Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject putAll

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject putAll


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject putAll.


    public void putAll(final Map m) 

Source Link


From source file:fr.gouv.vitam.mdbes.ResultMongodb.java

License:Open Source License

protected boolean updated(final MongoDbAccess dbvitam) {
    if (getId() == null) {
        return false;
    }//from  w  w  w  .  ja va  2s. c  o m
    final ResultMongodb vt = (ResultMongodb) dbvitam.requests.collection.findOne(getId());
    if (vt != null) {
        final List<DBObject> list = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
        final Object obj = vt.obj.get(CURRENTDAIP);
        final Set<String> vtset = new HashSet<String>();
        if (obj instanceof BasicDBList) {
            for (Object string : (BasicDBList) obj) {
                vtset.add((String) string);
        } else {
            vtset.addAll((Set<String>) obj);
        if (!vtset.isEmpty()) {
            final Set<String> newset = new HashSet<String>(currentDaip);
            if (!newset.isEmpty()) {
                list.add(new BasicDBObject(CURRENTDAIP, new BasicDBObject("$each", newset)));
        if (!list.isEmpty()) {
            final BasicDBObject updset = new BasicDBObject();
            for (final DBObject dbObject : list) {
            final BasicDBObject upd = new BasicDBObject();
            upd.append(MINLEVEL, minLevel);
            upd.append(MAXLEVEL, maxLevel);
            upd.append(NBSUBNODES, nbSubNodes);
            upd.append(TTL, ttl);
            final BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject("$addToSet", updset).append("$set", upd);
            dbvitam.requests.collection.update(new BasicDBObject(ID, this.obj.get(ID)), update);
        if (GlobalDatas.PRINT_REQUEST) {
            LOGGER.warn("UPDATE: " + this);
    } else if (obj.containsField(ID)) {
        // not in DB but got already an ID => Save it
        if (GlobalDatas.PRINT_REQUEST) {
            LOGGER.warn("SAVE: " + this);
        return true;
    return false;

From source file:fr.gouv.vitam.mdbes.ResultMongodbBak.java

License:Open Source License

@Override/*from   w ww  .jav  a  2 s  . c o m*/
protected boolean updated(final MongoDbAccess dbvitam) {
    final ResultMongodbBak vt = (ResultMongodbBak) dbvitam.requests.collection.findOne(getId());
    if (vt != null) {
        final List<DBObject> list = new ArrayList<DBObject>();
        final Object obj = vt.get(CURRENTDAIP);
        final Set<String> vtset = new HashSet<String>();
        if (obj instanceof BasicDBList) {
            for (Object string : (BasicDBList) obj) {
                vtset.add((String) string);
        } else {
            vtset.addAll((Set<String>) obj);
        if (!vtset.isEmpty()) {
            final Set<String> newset = new HashSet<String>(currentDaip);
            if (!newset.isEmpty()) {
                list.add(new BasicDBObject(CURRENTDAIP, new BasicDBObject("$each", newset)));
        if (!list.isEmpty()) {
            final BasicDBObject updset = new BasicDBObject();
            for (final DBObject dbObject : list) {
            final BasicDBObject upd = new BasicDBObject();
            upd.append(MINLEVEL, minLevel);
            upd.append(MAXLEVEL, maxLevel);
            upd.append(NBSUBNODES, nbSubNodes);
            upd.append(TTL, ttl);
            final BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject("$addToSet", updset).append("$set", upd);
            dbvitam.requests.collection.update(new BasicDBObject(ID, this.get(ID)), update);
        if (GlobalDatas.PRINT_REQUEST) {
            LOGGER.warn("UPDATE: " + this);
    } else if (containsField(ID)) {
        // not in DB but got already an ID => Save it
        if (GlobalDatas.PRINT_REQUEST) {
            LOGGER.warn("SAVE: " + this);
        return true;
    return false;

From source file:it.wami.map.mongodeploy.OsmToMongoDB.java

License:Apache License

 * /*from  w  ww .  ja  v a  2 s.co m*/
 * @return
private static BasicDBObject getTextIndex() {
    BasicDBObject text = new BasicDBObject();
    DBObject name = new BasicDBObject("tags.name", "text");
    DBObject city = new BasicDBObject("tags.addr:city", "text");
    DBObject street = new BasicDBObject("tags.addr:street", "text");
    DBObject house = new BasicDBObject("tags.addr:housename", "text");
    return text;

From source file:mx.org.cedn.avisosconagua.mongo.MongoInterface.java

License:Open Source License

 * Makes a deep clone of an existing advice object.
 * @param originAdviceID source object/*w ww  .j a va 2 s . c om*/
 * @param currentAdviceId ID for the cloned advice object
public void copyFromAdvice(String originAdviceID, String currentAdviceId) {
    BasicDBObject origen = getAdvice(originAdviceID);
    BasicDBObject destino = getAdvice(currentAdviceId);
    destino.put(INTERNAL_FORM_ID, currentAdviceId);
    origen = getAdvice(currentAdviceId);
    mongoDB.getCollection(CAPTURA_COL).update(origen, destino);

From source file:net.onrc.openvirtex.db.DBManager.java

License:Apache License

 * Save persistable object obj/*from  w  ww.  j  a v  a 2s  . c  o m*/
 * @param obj
 * @param coll
public void save(Persistable obj) {
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject("$addToSet", new BasicDBObject(obj.getDBKey(), obj.getDBObject()));
    PrintStream ps = System.err;
    try {
        DBCollection collection = this.collections.get(obj.getDBName());
        collection.update(query, update, true, false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Failed to update database: {}", e.getMessage());
    } finally {

From source file:net.onrc.openvirtex.db.DBManager.java

License:Apache License

 * Remove persistable object obj/*from w  w  w  .  ja v a2 s  .co m*/
 * @param obj
 * @param coll
public void remove(Persistable obj) {
    BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject();
    BasicDBObject update = new BasicDBObject("$pull", new BasicDBObject(obj.getDBKey(), obj.getDBObject()));
    PrintStream ps = System.err;
    try {
        DBCollection collection = this.collections.get(obj.getDBName());
        collection.update(query, update);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        log.error("Failed to remove from db: {}", e.getMessage());
    } finally {

From source file:net.ymate.platform.persistence.mongodb.AbstractOperator.java

License:Apache License

protected void __doPutOperator(String opt, Map object) {
    BasicDBObject _dbObj = (BasicDBObject) __operation.get(opt);
    if (_dbObj == null) {
        _dbObj = new BasicDBObject();
        __doAddOperator(opt, _dbObj);/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s  .c o  m*/
    } else {

From source file:net.ymate.platform.persistence.mongodb.expression.ArrayExp.java

License:Apache License

public static ArrayExp elemMatch(IOperator... operators) {
    ArrayExp _exp = new ArrayExp();
    BasicDBObject _dbObj = new BasicDBObject();
    for (IOperator _opt : operators) {
        _dbObj.putAll((BSONObject) _opt.toBson());
    }/*www  .ja  v a  2 s . co m*/
    _exp.__doAddOperator(IMongo.OPT.ELEM_MATCH, _dbObj);
    return _exp;

From source file:net.ymate.platform.persistence.mongodb.expression.ArrayExp.java

License:Apache License

public static ArrayExp elemMatch(Query... queries) {
    ArrayExp _exp = new ArrayExp();
    BasicDBObject _dbObj = new BasicDBObject();
    for (Query _query : queries) {
        _dbObj.putAll((BSONObject) _query.toBson());
    }/*from  w ww.  jav  a2  s.com*/
    _exp.__doAddOperator(IMongo.OPT.ELEM_MATCH, _dbObj);
    return _exp;

From source file:net.ymate.platform.persistence.mongodb.expression.ProjectionExp.java

License:Apache License

public static ProjectionExp elemMatch(IOperator... operators) {
    ProjectionExp _exp = new ProjectionExp();
    BasicDBObject _dbObj = new BasicDBObject();
    for (IOperator _opt : operators) {
        _dbObj.putAll((BSONObject) _opt.toBson());
    }/*from w w w.j a  va2s.  co m*/
    _exp.__doAddOperator(IMongo.OPT.ELEM_MATCH, _dbObj);
    return _exp;