Java com.lowagie.text Table fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.lowagie.text Table fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.lowagie.text Table.

The text is from its open source code.


com.lowagie.text.Table has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


Indicates if the PdfPTable is complete once added to the document.


Table(int columns, int rows)
Constructs a Table with a certain number of columns and a certain number of Rows.
Table(int columns)
Constructs a Table with a certain number of columns.
Table(Table t)
Copy constructor (shallow copy).


voidaddCell(Cell cell)
Adds a Cell to the Table.
voidaddCell(Phrase content)
Adds a Cell to the Table.
voidaddCell(String content)
Adds a Cell to the Table.
voidaddCell(Cell aCell, Point aLocation)
Adds a Cell to the Table at a certain location.
voidaddCell(Phrase content, Point location)
Adds a Cell to the Table.
voidaddCell(String content, Point location)
Adds a Cell to the Table.
voidaddCell(Cell aCell, int row, int column)
Adds a Cell to the Table at a certain row and column.
Deletes all rows in this table.
Marks the last row of the table headers.
Gets the horizontal alignment.
Returns the exact type of the border.
Gets the color of the border.
Gets the borderwidth.
Gets the default layout of the Table.
Gets the last number of the rows that contain headers.
Gets the offset of this table.
Gets the cellpadding.
Gets the proportional widths of the columns in this Table.
Gets the cellspacing.
Gets the table width (a percentage).
voidinsertTable(Table aTable)
To put a table within the existing table at the current position generateTable will of course re-arrange the widths of the columns.
Checks if the cells of this Table have to fit a page.
Checks if this Table has to fit a page.
Gets an Iterator of all the Rows.
voidsetAlignment(int value)
Sets the horizontal alignment.
voidsetAlignment(String alignment)
Sets the alignment of this paragraph.
voidsetAutoFillEmptyCells(boolean aDoAutoFill)
Enables/disables automatic insertion of empty cells before table is rendered.
voidsetBackgroundColor(Color backgroundColor)
Sets the backgroundcolor of the rectangle.
voidsetBorder(int border)
Enables/Disables the border on the specified sides.
voidsetBorderColor(Color borderColor)
Sets the color of the border.
voidsetBorderWidth(float borderWidth)
Sets the borderwidth of the table.
voidsetBorderWidthBottom(float borderWidthBottom)
Sets the width of the bottom border.
voidsetBorderWidthLeft(float borderWidthLeft)
Sets the width of the left border.
voidsetBorderWidthRight(float borderWidthRight)
Sets the width of the right border.
voidsetBorderWidthTop(float borderWidthTop)
Sets the width of the top border.
voidsetCellsFitPage(boolean fitPage)
Allows you to control when a page break occurs.
voidsetGrayFill(float value)
Sets the the background color to a grayscale value.
voidsetLastHeaderRow(int value)
Sets the horizontal alignment.
voidsetLeft(float llx)
Sets the lower left x-coordinate.
voidsetOffset(float offset)
Sets the offset of this table.
voidsetPadding(float value)
Sets the cellpadding.
voidsetSpacing(float value)
Sets the cellspacing.
voidsetTableFitsPage(boolean fitPage)
Allows you to control when a page break occurs.
voidsetUseVariableBorders(boolean useVariableBorders)
Sets a parameter indicating if the rectangle has variable borders
voidsetWidth(float width)
Sets the width of this table (in percentage of the available space).
voidsetWidths(float[] widths)
Sets the widths of the different columns (percentages).
voidsetWidths(int[] widths)
Sets the widths of the different columns (percentages).