Example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject BasicDBObject

List of usage examples for com.mongodb BasicDBObject BasicDBObject


In this page you can find the example usage for com.mongodb BasicDBObject BasicDBObject.


public BasicDBObject(final String key, final Object value) 

Source Link


Creates an object with the given key/value


From source file:bhl.pages.database.MongoConnection.java

License:Open Source License

 * Fetch a resource from the server via a given field value
 * @param collName the collection or database name
 * @param value the value of the field/*  w  w  w . j  a  va2 s  .c  o m*/
 * @param field the field name
 * @return the response as a string or null if not found
public String getFromDbByField(String collName, String value, String field) throws DbException {
    try {
        DBCollection coll = getCollectionFromName(collName);
        DBObject query;
        if (field.equals(JSONKeys._ID)) {
            ObjectId objId = new ObjectId(value);
            query = new BasicDBObject(field, objId);
        } else
            query = new BasicDBObject(field, value);
        DBObject obj = coll.findOne(query);
        if (obj != null)
            return obj.toString();
            return null;
    } catch (Exception e) {
        throw new DbException(e);

From source file:biopolis.headless.BiopolisPersistencyLayer.java

public BiopolisPersistencyLayer(BiopolisProperties props) throws BiopolisGeneralException, SQLException {
    org.neo4j.jdbc.Driver driver = new org.neo4j.jdbc.Driver();
    this.connNeo4j = driver.connect("jdbc:neo4j://" + props.neo4j_endpoint, new Properties());
    try {//from   www  .  j a v  a 2  s.co  m
        MongoClientOptions mco = new MongoClientOptions.Builder().connectionsPerHost(10)
        mongo = new MongoClient(new ServerAddress("localhost"), mco); //addresses is a pre-populated List 
    } catch (MongoException e) {
        throw new BiopolisGeneralException("Mongo exception problem");
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
        throw new BiopolisGeneralException("Mongo connection problem");
    DB dbo = mongo.getDB(BiopolisPersistencyLayer.dbName);
    if (dbo.collectionExists(BiopolisPersistencyLayer.collectionNamePlaces)) {
        this.dbcolPlaces = dbo.getCollection(BiopolisPersistencyLayer.collectionNamePlaces);

    } else {
        this.dbcolPlaces = dbo.createCollection(BiopolisPersistencyLayer.collectionNamePlaces, null);
        this.dbcolPlaces.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("loc", "2dsphere"));

    if (dbo.collectionExists(collectionNameSearches)) {
        this.dbcolSearches = dbo.getCollection(collectionNameSearches);

    } else {
        this.dbcolSearches = dbo.createCollection(collectionNameSearches, null);
        this.dbcolSearches.createIndex(new BasicDBObject("biopolisttl", 1),
                new BasicDBObject("expireAfterSeconds", props.expire_search));
    this.segSZ = props.segment_size;

From source file:biopolis.headless.BiopolisSegmentationManagement.java

public java.util.Date updateTTL() throws BiopolisGeneralException {
    java.util.Date date = new java.util.Date();
    DBCursor cur = dbcol.find(new BasicDBObject("_id", id));
    if (!cur.hasNext()) {
        throw new BiopolisGeneralException("Search trashed");
    }//from   w  w  w .jav a  2s.c o  m
    BasicDBObject setter = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("biopolisttl", date));
    dbcol.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", id), setter);
    dbcol.update(new BasicDBObject("biopolishandle", this.biopiolisid), setter);
    return date;

From source file:biopolis.headless.BiopolisSegmentationManagement.java

public BiopolisSegmentation finalPhase(String nodetype) throws SQLException, BiopolisGeneralException {
    java.util.Date date = this.updateTTL();
    List ids = dbcol.distinct("biopolisdata", new BasicDBObject("biopolishandle", this.biopiolisid));
    for (Object id : ids) {
        BasicDBObject aggregate = new BasicDBObject();
        aggregate.put("biopolishandle", this.biopiolisid);
        aggregate.put("biopolisdata", (Long) id);
        long count = dbcol.count(aggregate);
        if (count == this.occurs) {
            BasicDBObject insertspec = new BasicDBObject();
            insertspec.put("biopolisid", this.biopiolisid);
            insertspec.put("biopolisdata", (Long) id);
            insertspec.put("biopolisttl", date);
            dbcol.insert(insertspec);//www. j a va2 s  . com
    long count = dbcol.count(new BasicDBObject("biopolisid", this.biopiolisid));
    //finalize segmentation
    BasicDBObject place = new BasicDBObject();
    place.put("biopolisnodetype", nodetype);
    place.put("biopoliscount", count);
    place.put("biopolisttl", new java.util.Date());
    BasicDBObject setter = new BasicDBObject("$set", place);
    dbcol.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", id), setter);
    BiopolisSegmentation segmentation = new BiopolisSegmentation();
    segmentation.nodetype = nodetype;
    segmentation.results = count;
    segmentation.biopolisid = this.biopiolisid;
    date = new java.util.Date();
    BasicDBObject updater = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("biopolisttl", date));
    dbcol.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", this.id), updater);
    dbcol.update(new BasicDBObject("biopolisid", this.biopiolisid), updater);
    return segmentation;

From source file:biopolis.headless.BiopolisSegmentationManagement.java

public List<Long> search(BiopolisSegmentQuery seg) throws BiopolisGeneralException {
    byte[] bytes = Base64.decodeBase64(seg.biopolisid);
    ObjectId someid = new ObjectId(bytes);
    DBCursor cur = dbcol.find(new BasicDBObject("_id", someid));
    if (!cur.hasNext()) {
        throw new BiopolisGeneralException("Search not exists with id " + seg.biopolisid);
    }/*from w ww. ja  v  a  2 s  . co  m*/
    BasicDBObject setter = new BasicDBObject("$set", new BasicDBObject("biopolisttl", new java.util.Date()));
    dbcol.update(new BasicDBObject("_id", someid), setter);
    dbcol.update(new BasicDBObject("biopolisid", seg.biopolisid), setter);

    List<Long> resus = new ArrayList<Long>();
    cur = dbcol.find(new BasicDBObject("biopolisid", seg.biopolisid));
    cur = cur.sort(new BasicDBObject("biopolisdata", 1));

    int count = 0;
    while (cur.hasNext()) {
        System.out.println("scan " + seg.from);
        DBObject obj = cur.next();
        if ((count >= seg.from) && (count < seg.from + this.segSZ)) {
            Long i = (Long) obj.get("biopolisdata");
    return resus;

From source file:bom.BOM.java

 * @param args the command line arguments
 *//*from   www.java2 s  .  com*/
public static void main(String[] args) {
    // TODO code application logic here
    try {

        MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient("localhost", 5000);
        // Now connect to your databases
        //mongod --port 5000 --dbpath D:\mongodbdata\ (please mention above created path)
        //mongo --port 5000
        DB db = mongoClient.getDB("bomdb");
        System.out.println("Connect to database successfully");

        //DBCollection col1 = db.createCollection("Parts",p1);
        DBCollection col2 = db.getCollection("BOM");
        System.out.println("Collection created successfully");

        List<BillOfMaterial> list;
        LocalDataSource ds = new LocalDataSource();
        list = ds.LoadBom(1000);
        // To connect to mongodb server

        for (BillOfMaterial Element : list) {
            for (Parts ElementPart : Element.partList) {
                for (Operation ElementOp : ElementPart.optList) {
                    BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject("BOM_Name", Element.getBOM_Name())
                            .append("Level", Element.getLevel()).append("Stock", Element.getStock()).

                            append("Parts", new BasicDBObject("Part_ID", ElementPart.getPart_ID())
                                    .append("Part_Name", ElementPart.getPart_Name())
                                    .append("Diameter", ElementPart.getDiamter())
                                    .append("Dept", ElementPart.getDept()).append("Area", ElementPart.getArea())
                                    .append("Quantity", ElementPart.getQuantity()).

                                            new BasicDBObject("Material_ID", ElementPart.getMaterial_ID())
                                                    .append("Material_Name", ElementPart.getMaterial_Name()).

                                                    append("Operation", new BasicDBObject("Operation_ID",
                                                                    .append("Operation_Time", ElementOp
                                                                            * ElementOp.getOperation_Time()
                                                                    .append("Assembly_Time", ElementOp
                                                                            * ElementOp.getAssembly_Time()
                                                                    .append("Set_Up_Time", ElementOp
                                                                            * ElementOp.getSet_Up_Time()

                                                                    append("Contractor", new BasicDBObject(


        System.out.println("Document inserted successfully");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        System.err.println(e.getClass().getName() + ": " + e.getMessage());


From source file:br.bireme.scl.BrokenLinks.java

License:Open Source License

private static List<Integer> getIsisCcFields(final String mstName, final DBCollection coll) throws IOException {
    assert mstName != null;
    assert coll != null;

    final List<Integer> lst = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(MST_FIELD, mstName);
    final DBCursor cursor = coll.find(query);

    if (cursor.hasNext()) {
        final BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) cursor.next();
        final BasicDBList flds = (BasicDBList) obj.get(CC_TAGS_FIELD);
        if (flds.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IOException("Missing CCs field");
        }/*from  w w w.ja  va 2  s .co  m*/
        for (Object tag : flds) {
            lst.add((Integer) tag);
    } else {
        throw new IOException("Missing collection: " + coll.getName());

    return lst;

From source file:br.bireme.scl.BrokenLinks.java

License:Open Source License

private static int getIsisIdField(final String mstName, final DBCollection coll) throws IOException {
    assert mstName != null;
    assert coll != null;

    final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(MST_FIELD, mstName);
    final BasicDBObject doc = (BasicDBObject) coll.findOne(query);

    if (doc == null) {
        throw new IOException(
                "Missing fields: collection[" + coll.getName() + "] or master name[" + mstName + "]");
    }//from   www  .ja v a 2s.c  o  m

    return doc.getInt(ID_TAG_FIELD);

From source file:br.bireme.scl.BrokenLinks.java

License:Open Source License

private static int getIsisUrlFields(final String mstName, final DBCollection coll) throws IOException {
    assert mstName != null;
    assert coll != null;

    final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(MST_FIELD, mstName);
    final BasicDBObject doc = (BasicDBObject) coll.findOne(query);

    if (doc == null) {
        throw new IOException(
                "Missing fields: collection[" + coll.getName() + "] or master name[" + mstName + "]");
    }//from  www. j  av  a  2 s  . c o  m

    return doc.getInt(URL_TAG_FIELD);

From source file:br.bireme.scl.BrokenLinks.java

License:Open Source License

private static boolean saveRecord(final String mstName, final int id, final String url, final String err,
        final int urlTag, final List<Integer> ccsFlds, final Master mst, final DBCollection coll,
        final DBCollection hcoll, final Map<Integer, Map<String, Integer>> occMap)
        throws BrumaException, IOException {
    assert mstName != null;
    assert id > 0;
    assert url != null;
    assert urlTag > 0;
    assert err != null;
    assert ccsFlds != null;
    assert mst != null;
    assert coll != null;
    assert hcoll != null;
    assert occMap != null;

    final Record rec = mst.getRecord(id);
    if (!rec.isActive()) {
        //throw new BrumaException("not active record mfn=" + id);
        System.err.println("WARNING: record[" + id + "] is not active. " + "Ignoring it!");
        return false;
    }//ww  w .  j a va2 s  . c o  m

    final List<Field> urls = rec.getFieldList(urlTag);
    final Date now = new Date();
    Date date;

    Map<String, Integer> fldMap = occMap.get(id);
    if (fldMap == null) {
        fldMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        occMap.put(id, fldMap);

    final int occ = nextOcc(url, urls, fldMap);
    if (occ == -1) {
        System.err.println("url[" + url + "] not found. mfn=" + id);
        //throw new IOException("url[" + url + "] not found. mfn=" + id);                
        return false;

    final BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(ID_FIELD, id + "_" + occ);
    final boolean ret;
    if (fixedRecently(hcoll, query, now, 60)) {
        ret = false;
    } else {
        final BasicDBObject obj = (BasicDBObject) coll.findOne(query);
        if (obj == null) {
            date = now;
        } else {
            date = obj.getDate(LAST_UPDATE_FIELD);
            if (date == null) {
                date = obj.getDate(DATE_FIELD);
            } else {
                final WriteResult wr = coll.remove(obj, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);
                if (!wr.getCachedLastError().ok()) {
                date = obj.getDate(DATE_FIELD);
        final String url_d = EncDecUrl.decodeUrl(url);
        final String url_d_l = (url_d.length() >= 900) ? url_d.substring(0, 900) + "..." : url_d;
        final String url_l = (url.length() > 900) ? url.substring(0, 900) + "..." : url;
        final BasicDBObject doc = new BasicDBObject();
        doc.put(DATE_FIELD, date);
        doc.put(LAST_UPDATE_FIELD, now);
        doc.put(MST_FIELD, mstName);
        doc.put(ID_FIELD, id + "_" + occ);
        doc.put(BROKEN_URL_FIELD, url_l);
        doc.put(PRETTY_BROKEN_URL_FIELD, url_d_l);
        doc.put(MSG_FIELD, err);
        doc.put(CENTER_FIELD, getCCS(rec, ccsFlds));

        final WriteResult wres = coll.save(doc, WriteConcern.ACKNOWLEDGED);
        ret = wres.getCachedLastError().ok();
    return ret;