List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection getName
public String getName()
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License:Apache License
public void showProgressCollectionEnd(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, final int count) { assert collection != null; LOG.debug(" |"); LOG.debug(" | {}:", collection.getName()); LOG.debug(" | {} errors were found in {} records", errors.size(), nrTotalRecords);" | 100% -- processed {} of {} records ({} errors and {} warnings found so far) - {}", count, count, errors.size(), warnings.size(), errors.isEmpty() ? "OK" : "not OK"); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Finds a single entity that satisfies a specified query filter. * * @param collection Collection to get the entity from. * @param mapper Mapper to be used to reconstitute the object stored in the collection. * @param query The query to select the entity. * @param <T> The type of the reconstituted object. * @return The object in the collection for the given query. * @throws EntityNotFoundException Thrown if no object if found with the given id. This will NOT log an error. * @throws InternalDaoException Thrown when an unknown error has occurred. The error will have been logged. *//*from www . j a va 2 s . co m*/ @Nonnull public static <T> T findOne(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final EntityMapper<T> mapper, @Nonnull final MongoDBQuery query) throws EntityNotFoundException, InternalDaoException { assert collection != null; assert mapper != null; assert query != null; DBObject dbObject = null; try { dbObject = collection.findOne(query.toDBObject()); if (dbObject != null) { final T entity = mapper.fromDb(dbObject); // Cannot be null because dbObject was not null. assert entity != null; return entity; } else { final String message = "Entity not found: " + query + ", collection=" + collection.getName() + '.'; LOG.debug("findOne: {}", message); throw new EntityNotFoundException(message); } } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) { final String message = "Entity could not be mapped: " + query + ", collection=" + collection.getName() + ", object=" + Json.toStringJson(dbObject) + '.'; LOG.error("findOne: " + message, e); throw new InternalDaoException(message, e); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Finds entities that satisfy a specified query filter. * * @param <T> Element type. * @param collection Collection to get the entity from. * @param mapper Mapper to be used to reconstitute the object stored in the collection. * @param ignoreMapperErrors Ignore mapping exception, skip entities with mapping errors. * @param query The query to select the entity. * @param sorting The sorting parameters for this query. * @param paging The paging parameters for this query. * @return The objects in the collection for the given query. * @throws InternalDaoException Thrown when an unknown error has occurred. The error will have been logged. *///from ww w .ja v @Nonnull public static <T> List<T> find(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final EntityMapper<T> mapper, final boolean ignoreMapperErrors, @Nonnull final MongoDBQuery query, @Nonnull final MongoDBSorting sorting, @Nonnull final MongoDBPaging paging) throws InternalDaoException { assert collection != null; assert mapper != null; assert query != null; try { final DBCursor dbCursor = collection.find(query.toDBObject()); final DBCursor cursor = paging.apply(sorting.apply(dbCursor)); final List<MapperError> errors = new LinkedList<>(); final List<T> result = new ArrayList<>(); while (cursor.hasNext()) { final DBObject dbValue =; final T entity = mapper.fromDb(dbValue, errors); result.add(entity); } if (!errors.isEmpty()) { final String message = "Mapper errors found: " + query + ", collection=" + collection.getName() + '.'; LOG.error("find: {} Errors: '{}'", message, Json.toJson(errors)); if (!ignoreMapperErrors) { throw new InternalDaoException(message); } } return result; } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) { final String message = "Entity could not be mapped: " + query + ", collection=" + collection.getName() + '.'; LOG.error("find: " + message, e); throw new InternalDaoException(message, e); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Store the given object in the given collections. * * @param <T> The type of the object to te stored. * @param collection Collection in which to store the object. * @param mapper Mapper to be used to transform the object. * @param entity The object to be stored. * @throws EntityStoreException Thrown if the object cannot be transformed. The error will have been logged. *///from ww w . j ava2s.c om public static <T> void storeEntity(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final EntityMapper<T> mapper, @Nonnull final T entity) throws EntityStoreException { assert collection != null; assert mapper != null; assert entity != null; try { // Create MongoDB record. final DBObject dbObject = mapper.toDb(entity); // Cannot be null because entity was not null. assert dbObject != null; // Add a "last modified" timestamp to each record. dbObject.put(MongoDBKeyNames.LAST_MODIFIED_KEY,;, writeConcern); } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) { final String message = "Map entity failed: type=" + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", collection=" + collection.getName() + '.'; LOG.error("storeEntity: " + message, e); throw new EntityStoreException(message, e); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Removes the given object from the given collection. The entity must fully match the database record to be * removed.// w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m * * @param <T> The type of the object to remove. * @param collection Collection from which to remove the object. * @param mapper Mapper to be used to transform the object. * @param entity The object to be removed. * @throws EntityRemoveException Thrown if the object cannot be removed. The error will have been logged. */ public static <T> void removeEntity(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final EntityMapper<T> mapper, @Nonnull final T entity) throws EntityRemoveException { assert collection != null; assert mapper != null; assert entity != null; try { final DBObject dbObject = mapper.toDb(entity); collection.remove(dbObject); } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) { final String message = "Map entity failed: type=" + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", collection=" + collection.getName() + '.'; LOG.error("removeEntity: " + message, e); throw new EntityRemoveException(message, e); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Removes the given object from the given collection. * * @param <T> Element type. * @param collection Collection from which to remove the object. * @param field The field to match. * @param value The value of the field. * @throws EntityRemoveException Thrown if the object cannot be removed. The error will have been logged. *///from w w w . j ava 2 s. co m public static <T> void removeEntityByField(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final EntityMapper<?>.Field<T> field, @Nonnull final T value) throws EntityRemoveException { assert collection != null; assert field != null; assert value != null; try { final MongoDBQuery dbQuery = new MongoDBQuery().eq(field, value); collection.remove(dbQuery.toDBObject()); } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) { final String message = "Remove entity failed: field=" + field.getFieldName() + ", collection=" + collection.getName() + '.'; LOG.error("removeEntityByField: " + message, e); throw new EntityRemoveException(message, e); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Update a document in a collection./*from www . j av a 2s .c o m*/ * * @param collection Collection that contains the document. * @param query Query to find the document. * @param update Update for document. * @param updateLastModified True if the last modified time needs to be adjusted as well (to now). * @throws EntityStoreException New document cannot be stored. The error will have been logged. * @throws EntityNotFoundException The document was not found. The error will have been logged. */ public static void update(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final MongoDBQuery query, @Nonnull final MongoDBUpdate update, final boolean updateLastModified) throws EntityStoreException, EntityNotFoundException { assert collection != null; assert query != null; assert update != null; try { // Update last modified time. if (updateLastModified) { update.setRaw(MongoDBKeyNames.LAST_MODIFIED_KEY,; } // Make sure upsert is set to false to not create new records on the fly. final WriteResult result = collection.update(query.toDBObject(), update.toDBObject(), NO_UPSERT, NO_MULTI, writeConcern); if (result.getN() == 0) { final String message = "Couldn't find entity to update, query: " + query + ", update: " + update + ", " + "collection: " + collection.getName() + '.'; LOG.error("update: {}", message); throw new EntityNotFoundException(message); } } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) { final String message = "Couldn't map entity to update, query: " + query + ", update: " + update + ", " + "collection: " + collection.getName() + '.'; LOG.error("update: " + message, e); throw new EntityStoreException(message, e); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Returns number of entities that satisfy a specified query filter. When the collections is large and indexes are * missing this call can be a performance killer. * * @param collection Collection to get the entity from. * @param query The query to select the entity. * @return The number of objects in the collection for the given query. * @throws InternalDaoException Thrown when an unknown error has occurred. The error will have been logged. *///from w w w . j a v a2s .co m public static long count(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final MongoDBQuery query) throws InternalDaoException { assert collection != null; assert query != null; try { LOG.debug("count: collection={}, query={}", collection.getName(), query); return collection.count(query.toDBObject()); } catch (final MapperException e) { final String message = "Entity could not be mapped: " + query + ", collection=" + collection.getName() + '.'; LOG.error("count: " + message, e); throw new InternalDaoException(message, e); } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Update or insert a document in a collection. * * @param collection Collection that contains the document. * @param query Query to find the document. * @param value Update (or initial value) for document. * @param updateLastModified True if the last modified time needs to be adjusted as well (to now). * @return Number of records updated (0 if inserted, 1 if updated). * @throws EntityStoreException New document cannot be stored. The error will have been logged. *//*from w w w. ja v a 2s . co m*/ public static int upsert(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final MongoDBQuery query, @Nonnull final DBObject value, final boolean updateLastModified) throws EntityStoreException { assert collection != null; assert query != null; assert value != null; try { // Update last modified time. if (updateLastModified) { value.put(MongoDBKeyNames.LAST_MODIFIED_KEY,; } // Make sure upsert is set to true to create the object if it is not found. final WriteResult result = collection.update(query.toDBObject(), value, UPSERT, NO_MULTI, writeConcern); final int nr = result.getN(); if (nr == 0) { LOG.debug("upsert: Inserted new object, query={}, collection={}", query, collection.getName()); } return nr; } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) { final String message = "Couldn't map entity to update, query: " + query + ", update: " + value + ", " + "collection: " + collection.getName() + '.'; LOG.error("upsert: " + message, e); throw new EntityStoreException(message, e); } }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Creates a new MongoDBVCollection./*from w w w . j a v a 2s . com*/ * @param delegate the actual MongoDB collection * @param branch the branch currently checked out * @param counter a counter to generate unique IDs */ public MongoDBVCollection(DBCollection delegate, MongoDBVBranch branch, VCounter counter) { _delegate = delegate; _name = delegate.getName(); _branch = branch; _counter = counter; }