Example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection initializeUnorderedBulkOperation

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection initializeUnorderedBulkOperation


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection initializeUnorderedBulkOperation.


public BulkWriteOperation initializeUnorderedBulkOperation() 

Source Link


Creates a builder for an unordered bulk operation, consisting of an unordered collection of write requests, which can be any combination of inserts, updates, replaces, or removes.


From source file:org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.mongo.MongoDocumentStore.java

License:Apache License

private <T extends Document> BulkUpdateResult sendBulkUpdate(Collection<T> collection,
        java.util.Collection<UpdateOp> updateOps, Map<String, T> oldDocs) {
    DBCollection dbCollection = getDBCollection(collection);
    BulkWriteOperation bulk = dbCollection.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();
    String[] bulkIds = new String[updateOps.size()];
    int i = 0;//from  www  . ja  va 2s  . c om
    for (UpdateOp updateOp : updateOps) {
        String id = updateOp.getId();
        QueryBuilder query = createQueryForUpdate(id, updateOp.getConditions());
        T oldDoc = oldDocs.get(id);
        DBObject update;
        if (oldDoc == null) {
            update = createUpdate(updateOp, true);
        } else {
            update = createUpdate(updateOp, false);
        bulkIds[i++] = id;

    BulkWriteResult bulkResult;
    Set<String> failedUpdates = new HashSet<String>();
    Set<String> upserts = new HashSet<String>();
    try {
        bulkResult = bulk.execute();
    } catch (BulkWriteException e) {
        bulkResult = e.getWriteResult();
        for (BulkWriteError err : e.getWriteErrors()) {
    for (BulkWriteUpsert upsert : bulkResult.getUpserts()) {
    return new BulkUpdateResult(failedUpdates, upserts);

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.VariantMongoDBAdaptor.java

License:Apache License

public QueryResult updateStats(List<VariantStatsWrapper> variantStatsWrappers,
        StudyConfiguration studyConfiguration, QueryOptions options) {
    DBCollection coll = db.getDb().getCollection(collectionName);
    BulkWriteOperation builder = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();

    long start = System.nanoTime();
    DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter statsConverter = new DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter(
            studyConfigurationManager);//from   ww w .j a  v  a2 s. c o m
    //        VariantSource variantSource = queryOptions.get(VariantStorageManager.VARIANT_SOURCE, VariantSource.class);
    DBObjectToVariantConverter variantConverter = getDbObjectToVariantConverter(new Query(), options);
    //TODO: Use the StudyConfiguration to change names to ids

    // TODO make unset of 'st' if already present?
    for (VariantStatsWrapper wrapper : variantStatsWrappers) {
        Map<String, VariantStats> cohortStats = wrapper.getCohortStats();
        Iterator<VariantStats> iterator = cohortStats.values().iterator();
        VariantStats variantStats = iterator.hasNext() ? iterator.next() : null;
        List<DBObject> cohorts = statsConverter.convertCohortsToStorageType(cohortStats,
                studyConfiguration.getStudyId()); // TODO remove when we remove fileId
        //            List cohorts = statsConverter.convertCohortsToStorageType(cohortStats, variantSource.getStudyId());   // TODO use when we remove fileId

        // add cohorts, overwriting old values if that cid, fid and sid already exists: remove and then add
        // db.variants.update(
        //      {_id:<id>},
        //      {$pull:{st:{cid:{$in:["Cohort 1","cohort 2"]}, fid:{$in:["file 1", "file 2"]}, sid:{$in:["study 1", "study 2"]}}}}
        // )
        // db.variants.update(
        //      {_id:<id>},
        //      {$push:{st:{$each: [{cid:"Cohort 1", fid:"file 1", ... , defaultValue:3},{cid:"Cohort 2", ... , defaultValue:3}] }}}
        // )

        if (!cohorts.isEmpty()) {
            String id = variantConverter.buildStorageId(wrapper.getChromosome(), wrapper.getPosition(),
                    variantStats.getRefAllele(), variantStats.getAltAllele());

            List<Integer> cohortIds = new ArrayList<>(cohorts.size());
            List<Integer> studyIds = new ArrayList<>(cohorts.size());
            for (DBObject cohort : cohorts) {
                cohortIds.add((Integer) cohort.get(DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter.COHORT_ID));
                studyIds.add((Integer) cohort.get(DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter.STUDY_ID));

            DBObject find = new BasicDBObject("_id", id);

            DBObject update = new BasicDBObject("$pull",
                    new BasicDBObject(DBObjectToVariantConverter.STATS_FIELD,
                            new BasicDBObject()
                                            new BasicDBObject("$in", studyIds))
                                    //                                        .append(
                                    //                                                DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter.FILE_ID,
                                    //                                                new BasicDBObject("$in", fileIds))
                                            new BasicDBObject("$in", cohortIds))));


            DBObject push = new BasicDBObject("$push", new BasicDBObject(DBObjectToVariantConverter.STATS_FIELD,
                    new BasicDBObject("$each", cohorts)));


    // TODO handle if the variant didn't had that studyId in the files array
    // TODO check the substitution is done right if the stats are already present
    BulkWriteResult writeResult = builder.execute();
    int writes = writeResult.getModifiedCount();

    return new QueryResult<>("", ((int) (System.nanoTime() - start)), writes, writes, "", "",

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.VariantMongoDBAdaptor.java

License:Apache License

public QueryResult updateAnnotations(List<VariantAnnotation> variantAnnotations, QueryOptions queryOptions) {
    DBCollection coll = db.getDb().getCollection(collectionName);
    BulkWriteOperation builder = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();

    long start = System.nanoTime();
    DBObjectToVariantConverter variantConverter = getDbObjectToVariantConverter(new Query(), queryOptions);
    for (VariantAnnotation variantAnnotation : variantAnnotations) {
        String id = variantConverter.buildStorageId(variantAnnotation.getChromosome(),
                variantAnnotation.getStart(), variantAnnotation.getReferenceAllele(),
        DBObject find = new BasicDBObject("_id", id);
        DBObjectToVariantAnnotationConverter converter = new DBObjectToVariantAnnotationConverter();
        DBObject convertedVariantAnnotation = converter.convertToStorageType(variantAnnotation);
        DBObject update = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject(
                DBObjectToVariantConverter.ANNOTATION_FIELD + ".0", convertedVariantAnnotation));
    }/*ww  w. j a v a2 s.c o m*/
    BulkWriteResult writeResult = builder.execute();

    return new QueryResult<>("", ((int) (System.nanoTime() - start)), 1, 1, "", "",

From source file:org.opencb.opencga.storage.mongodb.variant.VariantMongoDBAdaptor.java

License:Apache License

@Deprecated/*from   ww  w.jav a2 s  .com*/
public QueryResult updateStats(List<VariantStatsWrapper> variantStatsWrappers, int studyId,
        QueryOptions queryOptions) {
    DBCollection coll = db.getDb().getCollection(collectionName);
    BulkWriteOperation builder = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();

    long start = System.nanoTime();
    DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter statsConverter = new DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter(
    //        VariantSource variantSource = queryOptions.get(VariantStorageManager.VARIANT_SOURCE, VariantSource.class);
    int fileId = queryOptions.getInt(VariantStorageManager.Options.FILE_ID.key());
    DBObjectToVariantConverter variantConverter = getDbObjectToVariantConverter(new Query(queryOptions),
    //TODO: Use the StudyConfiguration to change names to ids

    // TODO make unset of 'st' if already present?
    for (VariantStatsWrapper wrapper : variantStatsWrappers) {
        Map<String, VariantStats> cohortStats = wrapper.getCohortStats();
        Iterator<VariantStats> iterator = cohortStats.values().iterator();
        VariantStats variantStats = iterator.hasNext() ? iterator.next() : null;
        List<DBObject> cohorts = statsConverter.convertCohortsToStorageType(cohortStats, studyId); // TODO remove when we remove fileId
        //            List cohorts = statsConverter.convertCohortsToStorageType(cohortStats, variantSource.getStudyId());   // TODO use when we remove fileId

        // add cohorts, overwriting old values if that cid, fid and sid already exists: remove and then add
        // db.variants.update(
        //      {_id:<id>},
        //      {$pull:{st:{cid:{$in:["Cohort 1","cohort 2"]}, fid:{$in:["file 1", "file 2"]}, sid:{$in:["study 1", "study 2"]}}}}
        // )
        // db.variants.update(
        //      {_id:<id>},
        //      {$push:{st:{$each: [{cid:"Cohort 1", fid:"file 1", ... , defaultValue:3},{cid:"Cohort 2", ... , defaultValue:3}] }}}
        // )

        if (!cohorts.isEmpty()) {
            String id = variantConverter.buildStorageId(wrapper.getChromosome(), wrapper.getPosition(),
                    variantStats.getRefAllele(), variantStats.getAltAllele());

            List<String> cohortIds = new ArrayList<>(cohorts.size());
            List<Integer> fileIds = new ArrayList<>(cohorts.size());
            List<Integer> studyIds = new ArrayList<>(cohorts.size());
            for (DBObject cohort : cohorts) {
                cohortIds.add((String) cohort.get(DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter.COHORT_ID));
                //                    fileIds.add((Integer) cohort.get(DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter.FILE_ID));
                studyIds.add((Integer) cohort.get(DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter.STUDY_ID));

            DBObject find = new BasicDBObject("_id", id);

            DBObject update = new BasicDBObject("$pull",
                    new BasicDBObject(DBObjectToVariantConverter.STATS_FIELD,
                            new BasicDBObject()
                                            new BasicDBObject("$in", studyIds))
                                    //                                        .append(
                                    //                                                DBObjectToVariantStatsConverter.FILE_ID,
                                    //                                                new BasicDBObject("$in", fileIds))
                                            new BasicDBObject("$in", cohortIds))));


            DBObject push = new BasicDBObject("$push", new BasicDBObject(DBObjectToVariantConverter.STATS_FIELD,
                    new BasicDBObject("$each", cohorts)));


    // TODO handle if the variant didn't had that studyId in the files array
    // TODO check the substitution is done right if the stats are already present
    BulkWriteResult writeResult = builder.execute();
    int writes = writeResult.getModifiedCount();

    return new QueryResult<>("", ((int) (System.nanoTime() - start)), writes, writes, "", "",

From source file:org.springframework.data.mongodb.core.DefaultBulkOperations.java

License:Apache License

private final BulkWriteOperation initBulkOperation() {

    DBCollection collection = mongoOperations.getCollection(collectionName);

    switch (bulkMode) {
    case ORDERED:
        return collection.initializeOrderedBulkOperation();
    case UNORDERED:
        return collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();
    }//  w  w  w .j a v a 2  s. c  om

    throw new IllegalStateException("BulkMode was null!");