Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text Section fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
boolean | add(final Element element) Adds a Paragraph , List , Table or another Section to this Section . |
Section | addSection(final Paragraph title) Creates a Section , adds it to this Section and returns it. |
Section | addSection(final String title) Adds a Section to this Section and returns it. |
Section | addSection(final float indentation, final Paragraph title) Creates a Section , adds it to this Section and returns it. |
Section | addSection(final Paragraph title, final int numberDepth) Creates a Section , add it to this Section and returns it. |
Section | addSection(final String title, final int numberDepth) Adds a Section to this Section and returns it. |
Section | addSection(final float indentation, final String title) Adds a Section to this Section and returns it. |
int | getDepth() Returns the depth of this section. |
Paragraph | getTitle() Returns the title, preceded by a certain number of sectionnumbers. |
void | setComplete(final boolean complete) |
void | setIndentationLeft(final float indentation) Sets the indentation of this Section on the left side. |
void | setIndentationRight(final float indentation) Sets the indentation of this Section on the right side. |
void | setNumberDepth(final int numberDepth) Sets the depth of the sectionnumbers that will be shown preceding the title. |
void | setTitle(final Paragraph title) Sets the title of this section. |
void | setTriggerNewPage(final boolean triggerNewPage) Setter for property triggerNewPage. |