Example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection remove

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection remove


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection remove.


public WriteResult remove(final DBObject query) 

Source Link


Remove documents from a collection.


From source file:com.ebay.cloud.cms.dal.persistence.MongoExecutor.java

License:Apache License

public static WriteResult delete(PersistenceContext context, MetaClass metadata, DBObject deleteObject) {
    long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    WriteResult writeResult = null;//  w w  w. j  ava2s.  c  om
    String msg = "success";
    DBCollection dbCollection = context.getDBCollection(metadata);
    try {
        writeResult = dbCollection.remove(deleteObject);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
        msg = t.getMessage();
    } finally {
        logMongoAction(context, "delete", start, dbCollection, deleteObject, null, null, null, msg);
    return writeResult;

From source file:com.edduarte.argus.document.DocumentCollection.java

License:Apache License

 * Removes the specified document from the local database.
 *//*w  w w  .j av a2s  .c o m*/
public void remove(String url) {
    Document d = get(url);
    if (d != null) {
        DBCollection collection = documentsDB.getCollection(collectionName);

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.CollectionPanel.java

License:Apache License

public void remove(final ButtonBase button) {
    final DBCollection col = getCollectionNode().getCollection();
    final BasicDBObject tmp = (BasicDBObject) ((DocBuilderField) getBoundUnit(Item.removeQuery)).getDBObject();
    final BasicDBObject doc = tmp != null ? tmp : new BasicDBObject();

    if (doc.isEmpty()) {
        ConfirmDialog confirm = (ConfirmDialog) getBoundUnit(Item.rmAllConfirm);
        if (!confirm.show()) {
        }/* w w  w . j  av  a  2  s.  c o  m*/

    new DbJob() {
        public Object doRun() throws IOException {
            return col.remove(doc);

        public String getNS() {
            return col.getFullName();

        public String getShortName() {
            return "Remove";

        public DBObject getRoot(Object result) {
            return new BasicDBObject("query", doc);

        public ButtonBase getButton() {
            return button;

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.CollectionPanel.java

License:Apache License

public void removeTagRange(ButtonBase button) {
    final DB config = getCollectionNode().getCollection().getDB().getSisterDB("config");
    final DBCollection col = config.getCollection("tags");

    final String ns = getCollectionNode().getCollection().getFullName();
    String value = getComponentStringFieldValue(Item.tagRangeList);
    BasicDBObject range = (BasicDBObject) JSON.parse(value);
    final DBObject min = (DBObject) range.get("min");

    final DBObject doc = new BasicDBObject("_id", new BasicDBObject("ns", ns).append("min", min));

    new DbJob() {

        @Override/*from ww  w.jav  a  2  s  . c om*/
        public Object doRun() {
            return col.remove(doc);

        public String getNS() {
            return ns;

        public String getShortName() {
            return "Remove Tag Range";

        public DBObject getRoot(Object result) {
            BasicDBObject root = new BasicDBObject("doc", doc);
            return root;

        public void wrapUp(Object res) {

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.DocumentMenu.java

License:Apache License

public void remove(ButtonBase button) {
    final DocView dv = (DocView) (UMongo.instance.getTabbedResult().getSelectedUnit());
    TreeNodeDocument node = (TreeNodeDocument) dv.getSelectedNode().getUserObject();
    final DBObject doc = node.getDBObject();

    if (dv.getDBCursor() == null) {
        // local data
        Tree tree = dv.getTree();//www.  j a  v a2 s .com

    // go by _id if possible
    final DBObject query = doc.containsField("_id") ? new BasicDBObject("_id", doc.get("_id")) : doc;
    final DBCollection col = dv.getDBCursor().getCollection();
    new DbJob() {

        public Object doRun() {
            return col.remove(query);

        public String getNS() {
            return col.getFullName();

        public String getShortName() {
            return "Remove";

        public void wrapUp(Object res) {

        public DBObject getRoot(Object result) {
            return query;

From source file:com.edgytech.umongo.RouterPanel.java

License:Apache License

public void regenConfigDB(ButtonBase button) throws UnknownHostException {
    MongoClient cmongo = getRouterNode().getMongoClient();
    String servers = getStringFieldValue(Item.regenServers);
    final String db = getStringFieldValue(Item.regenDB);
    final String col = getStringFieldValue(Item.regenCollection);
    final String ns = db + "." + col;
    final DBObject shardKey = ((DocBuilderField) getBoundUnit(Item.regenShardKey)).getDBObject();
    final boolean unique = getBooleanFieldValue(Item.regenKeyUnique);
    final BasicDBObject result = new BasicDBObject();
    result.put("ns", ns);
    result.put("shardKey", shardKey);
    result.put("unique", unique);

    // create direct mongo for each replica set
    String[] serverList = servers.split("\n");
    List<ServerAddress> list = new ArrayList<ServerAddress>();
    String txt = "";
    String primaryShard = null;/*w ww  .  ja v a  2  s  .  co  m*/
    final BasicDBObject shardList = new BasicDBObject();
    HashMap<MongoClient, String> mongoToShard = new HashMap<MongoClient, String>();
    sLoop: for (String server : serverList) {
        server = server.trim();
        String[] tokens = server.split("/");
        if (tokens.length != 2) {
            new InfoDialog(null, "Error", null, "Server format must be like 'hostname:port/shard', one by line")
        server = tokens[0];
        String shard = tokens[1];
        if (primaryShard == null) {
            primaryShard = shard;
        ServerAddress addr = new ServerAddress(server);

        // filter out if replset already exists
        for (MongoClient replset : mongoToShard.keySet()) {
            if (replset.getServerAddressList().contains(addr)) {
                continue sLoop;

        MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient(list);
        //            UMongo.instance.addMongoClient(mongo, null);
        // make request to force server detection
        mongoToShard.put(mongo, shard);

        String desc = null;
        if (!mongo.getDatabaseNames().contains(db) || !mongo.getDB(db).getCollectionNames().contains(col)) {
            desc = "Collection not present!";
        } else {
            // try to see if shard key has index
            DBObject index = mongo.getDB(db).getCollection("system.indexes")
                    .findOne(new BasicDBObject("key", shardKey));
            if (index != null) {
                desc = "shard key found";
            } else {
                desc = "shard key NOT found!";
        txt += mongo.toString() + " shard=" + shard + " - " + desc + "\n";
        BasicDBObject shardObj = new BasicDBObject("servers", mongo.toString());
        shardObj.put("status", desc);
        if (shardList.containsField(shard)) {
            new InfoDialog(null, "Error", null, "Duplicate Shard name " + shard).show();
        shardList.put(shard, shardObj);
    result.put("shards", shardList);

    FormDialog dia = (FormDialog) getBoundUnit(Item.regenRSList);
    dia.setStringFieldValue(Item.regenRSListArea, txt);
    if (!dia.show()) {

    DB config = cmongo.getDB("config");

    // add database record
    BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject("_id", db);
    doc.put("partitioned", true);
    doc.put("primary", primaryShard);

    // add collection record
    doc = new BasicDBObject("_id", ns);
    doc.put("lastmod", new Date());
    doc.put("dropped", false);
    doc.put("key", shardKey);
    doc.put("unique", unique);

    final DBCollection chunks = config.getCollection("chunks");
    long count = chunks.count(new BasicDBObject("ns", ns));
    if (count > 0) {
        dia = (FormDialog) getBoundUnit(Item.regenDeleteChunks);
        if (dia.show()) {
            chunks.remove(new BasicDBObject("ns", ns));
        } else {

    // add temp collection to sort chunks with shard key
    final DBCollection tmpchunks = config.getCollection("_tmpchunks_" + col);
    // should be safe environment, and dup keys should be ignored
    // can use shardKey as unique _id
    //        tmpchunks.ensureIndex(shardKey, "shardKey", true);

    // create filter for shard fields
    final DBObject shardKeyFilter = new BasicDBObject();
    //        final DBObject shardKeyDescend = new BasicDBObject();
    boolean hasId = false;
    for (String key : shardKey.keySet()) {
        shardKeyFilter.put(key, 1);
        if (key.equals("_id")) {
            hasId = true;
    if (!hasId) {
        shardKeyFilter.put("_id", 0);

    dia = (FormDialog) getBoundUnit(Item.regenConfirm);
    if (!dia.show()) {

    // now fetch all records from each shard
    final AtomicInteger todo = new AtomicInteger(mongoToShard.size());
    for (Map.Entry<MongoClient, String> entry : mongoToShard.entrySet()) {
        final MongoClient mongo = entry.getKey();
        final String shard = entry.getValue();
        new DbJob() {

            public Object doRun() throws Exception {
                BasicDBObject shardObj = (BasicDBObject) shardList.get(shard);
                long count = mongo.getDB(db).getCollection(col).count();
                shardObj.put("count", count);
                DBCursor cur = mongo.getDB(db).getCollection(col).find(new BasicDBObject(), shardKeyFilter);
                long i = 0;
                int inserted = 0;
                long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
                while (cur.hasNext() && !isCancelled()) {
                    BasicDBObject key = (BasicDBObject) cur.next();
                    setProgress((int) ((++i * 100.0f) / count));
                    try {
                        BasicDBObject entry = new BasicDBObject("_id", key);
                        entry.put("_shard", shard);
                    } catch (Exception e) {
                        getLogger().log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);

                if (isCancelled()) {
                    shardObj.put("cancelled", true);
                shardObj.put("inserted", inserted);
                shardObj.put("scanTime", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
                return null;

            public String getNS() {
                return tmpchunks.getFullName();

            public String getShortName() {
                return "Scanning " + shard;

            public boolean isDeterminate() {
                return true;


    new DbJob() {

        public Object doRun() throws Exception {
            // wait for all shards to be done
            long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
            while (todo.get() > 0 && !isCancelled()) {

            if (isCancelled()) {
                result.put("cancelled", true);
                return result;

            // find highest current timestamp
            DBCursor cur = chunks.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("lastmod", -1)).batchSize(-1);
            BasicDBObject chunk = (BasicDBObject) (cur.hasNext() ? cur.next() : null);
            BSONTimestamp ts = (BSONTimestamp) (chunk != null ? chunk.get("lastmod") : null);

            // now infer chunk ranges
            long count = tmpchunks.count();
            result.put("uniqueKeys", count);
            int numChunks = 0;
            cur = tmpchunks.find().sort(new BasicDBObject("_id", 1));
            BasicDBObject prev = (BasicDBObject) cur.next();
            BasicDBObject next = null;
            // snap prev to minkey
            BasicDBObject theid = (BasicDBObject) prev.get("_id");
            for (String key : shardKey.keySet()) {
                theid.put(key, new MinKey());
            String currentShard = prev.getString("_shard");

            int i = 1;
            while (cur.hasNext()) {
                next = (BasicDBObject) cur.next();
                setProgress((int) ((++i * 100.0f) / count));
                String newShard = next.getString("_shard");
                if (newShard.equals(currentShard))

                // add chunk
                ts = getNextTimestamp(ts);
                chunk = getChunk(ns, shardKey, prev, next, ts);
                prev = next;
                currentShard = prev.getString("_shard");

            // build max
            next = new BasicDBObject();
            for (String key : shardKey.keySet()) {
                next.put(key, new MaxKey());
            next = new BasicDBObject("_id", next);
            ts = getNextTimestamp(ts);
            chunk = getChunk(ns, shardKey, prev, next, ts);
            result.put("numChunks", numChunks);
            result.put("totalTime", System.currentTimeMillis() - start);
            return result;

        public String getNS() {
            return chunks.getFullName();

        public String getShortName() {
            return "Creating Chunks";

        public boolean isDeterminate() {
            return true;

From source file:com.gigaspaces.persistency.MongoClientConnector.java

License:Open Source License

public void performBatch(List<BatchUnit> rows) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        logger.trace("MongoClientWrapper.performBatch(" + rows + ")");
        logger.trace("Batch size to be performed is " + rows.size());
    }/*from  ww w.j  a v  a 2s .  c  o  m*/
    //List<Future<? extends Number>> pending = new ArrayList<Future<? extends Number>>();

    for (BatchUnit row : rows) {
        SpaceDocument spaceDoc = row.getSpaceDocument();
        SpaceTypeDescriptor typeDescriptor = types.get(row.getTypeName()).getTypeDescriptor();
        SpaceDocumentMapper<DBObject> mapper = getMapper(typeDescriptor);

        DBObject obj = mapper.toDBObject(spaceDoc);

        DBCollection col = getCollection(row.getTypeName());
        switch (row.getDataSyncOperationType()) {

        case WRITE:
        case UPDATE:
        case PARTIAL_UPDATE:
            DBObject query = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start()
                    .add(Constants.ID_PROPERTY, obj.get(Constants.ID_PROPERTY)).get();

            DBObject update = normalize(obj);
            col.update(query, update);
        // case REMOVE_BY_UID: // Not supported by this implementation
        case REMOVE:
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                    "Unsupported data sync operation type: " + row.getDataSyncOperationType());

    /*long totalCount = waitFor(pending);
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
       logger.trace("total accepted replies is: " + totalCount);

From source file:com.github.nlloyd.hornofmongo.adaptor.Mongo.java

License:Open Source License

public void remove(final String ns, Object pattern, boolean justOne) {
    Object rawPattern = BSONizer.convertJStoBSON(pattern, false);
    DBObject bsonPattern = null;/*from w w  w.ja  v  a  2 s.co m*/
    if (rawPattern instanceof DBObject)
        bsonPattern = (DBObject) rawPattern;

    com.mongodb.DB db = innerMongo.getDB(ns.substring(0, ns.indexOf('.')));
    DBCollection collection = db.getCollection(ns.substring(ns.indexOf('.') + 1));

    try {
    } catch (MongoException me) {

From source file:com.google.api.ads.adwords.jaxws.extensions.report.model.persistence.mongodb.MongoEntityPersister.java

License:Open Source License

 * @see com.google.api.ads.adwords.jaxws.extensions.report.model.persistence.EntityPersister
 *      #remove(java.lang.Object)//from w ww . j a va2  s .c o  m
public <T> void remove(T t) {
    if (t != null) {
        DBCollection dbcollection = getDBCollection(t.getClass(), true);

        String jsonObject = gson.toJson(t);
        DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse(jsonObject.toString());

From source file:com.google.api.ads.adwords.jaxws.extensions.report.model.persistence.mongodb.MongoEntityPersister.java

License:Open Source License

 * @see com.google.api.ads.adwords.jaxws.extensions.report.model.persistence.EntityPersister
 *      #remove(java.util.Collection)//from  ww w  . j  a v  a  2s.  c o m
public <T> void remove(Collection<T> listT) {
    if (listT != null && listT.size() > 0) {
        DBCollection dbcollection;
        for (T t : listT) {

            dbcollection = getDBCollection(t.getClass(), true);

            String jsonObject = gson.toJson(t);
            DBObject dbObject = (DBObject) com.mongodb.util.JSON.parse(jsonObject.toString());