * @param missingData the missing data
 * @param minmaf the minmaf
 * @param maxmaf the maxmaf
 * @param minposition the minposition
 * @param maxposition the maxposition
 * @param alleleCount the allele count
 * @param geneName the gene name
 * @param variantEffects the variant effects
 * @throws Exception the exception
protected void exportVariants(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response,
        @RequestParam("module") String sModule, @RequestParam("keepExportOnServer") boolean fKeepExportOnServer,
        @RequestParam("exportFormat") String sExportFormat, @RequestParam("exportID") String exportID,
        @RequestParam("project") int projId, @RequestParam("variantTypes") String selectedVariantTypes,
        @RequestParam("sequences") String selectedSequences,
        @RequestParam(value = "individuals", required = false) String selectedIndividuals,
        @RequestParam("gtPattern") String gtPattern,
        @RequestParam("genotypeQualityThreshold") int genotypeQualityThreshold,
        @RequestParam("readDepthThreshold") int readDepthThreshold,
        @RequestParam("missingData") double missingData,
        @RequestParam(value = "minmaf", required = false) Float minmaf,
        @RequestParam(value = "maxmaf", required = false) Float maxmaf,
        @RequestParam("minposition") Long minposition, @RequestParam("maxposition") Long maxposition,
        @RequestParam("alleleCount") String alleleCount, @RequestParam("geneName") String geneName,
        @RequestParam("variantEffects") String variantEffects) throws Exception {
    //      exportID = URLDecoder.decode(exportID, "UTF-8");
    String token = exportID.substring(1 + exportID.indexOf('|'));

    ProgressIndicator progress = ProgressIndicator.get(token);
    if (progress == null) {
        progress = new ProgressIndicator(token, new String[] { "Identifying matching variants" });

    long before = System.currentTimeMillis();
    final MongoTemplate mongoTemplate = MongoTemplateManager.get(sModule);

    List<String> selectedIndividualList = selectedIndividuals.length() == 0
            ? getIndividualsInDbOrder(sModule, projId)
            /* no selection means all selected */ : Arrays.asList(selectedIndividuals.split(";"));

    long count = countVariants(request, sModule, projId, selectedVariantTypes, selectedSequences,
            selectedIndividuals, gtPattern, genotypeQualityThreshold, readDepthThreshold, missingData, minmaf,
            maxmaf, minposition, maxposition, alleleCount, geneName, variantEffects,
            "" /* if we pass exportID then the progress indicator is going to be replaced by another, and we don't need it for counting since we cache count values */);
    DBCollection tmpVarColl = getTemporaryVariantCollection(sModule, token, false);
    long nTempVarCount = mongoTemplate.count(new Query(), tmpVarColl.getName());
    boolean fWorkingOnFullDataset = mongoTemplate.count(null, VariantData.class) == count;
    if (!fWorkingOnFullDataset && nTempVarCount == 0) {

    // use a cursor to avoid using too much memory
    DBObject query = count == nTempVarCount ? null
            : new BasicDBObject(VariantData.FIELDNAME_VERSION, new BasicDBObject("$exists", true));
    String sequenceField = VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "."
            + ReferencePosition.FIELDNAME_SEQUENCE;
    String startField = VariantData.FIELDNAME_REFERENCE_POSITION + "." + ReferencePosition.FIELDNAME_START_SITE;
    BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject("_id",
            1); /* necessary for MgdbDao.getSampleGenotypes to work properly */
    DBObject projection = new BasicDBObject();
    projection.put(sequenceField, 1);
    projection.put(startField, 1);

    DBCursor markerCursor = mongoTemplate.getCollection(
            !fWorkingOnFullDataset ? tmpVarColl.getName() : mongoTemplate.getCollectionName(VariantData.class))
            .find(query, projection).sort(sort);

    try {
        AbstractIndividualOrientedExportHandler individualOrientedExportHandler = AbstractIndividualOrientedExportHandler
        AbstractMarkerOrientedExportHandler markerOrientedExportHandler = AbstractMarkerOrientedExportHandler

        GenotypingProject project = mongoTemplate.findById(projId, GenotypingProject.class);
        String filename = sModule + "_" + project.getName() + "_"
                + new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(new Date()) + "_" + count + "variants_"
                + sExportFormat + "."
                + (individualOrientedExportHandler != null ? individualOrientedExportHandler
                        : markerOrientedExportHandler).getExportFileExtension();
        OutputStream os;
        LOG.info((fKeepExportOnServer ? "On-server" : "Direct-download") + " export requested: " + token);
        if (fKeepExportOnServer) {
            String relativeOutputFolder = File.separator + FRONTEND_URL + File.separator + TMP_OUTPUT_FOLDER
                    + File.separator + token.replaceAll("\\|", "_") + File.separator;
            File outputLocation = new File(
            if (!outputLocation.exists() && !outputLocation.mkdirs())
                throw new Exception("Unable to create folder: " + outputLocation);
            os = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputLocation.getAbsolutePath() + File.separator + filename));
        } else {
            os = response.getOutputStream();
            response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "inline; filename=" + filename);

        ArrayList<SampleId> sampleIDs = new ArrayList<SampleId>();
        for (String individual : selectedIndividualList)
            for (Integer individualSampleIndex : project.getIndividualSampleIndexes(individual))
                sampleIDs.add(new SampleId(projId, individualSampleIndex));

        if (fKeepExportOnServer) {
            String relativeOutputFolder = FRONTEND_URL + File.separator + TMP_OUTPUT_FOLDER + File.separator
                    + token.replaceAll("\\|", "_") + File.separator;
            String relativeOutputFolderUrl = request.getContextPath() + "/"
                    + relativeOutputFolder.replace(File.separator, "/");
            String exportURL = relativeOutputFolderUrl + filename;
            LOG.debug("On-server export file for export " + token + ": " + exportURL);
        //         else
        //         {
        //            // The two next lines are an ugly hack that makes the client believe transfer has started. Otherwise we may end-up with a client-side timeout (search for network.http.response.timeout for more details)
        //            response.getOutputStream().print(" ");
        //            response.getOutputStream().flush();
        //         }

        HashMap<String, Integer> annotationFieldThresholds = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        annotationFieldThresholds.put(VCFConstants.GENOTYPE_QUALITY_KEY, genotypeQualityThreshold);
        annotationFieldThresholds.put(VCFConstants.DEPTH_KEY, readDepthThreshold);

        if (individualOrientedExportHandler != null) {
            progress.addStep("Reading and re-organizing genotypes"); // initial step will consist in organizing genotypes by individual rather than by marker
            progress.moveToNextStep(); // done with identifying variants
            TreeMap<String, File> exportFiles = individualOrientedExportHandler.createExportFiles(sModule,
                    markerCursor.copy(), sampleIDs, new ArrayList<SampleId>(), token, annotationFieldThresholds,
                    new HashMap<String, Integer>(), project.getSampleIdToIndividualMap(selectedIndividualList),
            if (!progress.hasAborted()) {
                for (String step : individualOrientedExportHandler.getStepList())
                individualOrientedExportHandler.exportData(os, sModule, exportFiles.values(), true, progress,
                        markerCursor, null, null);
        } else if (markerOrientedExportHandler != null) {
            for (String step : markerOrientedExportHandler.getStepList())
            progress.moveToNextStep(); // done with identifying variants

            markerOrientedExportHandler.exportData(os, sModule, sampleIDs, new ArrayList<SampleId>(), progress,
                    markerCursor, null, annotationFieldThresholds, new HashMap<String, Integer>(),
                    project.getSampleIdToIndividualMap(selectedIndividualList), null);
            LOG.debug("done with exportData");
        } else
            throw new Exception("No export handler found for format " + sExportFormat);

        if (!progress.hasAborted()) {
            LOG.info("doVariantExport took " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - before) / 1000d + "s to process "
                    + count + " variants and " + selectedIndividualList.size() + " individuals");
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        LOG.error("Error exporting data", t);
        progress.setError("Error exporting data: " + t.getClass().getSimpleName()
                + (t.getMessage() != null ? " - " + t.getMessage() : ""));
    } finally {

From source file:org.apache.gora.mongodb.store.MongoStore.java

License:Apache License

 * Execute the query and return the result.
 */// ww  w.  j  a  va 2  s. com
public Result<K, T> execute(final Query<K, T> query) {

    String[] fields = getFieldsToQuery(query.getFields());
    // Build the actual MongoDB query
    DBObject q = MongoDBQuery.toDBQuery(query);
    DBObject p = MongoDBQuery.toProjection(fields, mapping);

    if (query.getFilter() != null) {
        boolean succeeded = filterUtil.setFilter(q, query.getFilter(), this);
        if (succeeded) {
            // don't need local filter

    // Execute the query on the collection
    DBCursor cursor = mongoClientColl.find(q, p);
    if (query.getLimit() > 0)
        cursor = cursor.limit((int) query.getLimit());

    // Build the result
    MongoDBResult<K, T> mongoResult = new MongoDBResult<K, T>(this, query);

    return mongoResult;

From source file:org.axonframework.eventstore.mongo.MongoEventStore.java

License:Apache License

public void visitEvents(Criteria criteria, EventVisitor visitor) {
    DBCursor cursor = storageStrategy.findEvents(mongoTemplate.domainEventCollection(),
            (MongoCriteria) criteria);//from   w w  w.j a v  a 2  s .com
    CursorBackedDomainEventStream events = new CursorBackedDomainEventStream(cursor, null, null, true);
    try {
        while (events.hasNext()) {
    } finally {

From source file:org.eclipse.birt.data.oda.mongodb.internal.impl.MDbOperation.java

License:Open Source License

 * Applies data set query properties and hints on DBCursor, except
 * for cursor limit.//w ww  .ja  v  a 2 s  . c o  m
 * @see #applyPropertiesToCursor(DBCursor,QueryProperties,boolean,boolean)
static void applyPropertiesToCursor(DBCursor rowsCursor, QueryProperties queryProps, boolean includeSortExpr) {
    if (includeSortExpr) // normally done only when executing a query to get full result set
        DBObject sortExprObj = null;
        try {
            sortExprObj = queryProps.getSortExprAsParsedObject();
        } catch (OdaException ex) {
            // log warning and ignore
                    Messages.bind("Unable to parse the user-defined Sort Expression: {0}", //$NON-NLS-1$
                            queryProps.getSortExpr()), ex);

        if (sortExprObj != null)

    ReadPreference readPref = queryProps.getTaggableReadPreference();
    if (readPref != null)

    if (queryProps.getBatchSize() > 0)

    if (queryProps.getNumDocsToSkip() > 0)

    DBObject hintObj = queryProps.getIndexHintsAsParsedObject();
    if (hintObj != null)
    else // try to pass the hint string value as is
        String hintValue = queryProps.getIndexHints();
        if (!hintValue.isEmpty())

    if (queryProps.hasNoTimeOut())
    if (queryProps.isPartialResultsOk())

From source file:org.geotools.data.mongodb.MongoLayer.java


 * Get mapping of field names and types, and counts for different types
 * //from ww  w  .ja  v a2  s  .  c  o  m
 * @param collection where metadata from map-reduce job stored, in format: { "_id" : {
 *            "fieldname" : "geometry.type", "type" : "Point"}, "value" : 2 } { "_id" : {
 *            "fieldname" : "properties.ActivityDescription", "type" : "number" }, "value" : 1 }
 *            { "_id" : { "fieldname" : "properties.ActivityDescription", "type" : "string" },
 *            "value" : 3 } where value is number of occurrences for given type
 * @return mapping of field names to ClassCount holding type and count info
private HashMap<String, ClassCount> getFieldMap(DBCollection metaResultsColl) {
    // cursor over collection
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    DBCursor cursor = metaResultsColl.find(query);
    // avoid cursor timeout
    // map to store fieldname and ClasCount object holding type and type-count info
    HashMap<String, ClassCount> fieldMap = new HashMap<String, ClassCount>();

    try {
        // iterate over each record
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {
            // check type found for current field
            DBObject currRec = cursor.next();
            DBObject currField = (DBObject) currRec.get("_id");
            String fieldName = (String) currField.get("fieldname");
            String fieldType = (String) currField.get("type");
            int typeCount = ((Double) currRec.get("value")).intValue();
            // if first occurrence of field name instantiate counter
            if (!fieldMap.containsKey(fieldName)) {
                fieldMap.put(fieldName, new ClassCount(fieldType, typeCount));
            // else increment count for given type
            else {
                ClassCount currCount = fieldMap.get(fieldName);
                currCount.add(fieldType, typeCount);
                fieldMap.put(fieldName, currCount);
    } finally {
        // need to explicitly release cursor since notimeout option set

    return fieldMap;

From source file:org.mule.module.mongo.tools.IncrementalOplogDump.java

License:Open Source License

private void dump(String outputDirectory, String database) throws IOException {
    Validate.notNull(outputDirectory);/*from  w w  w  . j a va2 s  . co m*/

    String incrementalFilePath = incrementalTimestampFile != null ? incrementalTimestampFile
            : outputDirectory + File.separator + INCREMENTAL_LAST_TIMESTAMP;
    BSONTimestamp lastTimestamp = getLastTimestamp(incrementalFilePath);

    DBCollection oplogCollection = new OplogCollection(dbs.get(BackupConstants.ADMIN_DB),
    DBCursor oplogCursor;
    if (lastTimestamp != null) {
        DBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
        query.put(BackupConstants.TIMESTAMP_FIELD, new BasicDBObject("$gt", lastTimestamp));
        // Filter only oplogs for given database
        query.put(BackupConstants.NAMESPACE_FIELD, BackupUtils.getNamespacePattern(database));

        oplogCursor = oplogCollection.find(query);
    } else {
        oplogCursor = oplogCollection.find();

    DumpWriter dumpWriter = new BsonDumpWriter(outputDirectory);
    String oplogCollectionTimestamp = BackupConstants.OPLOG + appendTimestamp();

    try {
        while (oplogCursor.hasNext()) {
            DBObject oplogEntry = oplogCursor.next();
            lastTimestamp = (BSONTimestamp) oplogEntry.get("ts");

            dumpWriter.writeObject(oplogCollectionTimestamp, oplogEntry);
    } finally {
        writeLastTimestamp(incrementalFilePath, lastTimestamp);

From source file:org.mule.module.mongo.tools.MongoDumpCollection.java

License:Open Source License

public Void call() throws Exception {
    final DBCursor cursor = query != null ? collection.find(query) : collection.find();
    cursor.sort(new BasicDBObject("_id", 1));

    for (final Integer option : options) {
    }//w w w . j a  v a2  s.c  o m

    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        final BasicDBObject dbObject = (BasicDBObject) cursor.next();
        dumpWriter.writeObject(name != null ? name : collection.getName(), dbObject);
    return null;

From source file:org.ossmeter.platform.mining.msr14.Extractor.java

License:Open Source License

public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();

    Mongo msrMongo = new Mongo(new ServerAddress("localhost", 1234)); // GitHub challenge data
    Mongo bioMongo = new Mongo(new ServerAddress("localhost", 12345));// Extracted data

    // Create indexes
    Biodiversity bio = new Biodiversity(bioMongo.getDB("biodiversity"));
    bio.setClearPongoCacheOnSync(true);/*ww w .j a v  a 2s  . com*/
    bioMongo.getDB("biodiversity").getCollection("users").ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("login", 1));

    BasicDBObject index = new BasicDBObject();
    index.put("name", 1);
    index.put("ownerName", 1);

    index = new BasicDBObject();
    index.put("projectName", 1);
    index.put("projectOwner", 1);

    index = new BasicDBObject();
    index.put("projectName", 1);
    index.put("userName", 1);

            .ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject("userName", 1));

    DB msrDb = msrMongo.getDB("msr14");

    //      #1 User extraction
    System.out.println("Extracting users...");
    DBCursor cursor = msrDb.getCollection("users").find();
    Iterator<DBObject> it = cursor.iterator();

    int count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         User user = new User();
    //         user.setGhId(obj.getString("id"));
    //         user.setLogin(obj.getString("login"));
    //         user.setLocation(obj.getString("location"));
    //         user.setPublicRepos(obj.getInt("public_repos", 0));
    //         user.setJoinedDate(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         user.setFollowerCount(obj.getInt("followers", 0));
    //         user.setFollowingCount(obj.getInt("following", 0));
    //         user.setPublicGists(obj.getInt("public_gists", 0));
    //         bio.getUsers().add(user);
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    ////      #1.2 Project extraction
    //      System.out.println("Extracting projects...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("repos").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         Project project = new Project();
    //         project.setName(obj.getString("name"));
    //         project.setGhId(obj.getString("id"));
    //         project.setCreatedAt(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         project.setSize(obj.getInt("size", 0));
    //         project.setWatchersCount(obj.getInt("watchers",0));
    //         project.setWatchersCount2(obj.getInt("watchers_count",0));
    //         project.setLanguage(obj.getString("language"));
    //         project.setForks(obj.getInt("forks", 0));
    //         project.setForksCount(obj.getInt("forks_count", 0));
    //         project.setOpenIssues(obj.getInt("open_issues",0));
    //         project.setOpenIssuesCount(obj.getInt("open_issues_count",0));
    //         project.setOpenIssues(obj.getInt("open_issues",0));
    //         project.setNetworkCount(obj.getInt("network_count", 0));
    //         BasicDBObject ownerObj = (BasicDBObject) obj.get("owner");
    //         User owner = null;
    //         if (ownerObj != null) {
    //            owner = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(ownerObj.getString("login")));
    //            if (owner !=null) {
    //               project.setOwner(owner);
    //               project.setOwnerName(owner.getLogin());
    //            }
    //         }
    //         bio.getProjects().add(project);
    //         if (owner != null) { // This comes here as to reference the project, we need to have added to the project list first
    //            ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, owner, project);
    //            pm.setOwner(true);
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    ////      #2 Follower/following extraction
    //      System.out.println("Extracting followers...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("followers").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String followerLogin = obj.getString("login");
    //         String followedLogin = obj.getString("follows");
    //         User follower = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(followerLogin));
    //         User followed = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(followedLogin));
    //         if (follower != null && followed != null) {
    //            follower.getFollowing().add(followed);
    //            followed.getFollowers().add(follower);
    //         } else{
    ////            System.err.println("Follower or followed is null. Follower: " +follower + ". followed: " + followed);
    //         }
    //         if (follower != null) follower.setFollowingCount(follower.getFollowingCount()+1);
    //         if (followed != null) followed.setFollowerCount(followed.getFollowerCount()+1);
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    System.out.println("Clearing ProjectMembership commit data");

    for (ProjectMembership pm : bio.getProjectMemberships()) {

    //      #3 Commits
    System.out.println("Extracting commits...");
    cursor = msrDb.getCollection("commits").find();
    it = cursor.iterator();

    count = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {
        BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();

        // Author and committer
        BasicDBObject commitAuthor = (BasicDBObject) obj.get("author");
        BasicDBObject commitCommitter = (BasicDBObject) obj.get("committer");

        String authorLogin = "";
        if (commitAuthor != null)
            authorLogin = commitAuthor.getString("login");
        String committerLogin = "";
        if (commitCommitter != null)
            committerLogin = commitCommitter.getString("login");

        // Stats
        BasicDBObject stats = (BasicDBObject) obj.get("stats");
        if (stats == null)
            stats = new BasicDBObject(); // Create a new one so we can get zeroed values
        int total = stats.getInt("total", 0);
        int additions = stats.getInt("additions", 0);
        int deletions = stats.getInt("deletions", 0);

        String commitDate = ((BasicDBObject) ((BasicDBObject) obj.get("commit")).get("author"))

        BasicDBList files = (BasicDBList) obj.get("files");
        String[] url = convertUrlIntoProjectNameAndOwner(obj.getString("url"));

        ProjectMembership authorPm = null;
        ProjectMembership committerPm = null;

        if (authorLogin != null) {
            authorPm = getProjectMembership(bio, authorLogin, url[1], url[0]);
            authorPm.setCommitCount(authorPm.getCommitCount() + 1);
            authorPm.setCommitTotalChanges(authorPm.getCommitTotalChanges() + total);
            authorPm.setCommitAdditions(authorPm.getCommitAdditions() + additions);
            authorPm.setCommitDeletions(authorPm.getCommitDeletions() + deletions);
            authorPm.setCommitsAsAuthor(authorPm.getCommitsAsAuthor() + 1);
            if (files != null)
                authorPm.setCommitTotalFiles(authorPm.getCommitTotalChanges() + files.size());
            authorPm.setAverageFilesPerCommit(authorPm.getCommitTotalFiles() / authorPm.getCommitCount());

        if (authorLogin != null && !authorLogin.equals(committerLogin)) {
            committerPm = getProjectMembership(bio, committerLogin, url[1], url[0]);

            committerPm.setCommitCount(committerPm.getCommitCount() + 1);
            //            committerPm.setCommitTotalChanges(committerPm.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
            //            committerPm.setCommitAdditions(committerPm.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
            //            committerPm.setCommitDeletions(committerPm.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
            committerPm.setCommitsAsCommitter(committerPm.getCommitsAsCommitter() + 1);
            committerPm.setCommitTotalFiles(committerPm.getCommitTotalChanges() + files.size());
            committerPm.setAverageFilesPerCommit(committerPm.getCommitTotalFiles() / authorPm.getCommitCount());
            if (files != null)
                committerPm.setCommitTotalFiles(committerPm.getCommitTotalChanges() + files.size());
                    .setAverageFilesPerCommit(committerPm.getCommitTotalFiles() / committerPm.getCommitCount());

        if (count % 1000 == 0) {
            System.out.print(count + ", ");


    //         if (author != null) {
    ////            if (author.getCommits() ==null) author.setCommits(new Commits());
    //            author.setCommitCount(author.getCommitCount()+1);
    //            author.setCommitTotalChanges(author.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
    //            author.setCommitAdditions(author.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
    //            author.setCommitDeletions(author.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
    //            author.setCommitsAsAuthor(author.getCommitsAsAuthor()+1);
    //            author.getCommitTimes().add(commitDate);
    //         }
    //         if (committer != null) {
    ////            if (committer.getCommits() ==null) committer.setCommits(new Commits());
    //            committer.setCommitCount(committer.getCommitCount()+1);
    //            committer.setCommitTotalChanges(committer.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
    //            committer.setCommitAdditions(committer.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
    //            committer.setCommitDeletions(committer.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
    //            committer.setCommitsAsCommitter(committer.getCommitsAsCommitter()+1);
    //            committer.getCommitTimes().add(commitDate);
    //         }
    //         ProjectMembership authorPm = null;
    //         ProjectMembership committerPm = null;
    ////          Only a very small number of commit comments actually reference the repo
    ////          Instead we're going to have to strip the string 
    //         String[] url = convertUrlIntoProjectNameAndOwner(obj.getString("url"));
    //         Project project = null;
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(url[1]), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(url[0])).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null) {
    //               project.setCommitCount(project.getCommitCount()+1);
    //               project.setCommitTotalChanges(project.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
    //               project.setCommitAdditions(project.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
    //               project.setCommitDeletions(project.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
    //               project.getCommitTimes().add(commitDate);
    //               if (author != null) {
    //                  authorPm = getProjectMembership(bio, author, project);
    //                  authorPm.setCommitCount(authorPm.getCommitCount()+1);
    //                  authorPm.setCommitTotalChanges(authorPm.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
    //                  authorPm.setCommitAdditions(authorPm.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
    //                  authorPm.setCommitDeletions(authorPm.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
    //                  authorPm.setCommitsAsAuthor(authorPm.getCommitsAsAuthor()+1);
    //                  // Avoid duplicating information
    //                  if (committer != null && author.getLogin().equals(committer.getLogin())) {
    //                     authorPm.setCommitsAsCommitter(authorPm.getCommitsAsCommitter()+1);
    //                  }
    //                  authorPm.getCommitTimes().add(commitDate);
    //               }
    //               if (committer != null && author != null && !author.getLogin().equals(committer.getLogin())) {
    //                  committerPm = getProjectMembership(bio, committer, project);
    //                  committerPm.setCommitCount(committerPm.getCommitCount()+1);
    //                  committerPm.setCommitTotalChanges(committerPm.getCommitTotalChanges()+total);
    //                  committerPm.setCommitAdditions(committerPm.getCommitAdditions()+additions);
    //                  committerPm.setCommitDeletions(committerPm.getCommitDeletions()+deletions);
    //                  committerPm.setCommitsAsCommitter(committerPm.getCommitsAsCommitter()+1);
    //                  committerPm.getCommitTimes().add(commitDate);
    //               }
    //            } 
    //         }
    //         else {
    //            System.err.println("Didn't find project:" + url[0] + ":"+url[1] + ", prestrip: " + obj.getString("url"));
    //         }
    //         bio.getProjectMemberships().sync();
    //         bio.sync();
    //         // Files
    //         BasicDBList files = (BasicDBList) obj.get("files");
    //         if (files != null) {
    //            for (Object f : files) {
    //               BasicDBObject file = (BasicDBObject)f;
    //               String filename = file.getString("filename");
    //               if (filename.lastIndexOf(".") != -1) { // If it has an extension, we want that. If not, use the entire filename
    //                  filename = filename.substring(filename.lastIndexOf("."));
    //                  filename = filename.toLowerCase(); // Ensure consistency
    //               }
    //         // FIXME: Should strip any /'s if there is no '.' - i.e. just the last one
    //               if (author != null) addArtefact(author, filename);
    //               if (committer != null) addArtefact(committer, filename);
    ////               if (project != null) addArtefact(project, filename);
    //            }
    //         }
    //         if (author != null && files !=null) {
    //            author.setCommitTotalFiles(author.getCommitTotalFiles()+files.size());
    //            author.setAverageFilesPerCommit(author.getCommitTotalFiles()/author.getCommitCount());
    //         }
    //         if (committer != null && files !=null && (author==null || !committer.getLogin().equals(author.getLogin()))) {
    //            committer.setCommitTotalFiles(committer.getCommitTotalFiles()+files.size());
    //            committer.setAverageFilesPerCommit(committer.getCommitTotalFiles()/committer.getCommitCount());
    //         }
    //         if (authorPm !=null && files != null) {
    //            authorPm.setCommitTotalFiles(authorPm.getCommitTotalChanges()+files.size());
    //            authorPm.setAverageFilesPerCommit(authorPm.getCommitTotalFiles()/authorPm.getCommitCount());
    //         }
    //         if (committerPm != null && files != null) {
    //            committerPm.setCommitTotalFiles(committerPm.getCommitTotalChanges()+files.size());
    //            committerPm.setAverageFilesPerCommit(committerPm.getCommitTotalFiles()/committerPm.getCommitCount());
    //         }
    //         if (project!=null && files != null) {
    //            project.setCommitTotalFiles(project.getCommitTotalChanges()+files.size());
    //            project.setAverageFilesPerCommit(project.getCommitTotalFiles()/project.getCommitCount());
    //         }

    //         bio.getProjectMemberships().sync();
    //         bio.sync();
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      cursor.close();
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    ////      #4 Commit comments
    //      System.out.println("Extracting commit comments...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("commit_comments").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "user", "login", obj);
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
    //         if (user == null) {
    //            System.err.println("Found commit comment with unrecognised user: " + username);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         user.setNumberOfCommitComments(user.getNumberOfCommitComments()+1);
    ////         if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("commitCommentTimes")) {
    ////            user.getDbObject().put("commitCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    ////         }
    ////         user.getCommitCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         // Only a very small number of commit comments actually reference the repo
    //         // Instead we're going to have to strip the string 
    //         String[] url = convertUrlIntoProjectNameAndOwner(obj.getString("url"));
    ////         System.out.println("Querying project " + url[1] + " and owner " + url[0]);
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(url[1]), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(url[0])).iterator();
    ////         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null) {
    //               project.setNumberOfCommitComments(project.getNumberOfCommitComments()+1);
    //               if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("commitCommentTimes")) {
    //                  project.getDbObject().put("commitCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               project.getCommitCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //               ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //               pm.setNumberOfCommitComments(pm.getNumberOfCommitComments()+1);
    //               if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("commitCommentTimes")) {
    //                  pm.getDbObject().put("commitCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               pm.getCommitCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //            }
    ////         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      cursor.close();
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    //      #5 Pull requests
    System.out.println("Extracting pull requests...");
    cursor = msrDb.getCollection("pull_requests").find();
    it = cursor.iterator();

    System.out.println("Clearing previous data");
    for (User u : bio.getUsers()) {
        if (!u.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
            u.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());
    for (Project u : bio.getProjects()) {
        if (!u.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
            u.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());

    for (ProjectMembership u : bio.getProjectMemberships()) {
        if (!u.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
            u.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());


    count = 0;
    while (it.hasNext()) {

        BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();

        String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "user", "login", obj);
        User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
        if (user == null) {
            //            System.err.println("Found pull request with unrecognised user:" + username);

        if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
            user.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());

        user.setNumberOfPullRequests(user.getNumberOfPullRequests() + 1);

        // Project
        System.out.println(obj.getString("repo") + " " + obj.getString("owner") + obj.getString("_id"));

        ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user.getLogin(), obj.getString("repo"),
        pm.setNumberOfPullRequests(pm.getNumberOfPullRequests() + 1);

        if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
            pm.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());

        //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
        //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) { // FIXME Causes it to run out of heap!
        //            Project project = repoIt.next();
        //            if (project != null) {
        //               project.setNumberOfPullRequests(project.getNumberOfPullRequests()+1);
        //               if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestTimes")) {
        //                  project.getDbObject().put("pullRequestTimes", new BasicDBList());
        //               }
        //               project.getPullRequestTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
        //            }
        //         } else {
        //            System.err.println("Didn't find project:" + obj.getString("repo") + ":"+obj.getString("owner"));
        //         }

        if (count % 1000 == 0) {
            System.out.print(count + ", ");

    ////      #6 Pull request comments
    //      System.out.println("Extracting pull request comments...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("pull_request_comments").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "user", "login", obj);
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
    //         if (user == null) {
    ////            System.err.println("Found pull request comment with unrecognised user:" + username);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestCommentTimes")) {
    //            user.getDbObject().put("pullRequestCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //         }
    //         user.getPullRequestCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         user.setNumberOfPullRequestComments(user.getNumberOfPullRequestComments()+1);
    //         // Project
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
    ////         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null) {
    //               project.setNumberOfPullRequestComments(project.getNumberOfPullRequestComments()+1);
    //               if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestCommentTimes")) {
    //                  project.getDbObject().put("pullRequestCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               project.getPullRequestCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //               ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //               pm.setNumberOfPullRequestComments(pm.getNumberOfPullRequestComments()+1);
    //               if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("pullRequestCommentTimes")) {
    //                  pm.getDbObject().put("pullRequestCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               pm.getPullRequestCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //            }
    ////         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    ////      #7 Issues
    //      System.out.println("Extracting issues...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("issues").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "user", "login", obj);
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
    //         if (user == null) {
    ////            System.err.println("Found issue with unrecognised user:" + username);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("issueTimes")) {
    //            user.getDbObject().put("issueTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //         }
    //         user.getIssueTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         user.setNumberOfIssues(user.getNumberOfIssues()+1);
    //         // Project
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null) {
    //               project.setNumberOfIssues(project.getNumberOfIssues()+1);
    //               if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("issueTimes")) {
    //                  project.getDbObject().put("issueTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               project.getIssueTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //               ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //               pm.setNumberOfIssues(pm.getNumberOfIssues()+1);
    //               if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("issueTimes")) {
    //                  pm.getDbObject().put("issueTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               pm.getIssueTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //            }
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    ////      #8 Issue comments
    //      System.out.println("Extracting issue comments...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("issue_comments").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "user", "login", obj);
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
    //         if (user == null) {
    ////            System.err.println("Found issue comment with unrecognised user:" + username);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("issueCommentTimes")) {
    //            user.getDbObject().put("issueCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //         }
    //         user.getIssueCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //         user.setNumberOfIssueComments(user.getNumberOfIssueComments()+1);
    //         // Project
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null) {
    //               project.setNumberOfIssueComments(project.getNumberOfIssueComments()+1);
    //               if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("issueCommentTimes")) {
    //                  project.getDbObject().put("issueCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               project.getIssueCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //               ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //               pm.setNumberOfIssueComments(pm.getNumberOfIssueComments()+1);
    //               if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("issueCommentTimes")) {
    //                  pm.getDbObject().put("issueCommentTimes", new BasicDBList());
    //               }
    //               pm.getIssueCommentTimes().add(obj.getString("created_at"));
    //            }
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);

    ////      #9 Issue events
    //      System.out.println("Extracting issue events...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("issue_events").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String username = getUserLoginName(bio, "actor", "login", obj);
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(username));
    //         if (user == null) {
    ////            System.err.println("Found issue event with unrecognised user:" + username);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         String eventKind = obj.getString("event");
    //         IssueEventKind kind = null; //FIXME
    //         switch (eventKind) {
    //            case "closed": kind = IssueEventKind.CLOSED; break;
    //            case "assigned": kind = IssueEventKind.ASSIGNED; break;
    //            case "mentioned": kind = IssueEventKind.MENTIONED; break;
    //            case "merged": kind = IssueEventKind.MERGED; break;
    //            case "referenced": kind = IssueEventKind.REFERENCED; break;
    //            case "reopened": kind = IssueEventKind.REOPENED; break;
    //            case "subscribed": kind = IssueEventKind.SUBSCRIBED; break;
    //            case "head_ref_deleted" : kind = IssueEventKind.HEAD_REF_DELETED; break;
    //            case "head_ref_restored" : kind = IssueEventKind.HEAD_REF_RESTORED; break;
    //            case "head_ref_cleaned" : kind = IssueEventKind.HEAD_REF_CLEANED; break;
    //            case "unsubscribed" : kind = IssueEventKind.UNSUBSCRIBED; break;
    //            default:
    //               System.err.println("Unrecognised issue event kind: " + eventKind);
    //         }
    //         if (kind == null) continue;
    //         boolean eventKindFound = false;
    //         if (!user.getDbObject().containsField("issueEvents")) {
    //            user.getDbObject().put("issueEvents", new BasicDBList());
    //         }
    //         for (IssueEvent ie : user.getIssueEvents()) {
    //            if (ie.getEventKind().equals(kind)) {
    //               ie.setCount(ie.getCount()+1);
    //               eventKindFound = true;
    //               break;
    //            }
    //         }
    //         if (!eventKindFound) {
    //            IssueEvent ie = new IssueEvent();
    //            ie.setEventKind(kind);
    //            ie.setCount(1);
    //            user.getIssueEvents().add(ie);
    //         }
    //         // Project
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (!project.getDbObject().containsField("issueEvents")) {
    //               project.getDbObject().put("issueEvents", new BasicDBList());
    //            }
    //            eventKindFound = false;
    //            for (IssueEvent ie : project.getIssueEvents()) {
    //               if (ie.getEventKind().equals(kind)) {
    //                  ie.setCount(ie.getCount()+1);
    //                  eventKindFound = true;
    //                  break;
    //               }
    //            }
    //            if (!eventKindFound) {
    //               IssueEvent ie = new IssueEvent();
    //               ie.setEventKind(kind);
    //               ie.setCount(1);
    //               project.getIssueEvents().add(ie);
    //            }
    //            ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //            if (!pm.getDbObject().containsField("issueEvents")) {
    //               pm.getDbObject().put("issueEvents", new BasicDBList());
    //            }
    //            eventKindFound = false;
    //            for (IssueEvent ie : pm.getIssueEvents()) {
    //               if (ie.getEventKind().equals(kind)) {
    //                  ie.setCount(ie.getCount()+1);
    //                  eventKindFound = true;
    //                  break;
    //               }
    //            }
    //            if (!eventKindFound) {
    //               IssueEvent ie = new IssueEvent();
    //               ie.setEventKind(kind);
    //               ie.setCount(1);
    //               pm.getIssueEvents().add(ie);
    //            }
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();
    //      System.exit(0);
    ////      Watchers
    //      System.out.println("Extracting watchers...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("watchers").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(obj.getString("login")));
    //         if (user == null) continue;
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.NAME.eq(obj.getString("repo")), Project.OWNERNAME.eq(obj.getString("owner"))).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            if (project != null && !project.getWatchers().contains(user)) project.getWatchers().add(user);
    //            if (!user.getWatches().contains(project)) user.getWatches().add(project);
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();

    ////      Org members FIXME: INCOMPLETE: Cannot match the org name against ANYTHING....
    //      System.out.println("Extracting org members...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("org_members").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String login = obj.getString("login");
    //         String orgName = obj.getString("org");
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(login));
    //         User org = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(orgName));
    //         if (org!=null){
    //            System.err.println("Found org! " + orgName);
    //         }
    ////         Project project = bio.getProjects().findOne(Project.OWNERNAME.eq("orgName"));
    ////         if (project==null) {
    ////            System.err.println("Didn't find project: " + orgName);
    ////            continue;
    ////         }
    ////         ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    ////         pm.setOrgMember(true);
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    //      System.out.println();

    //      Repo collaborators
    //      System.out.println("Extracting repo collaborators...");
    //      cursor = msrDb.getCollection("repo_collaborators").find();
    //      cursor.addOption(Bytes.QUERYOPTION_NOTIMEOUT);
    //      it = cursor.iterator();
    //      count = 0;
    //      while(it.hasNext()){
    //         BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) it.next();
    //         String login = obj.getString("login");
    //         String projectName = obj.getString("repo");
    //         String ownerName = obj.getString("owner");
    //         User user = bio.getUsers().findOne(User.LOGIN.eq(login));
    //         Iterator<Project> repoIt = bio.getProjects().find(Project.OWNERNAME.eq(ownerName), Project.NAME.eq(projectName)).iterator();
    //         if (repoIt.hasNext()) {
    //            Project project = repoIt.next();
    //            ProjectMembership pm = getProjectMembership(bio, user, project);
    //            pm.setCollaborator(true);
    //         } else {
    //            System.err.println("Couldn't find repo. owner: " + ownerName + ", repo: " + projectName);
    //         }
    //         count++;
    //         if (count % 1000 == 0) {
    //            System.out.print(count + ", ");
    //            bio.sync();
    //         }
    //      }
    //      bio.sync();
    long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
    System.out.println("Finished at " + new Date());

    long duration = end - start;
    System.out.println("Duration: " + duration);


From source file:twitterprojectwithoutmaven.Choose40Users.java

* find the frequencies//from  w  w  w  .j a  v  a 2 s. c o  m
public void findFrequencies() {

    int sum, sizeU = allUsers.size(), sizeTd = trendyTopics.size();
    DBCursor temp = dbAdapter.getInstance().getTweets();
    ArrayList<DBTrend> trends = new ArrayList<>();
    users = new HashMap<>();

    //fill users from db
    DBUser temp_user;
    DBCursor cursor = dbAdapter.getInstance().getUsers();
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        temp_user = new DBUser(cursor.next());
        users.put(temp_user.getID(), temp_user);
    //fill trends from db
    cursor = dbAdapter.getInstance().getTrends();
    while (cursor.hasNext()) {
        trends.add(new DBTrend(cursor.next()));
    //calculate frequencies for every user
    DBTweet tweet = new DBTweet();
    int count = 0;
    while (temp.hasNext()) {
        sum = 0;
        for (DBTrend trend : trends) {
            if (tweet.getText().contains(trend.getTrend())) {
        if (count % 100000 == 0) {
            System.out.println("Finished with 100000 tweets");
