Example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection getName

List of usage examples for com.mongodb DBCollection getName


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb DBCollection getName.


public String getName() 

Source Link


Get the name of a collection.


From source file:com.tomtom.speedtools.mongodb.checkdb.CheckDBBase.java

License:Apache License

public void showProgressCollectionEnd(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, final int count) {
    assert collection != null;
    LOG.debug("  |");
    LOG.debug("  | {}:", collection.getName());
    LOG.debug("  | {} errors were found in {} records", errors.size(), nrTotalRecords);
    LOG.info("  | 100% -- processed {} of {} records ({} errors and {} warnings found so far) - {}", count,
            count, errors.size(), warnings.size(), errors.isEmpty() ? "OK" : "not OK");

From source file:com.tomtom.speedtools.mongodb.DaoUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Finds a single entity that satisfies a specified query filter.
 * @param collection Collection to get the entity from.
 * @param mapper     Mapper to be used to reconstitute the object stored in the collection.
 * @param query      The query to select the entity.
 * @param <T>        The type of the reconstituted object.
 * @return The object in the collection for the given query.
 * @throws EntityNotFoundException Thrown if no object if found with the given id. This will NOT log an error.
 * @throws InternalDaoException    Thrown when an unknown error has occurred. The error will have been logged.
 *//*from   www .  j a  va  2 s  . co  m*/
public static <T> T findOne(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final EntityMapper<T> mapper,
        @Nonnull final MongoDBQuery query) throws EntityNotFoundException, InternalDaoException {
    assert collection != null;
    assert mapper != null;
    assert query != null;

    DBObject dbObject = null;
    try {
        dbObject = collection.findOne(query.toDBObject());
        if (dbObject != null) {
            final T entity = mapper.fromDb(dbObject);
            // Cannot be null because dbObject was not null.
            assert entity != null;
            return entity;
        } else {
            final String message = "Entity not found: " + query + ", collection=" + collection.getName() + '.';
            LOG.debug("findOne: {}", message);
            throw new EntityNotFoundException(message);
    } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) {
        final String message = "Entity could not be mapped: " + query + ", collection=" + collection.getName()
                + ", object=" + Json.toStringJson(dbObject) + '.';
        LOG.error("findOne: " + message, e);
        throw new InternalDaoException(message, e);

From source file:com.tomtom.speedtools.mongodb.DaoUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Finds entities that satisfy a specified query filter.
 * @param <T>                Element type.
 * @param collection         Collection to get the entity from.
 * @param mapper             Mapper to be used to reconstitute the object stored in the collection.
 * @param ignoreMapperErrors Ignore mapping exception, skip entities with mapping errors.
 * @param query              The query to select the entity.
 * @param sorting            The sorting parameters for this query.
 * @param paging             The paging parameters for this query.
 * @return The objects in the collection for the given query.
 * @throws InternalDaoException Thrown when an unknown error has occurred. The error will have been logged.
 *///from  ww w  .ja v a2s.com
public static <T> List<T> find(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final EntityMapper<T> mapper,
        final boolean ignoreMapperErrors, @Nonnull final MongoDBQuery query,
        @Nonnull final MongoDBSorting sorting, @Nonnull final MongoDBPaging paging)
        throws InternalDaoException {
    assert collection != null;
    assert mapper != null;
    assert query != null;

    try {
        final DBCursor dbCursor = collection.find(query.toDBObject());
        final DBCursor cursor = paging.apply(sorting.apply(dbCursor));

        final List<MapperError> errors = new LinkedList<>();
        final List<T> result = new ArrayList<>();
        while (cursor.hasNext()) {

            final DBObject dbValue = cursor.next();
            final T entity = mapper.fromDb(dbValue, errors);

        if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
            final String message = "Mapper errors found: " + query + ", collection=" + collection.getName()
                    + '.';
            LOG.error("find: {} Errors: '{}'", message, Json.toJson(errors));
            if (!ignoreMapperErrors) {
                throw new InternalDaoException(message);
        return result;
    } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) {
        final String message = "Entity could not be mapped: " + query + ", collection=" + collection.getName()
                + '.';
        LOG.error("find: " + message, e);
        throw new InternalDaoException(message, e);

From source file:com.tomtom.speedtools.mongodb.DaoUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Store the given object in the given collections.
 * @param <T>        The type of the object to te stored.
 * @param collection Collection in which to store the object.
 * @param mapper     Mapper to be used to transform the object.
 * @param entity     The object to be stored.
 * @throws EntityStoreException Thrown if the object cannot be transformed. The error will have been logged.
 *///from ww w . j ava2s.c om
public static <T> void storeEntity(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection,
        @Nonnull final EntityMapper<T> mapper, @Nonnull final T entity) throws EntityStoreException {
    assert collection != null;
    assert mapper != null;
    assert entity != null;

    try {
        // Create MongoDB record.
        final DBObject dbObject = mapper.toDb(entity);

        // Cannot be null because entity was not null.
        assert dbObject != null;

        // Add a "last modified" timestamp to each record.
        dbObject.put(MongoDBKeyNames.LAST_MODIFIED_KEY, UTCTime.now().toDate());

        collection.save(dbObject, writeConcern);
    } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) {
        final String message = "Map entity failed: type=" + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", collection="
                + collection.getName() + '.';
        LOG.error("storeEntity: " + message, e);
        throw new EntityStoreException(message, e);

From source file:com.tomtom.speedtools.mongodb.DaoUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Removes the given object from the given collection. The entity must fully match the database record to be
 * removed.//  w w w .j  a  v  a  2  s .  co m
 * @param <T>        The type of the object to remove.
 * @param collection Collection from which to remove the object.
 * @param mapper     Mapper to be used to transform the object.
 * @param entity     The object to be removed.
 * @throws EntityRemoveException Thrown if the object cannot be removed. The error will have been logged.
public static <T> void removeEntity(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection,
        @Nonnull final EntityMapper<T> mapper, @Nonnull final T entity) throws EntityRemoveException {
    assert collection != null;
    assert mapper != null;
    assert entity != null;

    try {
        final DBObject dbObject = mapper.toDb(entity);
    } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) {
        final String message = "Map entity failed: type=" + entity.getClass().getSimpleName() + ", collection="
                + collection.getName() + '.';
        LOG.error("removeEntity: " + message, e);
        throw new EntityRemoveException(message, e);

From source file:com.tomtom.speedtools.mongodb.DaoUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Removes the given object from the given collection.
 * @param <T>        Element type.
 * @param collection Collection from which to remove the object.
 * @param field      The field to match.
 * @param value      The value of the field.
 * @throws EntityRemoveException Thrown if the object cannot be removed. The error will have been logged.
 *///from   w  w  w  .  j ava  2 s.  co  m
public static <T> void removeEntityByField(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection,
        @Nonnull final EntityMapper<?>.Field<T> field, @Nonnull final T value) throws EntityRemoveException {
    assert collection != null;
    assert field != null;
    assert value != null;

    try {
        final MongoDBQuery dbQuery = new MongoDBQuery().eq(field, value);
    } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) {
        final String message = "Remove entity failed: field=" + field.getFieldName() + ", collection="
                + collection.getName() + '.';
        LOG.error("removeEntityByField: " + message, e);
        throw new EntityRemoveException(message, e);

From source file:com.tomtom.speedtools.mongodb.DaoUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Update a document in a collection./*from www  .  j  av  a  2s  .c o m*/
 * @param collection         Collection that contains the document.
 * @param query              Query to find the document.
 * @param update             Update for document.
 * @param updateLastModified True if the last modified time needs to be adjusted as well (to now).
 * @throws EntityStoreException    New document cannot be stored. The error will have been logged.
 * @throws EntityNotFoundException The document was not found. The error will have been logged.
public static void update(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final MongoDBQuery query,
        @Nonnull final MongoDBUpdate update, final boolean updateLastModified)
        throws EntityStoreException, EntityNotFoundException {
    assert collection != null;
    assert query != null;
    assert update != null;
    try {

        // Update last modified time.
        if (updateLastModified) {
            update.setRaw(MongoDBKeyNames.LAST_MODIFIED_KEY, UTCTime.now().toDate());

        // Make sure upsert is set to false to not create new records on the fly.
        final WriteResult result = collection.update(query.toDBObject(), update.toDBObject(), NO_UPSERT,
                NO_MULTI, writeConcern);
        if (result.getN() == 0) {
            final String message = "Couldn't find entity to update, query: " + query + ", update: " + update
                    + ", " + "collection: " + collection.getName() + '.';
            LOG.error("update: {}", message);
            throw new EntityNotFoundException(message);
    } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) {
        final String message = "Couldn't map entity to update, query: " + query + ", update: " + update + ", "
                + "collection: " + collection.getName() + '.';
        LOG.error("update: " + message, e);
        throw new EntityStoreException(message, e);

From source file:com.tomtom.speedtools.mongodb.DaoUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Returns number of entities that satisfy a specified query filter. When the collections is large and indexes are
 * missing this call can be a performance killer.
 * @param collection Collection to get the entity from.
 * @param query      The query to select the entity.
 * @return The number of objects in the collection for the given query.
 * @throws InternalDaoException Thrown when an unknown error has occurred. The error will have been logged.
 *///from w w  w . j a  v  a2s .co m
public static long count(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final MongoDBQuery query)
        throws InternalDaoException {
    assert collection != null;
    assert query != null;

    try {
        LOG.debug("count: collection={}, query={}", collection.getName(), query);
        return collection.count(query.toDBObject());
    } catch (final MapperException e) {
        final String message = "Entity could not be mapped: " + query + ", collection=" + collection.getName()
                + '.';
        LOG.error("count: " + message, e);
        throw new InternalDaoException(message, e);

From source file:com.tomtom.speedtools.mongodb.DaoUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Update or insert a document in a collection.
 * @param collection         Collection that contains the document.
 * @param query              Query to find the document.
 * @param value              Update (or initial value) for document.
 * @param updateLastModified True if the last modified time needs to be adjusted as well (to now).
 * @return Number of records updated (0 if inserted, 1 if updated).
 * @throws EntityStoreException New document cannot be stored. The error will have been logged.
 *//*from  w  w  w. ja v  a  2s  . co  m*/
public static int upsert(@Nonnull final DBCollection collection, @Nonnull final MongoDBQuery query,
        @Nonnull final DBObject value, final boolean updateLastModified) throws EntityStoreException {
    assert collection != null;
    assert query != null;
    assert value != null;
    try {

        // Update last modified time.
        if (updateLastModified) {
            value.put(MongoDBKeyNames.LAST_MODIFIED_KEY, UTCTime.now().toDate());

        // Make sure upsert is set to true to create the object if it is not found.
        final WriteResult result = collection.update(query.toDBObject(), value, UPSERT, NO_MULTI, writeConcern);
        final int nr = result.getN();
        if (nr == 0) {
            LOG.debug("upsert: Inserted new object, query={}, collection={}", query, collection.getName());
        return nr;
    } catch (final MapperException | MongoException e) {
        final String message = "Couldn't map entity to update, query: " + query + ", update: " + value + ", "
                + "collection: " + collection.getName() + '.';
        LOG.error("upsert: " + message, e);
        throw new EntityStoreException(message, e);

From source file:de.fhg.igd.mongomvcc.impl.MongoDBVCollection.java

License:Open Source License

 * Creates a new MongoDBVCollection./*from  w w  w . j a  v a 2s  . com*/
 * @param delegate the actual MongoDB collection
 * @param branch the branch currently checked out
 * @param counter a counter to generate unique IDs
public MongoDBVCollection(DBCollection delegate, MongoDBVBranch branch, VCounter counter) {
    _delegate = delegate;
    _name = delegate.getName();
    _branch = branch;
    _counter = counter;