Example usage for com.mongodb CommandResult getErrorMessage

List of usage examples for com.mongodb CommandResult getErrorMessage


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb CommandResult getErrorMessage.


public String getErrorMessage() 

Source Link


Gets the error message associated with a failed command.


From source file:com.stratio.connector.mongodb.core.engine.metadata.ShardUtils.java

License:Apache License

 * Enable sharding in the database.//from www.  j  a  v a 2  s  . c  o m
 * @param mongoClient
 *            the mongo client
 * @param databaseName
 *            the database name
 * @throws ExecutionException
 *             if an error exist when enabling sharding
private static void enableSharding(MongoClient mongoClient, String databaseName) throws ExecutionException {

    DB db;

    db = mongoClient.getDB("admin");
    DBObject enableShardingCommand = new BasicDBObject("enableSharding", databaseName);
    CommandResult result = db.command(enableShardingCommand);
    if (!result.ok() && !result.getErrorMessage().equals("already enabled")) {
        LOGGER.error("Error executing" + enableShardingCommand + " :" + result.getErrorMessage());
        throw new ExecutionException(result.getErrorMessage());

From source file:com.syncleus.maven.plugins.mongodb.StartMongoMojo.java

License:Open Source Community License

private void processScriptFile(final DB db, final File scriptFile) throws MojoExecutionException {
    Scanner scanner = null;/*w  w  w .j a  v a  2  s .co m*/
    final StringBuilder instructions = new StringBuilder();
    try {
        scanner = new Scanner(scriptFile);
        while (scanner.hasNextLine()) {
    } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) {
        throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to find file with name '" + scriptFile.getName() + "'", e);
    } finally {
        if (scanner != null) {
    final CommandResult result;
    try {
        final String evalString = "(function() {" + instructions.toString() + "})();";
        result = db.doEval(evalString, new Object[0]);
    } catch (final MongoException e) {
        throw new MojoExecutionException("Unable to execute file with name '" + scriptFile.getName() + "'", e);
    if (!result.ok()) {
        getLog().error("- file " + scriptFile.getName() + " parsed with error: " + result.getErrorMessage());
        throw new MojoExecutionException("Error while executing instructions from file '" + scriptFile.getName()
                + "': " + result.getErrorMessage(), result.getException());
    getLog().info("- file " + scriptFile.getName() + " parsed successfully");

From source file:de.otto.mongodb.profiler.collection.DefaultCollectionProfiler.java

License:Apache License

protected void newSample(DefaultCollectionProfile profile) {

    final DBCollection collection = database.getCollection(profile.getCollectionName());
    final CommandResult result = collection.getStats();
    if (result.ok()) {
        profile.add(result);//from   w  ww  . j a  va2s .  co m
    } else {
        if ("ns not found".equals(result.getErrorMessage())) {

From source file:ezbake.deployer.publishers.database.MongoDBDatabaseSetup.java

License:Apache License

public List<ArtifactDataEntry> setupDatabase(DeploymentArtifact artifact, Properties configuration,
        EzSecurityToken callerToken) throws DeploymentException {
    MongoHelper mongoHelper = new MongoHelper(configuration);
    MongoConfigurationHelper mongoConfiguration = mongoHelper.getMongoConfigurationHelper();

    //Setup new mongo properties
    String databaseName = ArtifactHelpers.getNamespace(artifact);
    String userName = databaseName + "_user";
    String password = new BigInteger(130, random).toString(32);

    //Connect to Mongo DB
    Mongo client = getMongoClient(mongoHelper);
    try {//  ww w.  j  a  v a2 s  .co  m
        //If user exists, re-generate the password and reset the password
        DBObject cmd = new BasicDBObject("updateUser", userName);
        cmd.put("pwd", password);
        cmd.put("roles", DBRole);
        CommandResult result = client.getDB(databaseName).command(cmd);
        if (!result.ok()) {
            logger.warn("Failed to update mongo user. {}.  Attempting to add", result.getErrorMessage());
            //If user doesn't exist, create new Mongo DB User/Password/Database unique for this application
            cmd = new BasicDBObject("createUser", userName);
            cmd.put("pwd", password);
            cmd.put("roles", DBRole);
            result = client.getDB(databaseName).command(cmd);
    } finally {

    //Create a mongo.properties file with mongo host, username, password(hashed), and database
    Map<String, String> valuesMap = Maps.newHashMap();
    valuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_DB_NAME, databaseName);
    valuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_HOST_NAME, mongoConfiguration.getMongoDBHostName());

    Map<String, String> encryptedValuesMap = Maps.newHashMap();
    encryptedValuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_USER_NAME, userName);
    encryptedValuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_PASSWORD, password);
    String connectionString = String.format("mongodb://%s:%s@%s/%s?ssl=%b", userName, password,
            mongoConfiguration.getMongoDBHostName(), databaseName, mongoConfiguration.useMongoDBSSL());
    encryptedValuesMap.put(EzBakePropertyConstants.MONGODB_CONNECTION_STRING, connectionString);

    String properties = Joiner.on('\n').withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(valuesMap);
    String encryptedProps = Joiner.on('\n').withKeyValueSeparator("=").join(encryptedValuesMap);
    List<ArtifactDataEntry> entries = Lists.newArrayList();
    entries.add(Utilities.createConfCertDataEntry(MONGODB_PROPERTIES_FILE_NAME, properties.getBytes()));
    return entries;

From source file:net.handle.server.MongoDBHandleStorage.java

License:Open Source License

 * Copies the database to another://from  w w  w  .  ja v a  2 s.  c o  m
 * checkpoint_[database name]
 * @throws HandleException
public void checkpointDatabase() throws HandleException {

    final String checkpoint = database + "_checkpoint_" + new Date().getTime();
    final BasicDBObject command = new BasicDBObject();
    command.put("copydb", 1);
    command.put("fromdb", database);
    command.put("todb", checkpoint);

    final DB db = mongo.getDB("admin");
    final CommandResult result = db.command(command);
    if (!result.ok()) {
        throw new HandleException(HandleException.SERVER_ERROR,
                "The checkpoint action failed:\n" + result.getErrorMessage());

From source file:net.tooan.ynpay.third.mongodb.BuguAggregation.java

License:Apache License

public Iterable<DBObject> results() throws AggregationException {
    int size = pipeline.size();
    if (size <= 0) {
        throw new AggregationException("Empty pipeline in aggregation!");
    }/*w w  w.j av  a 2  s .c  o m*/
    AggregationOutput output = null;
    if (size == 1) {
        output = coll.aggregate(pipeline.get(0));
    } else {
        DBObject firstOp = pipeline.get(0);
        List<DBObject> subList = pipeline.subList(1, size);
        DBObject[] arr = subList.toArray(new DBObject[size - 1]);
        output = coll.aggregate(firstOp, arr);
    CommandResult cr = output.getCommandResult();
    if (!cr.ok()) {
        throw new AggregationException(cr.getErrorMessage());
    return output.results();

From source file:net.ymate.platform.persistence.mongodb.support.MongoDBHelper.java

License:Apache License

public Iterable<DBObject> mapReduce(String collectionName, String map, String reduce, DBObject query)
        throws OperatorException {
    MapReduceOutput _output = getCollection(collectionName).mapReduce(map, reduce, null, OutputType.INLINE,
            query);//from   ww w .  j a  va2s .  c o m
    CommandResult _result = _output.getCommandResult();
    if (!_result.ok()) {
        throw new OperatorException(_result.getErrorMessage());
    return _output.results();

From source file:net.ymate.platform.persistence.mongodb.support.MongoDBHelper.java

License:Apache License

public Iterable<DBObject> mapReduce(String collectionName, String map, String reduce, String outputTarget,
        OutputType type, OrderBy order, int pageNumber, int pageSize, DBObject query) throws OperatorException {
    MapReduceOutput _output = getCollection(collectionName).mapReduce(map, reduce, outputTarget, type, query);
    CommandResult _result = _output.getCommandResult();
    if (!_result.ok()) {
        throw new OperatorException(_result.getErrorMessage());
    }/*w w w .  ja v a 2 s .c  o  m*/
    DBCollection _collection = _output.getOutputCollection();
    DBCursor _cursor = null;
    if (order != null) {
        _cursor = _collection.find().sort(order.toDBObject());
    } else {
        _cursor = _collection.find();
    if (pageNumber > 0 && pageSize > 0) {
        _cursor.skip((pageNumber - 1) * pageSize).limit(pageSize);
    List<DBObject> _results = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
    for (Iterator<DBObject> _it = _cursor.iterator(); _it.hasNext();) {
    return _results;

From source file:org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.mongo.MongoDocumentStore.java

License:Apache License

public long determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis() {
    // the assumption is that the network delay from this instance
    // to the server, and from the server back to this instance
    // are (more or less) equal.
    // taking this assumption into account allows to remove
    // the network delays from the picture: the difference
    // between end and start time is exactly this network
    // delay (plus some server time, but that's neglected).
    // so if the clocks are in perfect sync and the above
    // mentioned assumption holds, then the server time should
    // be exactly at the midPoint between start and end.
    // this should allow a more accurate picture of the diff.
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // assumption here: server returns UTC - ie the returned
    // date object is correctly taking care of time zones.
    final CommandResult serverStatus = db.command("serverStatus");
    if (serverStatus == null) {
        // OAK-4107 / OAK-4515 : extra safety
        LOG.warn(/*  w ww. j a  va2 s .co  m*/
                "determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis: db.serverStatus returned null - cannot determine time difference - assuming 0ms.");
        return 0;
    final Date serverLocalTime = serverStatus.getDate("localTime");
    if (serverLocalTime == null) {
        // OAK-4107 / OAK-4515 : looks like this can happen - at least
        // has been seen once on mongo 3.0.9
        // let's handle this gently and issue a log.warn
        // instead of throwing a NPE
                "determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis: db.serverStatus.localTime returned null - cannot determine time difference - assuming 0ms. "
                        + "(Result details: server exception=" + serverStatus.getException()
                        + ", server error message=" + serverStatus.getErrorMessage() + ")",
        return 0;
    final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

    final long midPoint = (start + end) / 2;
    final long serverLocalTimeMillis = serverLocalTime.getTime();

    // the difference should be
    // * positive when local instance is ahead
    // * and negative when the local instance is behind
    final long diff = midPoint - serverLocalTimeMillis;

    return diff;

From source file:org.eclipse.birt.data.oda.mongodb.impl.MDbConnection.java

License:Open Source License

static void authenticateDB(DB mongoDb, Properties connProps) throws OdaException {
    if (mongoDb.isAuthenticated())
        return; // already authenticated

    String username = MongoDBDriver.getUserName(connProps);
    if (username == null || username.isEmpty())
        return; // nothing to authenticate

    String passwd = MongoDBDriver.getPassword(connProps);
    char[] passwdChars = passwd != null ? passwd.toCharArray() : new char[0];

    CommandResult result = null;
    try {/*from  ww  w.ja va 2  s.  c  o  m*/
        result = mongoDb.authenticateCommand(username, passwdChars);
    } catch (Exception ex) {
        OdaException odaEx = null;
        if (result != null) {
            odaEx = new OdaException(result.getErrorMessage());
        } else
            odaEx = new OdaException(ex);

                .info(Messages.bind("Unable to authenticate user (${0}) in database (${1}).\n ${2}", //$NON-NLS-1$
                        new Object[] { username, mongoDb, odaEx.getCause().getMessage() }));
        throw odaEx;