List of usage examples for com.lowagie.text Document Document
public Document(Rectangle pageSize, float marginLeft, float marginRight, float marginTop, float marginBottom)
-object. From source
License:Open Source License
public static byte[] stamp(byte[] abPdf, String sigla, boolean rascunho, boolean cancelado, boolean semEfeito, boolean internoProduzido, String qrCode, String mensagem, Integer paginaInicial, Integer paginaFinal, Integer cOmitirNumeracao, String instancia, String orgaoUsu) throws DocumentException, IOException { PdfReader pdfIn = new PdfReader(abPdf); Document doc = new Document(PageSize.A4, 0, 0, 0, 0); // final SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat( // "EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy"); // doc.add(new Meta("creationdate", sdf.format(new Date(0L)))); final ByteArrayOutputStream boA4 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, boA4);;/* w w w . java 2s . c o m*/ PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); // Resize every page to A4 size // // double thetaRotation = 0.0; for (int i = 1; i <= pdfIn.getNumberOfPages(); i++) { int rot = pdfIn.getPageRotation(i); float left = pdfIn.getPageSize(i).getLeft(); float bottom = pdfIn.getPageSize(i).getBottom(); float top = pdfIn.getPageSize(i).getTop(); float right = pdfIn.getPageSize(i).getRight(); PdfImportedPage page = writer.getImportedPage(pdfIn, i); float w = page.getWidth(); float h = page.getHeight(); // Logger.getRootLogger().error("----- dimensoes: " + rot + ", " + w // + ", " + h); doc.setPageSize((rot != 0 && rot != 180) ^ (w > h) ? PageSize.A4.rotate() : PageSize.A4); doc.newPage(); cb.saveState(); if (rot != 0 && rot != 180) { float swap = w; w = h; h = swap; } float pw = doc.getPageSize().getWidth(); float ph = doc.getPageSize().getHeight(); double scale = Math.min(pw / w, ph / h); // do my transformations : cb.transform(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(scale, scale)); if (!internoProduzido) { cb.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(pw * SAFETY_MARGIN, ph * SAFETY_MARGIN)); cb.transform(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(1.0f - 2 * SAFETY_MARGIN, 1.0f - 2 * SAFETY_MARGIN)); } if (rot != 0) { double theta = -rot * (Math.PI / 180); if (rot == 180) { cb.transform(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(theta, w / 2, h / 2)); } else { cb.transform(AffineTransform.getRotateInstance(theta, h / 2, w / 2)); } if (rot == 90) { cb.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance((w - h) / 2, (w - h) / 2)); } else if (rot == 270) { cb.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance((h - w) / 2, (h - w) / 2)); } } // Logger.getRootLogger().error( // "----- dimensoes: " + rot + ", " + w + ", " + h); // Logger.getRootLogger().error("----- page: " + pw + ", " + ph); // cb.transform(AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance( // ((pw / scale) - w) / 2, ((ph / scale) - h) / 2)); // put the page cb.addTemplate(page, 0, 0); // draw a red rectangle at the page borders // // cb.saveState(); // cb.setColorStroke(; // cb.rectangle(pdfIn.getPageSize(i).getLeft(), pdfIn.getPageSize(i) // .getBottom(), pdfIn.getPageSize(i).getRight(), pdfIn // .getPageSize(i).getTop()); // cb.stroke(); // cb.restoreState(); cb.restoreState(); } doc.close(); abPdf = boA4.toByteArray(); final ByteArrayOutputStream bo2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final PdfReader reader = new PdfReader(abPdf); final int n = reader.getNumberOfPages(); final PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, bo2); // adding content to each page int i = 0; PdfContentByte under; PdfContentByte over; final BaseFont helv = BaseFont.createFont("Helvetica", BaseFont.WINANSI, false); // Image img = Image.getInstance("watermark.jpg"); final BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.WINANSI, BaseFont.EMBEDDED); byte maskr[] = { (byte) 0xff }; Image mask = Image.getInstance(1, 1, 1, 1, maskr); mask.makeMask(); mask.setInverted(true); while (i < n) { i++; // watermark under the existing page under = stamp.getUnderContent(i); over = stamp.getOverContent(i); final Barcode39 code39 = new Barcode39(); // code39.setCode(doc.getCodigo()); code39.setCode(sigla.replace("-", "").replace("/", "").replace(".", "")); code39.setStartStopText(false); final Image image39 = code39.createImageWithBarcode(over, null, null); Rectangle r = stamp.getReader().getPageSizeWithRotation(i); image39.setInitialRotation((float) Math.PI / 2.0f); image39.setAbsolutePosition( r.getWidth() - image39.getHeight() + (STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM - PAGE_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT, BARCODE_HEIGHT_IN_CM * CM_UNIT); image39.setBackgroundColor(; image39.setBorderColor(Color.RED); image39.setBorderWidth(0.5f * CM_UNIT); image39.setImageMask(mask); over.setRGBColorFill(255, 255, 255); mask.setAbsolutePosition(r.getWidth() - image39.getHeight() - (PAGE_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT, (BARCODE_HEIGHT_IN_CM - STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT); mask.scaleAbsolute(image39.getHeight() + 2 * STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM * CM_UNIT, image39.getWidth() + 2 * STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM * CM_UNIT); over.addImage(mask); over.setRGBColorFill(0, 0, 0); over.addImage(image39); // over.addImage(mask, mask.getScaledWidth() * 8, 0, 0, // mask.getScaledHeight() * 8, 100, 450); if (qrCode != null) { java.awt.Image imgQRCode = createQRCodeImage(qrCode); Image imageQRCode = Image.getInstance(imgQRCode, Color.BLACK, true); imageQRCode.scaleAbsolute(QRCODE_SIZE_IN_CM * CM_UNIT, QRCODE_SIZE_IN_CM * CM_UNIT); imageQRCode.setAbsolutePosition(QRCODE_LEFT_MARGIN_IN_CM * CM_UNIT, PAGE_BORDER_IN_CM * CM_UNIT); over.setRGBColorFill(255, 255, 255); mask.setAbsolutePosition((QRCODE_LEFT_MARGIN_IN_CM - STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT, (PAGE_BORDER_IN_CM - STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT); mask.scaleAbsolute((QRCODE_SIZE_IN_CM + 2 * STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT, (QRCODE_SIZE_IN_CM + 2 * STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT); over.addImage(mask); over.setRGBColorFill(0, 0, 0); over.addImage(imageQRCode); } if (mensagem != null) { PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1); table.setTotalWidth(r.getWidth() - image39.getHeight() - (QRCODE_LEFT_MARGIN_IN_CM + QRCODE_SIZE_IN_CM + 4 * STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM + PAGE_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(mensagem, FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.HELVETICA, 8, Font.NORMAL, Color.BLACK))); cell.setBorderWidth(0); table.addCell(cell); over.setRGBColorFill(255, 255, 255); mask.setAbsolutePosition( (QRCODE_LEFT_MARGIN_IN_CM + QRCODE_SIZE_IN_CM + STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT, (PAGE_BORDER_IN_CM - STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT); mask.scaleAbsolute(2 * STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM * CM_UNIT + table.getTotalWidth(), 2 * STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM * CM_UNIT + table.getTotalHeight()); over.addImage(mask); over.setRGBColorFill(0, 0, 0); table.writeSelectedRows(0, -1, (QRCODE_LEFT_MARGIN_IN_CM + QRCODE_SIZE_IN_CM + 2 * STAMP_BORDER_IN_CM) * CM_UNIT, table.getTotalHeight() + PAGE_BORDER_IN_CM * CM_UNIT, over); } if (cancelado) { over.saveState(); final PdfGState gs = new PdfGState(); gs.setFillOpacity(0.5f); over.setGState(gs); over.setColorFill(Color.GRAY); over.beginText(); over.setFontAndSize(helv, 72); over.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_CENTER, "CANCELADO", r.getWidth() / 2, r.getHeight() / 2, 45); over.endText(); over.restoreState(); } else if (rascunho) { over.saveState(); final PdfGState gs = new PdfGState(); gs.setFillOpacity(0.5f); over.setGState(gs); over.setColorFill(Color.GRAY); over.beginText(); over.setFontAndSize(helv, 72); over.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_CENTER, "MINUTA", r.getWidth() / 2, r.getHeight() / 2, 45); over.endText(); over.restoreState(); } else if (semEfeito) { over.saveState(); final PdfGState gs = new PdfGState(); gs.setFillOpacity(0.5f); over.setGState(gs); over.setColorFill(Color.GRAY); over.beginText(); over.setFontAndSize(helv, 72); over.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_CENTER, "SEM EFEITO", r.getWidth() / 2, r.getHeight() / 2, 45); over.endText(); over.restoreState(); } // if (!rascunho // && request.getRequestURL().indexOf("http://laguna/") == -1) { if (!rascunho && !cancelado && !semEfeito && ((!Contexto.resource("isVersionTest").equals("false")) || (!Contexto.resource("isBaseTest").equals("false")))) { over.saveState(); final PdfGState gs = new PdfGState(); gs.setFillOpacity(0.5f); over.setGState(gs); over.setColorFill(Color.GRAY); over.beginText(); over.setFontAndSize(helv, 72); over.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_CENTER, "INVLIDO", r.getWidth() / 2, r.getHeight() / 2, 45); over.endText(); over.restoreState(); } // Imprime um circulo com o numero da pagina dentro. if (paginaInicial != null) { String sFl = String.valueOf(paginaInicial + i - 1); // Se for a ultima pagina e o numero nao casar, acrescenta "-" e // pagina final if (n == i) { if (paginaFinal != paginaInicial + n - 1) { sFl = sFl + "-" + String.valueOf(paginaFinal); } } if (i > cOmitirNumeracao) { // Raio do circulo interno final float radius = 18f; // Distancia entre o circulo interno e o externo final float circleInterspace = Math.max(helv.getAscentPoint(instancia, TEXT_HEIGHT), helv.getAscentPoint(orgaoUsu, TEXT_HEIGHT)) - Math.min(helv.getDescentPoint(instancia, TEXT_HEIGHT), helv.getDescentPoint(orgaoUsu, TEXT_HEIGHT)) + 2 * TEXT_TO_CIRCLE_INTERSPACE; // Centro do circulo float xCenter = r.getWidth() - 1.8f * (radius + circleInterspace); float yCenter = r.getHeight() - 1.8f * (radius + circleInterspace); over.saveState(); final PdfGState gs = new PdfGState(); gs.setFillOpacity(1f); over.setGState(gs); over.setColorFill(Color.BLACK); over.saveState(); over.setColorStroke(; over.setLineWidth(1f); over.setColorFill(Color.WHITE); // Circulo externo, yCenter, radius + circleInterspace); over.fill();, yCenter, radius + circleInterspace); over.stroke(); // Circulo interno, yCenter, radius); over.stroke(); over.restoreState(); { over.saveState(); over.beginText(); over.setFontAndSize(helv, TEXT_HEIGHT); // Escreve o texto superior do carimbo float fDescent = helv.getDescentPoint(instancia, TEXT_HEIGHT); showTextOnArc(over, instancia, helv, TEXT_HEIGHT, xCenter, yCenter, radius - fDescent + TEXT_TO_CIRCLE_INTERSPACE, true); // Escreve o texto inferior float fAscent = helv.getAscentPoint(orgaoUsu, TEXT_HEIGHT); showTextOnArc(over, orgaoUsu, helv, TEXT_HEIGHT, xCenter, yCenter, radius + fAscent + TEXT_TO_CIRCLE_INTERSPACE, false); over.endText(); over.restoreState(); } over.beginText(); int textHeight = 23; // Diminui o tamanho do font ate que o texto caiba dentro do // circulo interno while (helv.getWidthPoint(sFl, textHeight) > (2 * (radius - TEXT_TO_CIRCLE_INTERSPACE))) textHeight--; float fAscent = helv.getAscentPoint(sFl, textHeight) + helv.getDescentPoint(sFl, textHeight); over.setFontAndSize(helv, textHeight); over.showTextAligned(Element.ALIGN_CENTER, sFl, xCenter, yCenter - 0.5f * fAscent, 0); over.endText(); over.restoreState(); } } } stamp.close(); return bo2.toByteArray(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
void generateSheet(HttpServletResponse res, List<Batch> batches) { ///* w ww.j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ // paper size legal (A4) 8.5 x 11 // page 1-inch = 72 points // String spacer = " \n"; ServletOutputStream out = null; String filename = "marketbucks_audit_sheet.pdf"; try { // space // Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(612, 792); // 8.5" X 11" Document document = new Document(pageSize, 36, 36, 18, 18);// 18,18,54,35 ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos);; URL imgUrl = new URL(imageUrl); Image image = Image.getInstance(imgUrl); image.scalePercent(20f); // image.scaleAbsolute(100f, 100f);// width, height // image.setRotation(3.1f); // in radians // image.setRotationDegrees(90f); // degrees // image.setSpacingBefore(10f); // image.setSpacingAfter(10f); // image.setWidthPercentage(25.0f); Font fnt = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.NORMAL); Font fntb = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD); Font fntb2 = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 14, Font.BOLD); Phrase spacePhrase = new Phrase(); Chunk ch = new Chunk(spacer, fnt); spacePhrase.add(ch); float[] widths = { 25f, 75f }; // percentages PdfPTable headTable = new PdfPTable(widths); headTable.setWidthPercentage(100); headTable.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); headTable.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(image); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); headTable.addCell(cell); Phrase phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Printed Market Bucks Audit Sheet\n ", fntb2); phrase.add(ch); Paragraph pp = new Paragraph(); pp.setIndentationLeft(20); pp.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); pp.add(phrase); cell = new PdfPCell(pp); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); headTable.addCell(cell); document.add(headTable); // document.add(spacePhrase); document.add(spacePhrase); // float[] widths3 = { 50f, 50f }; // percentages PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(widths3); table.setWidthPercentage(100); table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" Date: ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); ch = new Chunk(Helper.getToday() + "\n\n\n", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" ", fntb); // empty cell phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.addCell(cell); // document.add(table); // phrase = new Phrase(new Chunk("\n", fnt)); document.add(phrase); // float[] widths2 = { 15f, 10f, 15f, 15f, 15f, 15f, 15f }; // percentages table = new PdfPTable(widths2); table.setWidthPercentage(90); // table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); table.getDefaultCell().setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); // table.getDefaultCell().setPadding(5); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Count of MB/GC", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Value", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Total Dollars", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Printed By", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Start Number", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("End Number", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Printed Date", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // // next rows // for (Batch one : batches) { phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(one.getBatch_size(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(1f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("$" + one.getValue() + ".00", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(1f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(moneyFormat.format(one.getTotal()), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(1f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(one.getUser().toString(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(1f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(one.getStart_seq(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(1f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(one.getEnd_seq(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(1f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(one.getDate(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(1f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); } document.add(table); // document.add(spacePhrase); document.add(spacePhrase); // ch = new Chunk("Audit By:____________________________________________________________________\n\n", fnt); phrase = new Phrase(); phrase.add(ch); document.add(phrase); ch = new Chunk(" :_______________________________________)_____________________________\n\n", fnt); phrase = new Phrase(); phrase.add(ch); document.add(phrase); ch = new Chunk(" :_____________________________________________________________________\n\n", fnt); phrase = new Phrase(); phrase.add(ch); document.add(phrase); // document.add(spacePhrase); document.add(spacePhrase); // document.close(); writer.close(); res.setHeader("Expires", "0"); res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); res.setHeader("Pragma", "public"); // // setting the content type res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", " attachment; filename=" + filename); res.setContentType("application/pdf"); // // the contentlength is needed for MSIE!!! res.setContentLength(baos.size()); // out = res.getOutputStream(); if (out != null) { baos.writeTo(out); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ex); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
void generate(HttpServletResponse res, Batch batch) { ServletOutputStream out = null;// w w w .j ava 2 s . c o m BuckConf conf = batch.getConf(); int start_seq = batch.getStart_seq_int(); int size = batch.getBatch_size_int(); String type = conf.getType_id(); String value = conf.getValue(); String filename = "market_bucks_" + Helper.getCurrentYear() + "_" + batch.getId() + ".pdf"; // we need to register these fonts // windows we use verdana // // for test purpose // /* start_seq = 612001; type="2"; value="5"; size = 6; */ try { Image image = Image.getInstance(imageUrl); // image.setWidthPercentage(20.0f); image.scalePercent(10f); Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(612, 792); // 8.5" X 11" // left right top bottom Document document = new Document(pageSize, 15, 15, 18, 12);// 1/4 inch ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos);; // int row = 1, page_no = 0; int page = 1; if (type.equals("1")) { // MB for (int jj = 0; jj < size; jj++) { generate_mb(document, start_seq + jj, value, image, writer); row++; if (row == 4 && (jj + 1) < size) { // to avoid empty page row = 1; page++; page_no = writer.getPageNumber(); if (page_no < page) { document.newPage(); } } } } else { // GC for (int jj = 0; jj < size; jj++) { generate_gc(document, start_seq + jj, value, image, writer); row++; if (row == 4 && (jj + 1) < size) { // to avoid empty page row = 1; page++; page_no = writer.getPageNumber(); // System.err.println(page+" "+page_no); if (page_no < page) { document.newPage(); } } } } // document.close(); writer.close(); res.setHeader("Expires", "0"); res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); res.setHeader("Pragma", "public"); // // setting the content type res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", " attachment; filename=" + filename); res.setContentType("application/pdf"); // // the contentlength is needed for MSIE!!! res.setContentLength(baos.size()); // out = res.getOutputStream(); if (out != null) { baos.writeTo(out); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ex); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
void generateInvoice(HttpServletResponse res, Redeem redeem) { //// w ww . j a va 2s .c om // paper size legal (A4) 8.5 x 11 // page 1-inch = 72 points // String spacer = " \n"; User user = redeem.getUser(); Vendor vendor = redeem.getVendor(); List<Buck> bk_bucks = redeem.getBk_bucks(); List<Buck> gc5_bucks = redeem.getGc5_bucks(); List<Buck> gc20_bucks = redeem.getGc20_bucks(); List<Buck> gc_bucks = redeem.getGc_bucks(); List<Dispute> disputes = redeem.getDisputes(); int bk_total = 0, gc5_total = 0, gc20_total = 0, total = 0; if (bk_bucks.size() > 0) { bk_total = bk_bucks.size() * 3; } if (gc5_bucks.size() > 0) { gc5_total = gc5_bucks.size() * 5; } if (gc20_bucks.size() > 0) { gc20_total = gc20_bucks.size() * 20; } total = bk_total + gc5_total + gc20_total; String vendor_name = ""; if (vendor != null) { vendor_name = vendor.getCleanName(); } ServletOutputStream out = null; String filename = "invoice_" + vendor_name + "_" + redeem.getId() + ".pdf"; try { // space // Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(612, 792); // 8.5" X 11" Document document = new Document(pageSize, 36, 36, 18, 18);// 18,18,54,35 ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, baos);; Image image = Image.getInstance(imageUrl); // image = Image.getInstance(byte bytes[]);// generated image image.scalePercent(20f); Font fnt = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.NORMAL); Font fntb = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD); Font fntb2 = new Font(Font.TIMES_ROMAN, 14, Font.BOLD); // Phrase spacePhrase = new Phrase(); Chunk ch = new Chunk(spacer, fnt); spacePhrase.add(ch); float[] widths = { 15f, 85f }; // percentages PdfPTable headTable = new PdfPTable(widths); headTable.setWidthPercentage(100); headTable.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); headTable.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); // image.setWidthPercentage(15.0f); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(image); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); // cell.setFixedHeight(46f); headTable.addCell(cell); Phrase phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk( "City of Bloomington Community Farmers Market\n Gift Certificates/Market Bucks Invoice\n ", fntb2); phrase.add(ch); Paragraph pp = new Paragraph(); pp.setIndentationLeft(20); pp.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); pp.add(phrase); cell = new PdfPCell(pp); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); headTable.addCell(cell); document.add(headTable); // float[] widths3 = { 50f, 50f }; // percentages PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(widths3); table.setWidthPercentage(100); table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" Vendor Name: ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); ch = new Chunk(vendor.getFullName(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Date: ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); ch = new Chunk(redeem.getDate(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" Vendor Number: ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); ch = new Chunk(vendor.getId(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); // empty cell ch = new Chunk(" ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.addCell(cell); table.addCell(cell); // extra space table.addCell(cell); document.add(table); // phrase = new Phrase(new Chunk("\n", fnt)); document.add(phrase); // float[] widths2 = { 30f, 25f, 15f, 15f, 15f }; // percentages table = new PdfPTable(widths2); table.setWidthPercentage(90); // table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); table.getDefaultCell().setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); // table.getDefaultCell().setPadding(5); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Type of Voucher", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("City Account Number", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Quantity", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Multiply", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Value", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // // second row phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("Market Bucks", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("201-18-1865003-47240", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); String str = " "; if (bk_bucks.size() > 0) { str = "" + bk_bucks.size(); } ch = new Chunk(str, fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setPadding(4); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("x $3.00 = ", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); str = " "; if (bk_total > 0) { str = "$" + bk_total + ".00"; } ch = new Chunk(str, fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setPadding(4); table.addCell(cell); // // 3rd row phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("$5 Gift Cerificates", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("201-18-1865003-47230", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); str = " "; if (gc5_bucks.size() > 0) { str = "" + gc5_bucks.size(); } ch = new Chunk(str, fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setPadding(4); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("x $5.00 = ", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); str = " "; if (gc5_total > 0) { str = "$" + gc5_total + ".00"; } ch = new Chunk(str, fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setPadding(4); table.addCell(cell); // // 4th row phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("$20 Gift Certificates", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("201-18-1865003-47230", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); str = " "; if (gc20_bucks.size() > 0) { str = "" + gc20_bucks.size(); } ch = new Chunk(str, fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setPadding(4); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("x $20.00 = ", fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); table.addCell(cell); str = " "; if (gc20_total > 0) { str = "$" + gc20_total + ".00"; } phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(str, fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setPadding(4); table.addCell(cell); // // 5th row total phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" Total Value: ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setColspan(4); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("$" + total + ".00", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_RIGHT); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); cell.setPadding(4); cell.setLeading(2f, 1.2f); table.addCell(cell); document.add(table); // // float[] withs5 = { 100f }; table = new PdfPTable(withs5); table.setWidthPercentage(100); cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(" ")); cell.setBorder(Rectangle.BOTTOM); // cell.setBorderColorBottom(Color.BLACK); cell.setBorderWidthBottom(2f); table.addCell(cell); document.add(table); // ch = new Chunk("\n", fnt); phrase = new Phrase(); phrase.add(ch); document.add(phrase); // // float[] widths3 = {50f, 50f}; // percentages table = new PdfPTable(widths3); table.setWidthPercentage(100); // table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" Data Entry Completed by: ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); ch = new Chunk(user.getFullName(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); // phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" Invoice Number: ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); ch = new Chunk(redeem.getId(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); document.add(table); document.add(spacePhrase); document.add(spacePhrase); // // adding bucks and GC // float[] widths4 = { 100f }; // percentages table = new PdfPTable(widths4); table.setWidthPercentage(100); // table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(Rectangle.NO_BORDER); table.getDefaultCell().setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); int row = 1, col = 1; if (bk_bucks.size() > 0) { phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" Market Bucks ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); for (Buck one : bk_bucks) { ch = new Chunk("" + one.getId() + " ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); col++; if (col > 15) { row++; col = 1; cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); } } if (col > 1) { cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); } if (row < 10) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); row++; } } } col = 1; if (gc_bucks.size() > 0) { phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" Gift Certificates ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); for (Buck one : gc_bucks) { ch = new Chunk("" + one.getId() + " ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); col++; if (col > 15) { row++; col = 1; cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); phrase = new Phrase(); } } if (col > 1) { cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); } if (row < 15) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) { phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); row++; } } } if (disputes != null && disputes.size() > 0) { phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" Disputed Market Bucks and/or Gift Certificates (number: reason)", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setBorderWidth(2f); table.addCell(cell); row++; for (Dispute one : disputes) { phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(one.getBuck_id() + ": " + one.getReason(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); if (one.hasNotes()) { ch = new Chunk("\nNotice: " + one.getNotes(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); row++; } cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); row++; } } if (redeem.hasNotes()) { phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk("\nNotice: " + redeem.getNotes(), fnt); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); row++; } if (row < 18) { for (int j = row; j < 18; j++) { phrase = new Phrase(); ch = new Chunk(" ", fntb); phrase.add(ch); cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(cell); } } document.add(table); document.close(); writer.close(); res.setHeader("Expires", "0"); res.setHeader("Cache-Control", "must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0"); res.setHeader("Pragma", "public"); // // setting the content type res.setHeader("Content-Disposition", " attachment; filename=" + filename); res.setContentType("application/pdf"); // // the contentlength is needed for MSIE!!! res.setContentLength(baos.size()); // out = res.getOutputStream(); if (out != null) { baos.writeTo(out); } } catch (Exception ex) { System.err.println(ex); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Outputs a PDF file report of the data in drs to the given * output stream./* ww w. j ava 2s .co m*/ * @throws SQLObjectException * @throws IllegalAccessException * @throws InstantiationException */ public void format(OutputStream out, List<ProfileResult> profileResults) throws DocumentException, IOException, SQLException, SQLObjectException, InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException, ClassNotFoundException { final int minRowsTogether = 1; // counts smaller than this are considered orphan/widow final int mtop = 50; // margin at top of page (in points) final int mbot = 50; // margin at bottom of page (page numbers are below this) // final int pbot = 20; // padding between bottom margin and bottom of body text final int mlft = 50; // margin at left side of page final int mrgt = 50; // margin at right side of page final Rectangle pagesize = PageSize.LETTER.rotate(); final Document document = new Document(pagesize, mlft, mrgt, mtop, mbot); final PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out); final float fsize = 6f; // the font size to use in the table body final BaseFont bf = BaseFont.createFont(BaseFont.HELVETICA, BaseFont.WINANSI, BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); document.addTitle("Table Profiling Report"); document.addSubject("Tables: " + profileResults); document.addAuthor(System.getProperty("")); document.addCreator("Power*Architect version " + ArchitectVersion.APP_FULL_VERSION);; // vertical position where next element should start // (bottom is 0; top is pagesize.height()) float pos = pagesize.height() - mtop; final PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); final PdfTemplate nptemplate = cb.createTemplate(50, 50); writer.setPageEvent(new PdfPageEventHelper() { // prints the "page N of <template>" footer public void onEndPage(PdfWriter writer, Document document) { int pageN = writer.getPageNumber(); String text = "Page " + pageN + " of "; float len = bf.getWidthPoint(text, fsize - 2); cb.beginText(); cb.setFontAndSize(bf, fsize - 2); cb.setTextMatrix(pagesize.width() / 2 - len / 2, mbot / 2); cb.showText(text); cb.endText(); cb.addTemplate(nptemplate, pagesize.width() / 2 - len / 2 + len, mbot / 2); } public void onCloseDocument(PdfWriter writer, Document document) { nptemplate.beginText(); nptemplate.setFontAndSize(bf, fsize - 2); nptemplate.showText(String.valueOf(writer.getPageNumber() - 1)); nptemplate.endText(); } }); document.add(new Paragraph("SQL Power Architect Profiling Report")); document.add(new Paragraph("Generated " + new java.util.Date() + " by " + System.getProperty(""))); float[] widths = new float[totalColumn]; // widths of widest cells per row in pdf table LinkedList<ProfileTableStructure> profiles = new LinkedList<ProfileTableStructure>(); // 1 table per profile result Font f = new Font(bf, fsize); // This ddl generator is set to the appropriate ddl generator for the source database // every time we encounter a table profile result in the list. DDLGenerator ddlg = null; PdfPTable pdfTable = null; for (ProfileResult result : profileResults) { if (result instanceof TableProfileResult) { TableProfileResult tableResult = (TableProfileResult) result; pdfTable = new PdfPTable(widths.length); pdfTable.setWidthPercentage(100f); ProfileTableStructure oneProfile = makeNextTable(tableResult, pdfTable, bf, fsize, widths); profiles.add(oneProfile); ddlg = tableResult.getDDLGenerator(); } else if (result instanceof ColumnProfileResult) { final ColumnProfileResult columnResult = (ColumnProfileResult) result; TableProfileResult tResult = columnResult.getParent(); addBodyRow(tResult, columnResult, ddlg, pdfTable, bf, f, fsize, widths); } } double allowedTableSize = pagesize.width() - mrgt - mlft; double totalWidths = 0; for (int i = 0; i < headings.length; i++) { if (!columnsToTruncate.contains(headings[i])) { widths[i] += PIXELS_PER_BORDER; totalWidths += widths[i]; } } truncateLength = (allowedTableSize - totalWidths - (PIXELS_PER_BORDER * (columnsToTruncate.size()))) / columnsToTruncate.size(); logger.debug("Truncate length is " + truncateLength); widths = new float[totalColumn]; profiles = new LinkedList<ProfileTableStructure>(); // 1 table per profile result for (ProfileResult result : profileResults) { if (result instanceof TableProfileResult) { TableProfileResult tableResult = (TableProfileResult) result; pdfTable = new PdfPTable(widths.length); pdfTable.setWidthPercentage(100f); ProfileTableStructure oneProfile = makeNextTable(tableResult, pdfTable, bf, fsize, widths); profiles.add(oneProfile); ddlg = tableResult.getDDLGenerator(); } else if (result instanceof ColumnProfileResult) { final ColumnProfileResult columnResult = (ColumnProfileResult) result; TableProfileResult tResult = columnResult.getParent(); addBodyRow(tResult, columnResult, ddlg, pdfTable, bf, f, fsize, widths); } } for (int i = 0; i < headings.length; i++) { widths[i] += PIXELS_PER_BORDER; } // add the PdfPTables to the document; try to avoid orphan and widow rows pos = writer.getVerticalPosition(true) - fsize; logger.debug("Starting at pos=" + pos); boolean newPageInd = true; for (ProfileTableStructure profile : profiles) { pdfTable = profile.getMainTable(); pdfTable.setTotalWidth(pagesize.width() - mrgt - mlft); pdfTable.setWidths(widths); resetHeaderWidths(profile, widths); int startrow = pdfTable.getHeaderRows(); int endrow = startrow; // current page will contain header+startrow..endrow /* no other rows in the table, just the header, and the header may * contain error message */ if (endrow == pdfTable.size()) { pos = pdfTable.writeSelectedRows(0, pdfTable.getHeaderRows(), mlft, pos, cb); continue; } while (endrow < pdfTable.size()) { // figure out how many body rows fit nicely on the page float endpos = pos - calcHeaderHeight(pdfTable); // y position of page number# = (mbot/2+fsize) while ((endpos - pdfTable.getRowHeight(endrow)) >= (mbot / 2 + fsize + 2) && endrow < pdfTable.size()) { endpos -= pdfTable.getRowHeight(endrow); endrow++; } // adjust for orphan rows. Might create widows or make // endrow < startrow, which is handled later by deferring the table if (endrow < pdfTable.size() && endrow + minRowsTogether >= pdfTable.size()) { // page # maybe fall into table area, but usually that's column of // min value, usually that's enough space for both, or we should // disable page # on this page if (endrow + 1 == pdfTable.size() && endpos - pdfTable.getRowHeight(endrow) > 10) { // short by 1 row.. just squeeze it in endrow = pdfTable.size(); } else { // more than 1 row remains: shorten this page so orphans aren't lonely endrow = pdfTable.size() - minRowsTogether; } } if (endrow == pdfTable.size() || endrow - startrow >= minRowsTogether) { // this is the end of the table, or we have enough rows to bother printing pos = pdfTable.writeSelectedRows(0, pdfTable.getHeaderRows(), mlft, pos, cb); pos = pdfTable.writeSelectedRows(startrow, endrow, mlft, pos, cb); startrow = endrow; newPageInd = false; } else { // not the end of the table and not enough rows to print out if (newPageInd) throw new IllegalStateException( "PDF Page is not large engouh to display " + minRowsTogether + " row(s)"); endrow = startrow; } // new page if necessary (that is, when we aren't finished the table yet) if (endrow != pdfTable.size()) { document.newPage(); pos = pagesize.height() - mtop; newPageInd = true; } } } document.close(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void convertHSSF2Pdf(Workbook wb, String header, File reportFile) throws Exception { assert wb != null; assert reportFile != null; //Precompute formula FormulaEvaluator evaluator = wb.getCreationHelper().createFormulaEvaluator(); for (int i = 0; i < wb.getNumberOfSheets(); i++) { Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(i);/*w ww . java 2 s . c o m*/ for (Row r : sheet) { for (Cell c : r) { if (c.getCellType() == HSSFCell.CELL_TYPE_FORMULA) { try { evaluator.evaluateFormulaCell(c); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(e); } } } } } File tmp = File.createTempFile("tmp_", ".xlsx"); try (OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(tmp))) { wb.write(out); } //Find page orientation int maxColumnsGlobal = 0; for (int sheetNo = 0; sheetNo < wb.getNumberOfSheets(); sheetNo++) { Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNo); for (Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator(); rowIterator.hasNext();) { Row row =; maxColumnsGlobal = Math.max(maxColumnsGlobal, row.getLastCellNum()); } } Rectangle pageSize = maxColumnsGlobal < 10 ? PageSize.A4 : PageSize.A4.rotate(); Document pdfDocument = new Document(pageSize, 10f, 10f, 20f, 20f); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(pdfDocument, new FileOutputStream(reportFile)); addHeader(writer, header);; //we have two columns in the Excel sheet, so we create a PDF table with two columns //Note: There are ways to make this dynamic in nature, if you want to. //Loop through sheets for (int sheetNo = 0; sheetNo < wb.getNumberOfSheets(); sheetNo++) { Sheet sheet = wb.getSheetAt(sheetNo); //Loop through rows, to find number of columns int minColumns = 1000; int maxColumns = 0; for (Iterator<Row> rowIterator = sheet.iterator(); rowIterator.hasNext();) { Row row =; if (row.getFirstCellNum() >= 0) minColumns = Math.min(minColumns, row.getFirstCellNum()); if (row.getLastCellNum() >= 0) maxColumns = Math.max(maxColumns, row.getLastCellNum()); } if (maxColumns == 0) continue; //Loop through first rows, to find relative width float[] widths = new float[maxColumns]; int totalWidth = 0; for (int c = 0; c < maxColumns; c++) { int w = sheet.getColumnWidth(c); widths[c] = w; totalWidth += w; } for (int c = 0; c < maxColumns; c++) { widths[c] /= totalWidth; } //Create new page and a new chapter with the sheet's name if (sheetNo > 0) pdfDocument.newPage(); Chapter pdfSheet = new Chapter(sheet.getSheetName(), sheetNo + 1); PdfPTable pdfTable = null; PdfPCell pdfCell = null; boolean inTable = false; //Loop through cells, to create the content // boolean leftBorder = true; // boolean[] topBorder = new boolean[maxColumns+1]; for (int r = 0; r <= sheet.getLastRowNum(); r++) { Row row = sheet.getRow(r); //Check if we exited a table (empty line) if (row == null) { if (pdfTable != null) { addTable(pdfDocument, pdfSheet, totalWidth, widths, pdfTable); pdfTable = null; } inTable = false; continue; } //Check if we start a table (>MIN_COL_IN_TABLE columns) if (row.getLastCellNum() >= MIN_COL_IN_TABLE) { inTable = true; } if (!inTable) { //Process the data outside table, just add the text boolean hasData = false; Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator(); while (cellIterator.hasNext()) { Cell cell =; if (cell.getCellType() == Cell.CELL_TYPE_BLANK) continue; Chunk chunk = getChunk(wb, cell); pdfSheet.add(chunk); pdfSheet.add(new Chunk(" ")); hasData = true; } if (hasData) pdfSheet.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); } else { //Process the data in table if (pdfTable == null) { //Create table pdfTable = new PdfPTable(maxColumns); pdfTable.setWidths(widths); // topBorder = new boolean[maxColumns+1]; } int cellNumber = minColumns; // leftBorder = false; Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = row.cellIterator(); while (cellIterator.hasNext()) { Cell cell =; for (; cellNumber < cell.getColumnIndex(); cellNumber++) { pdfCell = new PdfPCell(); pdfCell.setBorder(0); pdfTable.addCell(pdfCell); } Chunk phrase = getChunk(wb, cell); pdfCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(phrase)); pdfCell.setFixedHeight(row.getHeightInPoints() - 3); pdfCell.setNoWrap(!cell.getCellStyle().getWrapText()); pdfCell.setPaddingLeft(1); pdfCell.setHorizontalAlignment( cell.getCellStyle().getAlignment() == CellStyle.ALIGN_CENTER ? PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER : cell.getCellStyle().getAlignment() == CellStyle.ALIGN_RIGHT ? PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT : PdfPCell.ALIGN_LEFT); pdfCell.setUseBorderPadding(false); pdfCell.setUseVariableBorders(false); pdfCell.setBorderWidthRight(cell.getCellStyle().getBorderRight() == 0 ? 0 : .5f); pdfCell.setBorderWidthBottom(cell.getCellStyle().getBorderBottom() == 0 ? 0 : cell.getCellStyle().getBorderBottom() > 1 ? 1 : .5f); pdfCell.setBorderWidthLeft(cell.getCellStyle().getBorderLeft() == 0 ? 0 : cell.getCellStyle().getBorderLeft() > 1 ? 1 : .5f); pdfCell.setBorderWidthTop(cell.getCellStyle().getBorderTop() == 0 ? 0 : cell.getCellStyle().getBorderTop() > 1 ? 1 : .5f); String color = cell.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColorColor() == null ? null : ((XSSFColor) cell.getCellStyle().getFillForegroundColorColor()).getARGBHex(); if (color != null) pdfCell.setBackgroundColor(new Color(Integer.decode("0x" + color.substring(2)))); pdfTable.addCell(pdfCell); cellNumber++; } for (; cellNumber < maxColumns; cellNumber++) { pdfCell = new PdfPCell(); pdfCell.setBorder(0); pdfTable.addCell(pdfCell); } } //Custom code to add all images on the first sheet (works for reporting) if (sheetNo == 0 && row.getRowNum() == 0) { for (PictureData pd : wb.getAllPictures()) { try { Image pdfImg = Image.getInstance(pd.getData()); pdfImg.scaleToFit( pageSize.getWidth() * .8f - pageSize.getBorderWidthLeft() - pageSize.getBorderWidthRight(), pageSize.getHeight() * .8f - pageSize.getBorderWidthTop() - pageSize.getBorderWidthBottom()); pdfSheet.add(pdfImg); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } if (pdfTable != null) { addTable(pdfDocument, pdfSheet, totalWidth, widths, pdfTable); } pdfDocument.add(pdfSheet); } pdfDocument.close(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void create(String mchtId, String selMchtId, String path, List<Object[]> list, LinkedHashMap<String, List<Object[]>> map, Set<String> set) throws Exception { BaseFont bfChinese = BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); ////from w w w . jav a 2 s . c o m Font font17 = new Font(bfChinese, 17, Font.BOLD); Font font8 = new Font(bfChinese, 8, Font.NORMAL); Font font9 = new Font(bfChinese, 9, Font.NORMAL); Font font9Bold = new Font(bfChinese, 9, Font.BOLD); Font font8Red = new Font(bfChinese, 8, Font.NORMAL); font8Red.setColor(Color.RED); Font font8Green = new Font(bfChinese, 8, Font.NORMAL); font8Green.setColor(Color.GREEN);"Starting build document..."); Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 36, 36, 36, 36); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(path));; LINECANVAS border = new LINECANVAS(); // float[] widths = { 0.1f, 0.35f, 0.35f, 0.1f, 0.1f }; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(widths); table.setWidthPercentage(100); table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); table.getDefaultCell().setFixedHeight(12); //CELL PdfPCell cellMchntId = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(mchtId, font8)); cellMchntId.setBorder(PdfPCell.BOTTOM); cellMchntId.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); PdfPCell cellMchntName = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(InformationUtil.getMchtName(mchtId), font8)); cellMchntName.setBorder(PdfPCell.BOTTOM); cellMchntName.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); String point = InformationUtil.getCurPaperPoint(selMchtId); PdfPCell cellPoint; cellPoint = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(point, font8Red)); cellPoint.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); cellPoint.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); PdfPCell cellLevel; String level = InformationUtil.getCurPaperLevel(selMchtId); if (Integer.valueOf(point) >= 60) { cellLevel = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(level, font8Green)); } else { cellLevel = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph(level, font8Red)); } cellLevel.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); cellLevel.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); // Image img = Image.getInstance( ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getResource("/ext/resources/images/Title_logo.gif")); img.scalePercent(70); float w = img.getScaledWidth(); float h = img.getScaledHeight(); writer.getDirectContent().addImage(img, w, 0, 0, h, 36, PageSize.A4.getHeight() - 36 - h); // PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("?", font17)); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setColspan(5); cell.setFixedHeight(h); cell.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); table.addCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setFixedHeight(20); cell.setColspan(5); cell.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); table.addCell(cell); table.addCell(new Paragraph("?", font8)); table.addCell(cellMchntId); table.addCell(" "); table.addCell(new Paragraph(": ", font8)); table.addCell(cellPoint); table.addCell(new Paragraph("??", font8)); table.addCell(cellMchntName); table.addCell(" "); table.addCell(new Paragraph(": ", font8)); table.addCell(cellLevel); document.add(table); document.add(new Paragraph("\n\n")); //? PdfPTable t = new PdfPTable(1); Iterator<Object[]> it0 = list.iterator(); int i = 1; while (it0.hasNext()) { Object[] obj =; PdfPCell c = new PdfPCell(); c.addElement(new Paragraph("Q" + String.valueOf(i++) + "" + obj[1].toString(), font9Bold)); List<Object[]> opts = map.get(obj[0].toString()); String opt = ""; Iterator<Object[]> it1 = opts.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { Object[] o =; if (set.contains(o[0])) { opt += "? "; opt += o[1].toString(); opt += " "; } else { opt += " "; opt += o[1].toString(); opt += " "; } } c.addElement(new Paragraph(opt.trim(), font9)); c.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); if (i - 1 != list.size()) { c.setCellEvent(border); } t.addCell(c); } PdfPTable oTable = new PdfPTable(1); oTable.setWidthPercentage(100); PdfPCell ce = new PdfPCell(t); ce.setBorderColor(Color.GRAY); oTable.addCell(ce); document.add(oTable); document.close();"Finish build document..."); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void create(String path, List<Object[]> list, LinkedHashMap<String, List<Object[]>> map) throws Exception { BaseFont bfChinese = BaseFont.createFont("STSong-Light", "UniGB-UCS2-H", BaseFont.NOT_EMBEDDED); //// w w w.j a v a 2 s. c om Font font17 = new Font(bfChinese, 17, Font.BOLD); Font font8 = new Font(bfChinese, 8, Font.NORMAL); Font font10 = new Font(bfChinese, 10, Font.NORMAL); Font font10Bold = new Font(bfChinese, 10, Font.BOLD); Font font8Red = new Font(bfChinese, 8, Font.NORMAL); font8Red.setColor(Color.RED); Font font8Green = new Font(bfChinese, 8, Font.NORMAL); font8Green.setColor(Color.GREEN);"Starting build document..."); Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 36, 36, 36, 36); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(path));; LINECANVAS border = new LINECANVAS(); // float[] widths = { 0.1f, 0.35f, 0.55f }; PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(widths); table.setWidthPercentage(100); table.getDefaultCell().setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); table.getDefaultCell().setFixedHeight(12); //CELL PdfPCell cellMchntId = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX", font8)); cellMchntId.setBorder(PdfPCell.BOTTOM); cellMchntId.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); PdfPCell cellMchntName = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("?", font8)); cellMchntName.setBorder(PdfPCell.BOTTOM); cellMchntName.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); // Image img = Image.getInstance( ServletActionContext.getServletContext().getResource("/ext/resources/images/Title_logo.gif")); img.scalePercent(70); float w = img.getScaledWidth(); float h = img.getScaledHeight(); writer.getDirectContent().addImage(img, w, 0, 0, h, 36, PageSize.A4.getHeight() - 36 - h); // PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Paragraph("?", font17)); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_MIDDLE); cell.setColspan(3); cell.setFixedHeight(h); cell.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); table.addCell(cell); cell = new PdfPCell(); cell.setFixedHeight(20); cell.setColspan(3); cell.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); table.addCell(cell); table.addCell(new Paragraph("?", font8)); table.addCell(cellMchntId); table.addCell(" "); table.addCell(new Paragraph("??", font8)); table.addCell(cellMchntName); table.addCell(" "); document.add(table); document.add(new Paragraph("\n\n")); //? PdfPTable t = new PdfPTable(1); Iterator<Object[]> it0 = list.iterator(); int i = 1; while (it0.hasNext()) { Object[] obj =; PdfPCell c = new PdfPCell(); c.addElement(new Paragraph("Q" + String.valueOf(i++) + "" + obj[1].toString(), font10Bold)); List<Object[]> opts = map.get(obj[0].toString()); String opt = ""; Iterator<Object[]> it1 = opts.iterator(); while (it1.hasNext()) { Object[] o =; opt += " "; opt += o[1].toString(); opt += " "; } c.addElement(new Paragraph(opt.trim(), font10)); c.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); if (i - 1 != list.size()) { c.setCellEvent(border); } t.addCell(c); } PdfPTable oTable = new PdfPTable(1); oTable.setWidthPercentage(100); PdfPCell ce = new PdfPCell(t); ce.setBorderColor(Color.GRAY); oTable.addCell(ce); document.add(oTable); document.close();"Finish build document..."); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void createPdfFromText(StringBuilder text, File pdfFile) { Document output = null;/*from w w w . j av a 2 s. c o m*/ try { BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(text.toString())); // Size DIN A4 // see com.lowagie.text.PageSize for a complete list of page-size constants. output = new Document(PageSize.A4, 40, 40, 40, 40); float fntSize, lineSpacing; fntSize = 9f; lineSpacing = 11f; Font font1 = FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.COURIER, fntSize); Font font2 = FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.COURIER, fntSize); font2.setColor(Color.BLUE); Font font3 = FontFactory.getFont(FontFactory.COURIER, fntSize); font3.setColor(Color.RED); PdfWriter.getInstance(output, new FileOutputStream(pdfFile));; output.addAuthor("Steinbeis"); output.addSubject("Debug Info"); output.addTitle(pdfFile.getName()); String line = ""; while (null != (line = input.readLine())) { Font ft = font1; if (line.startsWith("%")) { ft = font2; } if (line.startsWith("% ^^^") || line.startsWith("% vvv")) { ft = font3; } Paragraph p = new Paragraph(lineSpacing, line, ft); p.setAlignment(Element.ALIGN_JUSTIFIED); output.add(p); } output.close(); input.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Problem creating debug info pdf file", e); } }
From source
License:Apache License
/** * Writes a chart to an output stream in PDF format. * * @param out the output stream.//from w w w . j ava 2s . co m * @param chart the chart. * @param width the chart width. * @param height the chart height. * */ public void writeChartAsPDF(OutputStream out, JFreeChart chart, int width, int height, FontMapper mapper) { com.lowagie.text.Rectangle pagesize = new com.lowagie.text.Rectangle(width, height); Document document = new Document(pagesize, 50.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f, 50.0f); try { PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out); document.addAuthor("ChartMechanic"); document.addSubject("ChartMechanic PDF");; PdfContentByte cb = writer.getDirectContent(); PdfTemplate tp = cb.createTemplate(width, height); Graphics2D g2 = tp.createGraphics(width, height, mapper); Rectangle2D r2D = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height); chart.draw(g2, r2D); g2.dispose(); cb.addTemplate(tp, 0, 0); } catch (DocumentException de) { System.err.println(de.getMessage()); } document.close(); }