List of usage examples for com.mongodb.client MongoDatabase drop
void drop();
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public void dropDB() { MongoDatabase database = client.getDatabase(DBNAME); database.drop(); }
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License:Creative Commons License
/** * Mtodo de inicializao do sistema.//from w w w. j a v a 2s. co m * * @param args the command line arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { MongoClient cliente = new MongoClient(); MongoDatabase mongoDatabase = cliente.getDatabase("Saep"); InterfaceRadocDAO radocDAO = new BasicRadocDAO(mongoDatabase, "Radoc"); InterfaceTipoDAO tipoDAO = new BasicTipoDAO(mongoDatabase, "Tipo"); InterfaceResolucaoDAO resolucaoDAO = new BasicResolucaoDAO(mongoDatabase, "Resolucao"); InterfaceParecerDAO parecerDAO = new BasicParecerDAO(mongoDatabase, "Parecer"); mongoDatabase.drop(); System.out.println("Fim do programa"); }
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License:Open Source License
public cfData execute(cfSession _session, cfArgStructData argStruct) throws cfmRunTimeException { MongoDatabase db = getMongoDatabase(_session, argStruct); try {/* w ww. j a v a2 s .c o m*/ db.drop(); return cfBooleanData.TRUE; } catch (MongoException me) { throwException(_session, me.getMessage()); return null; } }
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License:Apache License
/** * Run this main method to see the output of this quick example. * * @param args takes an optional single argument for the connection string *//*ww w .j a v a 2 s . c om*/ public static void main(final String[] args) { MongoClient mongoClient; if (args.length == 0) { // connect to the local database server mongoClient = MongoClients.create("mongodb://localhost:27017,localhost:27018,localhost:27019"); } else { mongoClient = MongoClients.create(args[0]); } // Select the MongoDB database. MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("testChangeStreams"); database.drop(); sleep(); // Select the collection to query. MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("documents"); /* * Example 1 * Create a simple change stream against an existing collection. */ System.out.println("1. Initial document from the Change Stream:"); // Create the change stream cursor. MongoChangeStreamCursor<ChangeStreamDocument<Document>> cursor =; // Insert a test document into the collection. collection.insertOne(Document.parse("{username: 'alice123', name: 'Alice'}")); ChangeStreamDocument<Document> next =; System.out.println(next); cursor.close(); sleep(); /* * Example 2 * Create a change stream with 'lookup' option enabled. * The test document will be returned with a full version of the updated document. */ System.out.println("2. Document from the Change Stream, with lookup enabled:"); // Create the change stream cursor. cursor =; // Update the test document. collection.updateOne(Document.parse("{username: 'alice123'}"), Document.parse("{$set : { email: ''}}")); // Block until the next result is returned next =; System.out.println(next); cursor.close(); sleep(); /* * Example 3 * Create a change stream with 'lookup' option using a $match and ($redact or $project) stage. */ System.out.println( "3. Document from the Change Stream, with lookup enabled, matching `update` operations only: "); // Insert some dummy data. collection.insertMany(asList(Document.parse("{updateMe: 1}"), Document.parse("{replaceMe: 1}"))); // Create $match pipeline stage. List<Bson> pipeline = singletonList( Aggregates.match(Filters.or(Document.parse("{'fullDocument.username': 'alice123'}"),"operationType", asList("update", "replace", "delete"))))); // Create the change stream cursor with $match. cursor =; // Forward to the end of the change stream next = cursor.tryNext(); // Update the test document. collection.updateOne(Filters.eq("updateMe", 1), Updates.set("updated", true)); next =; System.out.println(format("Update operationType: %s %n %s", next.getUpdateDescription(), next)); // Replace the test document. collection.replaceOne(Filters.eq("replaceMe", 1), Document.parse("{replaced: true}")); next =; System.out.println(format("Replace operationType: %s", next)); // Delete the test document. collection.deleteOne(Filters.eq("username", "alice123")); next =; System.out.println(format("Delete operationType: %s", next)); cursor.close(); sleep(); /** * Example 4 * Resume a change stream using a resume token. */ System.out.println("4. Document from the Change Stream including a resume token:"); // Get the resume token from the last document we saw in the previous change stream cursor. BsonDocument resumeToken = cursor.getResumeToken(); System.out.println(resumeToken); // Pass the resume token to the resume after function to continue the change stream cursor. cursor =; // Insert a test document. collection.insertOne(Document.parse("{test: 'd'}")); // Block until the next result is returned next =; System.out.println(next); cursor.close(); }
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License:Apache License
public MongoDBOccurrenceStore(String mongoDbUri, State state) { super();//w ww .j a v a2s . c o m Preconditions.checkNotNull(mongoDbUri, "MongoDB dadabase's URI must not be null"); Preconditions.checkState(state != State.INDEXING, "Invalid occ store state for constructor. Only " + State.COLLECTING + " and " + State.INDEXED + " allowed"); this.mongoDBUri = getMongoDBUri(mongoDbUri); this.state = state; initThreadExecutor(); MongoClientURI connectionString = new MongoClientURI(mongoDbUri); this.mongoClient = new MongoClient(connectionString); MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase(this.mongoDBUri.getDatabase()) .withWriteConcern(WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED); db.runCommand(new org.bson.Document("profile", 1)); if (state == State.COLLECTING) db.drop(); this.termCollection = db.getCollection("terms"); this.occurrenceCollection = db.getCollection("occurrences"); this.documentUrlCollection = db.getCollection("documents"); resetBuffers(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Run this main method to see the output of this quick example. * * @param args takes an optional single argument for the connection string *///from www .java 2s. c o m public static void main(final String[] args) { MongoClient mongoClient; if (args.length == 0) { // connect to the local database server mongoClient = new MongoClient(); } else { mongoClient = new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI(args[0])); } // get handle to "mydb" database MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("mydb"); // get a handle to the "test" collection MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("test"); // drop all the data in it collection.drop(); // make a document and insert it Document doc = new Document("name", "MongoDB").append("type", "database").append("count", 1).append("info", new Document("x", 203).append("y", 102)); collection.insertOne(doc); // get it (since it's the only one in there since we dropped the rest earlier on) Document myDoc = collection.find().first(); System.out.println(myDoc.toJson()); // now, lets add lots of little documents to the collection so we can explore queries and cursors List<Document> documents = new ArrayList<Document>(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { documents.add(new Document("i", i)); } collection.insertMany(documents); System.out.println( "total # of documents after inserting 100 small ones (should be 101) " + collection.count()); // find first myDoc = collection.find().first(); System.out.println(myDoc.toJson()); // lets get all the documents in the collection and print them out MongoCursor<Document> cursor = collection.find().iterator(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } finally { cursor.close(); } for (Document cur : collection.find()) { System.out.println(cur.toJson()); } // now use a query to get 1 document out myDoc = collection.find(eq("i", 71)).first(); System.out.println(myDoc.toJson()); // now use a range query to get a larger subset cursor = collection.find(gt("i", 50)).iterator(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } finally { cursor.close(); } // range query with multiple constraints cursor = collection.find(and(gt("i", 50), lte("i", 100))).iterator(); try { while (cursor.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } finally { cursor.close(); } // Query Filters myDoc = collection.find(eq("i", 71)).first(); System.out.println(myDoc.toJson()); // now use a range query to get a larger subset Block<Document> printBlock = new Block<Document>() { public void apply(final Document document) { System.out.println(document.toJson()); } }; collection.find(gt("i", 50)).forEach(printBlock); // filter where; 50 < i <= 100 collection.find(and(gt("i", 50), lte("i", 100))).forEach(printBlock); // Sorting myDoc = collection.find(exists("i")).sort(descending("i")).first(); System.out.println(myDoc.toJson()); // Projection myDoc = collection.find().projection(excludeId()).first(); System.out.println(myDoc.toJson()); // Aggregation collection .aggregate( asList(match(gt("i", 0)), project(Document.parse("{ITimes10: {$multiply: ['$i', 10]}}")))) .forEach(printBlock); myDoc = collection.aggregate(singletonList(group(null, sum("total", "$i")))).first(); System.out.println(myDoc.toJson()); // Update One collection.updateOne(eq("i", 10), set("i", 110)); // Update Many UpdateResult updateResult = collection.updateMany(lt("i", 100), inc("i", 100)); System.out.println(updateResult.getModifiedCount()); // Delete One collection.deleteOne(eq("i", 110)); // Delete Many DeleteResult deleteResult = collection.deleteMany(gte("i", 100)); System.out.println(deleteResult.getDeletedCount()); collection.drop(); // ordered bulk writes List<WriteModel<Document>> writes = new ArrayList<WriteModel<Document>>(); writes.add(new InsertOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 4))); writes.add(new InsertOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 5))); writes.add(new InsertOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 6))); writes.add( new UpdateOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 1), new Document("$set", new Document("x", 2)))); writes.add(new DeleteOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 2))); writes.add(new ReplaceOneModel<Document>(new Document("_id", 3), new Document("_id", 3).append("x", 4))); collection.bulkWrite(writes); collection.drop(); collection.bulkWrite(writes, new BulkWriteOptions().ordered(false)); //collection.find().forEach(printBlock); // Clean up database.drop(); // release resources mongoClient.close(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Run this main method to see the output of this quick example. * * @param args takes an optional single argument for the connection string * @throws FileNotFoundException if the sample file cannot be found * @throws IOException if there was an exception closing an input stream */// ww w . j av a 2s . com public static void main(final String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { MongoClient mongoClient; if (args.length == 0) { // connect to the local database server mongoClient = new MongoClient(); } else { mongoClient = new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI(args[0])); } // get handle to "mydb" database MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("mydb"); database.drop(); GridFSBucket gridFSBucket = GridFSBuckets.create(database); /* * UploadFromStream Example */ // Get the input stream InputStream streamToUploadFrom = new ByteArrayInputStream("Hello World".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); // Create some custom options GridFSUploadOptions options = new GridFSUploadOptions().chunkSizeBytes(1024) .metadata(new Document("type", "presentation")); ObjectId fileId = gridFSBucket.uploadFromStream("mongodb-tutorial", streamToUploadFrom, options); streamToUploadFrom.close(); System.out.println("The fileId of the uploaded file is: " + fileId.toHexString()); /* * OpenUploadStream Example */ // Get some data to write byte[] data = "Data to upload into GridFS".getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8); GridFSUploadStream uploadStream = gridFSBucket.openUploadStream("sampleData"); uploadStream.write(data); uploadStream.close(); System.out.println("The fileId of the uploaded file is: " + uploadStream.getFileId().toHexString()); /* * Find documents */ gridFSBucket.find().forEach(new Block<GridFSFile>() { @Override public void apply(final GridFSFile gridFSFile) { System.out.println(gridFSFile.getFilename()); } }); /* * Find documents with a filter */ gridFSBucket.find(eq("metadata.contentType", "image/png")).forEach(new Block<GridFSFile>() { @Override public void apply(final GridFSFile gridFSFile) { System.out.println(gridFSFile.getFilename()); } }); /* * DownloadToStream */ FileOutputStream streamToDownloadTo = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/mongodb-tutorial.txt"); gridFSBucket.downloadToStream(fileId, streamToDownloadTo); streamToDownloadTo.close(); /* * DownloadToStreamByName */ streamToDownloadTo = new FileOutputStream("/tmp/mongodb-tutorial.txt"); GridFSDownloadByNameOptions downloadOptions = new GridFSDownloadByNameOptions().revision(0); gridFSBucket.downloadToStreamByName("mongodb-tutorial", streamToDownloadTo, downloadOptions); streamToDownloadTo.close(); /* * OpenDownloadStream */ GridFSDownloadStream downloadStream = gridFSBucket.openDownloadStream(fileId); int fileLength = (int) downloadStream.getGridFSFile().getLength(); byte[] bytesToWriteTo = new byte[fileLength];; downloadStream.close(); System.out.println(new String(bytesToWriteTo, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); /* * OpenDownloadStreamByName */ downloadStream = gridFSBucket.openDownloadStreamByName("sampleData"); fileLength = (int) downloadStream.getGridFSFile().getLength(); bytesToWriteTo = new byte[fileLength];; downloadStream.close(); System.out.println(new String(bytesToWriteTo, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); /* * Rename */ gridFSBucket.rename(fileId, "mongodbTutorial"); /* * Delete */ gridFSBucket.delete(fileId); database.drop(); }
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License:Apache License
/** * Run this main method to see the output of this quick example. * * @param args/*from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ * takes an optional single argument for the connection string */ public static void main(final String[] args) { MongoClient mongoClient; if (args.length == 0) { // connect to the specified database server mongoClient = new MongoClient("", 27017); } else { mongoClient = new MongoClient(new MongoClientURI(args[0])); } // get handle to "test" database MongoDatabase database = mongoClient.getDatabase("test"); database.drop(); // get a handle to the "test" collection MongoCollection<Document> collection = database.getCollection("test"); // drop all the data in it collection.drop(); // getting a list of databases for (String name : mongoClient.listDatabaseNames()) { System.out.println(name); } // drop a database mongoClient.getDatabase("databaseToBeDropped").drop(); // create a collection database.createCollection("cappedCollection", new CreateCollectionOptions().capped(true).sizeInBytes(0x100000)); for (String name : database.listCollectionNames()) { System.out.println(name); } // drop a collection: collection.drop(); // create an ascending index on the "i" field // 1 ascending or -1 for descending collection.createIndex(new Document("i", 1)); // list the indexes on the collection for (final Document index : collection.listIndexes()) { System.out.println(index.toJson()); } // create a text index on the "content" field // text indexes to support text search of string content collection.createIndex(new Document("content", "text")); collection.insertOne(new Document("_id", 0).append("content", "textual content")); collection.insertOne(new Document("_id", 1).append("content", "additional content")); collection.insertOne(new Document("_id", 2).append("content", "irrelevant content")); // Find using the text index long matchCount = collection.count(text("textual content -irrelevant")); System.out.println("Text search matches: " + matchCount); // Find using the $language operator Bson textSearch = text("textual content -irrelevant", "english"); matchCount = collection.count(textSearch); System.out.println("Text search matches (english): " + matchCount); // Find the highest scoring match Document projection = new Document("score", new Document("$meta", "textScore")); Document myDoc = collection.find(textSearch).projection(projection).first(); System.out.println("Highest scoring document: " + myDoc.toJson()); // Run a command Document buildInfo = database.runCommand(new Document("buildInfo", 1)); System.out.println(buildInfo); // release resources database.drop(); mongoClient.close(); }
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public void exportAllCandsMongoDB(ArrayList<NodeCandidate> allCands) { MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(); MongoDatabase db = mongoClient.getDatabase("evals_Triticum"); db.drop(); MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection("triticumCandidate"); MongoCollection<Document> collectionRel = db.getCollection("triticumICHR"); MongoCollection<Document> collectionType = db.getCollection("triticumTypeCandidate"); MongoCollection<Document> collectionLabel = db.getCollection("triticumLabelCandidate"); for (NodeCandidate nc : allCands) { if (nc.isIndividual()) { collection.insertOne(new Document(nc.toDBObject())); IndividualCandidate ic = (IndividualCandidate) nc; for (ArcCandidate ac : ic.getAllArcCandidates()) { String prop = ac.getDataProp(); if (prop.startsWith("")) { collectionType.insertOne(new Document(ac.toDBObject())); } else if (prop.startsWith("")) { collectionRel.insertOne(new Document(ac.toDBObject())); }/*from ww w .ja v a2s .co m*/ for (LabelCandidate lc : ic.getLabelCandidates()) { collectionLabel.insertOne(new Document(lc.toDBObject())); } } } } }
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protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { response.setContentType("text/html;charset=UTF-8"); try (PrintWriter out = response.getWriter()) { String getDBName = request.getParameter("dbname"); MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 27017); HttpSession httpSession = request.getSession(false); DB db = mongoClient.getDB("mydb"); DBCollection dBCollection = db.getCollection(httpSession.getAttribute("uname") + "DB"); BasicDBObject dBObject = new BasicDBObject(); dBObject.put("kapil", getDBName); WriteResult writeResult = dBCollection.insert(dBObject); if (writeResult.getN() == 0) { out.print("true"); MongoDatabase mongoDatabase = mongoClient.getDatabase(getDBName); mongoDatabase.createCollection("Welcome"); mongoDatabase.drop(); } else {//from ww w . j a va 2s .co m out.print("false"); } } }