Java com.lowagie.text Cell fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass

Example usage for Java com.lowagie.text Cell fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass


In this page you can find the methods, fields and constructors for com.lowagie.text Cell.

The text is from its open source code.


com.lowagie.text.Cell has subclasses.
Click this link to see all its subclasses.


Cell(boolean dummy)
Constructs an empty Cell (for internal use only).
Cell(String content)
Constructs a Cell with a certain content.

The String will be converted into a Paragraph.

Cell(Element element)
Constructs a Cell with a certain Element.

if the element is a ListItem, Row or Cell, an exception will be thrown.

Constructs an empty Cell.


booleanadd(Object o)
Add an Object to this cell.
voidaddElement(Element element)
Adds an element to this Cell.
Gets the colspan.
Gets an iterator of Elements.
Gets the horizontal alignment.
Gets the rowspan.
Gets the vertical alignment.
voidsetColspan(int value)
Sets the colspan.
voidsetHeader(boolean value)
Sets header.
voidsetHorizontalAlignment(int value)
Sets the horizontal alignment.
voidsetHorizontalAlignment(String alignment)
Sets the alignment of this cell.
voidsetLeading(float value)
Sets the leading.
voidsetMaxLines(int value)
Setter for maxLines
voidsetRowspan(int value)
Sets the rowspan.
voidsetUseAscender(boolean use)
Sets the value of useAscender.
voidsetUseDescender(boolean use)
Sets the value of useDescender.
voidsetVerticalAlignment(int value)
Sets the vertical alignment.
voidsetVerticalAlignment(String alignment)
Sets the alignment of this paragraph.
voidsetWidth(float value)
Sets the width.
voidsetWidth(String value)
Sets the width.