List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject getDate
public Date getDate(final String field, final Date def)
From source
License:Open Source License
private BasicDBObject getCache(String url, SourceFederatedQueryConfigPojo endpoint) { if ((null != endpoint.cacheTime_days) && (endpoint.cacheTime_days <= 0)) { // cache disabled return null; }//from www .ja v a 2s . com DBCollection endpointCacheCollection = getCacheCollection(); if (!_staticInitializer) { _staticInitializer = true; endpointCacheCollection.ensureIndex(new BasicDBObject(SimpleFederatedCache.expiryDate_, 1)); } BasicDBObject cacheObj = (BasicDBObject) endpointCacheCollection .findOne(new BasicDBObject(SimpleFederatedCache._id_, url)); if (null == cacheObj) { return null; } // else found something, means there's stuff in the DB // so check it's not too big: Date now = new Date(); if ((-1 == _lastChecked) || (now.getTime() > (_lastChecked + (600L * 1000L)))) { // (only check every 10 minutes) if (endpointCacheCollection.count() > SimpleFederatedCache.QUERY_FEDERATION_CACHE_CLEANSE_SIZE) { _lastChecked = now.getTime(); // Remove everything with expiry date older than now endpointCacheCollection.remove(new BasicDBObject(SimpleFederatedCache.expiryDate_, new BasicDBObject(DbManager.lt_, new Date()))); } } //TESTED (4.3) Date expiryDate = cacheObj.getDate(SimpleFederatedCache.expiryDate_, now); if (now.getTime() < expiryDate.getTime()) { return cacheObj; } else { return null; } //TESTED (4.2) }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static boolean checkDocCache_isExpired(BasicDBObject cachedDoc, SourceFederatedQueryConfigPojo endpoint) { if (null == endpoint.cacheTime_days) endpoint.cacheTime_days = DEFAULT_CACHE_TIME_DAYS; Date now = new Date(); long cacheThreshold = cachedDoc.getDate(DocumentPojo.created_, now).getTime() + endpoint.cacheTime_days * 3600L * 24L * 1000L; if (cacheThreshold < now.getTime()) // (ie doc-creation-time + cache is earlier than now => time to decache) {/*from w w w .jav a 2 s . c om*/ //DEBUG if (_DEBUG) _logger.debug("DEB: preQA6zz: Cache expired: " + cachedDoc.getString(DocumentPojo.url_) + ": " + new Date(cacheThreshold) + " vs " + now); return true; } else return false; }
From source
License:Open Source License
public void test_CheckIfDocAdded(String testName, List<BasicDBObject> docs) { // 1) Did a doc get added? if (2 != docs.size()) { System.out.println("*** " + testName + ": didn't add doc? " + docs.size()); System.exit(-1);/*from w ww.j a v a 2 s. c om*/ } // 2) Was it the right doc? BasicDBObject doc = docs.get(0); doc.remove(DocumentPojo._id_); doc.remove(DocumentPojo.created_); doc.remove(DocumentPojo.modified_); doc.remove(DocumentPojo.publishedDate_); String docToCheck = "{ \"displayUrl\" : \"http://test3_1\" , \"url\" : \"inf://federated/fakeendpoint.123/test3_1/testentityin\" , \"sourceKey\" : [ \"fakeendpoint.123\"] , \"source\" : [ \"fakeendpoint\"] , \"communityId\" : [ \"4c927585d591d31d7b37097a\"] , \"mediaType\" : [ \"Report\"] , \"metadata\" : { \"json\" : [ { \"test\" : { \"field\" : [ \"test3_1\" , \"test3_1\"] , \"field2\" : \"http://test3_1\"}}]} , \"title\" : \"fake endpoint: : test3_1: test3_1\" , \"entities\" : [ { \"disambiguated_name\" : \"test3_1\" , \"type\" : \"TestEntityOut\" , \"dimension\" : \"What\" , \"relevance\" : 1.0 , \"doccount\" : 1 , \"averageFreq\" : 1.0 , \"datasetSignificance\" : 10.0 , \"significance\" : 10.0 , \"frequency\" : 1.0 , \"index\" : \"test3_1/testentityout\" , \"queryCoverage\" : 100.0 , \"totalfrequency\" : 1.0}] , \"description\" : \"[\\n {\\n \\\"test\\\": {\\n \\\"field\\\": [\\n \\\"test3_1\\\",\\n \\\"test3_1\\\"\\n ],\\n \\\"field2\\\": \\\"http://test3_1\\\"\\n }\\n }\\n]\" , \"aggregateSignif\" : 115.0 , \"queryRelevance\" : 105.0 , \"score\" : 110.0}"; if (!docToCheck.equals(doc.toString())) { System.out.println( "*** " + testName + ": document incorrect:\n" + docToCheck + "\nVS\n" + doc.toString()); System.exit(-1); } // 3) Did the doc get cached? DBCollection endpointCacheCollection = getCacheCollection(); String hardwiredCacheId = "http://localhost:8186/test/test3_1/?param1=test3_1"; BasicDBObject cachedVal = (BasicDBObject) endpointCacheCollection .findOne(new BasicDBObject(SimpleFederatedCache._id_, hardwiredCacheId)); if (null == cachedVal) { System.out.println( "*** " + testName + ": no cache for: " + doc.get(DocumentPojo.url_) + " / " + hardwiredCacheId); System.exit(-1); } else { Date expiryDate = cachedVal.getDate(SimpleFederatedCache.expiryDate_, null); if ((null == expiryDate) || ((new Date().getTime() - expiryDate.getTime()) > 10 * 1000L)) { System.out.println("*** " + testName + ": expiry date for: " + doc.get(DocumentPojo.url_) + ": " + expiryDate + " vs now= " + new Date()); System.exit(-1); } BasicDBObject cachedJson = (BasicDBObject) cachedVal.get(SimpleFederatedCache.cachedJson_); Object docVal = null; try { Object[] docVals = (Object[]) ((BasicDBObject) doc.get(DocumentPojo.metadata_)).get("json"); docVal = docVals[0]; } catch (Exception e) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") Collection docVals = (Collection) ((BasicDBObject) doc.get(DocumentPojo.metadata_)).get("json"); docVal = docVals.iterator().next(); } if ((null == cachedJson) || !cachedJson.equals(docVal)) { System.out.println("*** " + testName + ": cache: " + doc.get(DocumentPojo.url_) + ": cached val incorrect:\n" + docVal + "\nVS\n" + cachedJson); System.exit(-1); } } }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void createAlertDocSummary(StringBuffer alertEmailText, int docNum, int numDocSummaries, BasicDBObject doc, String rootUrl) { if (docNum < numDocSummaries) { // Preamble on the first doc if (0 == docNum) { alertEmailText.append("<p>"); alertEmailText.append("Top ").append(numDocSummaries); if (0 == numDocSummaries) { alertEmailText.append(" document:"); } else { alertEmailText.append(" documents:"); }/*from www .j a va 2 s. c om*/ alertEmailText.append("</p>"); alertEmailText.append("\n"); alertEmailText.append("<ol>"); alertEmailText.append("\n"); } // Docs: StringBuffer guiQuery = new StringBuffer("{\"qt\":[{\"ftext\":\"_id:") .append(doc.getObjectId(DocumentPojo._id_)).append("\"}]}"); String url = doc.getString(DocumentPojo.displayUrl_, doc.getString(DocumentPojo.url_)); String title = doc.getString(DocumentPojo.title_, url); alertEmailText.append("<li/>"); alertEmailText.append(title); alertEmailText.append(" ["); alertEmailText.append(doc.getDate(DocumentPojo.publishedDate_, doc.getDate(DocumentPojo.created_))); alertEmailText.append("]"); alertEmailText.append(" ("); alertEmailText.append("<a href=\"").append(rootUrl); try { alertEmailText.append("?query="); alertEmailText.append(URLEncoder.encode(guiQuery.toString(), "UTF-8")); alertEmailText.append("&communityIds=").append( doc.getObjectId(DocumentPojo.communityId_, new ObjectId("4c927585d591d31d7b37097a"))); } catch (Exception e) { } // (just carry on) alertEmailText.append("\">"); alertEmailText.append("GUI</a>)"); if ((null != url) && (url.startsWith("http"))) { alertEmailText.append(" ("); alertEmailText.append("<a href=\"").append(url).append("\">"); alertEmailText.append("External Link</a>)"); } alertEmailText.append("\n"); } }