List of usage examples for com.mongodb CommandResult getErrorMessage
public String getErrorMessage()
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License:Apache License
/** * Enable sharding in the database.//from www. j a v a 2 s . c o m * * @param mongoClient * the mongo client * @param databaseName * the database name * @throws ExecutionException * if an error exist when enabling sharding */ private static void enableSharding(MongoClient mongoClient, String databaseName) throws ExecutionException { DB db; db = mongoClient.getDB("admin"); DBObject enableShardingCommand = new BasicDBObject("enableSharding", databaseName); CommandResult result = db.command(enableShardingCommand); if (!result.ok() && !result.getErrorMessage().equals("already enabled")) { LOGGER.error("Error executing" + enableShardingCommand + " :" + result.getErrorMessage()); throw new ExecutionException(result.getErrorMessage()); } }
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License:Open Source Community License
private void processScriptFile(final DB db, final File scriptFile) throws MojoExecutionException { Scanner scanner = null;/*w w w .j a v a 2 s .co m*/ final StringBuilder instructions = new StringBuilder(); try { scanner = new Scanner(scriptFile); while (scanner.hasNextLine()) { instructions.append(scanner.nextLine()).append("\n"); } } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to find file with name '" + scriptFile.getName() + "'", e); } finally { if (scanner != null) { scanner.close(); } } final CommandResult result; try { final String evalString = "(function() {" + instructions.toString() + "})();"; result = db.doEval(evalString, new Object[0]); } catch (final MongoException e) { throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to execute file with name '" + scriptFile.getName() + "'", e); } if (!result.ok()) { getLog().error("- file " + scriptFile.getName() + " parsed with error: " + result.getErrorMessage()); throw new MojoExecutionException("Error while executing instructions from file '" + scriptFile.getName() + "': " + result.getErrorMessage(), result.getException()); } getLog().info("- file " + scriptFile.getName() + " parsed successfully"); }
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License:Apache License
protected void newSample(DefaultCollectionProfile profile) { final DBCollection collection = database.getCollection(profile.getCollectionName()); final CommandResult result = collection.getStats(); if (result.ok()) { profile.add(result);//from w ww . j a va2s . co m } else { if ("ns not found".equals(result.getErrorMessage())) { profile.reset(); } } }
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License:Apache License
@Override public List<ArtifactDataEntry> setupDatabase(DeploymentArtifact artifact, Properties configuration, EzSecurityToken callerToken) throws DeploymentException { MongoHelper mongoHelper = new MongoHelper(configuration); MongoConfigurationHelper mongoConfiguration = mongoHelper.getMongoConfigurationHelper(); //Setup new mongo properties String databaseName = ArtifactHelpers.getNamespace(artifact); String userName = databaseName + "_user"; String password = new BigInteger(130, random).toString(32); //Connect to Mongo DB Mongo client = getMongoClient(mongoHelper); try {// ww w. j a v a2 s .co m //If user exists, re-generate the password and reset the password DBObject cmd = new BasicDBObject("updateUser", userName); cmd.put("pwd", password); cmd.put("roles", DBRole); CommandResult result = client.getDB(databaseName).command(cmd); if (!result.ok()) { logger.warn("Failed to update mongo user. {}. Attempting to add", result.getErrorMessage()); //If user doesn't exist, create new Mongo DB User/Password/Database unique for this application cmd = new BasicDBObject("createUser", userName); cmd.put("pwd", password); cmd.put("roles", DBRole); result = client.getDB(databaseName).command(cmd); result.throwOnError(); } } finally { client.close(); } //Create a file with mongo host, username, password(hashed), and database Map<String, String> valuesMap = Maps.newHashMap(); valuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_DB_NAME, databaseName); valuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_HOST_NAME, mongoConfiguration.getMongoDBHostName()); valuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_USE_SSL, Boolean.toString(mongoConfiguration.useMongoDBSSL())); Map<String, String> encryptedValuesMap = Maps.newHashMap(); encryptedValuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_USER_NAME, userName); encryptedValuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_PASSWORD, password); String connectionString = String.format("mongodb://%s:%s@%s/%s?ssl=%b", userName, password, mongoConfiguration.getMongoDBHostName(), databaseName, mongoConfiguration.useMongoDBSSL()); encryptedValuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING, connectionString); String properties = Joiner.on('\n').withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(valuesMap); String encryptedProps = Joiner.on('\n').withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(encryptedValuesMap); List<ArtifactDataEntry> entries = Lists.newArrayList(); entries.add(Utilities.createConfCertDataEntry(MONGODB_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME, properties.getBytes())); entries.add(Utilities.createConfCertDataEntry(ENCRYPTED_MONGODB_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME, encryptedProps.getBytes())); return entries; }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Copies the database to another://from w w w . ja v a 2 s. c o m * checkpoint_[database name] * * @throws HandleException */ public void checkpointDatabase() throws HandleException { final String checkpoint = database + "_checkpoint_" + new Date().getTime(); final BasicDBObject command = new BasicDBObject(); command.put("copydb", 1); command.put("fromdb", database); command.put("todb", checkpoint); final DB db = mongo.getDB("admin"); final CommandResult result = db.command(command); if (!result.ok()) { throw new HandleException(HandleException.SERVER_ERROR, "The checkpoint action failed:\n" + result.getErrorMessage()); } }
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License:Apache License
public Iterable<DBObject> results() throws AggregationException { int size = pipeline.size(); if (size <= 0) { throw new AggregationException("Empty pipeline in aggregation!"); }/*w w w.j av a 2 s .c o m*/ AggregationOutput output = null; if (size == 1) { output = coll.aggregate(pipeline.get(0)); } else { DBObject firstOp = pipeline.get(0); List<DBObject> subList = pipeline.subList(1, size); DBObject[] arr = subList.toArray(new DBObject[size - 1]); output = coll.aggregate(firstOp, arr); } CommandResult cr = output.getCommandResult(); if (!cr.ok()) { throw new AggregationException(cr.getErrorMessage()); } return output.results(); }
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License:Apache License
public Iterable<DBObject> mapReduce(String collectionName, String map, String reduce, DBObject query) throws OperatorException { MapReduceOutput _output = getCollection(collectionName).mapReduce(map, reduce, null, OutputType.INLINE, query);//from ww w . j a va2s . c o m CommandResult _result = _output.getCommandResult(); if (!_result.ok()) { throw new OperatorException(_result.getErrorMessage()); } return _output.results(); }
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License:Apache License
public Iterable<DBObject> mapReduce(String collectionName, String map, String reduce, String outputTarget, OutputType type, OrderBy order, int pageNumber, int pageSize, DBObject query) throws OperatorException { MapReduceOutput _output = getCollection(collectionName).mapReduce(map, reduce, outputTarget, type, query); CommandResult _result = _output.getCommandResult(); if (!_result.ok()) { throw new OperatorException(_result.getErrorMessage()); }/*w w w . ja v a 2 s .c o m*/ DBCollection _collection = _output.getOutputCollection(); DBCursor _cursor = null; if (order != null) { _cursor = _collection.find().sort(order.toDBObject()); } else { _cursor = _collection.find(); } if (pageNumber > 0 && pageSize > 0) { _cursor.skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).limit(pageSize); } List<DBObject> _results = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); for (Iterator<DBObject> _it = _cursor.iterator(); _it.hasNext();) { _results.add(; } return _results; }
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License:Apache License
@Override public long determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis() { // the assumption is that the network delay from this instance // to the server, and from the server back to this instance // are (more or less) equal. // taking this assumption into account allows to remove // the network delays from the picture: the difference // between end and start time is exactly this network // delay (plus some server time, but that's neglected). // so if the clocks are in perfect sync and the above // mentioned assumption holds, then the server time should // be exactly at the midPoint between start and end. // this should allow a more accurate picture of the diff. final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); // assumption here: server returns UTC - ie the returned // date object is correctly taking care of time zones. final CommandResult serverStatus = db.command("serverStatus"); if (serverStatus == null) { // OAK-4107 / OAK-4515 : extra safety LOG.warn(/* w ww. j a va2 s .co m*/ "determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis: db.serverStatus returned null - cannot determine time difference - assuming 0ms."); return 0; } final Date serverLocalTime = serverStatus.getDate("localTime"); if (serverLocalTime == null) { // OAK-4107 / OAK-4515 : looks like this can happen - at least // has been seen once on mongo 3.0.9 // let's handle this gently and issue a log.warn // instead of throwing a NPE LOG.warn( "determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis: db.serverStatus.localTime returned null - cannot determine time difference - assuming 0ms. " + "(Result details: server exception=" + serverStatus.getException() + ", server error message=" + serverStatus.getErrorMessage() + ")", serverStatus.getException()); return 0; } final long end = System.currentTimeMillis(); final long midPoint = (start + end) / 2; final long serverLocalTimeMillis = serverLocalTime.getTime(); // the difference should be // * positive when local instance is ahead // * and negative when the local instance is behind final long diff = midPoint - serverLocalTimeMillis; return diff; }
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License:Open Source License
static void authenticateDB(DB mongoDb, Properties connProps) throws OdaException { if (mongoDb.isAuthenticated()) return; // already authenticated String username = MongoDBDriver.getUserName(connProps); if (username == null || username.isEmpty()) return; // nothing to authenticate String passwd = MongoDBDriver.getPassword(connProps); char[] passwdChars = passwd != null ? passwd.toCharArray() : new char[0]; CommandResult result = null; try {/*from ww w.ja va 2 s. c o m*/ result = mongoDb.authenticateCommand(username, passwdChars); } catch (Exception ex) { OdaException odaEx = null; if (result != null) { odaEx = new OdaException(result.getErrorMessage()); odaEx.initCause(ex); } else odaEx = new OdaException(ex); MongoDBDriver.getLogger() .info(Messages.bind("Unable to authenticate user (${0}) in database (${1}).\n ${2}", //$NON-NLS-1$ new Object[] { username, mongoDb, odaEx.getCause().getMessage() })); throw odaEx; } }