Example usage for com.mongodb BulkWriteResult getRemovedCount

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BulkWriteResult getRemovedCount


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BulkWriteResult getRemovedCount.


public abstract int getRemovedCount();

Source Link


Returns the number of documents removed by the write operation.


From source file:com.redhat.lightblue.mongo.crud.BasicDocDeleter.java

License:Open Source License

public void delete(CRUDOperationContext ctx, DBCollection collection, DBObject mongoQuery,
        CRUDDeleteResponse response) {//from  w  w w  . java  2  s  .  com
    LOGGER.debug("Removing docs with {}", mongoQuery);

    int numDeleted = 0;

    if (!hookOptimization || ctx.getHookManager().hasHooks(ctx, CRUDOperation.DELETE)) {
        LOGGER.debug("There are hooks, retrieve-delete");
        try (DBCursor cursor = collection.find(mongoQuery, null)) {
            // Set read preference to primary for read-for-update operations

            // All docs, to be put into the context
            ArrayList<DocCtx> contextDocs = new ArrayList<>();
            // ids to delete from the db
            List<Object> idsToDelete = new ArrayList<>(batchSize);
            while (cursor.hasNext()) {

                // We will use this index to access the documents deleted in this batch
                int thisBatchIndex = contextDocs.size();
                if (idsToDelete.size() < batchSize) {
                    // build batch
                    DBObject doc = cursor.next();
                    DocTranslator.TranslatedDoc tdoc = translator.toJson(doc);
                    DocCtx docCtx = new DocCtx(tdoc.doc, tdoc.rmd);

                if (idsToDelete.size() == batchSize || !cursor.hasNext()) {
                    // batch built or run out of documents                        
                    BulkWriteOperation bw = collection.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();

                    for (Object id : idsToDelete) {
                        // doing a bulk of single operations instead of removing by initial query
                        // that way we know which documents were not removed
                        bw.find(new BasicDBObject("_id", id)).remove();

                    BulkWriteResult result = null;
                    try {
                        if (writeConcern == null) {
                            LOGGER.debug("Bulk deleting docs");
                            result = bw.execute();
                        } else {
                            LOGGER.debug("Bulk deleting docs with writeConcern={} from execution",
                            result = bw.execute(writeConcern);
                        LOGGER.debug("Bulk deleted docs - attempted {}, deleted {}", idsToDelete.size(),
                    } catch (BulkWriteException bwe) {
                        LOGGER.error("Bulk write exception", bwe);
                                contextDocs.subList(thisBatchIndex, contextDocs.size()));
                        result = bwe.getWriteResult();
                    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                        LOGGER.error("Exception", e);
                        throw e;
                    } finally {

                        numDeleted += result.getRemovedCount();
                        // clear list before processing next batch
            ctx.setDocumentStream(new ListDocumentStream<DocCtx>(contextDocs));
    } else {
        LOGGER.debug("There are no hooks, deleting in bulk");
        try {
            if (writeConcern == null) {
                numDeleted = collection.remove(mongoQuery).getN();
            } else {
                numDeleted = collection.remove(mongoQuery, writeConcern).getN();
        } catch (MongoException e) {
            LOGGER.error("Deletion error", e);
            throw e;
        ctx.setDocumentStream(new ListDocumentStream<DocCtx>(new ArrayList<DocCtx>()));


From source file:org.lucee.mongodb.DBCollectionImpl.java

License:Open Source License

public Object call(PageContext pc, Key methodName, Object[] args) throws PageException {

    // aggregate/*from  w  w  w.  ja va  2 s.c o  m*/
    if (methodName.equals("aggregate")) {
        boolean hasOptions = false;
        AggregationOptions options = null;
        int len = checkArgLength("aggregate", args, 1, -1); // no length limitation
        List<DBObject> pipeline = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
        // Pipeline array as single argument
        if (len == 1 && decision.isArray(args[0])) {
            Array arr = caster.toArray(args[0]);
            if (arr.size() == 0)
                throw exp.createApplicationException(
                        "the array passed to the function aggregate needs at least 1 element");

            Iterator<Object> it = arr.valueIterator();
            while (it.hasNext()) {
        } else {
            // First argument is pipeline of operations, second argument is struct of options --> returns cursor!
            if (len == 2 && decision.isArray(args[0]) && decision.isStruct(args[1])) {
                Array arr = caster.toArray(args[0]);
                Iterator<Object> it = arr.valueIterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {

                hasOptions = true;
                // options builder
                AggregationOptions.Builder optbuilder = AggregationOptions.builder()

                DBObject dboOpts = toDBObject(args[1]);
                if (dboOpts.containsField("allowDiskUse")) {
                    if (!decision.isBoolean(dboOpts.get("allowDiskUse")))
                        throw exp.createApplicationException("allowDiskUse in options must be boolean value");

                    optbuilder = optbuilder.allowDiskUse(caster.toBooleanValue(dboOpts.get("allowDiskUse")));
                if (dboOpts.containsField("cursor")) {
                    if (!decision.isStruct(dboOpts.get("cursor")))
                        throw exp.createApplicationException(
                                "cursor in options must be struct with optional key batchSize");

                    DBObject cursoropts = toDBObject(dboOpts.get("cursor"));
                    if (cursoropts.containsField("batchSize")) {
                        if (!decision.isNumeric(cursoropts.get("batchSize")))
                            throw exp.createApplicationException("cursor.batchSize in options must be integer");

                        optbuilder = optbuilder.batchSize(caster.toIntValue(cursoropts.get("batchSize")));

                options = optbuilder.build();
            // First argument is first operation, second argument is array of additional operations
            else if (len == 2 && decision.isArray(args[1])) {
                Array arr = caster.toArray(args[1]);
                Iterator<Object> it = arr.valueIterator();
                while (it.hasNext()) {
            // N arguments of pipeline operations
            else {
                for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

        if (hasOptions) {
            // returns Cursor - requires >= MongoDB 2.6
            return toCFML(coll.aggregate(pipeline, options));
        } else {
            // returns AggregationOutput
            return toCFML(coll.aggregate(pipeline));
    // count
    if (methodName.equals("count")) {
        int len = checkArgLength("count", args, 0, 1);
        if (len == 0) {
            return toCFML(coll.count());
        } else if (len == 1) {
            return toCFML(coll.count(toDBObject(args[0])));
    // dataSize
    if (methodName.equals("dataSize")) {
        checkArgLength("dataSize", args, 0, 0);
        return toCFML(coll.getStats().get("size"));

    // distinct
    if (methodName.equals("distinct")) {
        int len = checkArgLength("distinct", args, 1, 2);
        if (len == 1) {
            return toCFML(coll.distinct(caster.toString(args[0])));
        } else if (len == 2) {
            return toCFML(coll.distinct(caster.toString(args[0]), toDBObject(args[1])));
    // drop
    if (methodName.equals("drop")) {
        checkArgLength("drop", args, 0, 0);
        return null;

    // dropIndex
    if (methodName.equals("dropIndex")) {
        checkArgLength("dropIndex", args, 1, 1);
        DBObject dbo = toDBObject(args[0], null);
        if (dbo != null)

        return null;
    // dropIndexes
    if (methodName.equals("dropIndexes")) {
        int len = checkArgLength("dropIndexes", args, 0, 1);
        if (len == 0) {
            return null;
        } else if (len == 1) {
            return null;

    // createIndex
    if (methodName.equals("createIndex") || methodName.equals("ensureIndex")) {
        int len = checkArgLength("createIndex", args, 1, 3);
        if (len == 1) {
            DBObject dbo = toDBObject(args[0], null);
            if (dbo != null)
            return null;
        if (len == 2) {
            DBObject p1 = toDBObject(args[0]);
            DBObject p2 = toDBObject(args[1], null);
            if (p2 != null)
                coll.createIndex(p1, p2);
                coll.createIndex(p1, caster.toString(args[1]));
            return null;
        } else if (len == 3) {
            coll.createIndex(toDBObject(args[0]), caster.toString(args[1]), caster.toBooleanValue(args[2]));
            return null;

    // getStats
    if (methodName.equals("getStats") || methodName.equals("stats")) {
        checkArgLength("getStats", args, 0, 0);
        return toCFML(coll.getStats());

    // getIndexes
    if (methodName.equals("getIndexes") || methodName.equals("getIndexInfo")) {
        checkArgLength(methodName.getString(), args, 0, 0);
        return toCFML(coll.getIndexInfo());

    // getWriteConcern
    if (methodName.equals("getWriteConcern")) {
        checkArgLength("getWriteConcern", args, 0, 0);
        return toCFML(coll.getWriteConcern());

    // find
    if (methodName.equals("find")) {
        int len = checkArgLength("find", args, 0, 3);
        DBCursor cursor = null;
        if (len == 0) {
            cursor = coll.find();
        } else if (len == 1) {
            cursor = coll.find(toDBObject(args[0]));
        } else if (len == 2) {
            cursor = coll.find(toDBObject(args[0]), toDBObject(args[1]));
        } else if (len == 3) {
            cursor = coll.find(toDBObject(args[0]), toDBObject(args[1])).skip(caster.toIntValue(args[2]));

        return toCFML(cursor);
    // findOne
    else if (methodName.equals("findOne")) {
        int len = checkArgLength("findOne", args, 0, 3);
        DBObject obj = null;
        if (len == 0) {
            obj = coll.findOne();
        } else if (len == 1) {
            DBObject arg1 = toDBObject(args[0], null);
            if (arg1 != null)
                obj = coll.findOne(arg1);
                obj = coll.findOne(args[0]);

        } else if (len == 2) {
            DBObject arg1 = toDBObject(args[0], null);
            if (arg1 != null)
                obj = coll.findOne(arg1, toDBObject(args[1]));
                obj = coll.findOne(args[0], toDBObject(args[1]));
        } else if (len == 3) {
            obj = coll.findOne(toDBObject(args[0]), toDBObject(args[1]), toDBObject(args[2]));
        return toCFML(obj);
    // findAndRemove
    if (methodName.equals("findAndRemove")) {
        checkArgLength("findAndRemove", args, 1, 1);
        DBObject obj = coll.findAndRemove(toDBObject(args[0]));
        return toCFML(obj);
    // findAndModify
    if (methodName.equals("findAndModify")) {
        int len = args == null ? 0 : args.length;
        if (len != 2 && len != 3 && len != 7) {
            throw exp.createApplicationException(
                    "the function findAndModify needs 2, 3 or 7 arguments, but you have defined only " + len);
        DBObject obj = null;
        if (len == 2) {
            obj = coll.findAndModify(toDBObject(args[0]), toDBObject(args[1]));
        } else if (len == 3) {
            obj = coll.findAndModify(toDBObject(args[0]), toDBObject(args[1]), toDBObject(args[2]));
        } else if (len == 7) {
            obj = coll.findAndModify(toDBObject(args[0]), toDBObject(args[1]), toDBObject(args[2]),
                    caster.toBooleanValue(args[3]), toDBObject(args[4]), caster.toBooleanValue(args[5]),

        return toCFML(obj);

       TODO: needs GroupCommand
    if(methodName.equals("group")) {
       int len=checkArgLength("group",args,1,1);
    return toCFML(coll.group(

    // insert
    if (methodName.equals("insert")) {
        checkArgLength("insert", args, 1, 1);
        return toCFML(coll.insert(toDBObjectArray(args[0])));

    // insertMany(required array documents, struct options) valid options keys are string "writeconcern", boolean "ordered"
    if (methodName.equals("insertMany")) {
        int len = checkArgLength("insertMany", args, 1, 2);
        BulkWriteOperation bulk = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOperation();
        WriteConcern wc = coll.getWriteConcern();

        if (len == 2) {
            DBObject dboOpts = toDBObject(args[1]);
            if (dboOpts.containsField("ordered")) {
                if (!decision.isBoolean(dboOpts.get("ordered")))
                    throw exp.createApplicationException("ordered in options must be boolean value");

                if (!caster.toBooleanValue(dboOpts.get("ordered"))) {
                    bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();

            if (dboOpts.containsField("writeconcern")) {
                WriteConcern newWc = WriteConcern.valueOf(caster.toString(dboOpts.get("writeconcern")));
                if (newWc != null) {
                    wc = newWc;
        Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
        BulkWriteResult bulkResult;
        List<Map> writeErrors = new ArrayList<Map>();

        Array arr = caster.toArray(args[0]);
        if (arr.size() == 0) {
            result.put("nInserted", 0);
            result.put("writeErrors", writeErrors);
            result.put("acknowledged", true);
            return toCFML(result);

        Iterator<Object> it = arr.valueIterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {

        try {
            bulkResult = bulk.execute(wc);
        } catch (BulkWriteException e) {
            Map<String, Object> bulkErrorItem;
            BulkWriteError bulkError;

            bulkResult = e.getWriteResult();
            List<BulkWriteError> errors = e.getWriteErrors();

            Iterator<BulkWriteError> jj = errors.iterator();
            while (jj.hasNext()) {
                bulkErrorItem = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
                bulkError = jj.next();
                bulkErrorItem.put("index", (bulkError.getIndex() + 1)); // +1 so we get index of item in CFML array
                bulkErrorItem.put("code", bulkError.getCode());
                bulkErrorItem.put("errmsg", bulkError.getMessage());
                bulkErrorItem.put("op", bulkError.getDetails());

        result.put("acknowledged", bulkResult.isAcknowledged());
        if (bulkResult.isAcknowledged()) {
            result.put("nInserted", bulkResult.getInsertedCount());
            result.put("writeErrors", writeErrors);

        return toCFML(result);

    // bulkWrite(required array operations, struct options) valid options keys are string "writeconcern", boolean "ordered", boolean "bypassDocumentValidation"
    // an operation is a struct with the following keys: { "operation":[insert|update|updateOne|remove|removeOne], "document":[(required if operation is insert) - a doc to insert], "query":[(optional) - the query to find for remove/update operations], "update":[(required for update/updateOne) - the update document] }
    // i.e. dbCollection.bulkWrite([
    //       {"operation":"insert", "document":{"test":"insert"}}
    //       ,{"operation":"updateOne", "query":{"_id":"foo"}, "update":{"$set":{"updated":true}}}         
    //       ,{"operation":"removeOne", "query":{"_id":"goaway"}}         
    // ],{"ordered":false})
    if (methodName.equals("bulkWrite")) {
        int len = checkArgLength("bulkWrite", args, 1, 2);
        BulkWriteOperation bulk = coll.initializeOrderedBulkOperation();
        WriteConcern wc = coll.getWriteConcern();

        if (len == 2) {
            DBObject dboOpts = toDBObject(args[1]);
            if (dboOpts.containsField("ordered")) {
                if (!decision.isBoolean(dboOpts.get("ordered")))
                    throw exp.createApplicationException("ordered in options must be boolean value");

                if (!caster.toBooleanValue(dboOpts.get("ordered"))) {
                    bulk = coll.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();

            if (dboOpts.containsField("bypassDocumentValidation")) {
                if (!decision.isBoolean(dboOpts.get("bypassDocumentValidation")))
                    throw exp.createApplicationException(
                            "bypassDocumentValidation in options must be boolean value");


            if (dboOpts.containsField("writeconcern")) {
                WriteConcern newWc = WriteConcern.valueOf(caster.toString(dboOpts.get("writeconcern")));
                if (newWc != null) {
                    wc = newWc;
        Map<String, Object> result = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
        BulkWriteResult bulkResult;
        List<Map> writeErrors = new ArrayList<Map>();

        Array arr = caster.toArray(args[0]);
        if (arr.size() == 0) {
            result.put("nInserted", 0);
            result.put("nMatched", 0);
            result.put("nModified", 0);
            result.put("nRemoved", 0);
            result.put("writeErrors", writeErrors);
            result.put("acknowledged", true);
            return toCFML(result);

        Iterator<Object> it = arr.valueIterator();
        while (it.hasNext()) {

            DBObject operation = toDBObject(it.next());

            if (operation.get("operation") == "update") {
                // do stuff to add update operation
            } else if (operation.get("operation") == "updateOne") {
                // do stuff to add updateOne operation
            } else if (operation.get("operation") == "remove") {
                // do stuff to add remove operation
            } else if (operation.get("operation") == "removeOne") {
                // do stuff to add removeOne operation
            } else if (operation.get("operation") == "insert") {


        try {
            bulkResult = bulk.execute(wc);
        } catch (BulkWriteException e) {
            Map<String, Object> bulkErrorItem;
            BulkWriteError bulkError;

            bulkResult = e.getWriteResult();
            List<BulkWriteError> errors = e.getWriteErrors();

            Iterator<BulkWriteError> jj = errors.iterator();
            while (jj.hasNext()) {
                bulkErrorItem = new LinkedHashMap<String, Object>();
                bulkError = jj.next();
                bulkErrorItem.put("index", (bulkError.getIndex() + 1)); // +1 so we get index of item in CFML array
                bulkErrorItem.put("code", bulkError.getCode());
                bulkErrorItem.put("errmsg", bulkError.getMessage());
                bulkErrorItem.put("op", bulkError.getDetails());

        result.put("acknowledged", bulkResult.isAcknowledged());
        if (bulkResult.isAcknowledged()) {
            result.put("nInserted", bulkResult.getInsertedCount());
            result.put("nMatched", bulkResult.getMatchedCount());
            result.put("nModified", bulkResult.getModifiedCount());
            result.put("nRemoved", bulkResult.getRemovedCount());
            result.put("writeErrors", writeErrors);

        return toCFML(result);

    if (methodName.equals("mapReduce")) {
        int len = checkArgLength("mapReduce", args, 4, 4);
        if (len == 4) {
            return toCFML(coll.mapReduce(caster.toString(args[0]), caster.toString(args[1]),
                    caster.toString(args[2]), toDBObject(args[3])));

    // remove
    if (methodName.equals("remove")) {
        checkArgLength("remove", args, 1, 1);
        return toCFML(coll.remove(toDBObject(args[0])));


    // rename
    if (methodName.equals("rename") || methodName.equals("renameCollection")) {
        int len = checkArgLength(methodName.getString(), args, 1, 2);
        if (len == 1) {
            return toCFML(coll.rename(caster.toString(args[0])));
        } else if (len == 2) {
            return toCFML(coll.rename(caster.toString(args[0]), caster.toBooleanValue(args[1])));

    // save
    if (methodName.equals("save")) {
        checkArgLength("save", args, 1, 1);
        return toCFML(coll.save(toDBObject(args[0])));

    // setWriteConcern
    if (methodName.equals("setWriteConcern")) {
        checkArgLength("setWriteConcern", args, 1, 1);
        WriteConcern wc = WriteConcern.valueOf(caster.toString(args[0]));
        if (wc != null) {
        return null;

    // storageSize
    if (methodName.equals("storageSize")) {
        checkArgLength("storageSize", args, 0, 0);
        return toCFML(coll.getStats().get("storageSize"));

    // totalIndexSize
    if (methodName.equals("totalIndexSize")) {
        checkArgLength("totalIndexSize", args, 0, 0);
        return toCFML(coll.getStats().get("totalIndexSize"));

    // update
    if (methodName.equals("update")) {
        int len = checkArgLength("update", args, 2, 4);
        if (len == 2) {
            return toCFML(coll.update(toDBObject(args[0]), toDBObject(args[1])));
        } else if (len == 3) {
            return toCFML(coll.update(toDBObject(args[0]), toDBObject(args[1]), caster.toBooleanValue(args[2]),
        } else if (len == 4) {
            return toCFML(coll.update(toDBObject(args[0]), toDBObject(args[1]), caster.toBooleanValue(args[2]),

    String functionNames = "aggregate,count,dataSize,distinct,drop,dropIndex,dropIndexes,createIndex,stats,getIndexes,getWriteConcern,find,findOne,findAndRemove,findAndModify,"
            + "group,insert,insertMany,bulkWrite,mapReduce,remove,rename,save,setWriteConcern,storageSize,totalIndexSize,update";

    throw exp.createApplicationException(
            "function " + methodName + " does not exist existing functions are [" + functionNames + "]");