List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection remove
public WriteResult remove(final DBObject query, final DBCollectionRemoveOptions options)
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License:Apache License
@Override protected void deleteEntry(String family, final Object key, final Object entry) { mongoTemplate.execute(new DbCallback<Object>() { public Object doInDB(DB con) throws MongoException, DataAccessException { DBCollection dbCollection = getCollection(con); DBObject dbo = createDBObjectWithKey(key); MongoSession mongoSession = (MongoSession) session; dbCollection.remove(dbo, mongoSession.getWriteConcern()); return null; }/*from w ww.ja v a2s . c o m*/ protected DBCollection getCollection(DB con) { return con.getCollection(getCollectionName(getPersistentEntity())); } }); }
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@Override public void removeTuple(EntityKey key, TupleContext tupleContext) { DBCollection collection = getCollection(key); DBObject toDelete = prepareIdObject(key); WriteConcern writeConcern = getWriteConcern(tupleContext); collection.remove(toDelete, writeConcern); }
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@Override public void removeAssociation(AssociationKey key, AssociationContext associationContext) { AssociationStorageStrategy storageStrategy = getAssociationStorageStrategy(key, associationContext); WriteConcern writeConcern = getWriteConcern(associationContext); if (storageStrategy == AssociationStorageStrategy.IN_ENTITY) { DBObject entity = this.prepareIdObject(key.getEntityKey()); if (entity != null) { BasicDBObject updater = new BasicDBObject(); addSubQuery("$unset", updater, key.getMetadata().getCollectionRole(), Integer.valueOf(1)); DBObject dbObject = getEmbeddingEntity(key, associationContext); if (dbObject != null) { dbObject.removeField(key.getMetadata().getCollectionRole()); getCollection(key.getEntityKey()).update(entity, updater, true, false, writeConcern); }/* www . j a v a 2s .co m*/ } } else { DBCollection collection = getAssociationCollection(key, storageStrategy); DBObject query = associationKeyToObject(key, storageStrategy); int nAffected = collection.remove(query, writeConcern).getN(); log.removedAssociation(nAffected); } }
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License:Open Source License
@Override protected LoadStatus delete(CsvData data, boolean useConflictDetection) { statistics.get(batch).startTimer(DataWriterStatisticConstants.DATABASEMILLIS); try {/*from ww w. j a va 2 s. c om*/ DB db = clientManager.getDB(objectMapper.mapToDatabase(this.targetTable)); DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(objectMapper.mapToCollection(this.targetTable)); String[] columnNames = sourceTable.getColumnNames(); Map<String, String> newData = data.toColumnNameValuePairs(columnNames, CsvData.ROW_DATA); Map<String, String> oldData = data.toColumnNameValuePairs(columnNames, CsvData.OLD_DATA); Map<String, String> pkData = data.toKeyColumnValuePairs(this.sourceTable); DBObject query = objectMapper.mapToDBObject(sourceTable, newData, oldData, pkData, true); WriteResult results = collection.remove(query, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED); if (results.getN() != 1) { log.warn("Attempted to remove a single object" + query.toString() + ". Instead removed: " + results.getN()); } return LoadStatus.SUCCESS; } finally { statistics.get(batch).stopTimer(DataWriterStatisticConstants.DATABASEMILLIS); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void applyChanges(MapChanges changes) throws IOException { db.requestStart();/* w w w . j ava 2 s .com*/ final DBCollection entities = db.getCollection(collectionName); changes.visitMap(new MapChanger() { @Override public Writer newEntity(final EntityReference ref, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor) throws IOException { return new StringWriter(1000) { @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); String jsonState = toString(); System.out.println("############################################"); try { System.out.println(new JSONObject(jsonState).toString(2)); } catch (JSONException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println("############################################"); DBObject bsonState = (DBObject) JSON.parse(jsonState); BasicDBObject entity = new BasicDBObject(); entity.put(IDENTITY_COLUMN, ref.identity()); entity.put(STATE_COLUMN, bsonState);, writeConcern); } }; } @Override public Writer updateEntity(final EntityReference ref, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor) throws IOException { return new StringWriter(1000) { @Override public void close() throws IOException { super.close(); DBObject bsonState = (DBObject) JSON.parse(toString()); BasicDBObject entity = new BasicDBObject(); entity.put(IDENTITY_COLUMN, ref.identity()); entity.put(STATE_COLUMN, bsonState); entities.update(byIdentity(ref), entity, true, false, writeConcern); } }; } @Override public void removeEntity(EntityReference ref, EntityDescriptor entityDescriptor) throws EntityNotFoundException { DBObject entity = entities.findOne(byIdentity(ref)); if (entity == null) { throw new EntityNotFoundException(ref); } entities.remove(entity, writeConcern); } }); db.requestDone(); }
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License:Apache License
@Override public void runWriteCommand(CommandBean b) { if (Objects.isNullOrEmpty(b.getCollection())) { return;//from ww w .j av a 2 s .c o m } if (Objects.isNullOrEmpty(b.getEntity())) { return; } DBCollection coll = MongoDBConnectionHelper.getConnection(b.getDatabase()).getCollection(b.getCollection()); if ("add".equals(b.getCommand()) || "set".equals(b.getCommand())) { if (b.getParams() == null) { return; } Map<String, Object> search = Objects.newHashMap("id", b.getEntity()); b.getParams().put("id", b.getEntity()); int n = coll.update(MongoDBFormat.fromMap(search), MongoDBFormat.fromMap(b.getParams()), b.getCommand().equals("add"), false, WriteConcern.FSYNC_SAFE).getN(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("MongoDB records(" + n + ") " + (b.getCommand().equals("add") ? "added" : "updated") + ", " + b); } else if ("remove".equals(b.getCommand())) { Map<String, Object> search = Objects.newHashMap("id", b.getEntity()); int n = coll.remove(MongoDBFormat.fromMap(search), WriteConcern.FSYNC_SAFE).getN(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) LOG.debug("MongoDB records(" + n + ") removed, " + b); } }
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License:Apache License
private void deleteOldMinutes(long before24h, long before180min, long before15min) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTimeInMillis(before24h);/*from w w w. java 2 s.c o m*/ cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); cal.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); long targetHour = cal.getTimeInMillis(); DBCollection meterCollection = mongoTemplate.getCollection("meter"); DBCursor result = meterCollection.find(new BasicDBObject(), new BasicDBObject("_id", 1)); while (result.hasNext()) { DBObject doc =; try { //start a new "session" for each document. not sure if this actually helps anything consistency-wise meterCollection.getDB().requestStart(); //and fetch actual object (result only contains _id's) doc = meterCollection.findOne(doc); // TODO Double check log.trace("cleaning document : {}", doc); DBObject day = (DBObject) doc.get("day"); //log.trace("day: {}", day); DBObject hours = (DBObject) day.get("hours"); //log.trace("hours: {}", hours); Set<String> hrSet = new HashSet<String>(); hrSet.addAll(hours.keySet()); boolean docChanged = false; if (hrSet.isEmpty()) { log.trace("no hours in document, remove it: {}", doc); meterCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject("_id", doc.get("_id")), WriteConcern.UNACKNOWLEDGED); } else { for (String h : hrSet) { long hourmillis = Long.valueOf(h); log.trace("checking hour: {}", hourmillis); if (hourmillis < targetHour) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("removing hour " + h + " because it is older than target" + targetHour); } docChanged = true; DBObject obj = (DBObject) hours.get(h); day.put("count", (Integer) day.get("count") - (Integer) obj.get("count")); hours.removeField(h); } else if (hourmillis == targetHour) { log.trace("current hour is targetHour, check minutes"); DBObject currentHour = (DBObject) hours.get(h); DBObject minutes = (DBObject) currentHour.get("minutes"); Set<String> keys = new HashSet<String>(); keys.addAll(minutes.keySet()); for (String m : keys) { long minutemillis = Long.valueOf(m); log.trace("checking minute: {}", minutemillis); if (minutemillis < before24h) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace("removing minute " + minutemillis + " because it is older than " + before24h); } docChanged = true; DBObject obj = (DBObject) minutes.get(m); DBObject hourObj = (DBObject) hours.get(h); day.put("count", (Integer) day.get("count") - (Integer) obj.get("count")); hourObj.put("count", (Integer) hourObj.get("count") - (Integer) obj.get("count")); minutes.removeField(m); } } if (minutes.keySet().isEmpty()) { log.trace("no more minutes, removing hour {}", h); hours.removeField(h); docChanged = true; } } } } docChanged |= updateTrendCounters(doc, before180min, before15min); if (docChanged) {; } } finally { meterCollection.getDB().requestDone(); } } }
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License:Apache License
private void deleteOldSums(long when) { DBCollection sumsCollection = mongoTemplate.getCollection("sums"); DBCursor result = sumsCollection.find((DBObject) JSON.parse("{'time.ts': {'$lt': " + when + "}}")); while (result.hasNext()) { sumsCollection.remove(, WriteConcern.UNACKNOWLEDGED); }// w w w .j av a 2 s .c om }
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License:Open Source License
public boolean remove(String username) { final DBCollection coll = coll(); final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject("username", username); WriteResult result = coll.remove(query, WriteConcern.SAFE); return (result.getN() != 0); }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected void deleteEntry(String family, final Object key) { mongoTemplate.execute(new DbCallback<Object>() { @Override/*from w w w . ja va 2 s . co m*/ public Object doInDB(DB con) throws MongoException, DataAccessException { DBCollection dbCollection = getCollection(con); DBObject dbo = new BasicDBObject(); if (hasNumericalIdentifier) { dbo.put(MONGO_ID_FIELD, key); } else { dbo.put(MONGO_ID_FIELD, new ObjectId(key.toString())); } MongoSession mongoSession = (MongoSession) session; dbCollection.remove(dbo, mongoSession.getWriteConcern()); return null; } protected DBCollection getCollection(DB con) { DBCollection dbCollection = con.getCollection(getCollectionName(getPersistentEntity())); return dbCollection; } }); }