Example usage for Java com.mongodb.client FindIterable fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
FindIterable | batchSize(int batchSize) Sets the number of documents to return per batch. |
FindIterable | collation(@Nullable Collation collation) Sets the collation options A null value represents the server default. |
FindIterable | filter(@Nullable Bson filter) Sets the query filter to apply to the query. |
FindIterable | limit(int limit) Sets the limit to apply. |
FindIterable | maxTime(long maxTime, TimeUnit timeUnit) Sets the maximum execution time on the server for this operation. |
FindIterable | projection(@Nullable Bson projection) Sets a document describing the fields to return for all matching documents. |
FindIterable | skip(int skip) Sets the number of documents to skip. |
FindIterable | sort(@Nullable Bson sort) Sets the sort criteria to apply to the query. |