List of usage examples for com.itextpdf.text PageSize LETTER
Rectangle LETTER
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License:Open Source License
public UIExporterPDFPanel() { initComponents();//from ww w. j a v a 2 s . c om sizeFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); sizeFormatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(3); marginFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(); marginFormatter.setMaximumFractionDigits(1); //Page size model - DefaultComboBoxModel comboBoxModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel(); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.A0, "A0", 841, 1189, 33.1, 46.8)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.A1, "A1", 594, 841, 23.4, 33.1)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.A2, "A2", 420, 594, 16.5, 23.4)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.A3, "A3", 297, 420, 11.7, 16.5)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.A4, "A4", 210, 297, 8.3, 11.7)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.A5, "A5", 148, 210, 5.8, 8.3)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.ARCH_A, "ARCH A", 229, 305, 9, 12)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.ARCH_B, "ARCH B", 305, 457, 12, 18)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.ARCH_C, "ARCH C", 457, 610, 18, 24)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.ARCH_D, "ARCH D", 610, 914, 24, 36)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.ARCH_E, "ARCH E", 914, 1219, 36, 48)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.B0, "B0", 1000, 1414, 39.4, 55.7)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.B1, "B1", 707, 1000, 27.8, 39.4)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.B2, "B2", 500, 707, 19.7, 27.8)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.B3, "B3", 353, 500, 13.9, 19.7)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.B4, "B4", 250, 353, 9.8, 13.9)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.B5, "B5", 176, 250, 6.9, 9.8)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.LEDGER, "Ledger", 432, 279, 17, 11)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.LEGAL, "Legal", 216, 356, 8.5, 14)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.LETTER, "Letter", 216, 279, 8.5, 11)); comboBoxModel.addElement(new PageSizeItem(PageSize.TABLOID, "Tabloid", 279, 432, 11, 17)); customSizeString = NbBundle.getMessage(UIExporterPDFPanel.class, "UIExporterPDFPanel.pageSize.custom"); comboBoxModel.addElement(customSizeString); pageSizeCombo.setModel(comboBoxModel); loadPreferences(); initEvents(); refreshUnit(false); }
From source
License:Open Source License
public static void generateReport(XtextEditor sourcePage, final Shell shell) { final IXtextDocument myDocument = ((XtextEditor) sourcePage).getDocument(); myDocument.modify(new IUnitOfWork.Void<XtextResource>() { @Override/*from w ww. j av a 2 s. c om*/ public void process(XtextResource resource) throws Exception { Map<String, Map<String, ModObject>> cellMap = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ModObject>>(); Dom4Mod dom4Mod = (Dom4Mod) resource.getContents().get(0); EList<AbstractElement> elements = dom4Mod.getElements(); for (AbstractElement element : elements) { if (element instanceof SelectArmorById || element instanceof SelectArmorByName) { String name = getSelectArmorname((Armor) element); if (name == null) continue; String id = getArmorid((Armor) element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(ARMOR); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(ARMOR, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(id); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(id, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Armor) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof NewArmor) { String name = getArmorname((Armor) element); String id = getArmorid((Armor) element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(ARMOR); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(ARMOR, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(id); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(id, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Armor) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof SelectWeaponById || element instanceof SelectWeaponByName) { String name = getSelectWeaponname((Weapon) element); String id = getWeaponid((Weapon) element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(WEAPONS); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(WEAPONS, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(id); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(id, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Weapon) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof NewWeapon) { String name = getWeaponname((Weapon) element); String id = getWeaponid((Weapon) element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(WEAPONS); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(WEAPONS, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(id); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(id, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Weapon) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof SelectMonsterById || element instanceof SelectMonsterByName) { String name = getSelectMonstername((Monster) element); String id = getMonsterid((Monster) element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(MONSTERS); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(MONSTERS, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(id); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(id, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Monster) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof NewMonster) { String name = getMonstername((Monster) element); String id = getMonsterid((Monster) element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(MONSTERS); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(MONSTERS, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(id); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(id, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Monster) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof SelectSpellById || element instanceof SelectSpellByName) { String name = getSelectSpellname((Spell) element); String id = getSpellid((Spell) element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(SPELLS); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(SPELLS, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(id); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(id, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Spell) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof NewSpell) { String name = getSpellname((Spell) element); //String id = getSpellid((Spell)element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(SPELLS); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(SPELLS, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(name); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = "" + name; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(name, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Spell) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof SelectItemById || element instanceof SelectItemByName) { String name = getSelectItemname((Item) element); String id = getItemid((Item) element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(ITEMS); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(ITEMS, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(id); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(id, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Item) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof NewItem) { String name = getItemname((Item) element); //String id = getItemid((Item)element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(ITEMS); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(ITEMS, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(name); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(name, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Item) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof SelectSiteById || element instanceof SelectSiteByName) { String name = getSelectSitename((Site) element); String id = getSiteid((Site) element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(SITES); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(SITES, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(id); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(id, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Site) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof NewSite) { String name = getSitename((Site) element); String id = getSiteid((Site) element); Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(SITES); if (map == null) { map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); cellMap.put(SITES, map); } ModObject modObject = map.get(id); if (modObject == null) { modObject = new ModObject(); modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); map.put(id, modObject); } setPropertyValues((Site) element, modObject.propertyMap); } else if (element instanceof SelectNation) { // String name = getSelectNationname((Nation)element); // String id = getNationid((Nation)element); // // Map<String, ModObject> map = cellMap.get(NATIONS); // if (map == null) { // map = new HashMap<String, ModObject>(); // cellMap.put(NATIONS, map); // } // ModObject modObject = map.get(id); // if (modObject == null) { // modObject = new ModObject(); // modObject.title = name + " (" + id + ")"; // modObject.propertyMap = new HashMap<String, PropertyValues>(); // map.put(id, modObject); // } // setPropertyValues((SelectNation)element, modObject.propertyMap, resource); } } try { // step 1 Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER.rotate()); // step 2 File tempFile = File.createTempFile("dom4editor", ".pdf"); tempFile.deleteOnExit(); FileOutputStream tempFileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, tempFileOutputStream); // step 3; List<Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ModObject>>> cellList = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ModObject>>>(); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ModObject>> innerEntry : cellMap.entrySet()) { cellList.add(innerEntry); } Collections.sort(cellList, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ModObject>>>() { @Override public int compare(Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ModObject>> o1, Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ModObject>> o2) { return o1.getKey().compareTo(o2.getKey()); } }); for (Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ModObject>> entry : cellList) { PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(1); table.setWidthPercentage(100f); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(entry.getKey(), TITLE)); cell.setBackgroundColor(BaseColor.LIGHT_GRAY); cell.setFixedHeight(26f); cell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); cell.setVerticalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_BOTTOM); table.addCell(cell); table.setHeaderRows(1); List<Map.Entry<String, ModObject>> list = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<String, ModObject>>(); for (Map.Entry<String, ModObject> innerEntry : entry.getValue().entrySet()) { list.add(innerEntry); } Collections.sort(list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<String, ModObject>>() { @Override public int compare(Map.Entry<String, ModObject> o1, Map.Entry<String, ModObject> o2) { return o1.getValue().title.compareTo(o2.getValue().title); } }); PdfPTable propertyTable = null; if (entry.getKey().equals(ARMOR)) { propertyTable = getTable(new String[] { "name", "type", "prot", "def", "enc", "rcost" }, new String[] { "Name", "Type", "Prot", "Def", "Enc", "Rcost" }, new ValueTranslator[] { null, new ValueTranslator() { @Override public String translate(String value) { if (value == null) return null; if (value.equals("4")) return "Shield"; if (value.equals("5")) return "Body Armor"; if (value.equals("6")) return "Helmet"; return "Unknown"; } }, null, null, null, null }, null, list); propertyTable.setWidths(new float[] { 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }); } if (entry.getKey().equals(WEAPONS)) { propertyTable = getTable( new String[] { "name", "dmg", "att", "nratt", "def", "len", "range", "ammo", "rcost" }, new String[] { "Name", "Dmg", "Att", "Nratt", "Def", "Len", "Range", "Ammo", "Rcost" }, null, null, list); propertyTable.setWidths(new float[] { 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }); } if (entry.getKey().equals(MONSTERS)) { propertyTable = getTable( new String[] { "name", "hp", "prot", "MOVE", "size", "ressize", "str", "enc", "att", "def", "prec", "mr", "mor", "gcost", "rcost" }, new String[] { "Name", "HP", "Prot", "Move", "Size", "Rsize", "Str", "Enc", "Att", "Def", "Prec", "MR", "Mor", "Gcost", "Rcost" }, null, new ValueCombiner[] { null, null, null, new ValueCombiner() { @Override public String translate(String[] value) { if (value[0] == null && value[1] == null) return null; return value[0] + "/" + value[1]; } @Override public String[] getNeededColumns() { return new String[] { "mapmove", "ap" }; } }, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }, list); propertyTable.setWidths(new float[] { 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }); } if (entry.getKey().equals(ITEMS)) { propertyTable = getTable( new String[] { "name", "constlevel", "PATH", "type", "weapon", "armor" }, new String[] { "Name", "Constlevel", "Path Req", "Type", "Weapon", "Armor" }, new ValueTranslator[] { null, null, null, new ValueTranslator() { @Override public String translate(String value) { if (value == null) return null; if (value.equals("1")) return "1-h Weapon"; if (value.equals("2")) return "2-h Weapon"; if (value.equals("3")) return "Missile Weapon"; if (value.equals("4")) return "Shield"; if (value.equals("5")) return "Body Armor"; if (value.equals("6")) return "Helmet"; if (value.equals("7")) return "Boots"; if (value.equals("8")) return "Misc"; return "Unknown"; } }, null, null }, new ValueCombiner[] { null, null, new ValueCombiner() { @Override public String translate(String[] value) { if (value[0] == null && value[1] == null && value[2] == null && value[3] == null) return null; StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); if (value[0] != null && !value[0].equals("null")) { buf.append(getPathName(Integer.parseInt(value[0])) + value[1]); } if (value[2] != null && !value[2].equals("null") && !value[2].equals("-1")) { buf.append(getPathName(Integer.parseInt(value[2])) + value[3]); } return buf.toString(); } @Override public String[] getNeededColumns() { return new String[] { "mainpath", "mainlevel", "secondarypath", "secondarylevel" }; } }, null, null, null }, list); propertyTable.setWidths(new float[] { 2.5f, 1, 1, 1, 2.5f, 2.5f }); } if (entry.getKey().equals(SPELLS)) { propertyTable = getTable( new String[] { "name", "school", "researchlevel", "aoe", "damage", "effect", "fatiguecost", "nreff", "range", "precision", "spec", "nextspell" }, new String[] { "Name", "School", "Research", "AOE", "Damage", "Effect", "Fatigue", "Nreff", "Range", "Precision", "Spec", "Nextspell" }, null, null, list); propertyTable.setWidths(new float[] { 3, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }); } if (entry.getKey().equals(NATIONS)) { propertyTable = getTable(new String[] { "name", "startsite1", "startsite2", "startsite3", "startsite4", "era", "startfort" }, list); propertyTable.setWidths(new float[] { 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }); } if (entry.getKey().equals(SITES)) { propertyTable = getTable( new String[] { "name", "path", "level", "rarity", "loc", "homemon", "homecom", "gold", "res" }, new String[] { "Name", "Path", "Level", "Rarity", "Loc", "Homemon", "Homecom", "Gold", "Res" }, new ValueTranslator[] { null, new ValueTranslator() { @Override public String translate(String value) { if (value == null) return null; if (value.equals("0")) return "Fire"; if (value.equals("1")) return "Air"; if (value.equals("2")) return "Water"; if (value.equals("3")) return "Earth"; if (value.equals("4")) return "Astral"; if (value.equals("5")) return "Death"; if (value.equals("6")) return "Nature"; if (value.equals("7")) return "Blood"; return "Unknown"; } }, null, null, null, null, null, null, null }, null, list); propertyTable.setWidths(new float[] { 5, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }); } PdfPCell innerCell = new PdfPCell(); innerCell.addElement(propertyTable); innerCell.setBorder(PdfPCell.NO_BORDER); innerCell.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); table.addCell(innerCell); document.add(table); document.newPage(); } document.close(); tempFileOutputStream.flush(); tempFileOutputStream.close(); Program pdfViewer = Program.findProgram("pdf"); if (pdfViewer != null) { pdfViewer.execute(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); } else { FileDialog dialog = new FileDialog(shell, SWT.SAVE); dialog.setFilterExtensions(new String[] { "*.pdf" }); if ( != null) { FileInputStream from = null; FileOutputStream to = null; try { String filterPath = dialog.getFilterPath(); String name = dialog.getFileName(); from = new FileInputStream(new File(tempFile.getAbsolutePath())); to = new FileOutputStream(new File(filterPath + File.separator + name)); byte[] buffer = new byte[4096]; int bytesRead; while ((bytesRead = != -1) { to.write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); // write } } finally { if (from != null) { from.close(); } if (to != null) { to.close(); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); }
From source
public void tablaToPdf(JTable jTable, File pdfNewFile, String title) { try {/*from w w w. j a v a 2s .c om*/ Font subCategoryFont = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA, 16, Font.BOLD); Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER.rotate()); PdfWriter writer = null; try { writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(pdfNewFile)); } catch (FileNotFoundException fileNotFoundException) { Message.showErrorMessage(fileNotFoundException.getMessage()); } writer.setBoxSize("art", new Rectangle(150, 10, 700, 580)); writer.setPageEvent(new HeaderFooterPageEvent());; document.addTitle(title); document.addSubject("Reporte"); document.addKeywords("reportes, gestion, pdf"); document.addAuthor("Gestion de Proyectos de software"); document.addCreator("gestion de proyectos"); Paragraph parrafo = new Paragraph(title, subCategoryFont); PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(jTable.getColumnCount()); table.setWidthPercentage(100); PdfPCell columnHeader; for (int column = 0; column < jTable.getColumnCount(); column++) { Font font = new Font(Font.FontFamily.HELVETICA); font.setColor(255, 255, 255); columnHeader = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(jTable.getColumnName(column), font)); columnHeader.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_LEFT); columnHeader.setBackgroundColor(new BaseColor(96, 125, 139)); table.addCell(columnHeader); } table.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(new BaseColor(255, 255, 255)); table.setHeaderRows(1); BaseColor verdad = new BaseColor(255, 255, 255); BaseColor falso = new BaseColor(214, 230, 244); boolean bandera = false; for (int row = 0; row < jTable.getRowCount(); row++) { for (int column = 0; column < jTable.getColumnCount(); column++) { if (bandera) { table.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(verdad); } else { table.getDefaultCell().setBackgroundColor(falso); } table.addCell(jTable.getValueAt(row, column).toString()); bandera = !bandera; } } parrafo.add(table); document.add(parrafo); document.close(); //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Se ha creado el pdf en " + pdfNewFile.getPath(), // "RESULTADO", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE); } catch (DocumentException documentException) { System.out.println("Se ha producido un error " + documentException); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Se ha producido un error" + documentException, "ERROR", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
private void createPDF(OutputStream out, String[][] array) throws IOException, DocumentException { Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER.rotate()); PdfWriter.getInstance(document, out);;/*from w w w . jav a 2 s. c o m*/ PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(array[0].length); table.setTotalWidth((float) array.length * PDFOutput.CELL_WIDTH); table.setLockedWidth(true); table.setHorizontalAlignment(Element.ALIGN_CENTER); for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < array[0].length; j++) { addCell(table, array[i][j], (j % 2) != 0, (i % 2) != 0, j == 0, i == 0); } } document.add(table); document.close(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET, value = "receipt.print") public void downloadDocument(HttpServletResponse response, @RequestParam(value = "id", required = false) Integer id) throws Exception { if (id == null) { return;// ww w.j a v a 2 s.c o m } // creation of the document with a certain size and certain margins // may want to use PageSize.LETTER instead // Document document = new Document(PageSize.A4, 50, 50, 50, 50); Document doc = new Document(); PdfWriter docWriter = null; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00"); File tmpFile = File.createTempFile("paymentReceipt", ".pdf"); try { //special font sizes Font bfBold12 = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12, Font.BOLD, new BaseColor(0, 0, 0)); Font bf12 = new Font(Font.FontFamily.TIMES_ROMAN, 12); //file path docWriter = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, new FileOutputStream(tmpFile)); //document header attributes doc.addAuthor("betterThanZero"); doc.addCreationDate(); doc.addProducer(); doc.addCreator(""); doc.addTitle("Report with Column Headings"); doc.setPageSize(PageSize.LETTER); //open document; //create a paragraph Paragraph paragraph = new Paragraph("iText is a library that allows you to create and " + "manipulate PDF documents. It enables developers looking to enhance web and other " + "applications with dynamic PDF document generation and/or manipulation."); //specify column widths float[] columnWidths = { 1.5f, 2f, 5f, 2f }; //create PDF table with the given widths PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(columnWidths); // set table width a percentage of the page width table.setWidthPercentage(90f); //insert column headings insertCell(table, "Order No", Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1, bfBold12); insertCell(table, "Account No", Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 1, bfBold12); insertCell(table, "Account Name", Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 1, bfBold12); insertCell(table, "Order Total", Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1, bfBold12); table.setHeaderRows(1); //insert an empty row insertCell(table, "", Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 4, bfBold12); //create section heading by cell merging insertCell(table, "New York Orders ...", Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 4, bfBold12); double orderTotal, total = 0; //just some random data to fill for (int x = 1; x < 5; x++) { insertCell(table, "10010" + x, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1, bf12); insertCell(table, "ABC00" + x, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 1, bf12); insertCell(table, "This is Customer Number ABC00" + x, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 1, bf12); orderTotal = Double.valueOf(df.format(Math.random() * 1000)); total = total + orderTotal; insertCell(table, df.format(orderTotal), Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1, bf12); } //merge the cells to create a footer for that section insertCell(table, "New York Total...", Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 3, bfBold12); insertCell(table, df.format(total), Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1, bfBold12); //repeat the same as above to display another location insertCell(table, "", Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 4, bfBold12); insertCell(table, "California Orders ...", Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 4, bfBold12); orderTotal = 0; for (int x = 1; x < 7; x++) { insertCell(table, "20020" + x, Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1, bf12); insertCell(table, "XYZ00" + x, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 1, bf12); insertCell(table, "This is Customer Number XYZ00" + x, Element.ALIGN_LEFT, 1, bf12); orderTotal = Double.valueOf(df.format(Math.random() * 1000)); total = total + orderTotal; insertCell(table, df.format(orderTotal), Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1, bf12); } insertCell(table, "California Total...", Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 3, bfBold12); insertCell(table, df.format(total), Element.ALIGN_RIGHT, 1, bfBold12); //add the PDF table to the paragraph paragraph.add(table); // add the paragraph to the document doc.add(paragraph); } catch (DocumentException dex) { dex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { if (doc != null) { //close the document doc.close(); } if (docWriter != null) { //close the writer docWriter.close(); } response.setHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment; filename=" + "sampleDoc" + ".pdf"); response.setContentType("application/pdf"); OutputStream outputStream = response.getOutputStream(); FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(tmpFile); IOUtils.copy(fileInputStream, outputStream); fileInputStream.close(); outputStream.flush(); tmpFile.delete(); } }
From source
License:Apache License
public void exportData(OutputStream out, Json data) throws IOException { try {// ww w. ja va 2s . co m Document doc = new Document(PageSize.LETTER.rotate()); PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, out);; //addMetaData(doc); addContent(doc, data); doc.close(); } catch (DocumentException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Create a PDF File/*from www . j av a2 s.c om*/ * @author Yamel Senih,, ERPCyA 02/04/2014, 22:52:09 * @param outFile * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws DocumentException * @return void */ private void createPDF(File outFile) throws FileNotFoundException, DocumentException { Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(outFile)); PDFHeaderAndFooter event = new PDFHeaderAndFooter(); writer.setPageEvent(event);; // document.addAuthor(ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.app_name)); document.addCreationDate(); // Paragraph title = new Paragraph(m_reportQuery.getInfoReport().getName()); // Set Font title.getFont().setStyle(Font.BOLD); // Set Alignment title.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER); // Add Title document.add(title); // Add New Line document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // Parameters ProcessInfoParameter[] param = m_pi.getParameter(); // Get Parameter if (param != null) { // boolean isFirst = true; // Iterate for (ProcessInfoParameter para : param) { // Get SQL Name String name = para.getInfo(); StringBuffer textParameter = new StringBuffer(); if (para.getParameter() == null && para.getParameter_To() == null) continue; else { // Add Parameters Title if (isFirst) { Paragraph titleParam = new Paragraph( ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.msg_ReportParameters)); // Set Font titleParam.getFont().setStyle(Font.BOLDITALIC); // Add to Document document.add(titleParam); isFirst = false; } // Add Parameters Name if (para.getParameter() != null && para.getParameter_To() != null) { // From and To is filled // textParameter.append(name).append(" => ").append(para.getDisplayValue()).append(" <= ") .append(para.getDisplayValue_To()); } else if (para.getParameter() != null) { // Only From // textParameter.append(name).append(" = ").append(para.getDisplayValue()); } else if (para.getParameter_To() != null) { // Only To // textParameter.append(name).append(" <= ").append(para.getDisplayValue_To()); } } // Add to Document Paragraph viewParam = new Paragraph(textParameter.toString()); document.add(viewParam); } } document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // InfoReportField[] columns = m_reportQuery.getColumns(); // Add Table PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(columns.length); table.setSpacingBefore(4); // Add Header PdfPCell headerCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(m_reportQuery.getInfoReport().getName())); headerCell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER); headerCell.setColspan(columns.length); // Add to Table table.addCell(headerCell); // Add Header // Decimal and Date Format DecimalFormat[] cDecimalFormat = new DecimalFormat[columns.length]; SimpleDateFormat[] cDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat[columns.length]; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { InfoReportField column = columns[i]; // Only Numeric if (DisplayType.isNumeric(column.DisplayType)) cDecimalFormat[i] = DisplayType.getNumberFormat(ctx, column.DisplayType, column.FormatPattern); // Only Date else if (DisplayType.isDate(column.DisplayType)) cDateFormat[i] = DisplayType.getDateFormat(ctx, column.DisplayType, column.FormatPattern); // Phrase phrase = new Phrase(column.PrintName); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); if (column.FieldAlignmentType.equals(InfoReportField.FIELD_ALIGNMENT_TYPE_TRAILING_RIGHT)) cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT); else if (column.FieldAlignmentType.equals(InfoReportField.FIELD_ALIGNMENT_TYPE_CENTER)) cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER); else cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_UNDEFINED); // table.addCell(cell); } // Add Detail for (int row = 0; row < m_data.size(); row++) { // Get Row RowPrintData rPrintData = m_data.get(row); // Iterate for (int col = 0; col < columns.length; col++) { InfoReportField column = columns[col]; ColumnPrintData cPrintData = rPrintData.get(col); Phrase phrase = null; PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); // String value = cPrintData.getValue(); // Only Values if (value != null) { if (DisplayType.isNumeric(column.DisplayType)) { // Number // Format DecimalFormat decimalFormat = cDecimalFormat[col]; // Format if (decimalFormat != null) value = decimalFormat.format(DisplayType.getNumber(value)); // Set Value cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else if (DisplayType.isDate(column.DisplayType)) { // Is Date SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = cDateFormat[col]; if (dateFormat != null && value.trim().length() > 0) { long date = Long.parseLong(value); value = dateFormat.format(new Date(date)); } } } // Set Value phrase = new Phrase(value); // if (column.FieldAlignmentType.equals(InfoReportField.FIELD_ALIGNMENT_TYPE_TRAILING_RIGHT)) cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT); else if (column.FieldAlignmentType.equals(InfoReportField.FIELD_ALIGNMENT_TYPE_CENTER)) cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER); else cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_UNDEFINED); // Set Font if (rPrintData.isFunctionRow()) { // Set Function Value if (cPrintData.getFunctionValue() != null && cPrintData.getFunctionValue().length() > 0) phrase = new Phrase(cPrintData.getFunctionValue()); // Set Font phrase.getFont().setStyle(Font.BOLDITALIC); } // Add to Table cell.setPhrase(phrase); table.addCell(cell); } } // Add Table to Document document.add(table); // New Line document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // Add Footer StringBuffer footerText = new StringBuffer(Env.getContext("#SUser")); footerText.append("("); footerText.append(Env.getContext("#AD_Role_Name")); footerText.append("@"); footerText.append(Env.getContext("#AD_Client_Name")); footerText.append("."); footerText.append(Env.getContext("#AD_Org_Name")); footerText.append("{").append(Build.MANUFACTURER).append(".").append(Build.MODEL).append("}) "); // Date SimpleDateFormat pattern = DisplayType.getDateFormat(ctx, DisplayType.DATE_TIME); footerText.append(" ").append(ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.Date)).append(" = "); footerText.append(pattern.format(new Date())); // Paragraph footer = new Paragraph(footerText.toString()); footer.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER); // Set Font footer.getFont().setSize(8); // Add Footer document.add(footer); // Close Document document.close(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Create a PDF File/* w ww .j a v a2 s .com*/ * @author <a href="">Yamel Senih</a> 02/04/2014, 22:52:09 * @param outFile * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws DocumentException * @return void */ private void createPDF(File outFile) throws FileNotFoundException, DocumentException { Document document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, new FileOutputStream(outFile)); PDFHeaderAndFooter event = new PDFHeaderAndFooter(); writer.setPageEvent(event);; // document.addAuthor(ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.app_name)); document.addCreationDate(); // Paragraph title = new Paragraph(m_reportQuery.getInfoReport().getName()); // Set Font title.getFont().setStyle(Font.BOLD); // Set Alignment title.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER); // Add Title document.add(title); // Add New Line document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // Parameters ProcessInfoParameter[] param = m_pi.getParameter(); // Get Parameter if (param != null) { // boolean isFirst = true; // Iterate for (ProcessInfoParameter para : param) { // Get SQL Name String name = para.getInfo(); StringBuffer textParameter = new StringBuffer(); if (para.getParameter() == null && para.getParameter_To() == null) continue; else { // Add Parameters Title if (isFirst) { Paragraph titleParam = new Paragraph( ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.msg_ReportParameters)); // Set Font titleParam.getFont().setStyle(Font.BOLDITALIC); // Add to Document document.add(titleParam); isFirst = false; } // Add Parameters Name if (para.getParameter() != null && para.getParameter_To() != null) { // From and To is filled // textParameter.append(name).append(" => ").append(para.getDisplayValue()).append(" <= ") .append(para.getDisplayValue_To()); } else if (para.getParameter() != null) { // Only From // textParameter.append(name).append(" = ").append(para.getDisplayValue()); } else if (para.getParameter_To() != null) { // Only To // textParameter.append(name).append(" <= ").append(para.getDisplayValue_To()); } } // Add to Document Paragraph viewParam = new Paragraph(textParameter.toString()); document.add(viewParam); } } document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // InfoReportField[] columns = m_reportQuery.getColumns(); // Add Table PdfPTable table = new PdfPTable(columns.length); table.setSpacingBefore(4); // Add Header PdfPCell headerCell = new PdfPCell(new Phrase(m_reportQuery.getInfoReport().getName())); headerCell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER); headerCell.setColspan(columns.length); // Add to Table table.addCell(headerCell); // Add Header // Decimal and Date Format DecimalFormat[] cDecimalFormat = new DecimalFormat[columns.length]; SimpleDateFormat[] cDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat[columns.length]; for (int i = 0; i < columns.length; i++) { InfoReportField column = columns[i]; // Only Numeric if (DisplayType.isNumeric(column.DisplayType)) cDecimalFormat[i] = DisplayType.getNumberFormat(ctx, column.DisplayType, column.FormatPattern); // Only Date else if (DisplayType.isDate(column.DisplayType)) cDateFormat[i] = DisplayType.getDateFormat(ctx, column.DisplayType, column.FormatPattern); // Phrase phrase = new Phrase(column.PrintName); PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(phrase); if (column.FieldAlignmentType.equals(InfoReportField.FIELD_ALIGNMENT_TYPE_TRAILING_RIGHT)) cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT); else if (column.FieldAlignmentType.equals(InfoReportField.FIELD_ALIGNMENT_TYPE_CENTER)) cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER); else cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_UNDEFINED); // table.addCell(cell); } // Add Detail for (int row = 0; row < m_data.size(); row++) { // Get Row RowPrintData rPrintData = m_data.get(row); // Iterate for (int col = 0; col < columns.length; col++) { InfoReportField column = columns[col]; ColumnPrintData cPrintData = rPrintData.get(col); Phrase phrase = null; PdfPCell cell = new PdfPCell(); // String value = cPrintData.getValue(); if (DisplayType.isNumeric(column.DisplayType)) { // Number // Format DecimalFormat decimalFormat = cDecimalFormat[col]; // Format if (decimalFormat != null) value = decimalFormat.format(DisplayType.getNumber(value)); // Set Value cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT); } else if (DisplayType.isDate(column.DisplayType)) { // Is Date SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = cDateFormat[col]; if (dateFormat != null) { long date = Long.getLong(value, 0); value = dateFormat.format(new Date(date)); } } // Set Value phrase = new Phrase(value); // if (column.FieldAlignmentType.equals(InfoReportField.FIELD_ALIGNMENT_TYPE_TRAILING_RIGHT)) cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_RIGHT); else if (column.FieldAlignmentType.equals(InfoReportField.FIELD_ALIGNMENT_TYPE_CENTER)) cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_CENTER); else cell.setHorizontalAlignment(PdfPCell.ALIGN_UNDEFINED); // Set Font if (rPrintData.isFunctionRow()) { // Set Function Value if (cPrintData.getFunctionValue() != null && cPrintData.getFunctionValue().length() > 0) phrase = new Phrase(cPrintData.getFunctionValue()); // Set Font phrase.getFont().setStyle(Font.BOLDITALIC); } // Add to Table cell.setPhrase(phrase); table.addCell(cell); } } // Add Table to Document document.add(table); // New Line document.add(Chunk.NEWLINE); // Add Footer StringBuffer footerText = new StringBuffer(Env.getContext(ctx, "#SUser")); footerText.append("("); footerText.append(Env.getContext(ctx, "#AD_Role_Name")); footerText.append("@"); footerText.append(Env.getContext(ctx, "#AD_Client_Name")); footerText.append("."); footerText.append(Env.getContext(ctx, "#AD_Org_Name")); footerText.append("{").append(Build.MANUFACTURER).append(".").append(Build.MODEL).append("}) "); // Date SimpleDateFormat pattern = DisplayType.getDateFormat(ctx, DisplayType.DATE_TIME); footerText.append(" ").append(ctx.getResources().getString(R.string.Date)).append(" = "); footerText.append(pattern.format(new Date())); // Paragraph footer = new Paragraph(footerText.toString()); footer.setAlignment(Paragraph.ALIGN_CENTER); // Set Font footer.getFont().setSize(8); // Add Footer document.add(footer); // Close Document document.close(); }
From source
public void InformeMensual() { String fecha = this.fechaInforme.getEditor().getText(); try {/* w w w. j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ GeneradorPDF generador = new GeneradorPDF(PageSize.LETTER, 14, 12, 12); generador.GenerarPDF(this.jTextField1.getText()); generador.openDoc(); generador.addTitulo("INFORME CONTABLE PARQUEADERO MENSUAL"); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); generador.addParagrafo("FECHA: " + fecha); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); Administrador objadmin = new Administrador(); ParqueaderoMes objfraccion = new ParqueaderoMes(); ArrayList<Recepcionista> listarecep = new ArrayList<Recepcionista>(); ArrayList<Object> inforecep = new ArrayList<Object>(); listarecep = objadmin.GetInfoRecepcionista(Conexion.obtener()); for (int i = 0; i < listarecep.size(); i++) { generador.addParagrafo("RECEPCIONISTA: " + listarecep.get(i).getRecepcionista_nombres() + " " + listarecep.get(i).getRecepcionista_apellidos()); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); inforecep = objfraccion.CargarInformacionPorRecepcionista(Conexion.obtener(), fecha, listarecep.get(i).getIdRecepcionista()); if (inforecep.size() > 1) { PdfPTable tabla = new PdfPTable(2); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla("PLACA", tabla); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla("VALOR ABONADO", tabla); for (int j = 1; j < inforecep.size(); j++) { ArrayList<String> datos = new ArrayList(); datos = (ArrayList<String>) inforecep.get(j); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla(datos.get(1), tabla); long valor = Long.parseLong(datos.get(3)); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla(Long.toString(valor), tabla); } generador.addTable(tabla); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); } else { generador.addParagrafo("No tiene registros asociados"); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); } } ArrayList<String> total = objadmin.TotalesDiarios(Conexion.obtener(), fecha); generador.addParagrafo("TOTAL: " + total.get(1)); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); generador.closeDoc(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Reporte creado con exito"); File file = new File(generador.ruta); Desktop.getDesktop().open(file); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage()); } }
From source
public void InformeFraccion() { String fecha = this.fechaInforme.getEditor().getText(); try {/* w w w .j av a 2s .c om*/ GeneradorPDF generador = new GeneradorPDF(PageSize.LETTER, 14, 12, 12); generador.GenerarPDF(this.jTextField1.getText()); generador.openDoc(); generador.addTitulo("INFORME CONTABLE PARQUEADERO POR FRACCIN"); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); generador.addParagrafo("FECHA: " + fecha); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); Administrador objadmin = new Administrador(); ParquaderoFraccion objfraccion = new ParquaderoFraccion(); ArrayList<Recepcionista> listarecep = new ArrayList<Recepcionista>(); ArrayList<Informacion_Fraccion> inforecep = new ArrayList<Informacion_Fraccion>(); listarecep = objadmin.GetInfoRecepcionista(Conexion.obtener()); for (int i = 0; i < listarecep.size(); i++) { generador.addParagrafo("RECEPCIONISTA: " + listarecep.get(i).getRecepcionista_nombres() + " " + listarecep.get(i).getRecepcionista_apellidos()); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); inforecep = objfraccion.LoadInfoPerRecepcionista(Conexion.obtener(), fecha, listarecep.get(i).getIdRecepcionista()); if (inforecep.size() != 0) { PdfPTable tabla = new PdfPTable(4); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla("PLACA", tabla); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla("FECHA INGRESO", tabla); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla("FECHA SALIDA", tabla); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla("VALOR COBRADO", tabla); for (int j = 0; j < inforecep.size(); j++) { generador.AgregarCeldaTabla(inforecep.get(j).getVehiculo_placa(), tabla); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla(inforecep.get(j).getFecha_entrada(), tabla); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla(inforecep.get(j).getFecha_salida(), tabla); generador.AgregarCeldaTabla(Long.toString((long) inforecep.get(j).getValor_pagar()), tabla); } generador.addTable(tabla); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); } else { generador.addParagrafo("No tiene registros asociados"); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); } } ArrayList<String> total = objadmin.TotalesDiarios(Conexion.obtener(), fecha); generador.addParagrafo("TOTAL: " + total.get(0)); generador.addParagrafo("\n"); generador.closeDoc(); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Reporte creado con exito"); File file = new File(generador.ruta); Desktop.getDesktop().open(file); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getMessage()); } }