Example usage for Java com.jgoodies.looks Options fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
String | PLASTIC_NAME The class name of the JGoodies Plastic L&f. |
String | PLASTIC3D_NAME The class name of the JGoodies Plastic3D L&f. |
String | PLASTICXP_NAME The class name of the JGoodies PlasticXP L&f. |
String | JGOODIES_WINDOWS_NAME The class name of the JGoodies Windows L&f. |
String | USE_SYSTEM_FONTS_KEY A convenience constant for the standard Swing system property key that configures the use of system fonts. |
String | USE_SYSTEM_FONTS_APP_KEY A convenience constant for the standard Swing UIDefaults key that configures the use of system fonts. |
String | PLASTIC_MICRO_LAYOUT_POLICY_KEY A UIManager key for setting a custom MicroLayoutPolicy for the Plastic L&fs. |
String | POPUP_DROP_SHADOW_ENABLED_KEY A UIDefaults key for the popup drop shadow enablement. |
String | HEADER_STYLE_KEY A client property key for JMenuBar and JToolBar style hints. |
String | NO_ICONS_KEY A JMenu client property key for a hint that the menu items in the menu have no icons. |
String | NO_CONTENT_BORDER_KEY A JTabbedPane client property key that indicates that no content border shall be painted. |
String | EMBEDDED_TABS_KEY A JTabbedPane client property key that indicates that tabs are painted with a special embedded appearance. |
String | COMBO_POPUP_PROTOTYPE_DISPLAY_VALUE_KEY A JComboBox client property key for the combo's popup menu prototype display value. |
String | getCrossPlatformLookAndFeelClassName() Returns the class name for a cross-platform LookAndFeel . |
String | getSystemLookAndFeelClassName() Returns the class name for a system specific LookAndFeel . |
void | setDefaultIconSize(Dimension defaultIconSize) Sets the default icon size. |
void | setHiResGrayFilterEnabled(boolean b) Enables or disables the new high-resolution gray filter globally. |
void | setPopupDropShadowEnabled(boolean b) Enables or disables drop shadows in PopupMenus. |
void | setTabIconsEnabled(boolean b) Enables or disables the use of icons in JTabbedPanes. |
void | setUseNarrowButtons(boolean b) Globally sets the use narrow or standard button margins. In previous versions of the JGoodies Looks this setting was supported also for individual buttons - primarily to offer visual backward compatibility with Sun L&Fs. |
void | setUseSystemFonts(boolean useSystemFonts) Sets a value in the UIManager to indicate, that a look&feel may use the native system fonts. |