List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection save
public WriteResult save(final DBObject document)
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { final DBObject document = getView().getResultTableSelectedDocument(); final DBObject modifiedDocument = JsonUI.showEditor(Bundle.editDocumentTitle(), JSON.serialize(document)); if (modifiedDocument != null) { try {//from w ww . jav a 2s . com final DBCollection dbCollection = getView().getLookup().lookup(DBCollection.class);; getView().refreshResults(); } catch (MongoException ex) { DialogDisplayer.getDefault().notify( new NotifyDescriptor.Message(ex.getLocalizedMessage(), NotifyDescriptor.ERROR_MESSAGE)); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void persistNode(final DBObject reference, final StorageNode node) throws Exception, IllegalStateException { checkNotNull("reference", reference); checkNotNull("node", node); reference.put(LOCAL_ID, node.getKey().getCompositeKey().getKeyAsString()); ensureIndexed(node.getPartition(), node.getType(), null, LOCAL_ID, null); final NodeKey uniqueId = node.getKey(); final String parentId = uniqueId.getParentKeyAsString(); if (parentId != null) { reference.put(PARENT_ID, parentId); }/*w ww .ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ final BasicDBObject key = new BasicDBObject(); final List<String> keyNames = newArrayList(); for (final SimpleKey keyEntry : uniqueId.getCompositeKey().getKeys()) { keyNames.add(keyEntry.getKeyName()); key.put(keyEntry.getKeyName(), keyEntry.getValue() != null ? keyEntry.getValue() : NULL_VALUE); ensureIndexed(node.getPartition(), node.getType(), INDEXED, keyEntry.getKeyName(), null); } reference.put(ID, uniqueId.getKeyAsString()); reference.put(KEY_NAMES, keyNames); reference.put(INDEXED, key); reference.put(NODE_TYPE, uniqueId.getCompositeKey().getNodeType()); if (FlushMode.AUTO.equals(flushMode)) { final DBCollection col = getCachedCollection(node.getPartition(), node.getType());; } else { final Pair<StorageNode, DBObject> p = Pair.<StorageNode, DBObject>newPair(node, reference, Pair.PairEqualsMode.K1); if (!transientObjects.get(node.getPartition()).contains(p)) { transientObjects.put(node.getPartition(), p); } } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void persistLink(final StorageLink link) throws Exception, IllegalStateException { checkNotNull("link", link); createLinkReference(link);/*from w w w. ja va 2 s .com*/ if (flushMode.equals(FlushMode.AUTO)) { final DBObject nodeRef = createNodeReference(link.getSource()); final DBCollection col = getCachedCollection(link.getSource().getPartition(), link.getSource().getType());; } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override public void save(final Partition... partitions) throws Exception { for (final Partition partition : partitions) { for (final Pair<StorageNode, DBObject> p : transientObjects.get(partition)) { final StorageNode n = p.getK1(); final DBCollection coll = getCachedCollection(partition, n.getType());; }// w w w . j ava 2 s.c o m } transientObjects.clear(); }
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License:Open Source License
public void store(Project project, Date date, IHistoricalMetricProvider provider) { DB db = platform.getMetricsRepository(project).getDb(); DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(provider.getCollectionName()); MetricProviderContext context = new MetricProviderContext(platform, new OssmeterLoggerFactory().makeNewLoggerInstance(provider.getIdentifier())); context.setDate(date);// w w w. ja v a 2 s . com provider.setMetricProviderContext(context); Pongo metric = provider.measure(project); DBObject dbObject = metric.getDbObject(); dbObject.put("__date", date.toString()); dbObject.put("__datetime", date.toJavaDate());; }
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License:Apache License
private void deleteOldMinutes(long before24h, long before180min, long before15min) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTimeInMillis(before24h);// w w w .j a v a 2s .c o m cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); long targetHour = cal.getTimeInMillis(); DBCollection meterCollection = mongoTemplate.getCollection("meter"); DBCursor result = meterCollection.find(new BasicDBObject(), new BasicDBObject("_id", 1)); while (result.hasNext()) { DBObject doc =; try { //start a new "session" for each document. not sure if this actually helps anything consistency-wise meterCollection.getDB().requestStart(); //and fetch actual object (result only contains _id's) doc = meterCollection.findOne(doc); // TODO Double check log.trace("cleaning document : {}", doc); DBObject day = (DBObject) doc.get("day"); //log.trace("day: {}", day); DBObject hours = (DBObject) day.get("hours"); //log.trace("hours: {}", hours); Set<String> hrSet = new HashSet<String>(); hrSet.addAll(hours.keySet()); boolean docChanged = false; if (hrSet.isEmpty()) { log.trace("no hours in document, remove it: {}", doc); meterCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject("_id", doc.get("_id")), WriteConcern.UNACKNOWLEDGED); } else { for (String h : hrSet) { long hourmillis = Long.valueOf(h); log.trace("checking hour: {}", hourmillis); if (hourmillis < targetHour) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("removing hour " + h + " because it is older than target" + targetHour); } docChanged = true; DBObject obj = (DBObject) hours.get(h); day.put("count", (Integer) day.get("count") - (Integer) obj.get("count")); hours.removeField(h); } else if (hourmillis == targetHour) { log.trace("current hour is targetHour, check minutes"); DBObject currentHour = (DBObject) hours.get(h); DBObject minutes = (DBObject) currentHour.get("minutes"); Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(); keys.addAll(minutes.keySet()); for (String m : keys) { long minutemillis = Long.valueOf(m); log.trace("checking minute: {}", minutemillis); if (minutemillis < before24h) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("removing minute " + minutemillis + " because it is older than " + before24h); } docChanged = true; DBObject obj = (DBObject) minutes.get(m); DBObject hourObj = (DBObject) hours.get(h); day.put("count", (Integer) day.get("count") - (Integer) obj.get("count")); hourObj.put("count", (Integer) hourObj.get("count") - (Integer) obj.get("count")); minutes.removeField(m); } } if (minutes.keySet().isEmpty()) { log.trace("no more minutes, removing hour {}", h); hours.removeField(h); docChanged = true; } } } } docChanged |= updateTrendCounters(doc, before180min, before15min); if (docChanged) {; } } finally { meterCollection.getDB().requestDone(); } } }
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License:Contributor Agreement License
/** * Replicate a Location. That means just register a location in Mongo node DB * and register the tunnels./* w w w . jav a2s . co m*/ */ @Override public boolean replicateLocation(Location location) { boolean success = false; try { if (location.isRegistered()) { DBCollection nodeCollection = m_imdb.getDb().getCollection(MongoConstants.NODE_COLLECTION); DBObject search = new BasicDBObject(); search.put(ID, location.getId()); DBCursor cursor = nodeCollection.find(search); DBObject node = new BasicDBObject(); if (cursor.hasNext()) { node =; } node.put(ID, location.getId()); node.put(IP, location.getAddress()); node.put(DESCRIPTION, location.getName()); node.put(MASTER, location.isPrimary());; } registerTunnels(location); success = true; m_auditLogContext.logReplicationMongo(LOCATION_REGISTRATION, location); } catch (Exception e) { m_auditLogContext.logReplicationMongoFailed(LOCATION_REGISTRATION, location, e); throw new UserException("Cannot register location in mongo db: " + e); } return success; }
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License:Contributor Agreement License
@Override public void registerTunnels(Location location) { DBCollection registrarNode = m_imdb.getDb().getCollection(MongoConstants.STUNNEL_COLLECTION); registrarNode.drop();/*from w w w . ja va2 s . c om*/ Location[] locations = m_locationsManager.getLocations(); if (locations.length > 1) { for (int i = 0; i < locations.length; i++) { List<Location> otherLocations = new ArrayList<Location>(Arrays.asList(locations)); otherLocations.remove(locations[i]); for (TunnelProvider tunnelProvider : m_tunnelManager.getTunnelProviders()) { List<RemoteOutgoingTunnel> tunnels = (List<RemoteOutgoingTunnel>) tunnelProvider .getClientSideTunnels(otherLocations, location); for (RemoteOutgoingTunnel tunnel : tunnels) { DBObject search = new BasicDBObject(); search.put(ID, tunnel.getName()); DBObject server = registrarNode.findOne(search); if (server == null) { server = new BasicDBObject(); server.put(ID, tunnel.getName()); } server.put(SERVER, "localhost:" + tunnel.getLocalhostPort()); server.put(INTERNAL_ADDRESS, tunnel.getRemoteMachineAddress()); Location loc = m_locationsManager.getLocationByAddress(tunnel.getRemoteMachineAddress()); server.put(ENABLED, loc.isRegistered());; } } } DBObject timestamp = new BasicDBObject(); timestamp.put(ID, "timestamp"); timestamp.put(TIMESTAMP, new Long(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000).toString());; } }
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License:Apache License
protected Object saveDBObject(String collectionName, final DBObject dbDoc) { if (dbDoc.keySet().isEmpty()) { return null; }/*from w ww. ja va 2 s . c om*/ //TODO: Need to move this to more central place if (dbDoc.containsField("_id")) { if (dbDoc.get("_id") instanceof String) { ObjectId oid = convertIdValue(this.mongoConverter, dbDoc.get("_id")); if (oid != null) { dbDoc.put("_id", oid); } } } if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("save DBObject containing fields: " + dbDoc.keySet()); } return execute(collectionName, new CollectionCallback<Object>() { public Object doInCollection(DBCollection collection) throws MongoException, DataAccessException { if (writeConcern == null) {; } else {, writeConcern); } return dbDoc.get(ID); } }); }
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License:Apache License
protected Object saveDBObject(final String collectionName, final DBObject dbDoc, final Class<?> entityClass) { if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { LOGGER.debug("Saving DBObject containing fields: {}", dbDoc.keySet()); }//from w ww . j ava2 s . co m return execute(collectionName, new CollectionCallback<Object>() { public Object doInCollection(DBCollection collection) throws MongoException, DataAccessException { MongoAction mongoAction = new MongoAction(writeConcern, MongoActionOperation.SAVE, collectionName, entityClass, dbDoc, null); WriteConcern writeConcernToUse = prepareWriteConcern(mongoAction); WriteResult writeResult = writeConcernToUse == null ? :, writeConcernToUse); handleAnyWriteResultErrors(writeResult, dbDoc, MongoActionOperation.SAVE); return dbDoc.get(ID_FIELD); } }); }