Example usage for com.mongodb CommandResult getDate

List of usage examples for com.mongodb CommandResult getDate


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb CommandResult getDate.


public Date getDate(final String field) 

Source Link


Returns the date or null if not set.


From source file:org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.document.mongo.MongoDocumentStore.java

License:Apache License

public long determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis() {
    // the assumption is that the network delay from this instance
    // to the server, and from the server back to this instance
    // are (more or less) equal.
    // taking this assumption into account allows to remove
    // the network delays from the picture: the difference
    // between end and start time is exactly this network
    // delay (plus some server time, but that's neglected).
    // so if the clocks are in perfect sync and the above
    // mentioned assumption holds, then the server time should
    // be exactly at the midPoint between start and end.
    // this should allow a more accurate picture of the diff.
    final long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
    // assumption here: server returns UTC - ie the returned
    // date object is correctly taking care of time zones.
    final CommandResult serverStatus = db.command("serverStatus");
    if (serverStatus == null) {
        // OAK-4107 / OAK-4515 : extra safety
        LOG.warn(//from   w  w w. j  av  a 2s . c  om
                "determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis: db.serverStatus returned null - cannot determine time difference - assuming 0ms.");
        return 0;
    final Date serverLocalTime = serverStatus.getDate("localTime");
    if (serverLocalTime == null) {
        // OAK-4107 / OAK-4515 : looks like this can happen - at least
        // has been seen once on mongo 3.0.9
        // let's handle this gently and issue a log.warn
        // instead of throwing a NPE
                "determineServerTimeDifferenceMillis: db.serverStatus.localTime returned null - cannot determine time difference - assuming 0ms. "
                        + "(Result details: server exception=" + serverStatus.getException()
                        + ", server error message=" + serverStatus.getErrorMessage() + ")",
        return 0;
    final long end = System.currentTimeMillis();

    final long midPoint = (start + end) / 2;
    final long serverLocalTimeMillis = serverLocalTime.getTime();

    // the difference should be
    // * positive when local instance is ahead
    // * and negative when the local instance is behind
    final long diff = midPoint - serverLocalTimeMillis;

    return diff;

From source file:org.graylog2.system.stats.mongo.MongoProbe.java

License:Open Source License

public MongoStats mongoStats() {
    final List<ServerAddress> serverAddresses = mongoClient.getServerAddressList();
    final List<HostAndPort> servers = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(serverAddresses.size());
    for (ServerAddress serverAddress : serverAddresses) {
        servers.add(HostAndPort.fromParts(serverAddress.getHost(), serverAddress.getPort()));
    }//  w  w  w.  j  a  va 2s . com

    final DatabaseStats dbStats;
    final CommandResult dbStatsResult = db.command("dbStats");
    if (dbStatsResult.ok()) {
        final BasicDBObject extentFreeListMap = (BasicDBObject) dbStatsResult.get("extentFreeList");
        final DatabaseStats.ExtentFreeList extentFreeList = DatabaseStats.ExtentFreeList
                .create(extentFreeListMap.getInt("num"), extentFreeListMap.getInt("totalSize"));

        final BasicDBObject dataFileVersionMap = (BasicDBObject) dbStatsResult.get("dataFileVersion");
        final DatabaseStats.DataFileVersion dataFileVersion = DatabaseStats.DataFileVersion
                .create(dataFileVersionMap.getInt("major"), dataFileVersionMap.getInt("minor"));

        dbStats = DatabaseStats.create(dbStatsResult.getString("db"), dbStatsResult.getLong("collections"),
                dbStatsResult.getLong("objects"), dbStatsResult.getDouble("avgObjSize"),
                dbStatsResult.getLong("dataSize"), dbStatsResult.getLong("storageSize"),
                dbStatsResult.getLong("numExtents"), dbStatsResult.getLong("indexes"),
                dbStatsResult.getLong("indexSize"), dbStatsResult.getLong("fileSize"),
                dbStatsResult.getLong("nsSizeMB"), extentFreeList, dataFileVersion);
    } else {
        dbStats = null;

    final ServerStatus serverStatus;
    final CommandResult serverStatusResult = adminDb.command("serverStatus");
    if (serverStatusResult.ok()) {
        final BasicDBObject connectionsMap = (BasicDBObject) serverStatusResult.get("connections");
        final ServerStatus.Connections connections = ServerStatus.Connections.create(
                connectionsMap.getInt("current"), connectionsMap.getInt("available"),

        final BasicDBObject networkMap = (BasicDBObject) serverStatusResult.get("network");
        final ServerStatus.Network network = ServerStatus.Network.create(networkMap.getInt("bytesIn"),
                networkMap.getInt("bytesOut"), networkMap.getInt("numRequests"));

        final BasicDBObject memoryMap = (BasicDBObject) serverStatusResult.get("mem");
        final ServerStatus.Memory memory = ServerStatus.Memory.create(memoryMap.getInt("bits"),
                memoryMap.getInt("resident"), memoryMap.getInt("virtual"), memoryMap.getBoolean("supported"),
                memoryMap.getInt("mapped"), memoryMap.getInt("mappedWithJournal"));

        serverStatus = ServerStatus.create(serverStatusResult.getString("host"),
                serverStatusResult.getString("version"), serverStatusResult.getString("process"),
                serverStatusResult.getLong("pid"), serverStatusResult.getInt("uptime"),
                serverStatusResult.getLong("uptimeMillis"), serverStatusResult.getInt("uptimeEstimate"),
                new DateTime(serverStatusResult.getDate("localTime")), connections, network, memory);
    } else {
        serverStatus = null;

    // TODO Collection stats? http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/reference/command/collStats/

    return MongoStats.create(servers, buildInfo, hostInfo, serverStatus, dbStats);