List of usage examples for com.mongodb CommandResult get
public Object get(final String key)
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public void setup() { setMongo(new MongoClient(getServerAddresses())); info("Using Mongo connector version [{}].", getMongo().getVersion()); final DB db = getMongo().getDB(DEFAULT_DB_NAME); assert null != db; try {/*from w w w.j ava2 s. com*/ final CommandResult dbStats = db.getStats(); final Set<?> keys = dbStats.keySet(); Object entry; info("Executing & listing 'dbStats' for [{}].", db.getName()); for (final Object key : keys) { entry = dbStats.get(key); info("{'key':'{}', 'value':'{}'}", key, entry); } } catch (final MongoServerSelectionException t) { error("\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n!Error [{}] occured when testing connectivity to [{}] database!\n-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------", t.getMessage(), db.getName()); } catch (final Throwable t) { error(t, t.getMessage()); } }
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License:Apache License
@Override protected Object generateIdentifier(final PersistentEntity persistentEntity, final DBObject nativeEntry) { return mongoTemplate.execute(new DbCallback<Object>() { public Object doInDB(DB con) throws MongoException, DataAccessException { @SuppressWarnings("hiding") String collectionName = getCollectionName(persistentEntity, nativeEntry); DBCollection dbCollection = con.getCollection(collectionName + NEXT_ID_SUFFIX); // If there is a numeric identifier then we need to rely on optimistic concurrency controls to obtain a unique identifer // sequence. If the identifier is not numeric then we assume BSON ObjectIds. if (hasNumericalIdentifier) { while (true) { DBCursor result = dbCollection.find().sort(new BasicDBObject(MONGO_ID_FIELD, -1)).limit(1); long nextId; if (result.hasNext()) { final Long current = getMappingContext().getConversionService() .convert(, Long.class); nextId = current + 1; } else { nextId = 1;//from w ww . j av a 2 s . c o m } nativeEntry.put(MONGO_ID_FIELD, nextId); final WriteResult writeResult = dbCollection.insert(nativeEntry); final CommandResult lastError = writeResult.getLastError(); if (lastError.ok()) { break; } final Object code = lastError.get("code"); // duplicate key error try again if (code != null && code.equals(11000)) { continue; } break; } return nativeEntry.get(MONGO_ID_FIELD); } ObjectId objectId = ObjectId.get(); if (ObjectId.class.isAssignableFrom(persistentEntity.getIdentity().getType())) { nativeEntry.put(MONGO_ID_FIELD, objectId); return objectId; } String stringId = objectId.toString(); nativeEntry.put(MONGO_ID_FIELD, stringId); return stringId; } }); }
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License:Open Source License
private HostInfo createHostInfo() { final HostInfo hostInfo; final CommandResult hostInfoResult = adminDb.command("hostInfo"); if (hostInfoResult.ok()) { final BasicDBObject systemMap = (BasicDBObject) hostInfoResult.get("system"); final HostInfo.System system = HostInfo.System.create(new DateTime(systemMap.getDate("currentTime")), systemMap.getString("hostname"), systemMap.getInt("cpuAddrSize"), systemMap.getLong("memSizeMB"), systemMap.getInt("numCores"), systemMap.getString("cpuArch"), systemMap.getBoolean("numaEnabled")); final BasicDBObject osMap = (BasicDBObject) hostInfoResult.get("os"); final HostInfo.Os os = HostInfo.Os.create(osMap.getString("type"), osMap.getString("name"), osMap.getString("version")); final BasicDBObject extraMap = (BasicDBObject) hostInfoResult.get("extra"); final HostInfo.Extra extra = HostInfo.Extra.create(extraMap.getString("versionString"), extraMap.getString("libcVersion"), extraMap.getString("kernelVersion"), extraMap.getString("cpuFrequencyMHz"), extraMap.getString("cpuFeatures"), extraMap.getString("scheduler"), extraMap.getLong("pageSize", -1l), extraMap.getLong("numPages", -1l), extraMap.getLong("maxOpenFiles", -1l)); hostInfo = HostInfo.create(system, os, extra); } else {// www . ja v a2s .c om hostInfo = null; } return hostInfo; }
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License:Open Source License
private BuildInfo createBuildInfo() { final BuildInfo buildInfo; final CommandResult buildInfoResult = adminDb.command("buildInfo"); if (buildInfoResult.ok()) { buildInfo = BuildInfo.create(buildInfoResult.getString("version"), buildInfoResult.getString("gitVersion"), buildInfoResult.getString("sysInfo"), buildInfoResult.getString("loaderFlags"), buildInfoResult.getString("compilerFlags"), buildInfoResult.getString("allocator"), (List<Integer>) buildInfoResult.get("versionArray"), buildInfoResult.getString("javascriptEngine"), buildInfoResult.getInt("bits"), buildInfoResult.getBoolean("debug"), buildInfoResult.getLong("maxBsonObjectSize") );/*ww w . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ } else { buildInfo = null; } return buildInfo; }
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License:Open Source License
public MongoStats mongoStats() { final List<ServerAddress> serverAddresses = mongoClient.getServerAddressList(); final List<HostAndPort> servers = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(serverAddresses.size()); for (ServerAddress serverAddress : serverAddresses) { servers.add(HostAndPort.fromParts(serverAddress.getHost(), serverAddress.getPort())); }//from ww w . jav a 2s .com final DatabaseStats dbStats; final CommandResult dbStatsResult = db.command("dbStats"); if (dbStatsResult.ok()) { final BasicDBObject extentFreeListMap = (BasicDBObject) dbStatsResult.get("extentFreeList"); final DatabaseStats.ExtentFreeList extentFreeList = DatabaseStats.ExtentFreeList .create(extentFreeListMap.getInt("num"), extentFreeListMap.getInt("totalSize")); final BasicDBObject dataFileVersionMap = (BasicDBObject) dbStatsResult.get("dataFileVersion"); final DatabaseStats.DataFileVersion dataFileVersion = DatabaseStats.DataFileVersion .create(dataFileVersionMap.getInt("major"), dataFileVersionMap.getInt("minor")); dbStats = DatabaseStats.create(dbStatsResult.getString("db"), dbStatsResult.getLong("collections"), dbStatsResult.getLong("objects"), dbStatsResult.getDouble("avgObjSize"), dbStatsResult.getLong("dataSize"), dbStatsResult.getLong("storageSize"), dbStatsResult.getLong("numExtents"), dbStatsResult.getLong("indexes"), dbStatsResult.getLong("indexSize"), dbStatsResult.getLong("fileSize"), dbStatsResult.getLong("nsSizeMB"), extentFreeList, dataFileVersion); } else { dbStats = null; } final ServerStatus serverStatus; final CommandResult serverStatusResult = adminDb.command("serverStatus"); if (serverStatusResult.ok()) { final BasicDBObject connectionsMap = (BasicDBObject) serverStatusResult.get("connections"); final ServerStatus.Connections connections = ServerStatus.Connections.create( connectionsMap.getInt("current"), connectionsMap.getInt("available"), connectionsMap.getLong("totalCreated")); final BasicDBObject networkMap = (BasicDBObject) serverStatusResult.get("network"); final ServerStatus.Network network = ServerStatus.Network.create(networkMap.getInt("bytesIn"), networkMap.getInt("bytesOut"), networkMap.getInt("numRequests")); final BasicDBObject memoryMap = (BasicDBObject) serverStatusResult.get("mem"); final ServerStatus.Memory memory = ServerStatus.Memory.create(memoryMap.getInt("bits"), memoryMap.getInt("resident"), memoryMap.getInt("virtual"), memoryMap.getBoolean("supported"), memoryMap.getInt("mapped"), memoryMap.getInt("mappedWithJournal")); serverStatus = ServerStatus.create(serverStatusResult.getString("host"), serverStatusResult.getString("version"), serverStatusResult.getString("process"), serverStatusResult.getLong("pid"), serverStatusResult.getInt("uptime"), serverStatusResult.getLong("uptimeMillis"), serverStatusResult.getInt("uptimeEstimate"), new DateTime(serverStatusResult.getDate("localTime")), connections, network, memory); } else { serverStatus = null; } // TODO Collection stats? return MongoStats.create(servers, buildInfo, hostInfo, serverStatus, dbStats); }
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License:Apache License
protected void assumeThatMongoVersionIsGreaterThan(String expectedVersion) throws UnknownHostException { int expectedVersionAsInt = Integer.valueOf(expectedVersion.replaceAll("\\.", "")); CommandResult buildInfo = getDatabase().command("buildInfo"); String version = (String) buildInfo.get("version"); int currentVersion = Integer.valueOf(version.replaceAll("\\.", "")); assumeTrue(currentVersion >= expectedVersionAsInt); }
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License:Open Source License
/** * Calculates aggregates values without the need for complex map-reduce operations * * <p/>// w ww . j a v a2s. c om * {@sample.xml ../../../doc/mule-module-morphia.xml.sample morphia:aggregate} * * @param collection collection name * @param pipeline list of pipeline operators * @param exception The exception that needs to be thrown if there is an error executing the aggregation query * @param username the username to use in case authentication is required * @param password the password to use in case authentication is required, null * if no authentication is desired * @param host The host of the Mongo server. If the host is part of a replica set then you can specify all the hosts * separated by comma. * @param port The port of the Mongo server * @param database The database name of the Mongo server * @return the aggregation result * @throws Exception if there is an exception while aggregating */ @Processor public BasicDBList aggregate(String collection, List<Pipeline> pipeline, @Optional String exception, @Optional String username, @Optional @Password String password, @Optional String host, @Optional Integer port, @Optional String database) throws Exception { if (!pipeline.isEmpty()) { Datastore datastore = getDatastore(username, password, database, host, port); List<DBObject> dbObjects = new ArrayList<DBObject>(); for (Pipeline pipelineOperator : pipeline) { Object dbObject = JSON.parse(pipelineOperator.toJson()); if (dbObject == null || !(dbObject instanceof DBObject)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal pipeline operator '" + pipelineOperator + "'"); } dbObjects.add((DBObject) dbObject); } BasicDBObjectBuilder builder = BasicDBObjectBuilder.start().add("aggregate", collection); builder.append("pipeline", dbObjects.toArray()); CommandResult result = datastore.getDB().command(builder.get()); if (result.ok()) { return (BasicDBList) result.get("result"); } if (exception != null) { throw getExceptionFromClassName(exception); } } // Return an empty list return new BasicDBList(); }
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License:Open Source License
private void setup() throws UnknownHostException { if (isInitialized()) { mongoClient = new MongoClient(mongoUri); }//from w w w . j a va 2s. c om try { CommandResult res = mongoClient.getDB("admin").command("buildInfo"); Object _version = res.get("version"); if (_version != null && _version instanceof String) { serverVersion = (String) _version; } else { LOGGER.warn("Cannot get the MongoDb version."); serverVersion = "3.x?"; } } catch (Throwable t) { LOGGER.warn("Cannot get the MongoDb version."); serverVersion = "?"; } }
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License:Open Source License
public int getSize() { int size;//w ww . ja v a 2 s . c om MongoClient mongo = new MongoClient(host, port); DB synonyms = mongo.getDB("synonyms"); DB pages = mongo.getDB("pages"); CommandResult result = synonyms.getStats(); size = (int) result.get("objects"); result = pages.getStats(); size += (int) result.get("objects"); mongo.close(); return size; }
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License:Open Source License
public DB createInstance() throws Exception { DB db = null;/*from w w w. ja va2 s . co m*/ try { if (enabled) { if (embedded) { Mongo mongo = newMongo(); // Mongo mongo = mongoFactory.newMongo(); if (dbName != null) { db = mongo.getDB(dbName); } else { db = mongo.getDB(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); } } else { if (mongoURI == null || dbName == null) { throw new RuntimeException("Must provide mongoURI and dbName or a mongo object"); } MongoClientURI uri = new MongoClientURI(mongoURI); MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(uri); db = mongoClient.getDB(dbName); } if (db == null) { throw new InstantiationException("Could not instantiate a Mongo DB instance"); } if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("Instatiated DB object for dbName '" + db.getName() + "'"); } CommandResult stats = db.getStats(); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { stats = db.getStats(); for (String key : stats.keySet()) { logger.trace("\t" + key + " = " + stats.get(key).toString()); } } } } catch (MongoException.Network e) { throw new MongoDbUnavailableException("Mongo network exception, database down?", e); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { throw new MongoDbUnavailableException("Mongo host not found", e); } return db; }