List of usage examples for com.itextpdf.text ListItem add
@Override public boolean add(Element o)
to the Paragraph
. From source
private static void writePdf(TrackingRecordScreeningLetter screeningLetter, OutputStream ba, HttpServletRequest request) throws DocumentException, BadElementException, IOException { Document document = null;//from ww w.j av a2 s.c o m Paragraph paragraph = null; ListItem item = null; document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER, 50, 50, 125, 0); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, ba); StringBuilder sb = null; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d, yyyy");; LetterheadStamper.stampLetter(writer, request); paragraph = getParagraph(10.0f); paragraph.add(new Phrase("MSO FC", smallfont)); paragraph.setIndentationLeft(415); document.add(paragraph); paragraph.clear(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Rev 3/12", smallfont)); paragraph.setSpacingAfter(50); document.add(paragraph); // Add report date paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(df.format(screeningLetter.getLetterDate()), mediumfont)); paragraph.setIndentationLeft(350); document.add(paragraph); // Add applicant name and address information paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFirstAndLastName().toUpperCase(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(5); document.add(paragraph); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(screeningLetter.getAddress().getAddressOne())) { paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getAddress().getAddressOne().toUpperCase(), mediumfont)); document.add(paragraph); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(screeningLetter.getAddress().getAddressTwo())) { // Add facility location address two paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getAddress().getAddressTwo().toUpperCase(), mediumfont)); document.add(paragraph); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(screeningLetter.getAddress().getCityStateZip())) { paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getAddress().getCityStateZip().toUpperCase(), mediumfont)); document.add(paragraph); } // Add subject information paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("RE: Notice of additional Criminal Background Screening information needed:", mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); // Add Screening Person's Name/ID paragraph = getParagraph(16.0f); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFirstAndLastName() + " (" + screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getPersonIdentifier() + ")", mediumfont)); // Indent this line to line up with 'Notice' in subject line paragraph.setIndentationLeft(22); document.add(paragraph); // Add salutation paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Dear " + screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFirstAndLastName() + ":", mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(18); document.add(paragraph); // Start letter detail sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "As a follow-up to the request for background screening by the Department of Human Services, Office of Licensing, "); sb.append("this is to notify you that additional criminal background screening information is needed."); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(sb.toString(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase( "Enclosed are two fingerprint cards for you to provide complete, accurate and legible identifying information. ", mediumfont)); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Return the completed fingerprint cards with a $36.50 fee in the form of a ", mediumfont)); paragraph.add(new Phrase("cashier's check or money order ", mediumfontI)); paragraph.add(new Phrase("(no personal checks) payable to the ", mediumfont)); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Department of Human Resources, ", mediumfontI)); paragraph.add(new Phrase( "to the Office of Licensing within 15 calendar days of your receipt of this notice.", mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); paragraph.setSpacingAfter(10); document.add(paragraph); // Add the fingerprint card procedures as an indented bullet list List procedure = new List(false, 10); procedure.setIndentationLeft(10); item = getListItem(); item.add(new Phrase( "Prints should be taken by a local law enforcement office, or an agency approved by law enforcement.", mediumfont)); procedure.add(item); item = getListItem(); item.add(new Phrase("The FBI will reject a card with any highlighting.", mediumfont)); procedure.add(item); item = getListItem(); item.add(new Phrase( "Use only these cards showing identification from the Office of Licensing. We will be glad to give you replacement cards if requested.", mediumfont)); procedure.add(item); item = getListItem(); procedure.add(new Phrase( "If mailing the cards back to us, return by regular mail (please do not fold the cards).", mediumfont)); procedure.add(item); item = getListItem(); item.add(new Phrase( "Fingerprint cards must be completely filled out or they will be returned for completion.", mediumfont)); procedure.add(item); document.add(procedure); sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "Failure to return the completed fingerprint cards and fee within 15 calendar days will result in your background screening "); sb.append( "application being denied, and you will not be eligible to be associated with the licensed program in any capacity "); sb.append( "or will not be eligible to proceed with foster care or adoption until all clearance procedures are completed."); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(sb.toString(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "Please allow up to 12 weeks for the completion of the clearance process. For assistance or inquiries, you can contact the Office of Licensing "); sb.append("at (801) 538-4242."); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(sb.toString(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Sincerely,", mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getCreatedBy().getFirstAndLastName(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(25); document.add(paragraph); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Background Screening Unit", mediumfont)); document.add(paragraph); if (screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening() != null && screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility() != null && screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility().getLicensingSpecialist() != null && StringUtils.isNotBlank(screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility() .getLicensingSpecialist().getIntials())) { paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("CC: " + screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility() .getLicensingSpecialist().getIntials(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); } document.close(); }
From source
private static void writePdf(TrackingRecordScreeningLetter screeningLetter, OutputStream ba, HttpServletRequest request) throws DocumentException, BadElementException, IOException { Document document = null;/*from ww w . j a v a 2 s .com*/ Paragraph paragraph = null; ListItem item = null; document = new Document(PageSize.LETTER, 50, 50, 125, 0); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, ba); StringBuilder sb = null; SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("MMMM d, yyyy");; LetterheadStamper.stampLetter(writer, request); paragraph = getParagraph(10.0f); paragraph.add(new Phrase("MSO TX", smallfont)); paragraph.setIndentationLeft(415); document.add(paragraph); paragraph.clear(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Rev 3/12", smallfont)); paragraph.setSpacingAfter(50); document.add(paragraph); // Add report date paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(df.format(screeningLetter.getLetterDate()), mediumfont)); paragraph.setIndentationLeft(350); document.add(paragraph); // Add facility name and address information paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility().getName().toUpperCase(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(5); document.add(paragraph); if (screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility().getCbsAddress() != null) { if (StringUtils.isNotBlank( screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility().getCbsAddress().getAddressOne())) { paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility().getCbsAddress() .getAddressOne().toUpperCase(), mediumfont)); document.add(paragraph); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank( screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility().getCbsAddress().getAddressTwo())) { // Add facility location address two paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility().getCbsAddress() .getAddressTwo().toUpperCase(), mediumfont)); document.add(paragraph); } if (StringUtils.isNotBlank( screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility().getCbsAddress().getCityStateZip())) { paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFacility().getCbsAddress() .getCityStateZip().toUpperCase(), mediumfont)); document.add(paragraph); } } // Add subject information paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("RE: Notice of additional Criminal Background Screening information needed:", mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); // Add Screening Person's Name/ID sb = new StringBuilder(); paragraph = getParagraph(16.0f); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getFirstAndLastName() + " (" + screeningLetter.getTrackingRecordScreening().getPersonIdentifier() + ")", mediumfont)); // Indent this line to line up with 'Notice' in subject line paragraph.setIndentationLeft(22); document.add(paragraph); // Add salutation paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Dear Director:", mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(18); document.add(paragraph); // Start letter detail sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "As a follow-up to the request for background screening by the Department of Human Services, Office of Licensing, "); sb.append("this is to notify you that additional criminal background screening information is needed."); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(sb.toString(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase( "Enclosed are two fingerprint cards for the applicant to provide complete, accurate and legible identifying information. ", mediumfont)); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Return the completed fingerprint cards with a $36.50 fee in the form of a ", mediumfont)); paragraph.add(new Phrase("cashier's check or money order ", mediumfontI)); paragraph.add(new Phrase("(no personal checks) payable to the ", mediumfont)); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Department of Human Resources, ", mediumfontI)); paragraph.add(new Phrase( "to the Office of Licensing within 15 calendar days of your receipt of this notice. Do not put multiple fingerprints ", mediumfont)); paragraph.add(new Phrase("with one payment, unless for a couple with the same last name.", mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); paragraph.setSpacingAfter(10); document.add(paragraph); // Add the fingerprint card procedures as an indented bullet list List procedure = new List(false, 10); procedure.setIndentationLeft(22); item = getListItem(); item.add(new Phrase( "Prints should be taken by a local law enforcement office, or an agency approved by law enforcement.", mediumfont)); procedure.add(item); item = getListItem(); item.add(new Phrase("The FBI will reject a card with any highlighting.", mediumfont)); procedure.add(item); item = getListItem(); item.add(new Phrase( "Use only these cards showing identification from the Office of Licensing. We will be glad to give you replacement cards if requested.", mediumfont)); procedure.add(item); item = getListItem(); item.add(new Phrase( "If mailing the cards back to us, return by regular mail (please do not fold the cards).", mediumfont)); procedure.add(item); item = getListItem(); item.add(new Phrase( "Fingerprint cards must be completely filled out or they will be returned for completion.", mediumfont)); procedure.add(item); document.add(procedure); sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "Failure to return the completed fingerprint cards and fee within 15 calendar days will result in the background screening "); sb.append( "application being denied, and the applicant will not be eligible to be associated with the licensed program in any capacity "); sb.append( "or will not be eligible to proceed with foster care or adoption until all clearance procedures are completed."); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(sb.toString(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( "Please allow up to 12 weeks for the completion of the clearance process. For assistance or inquiries, please contact the Office of Licensing "); sb.append("at (801) 538-4242."); paragraph = getParagraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(sb.toString(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); paragraph = new Paragraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Sincerely,", mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(10); document.add(paragraph); paragraph = new Paragraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase(screeningLetter.getCreatedBy().getFirstAndLastName(), mediumfont)); paragraph.setSpacingBefore(25); document.add(paragraph); paragraph = new Paragraph(); paragraph.add(new Phrase("Background Screening Unit", mediumfont)); document.add(paragraph); document.close(); }
From source
License:Open Source License
private static void createTaskList(Document doc, TaskStatus taskStatus, Class<Task> taskSubtype) throws DocumentException, IOException { String tag = "tasklist." + taskStatus.toString(); if (taskStatus.getId() == TaskStatus.FLAGGED) { tag = taskStatus.getFlagColor().toString().toLowerCase() + "Flag"; }/* w ww .j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ String titleText = ResourceHelper.getString("button." + tag + ".tooltip"); Paragraph subTitle = new Paragraph(titleText, sectionFont); subTitle.setSpacingAfter(10); subTitle.setSpacingBefore(10); doc.add(subTitle); Task filteredTasks[] = TimeTracker.getInstance().getWorkspace().getTasksByStatus(taskStatus); TreeMap<String, Task> sortedItems = new TreeMap<String, Task>(); for (int i = 0; i < filteredTasks.length; i++) { sortedItems.put(filteredTasks[i].toString(), filteredTasks[i]); } Collection<Task> tasks = sortedItems.values(); com.itextpdf.text.List taskList = new List(); for (Task task : tasks) { // // Add flagged items regardless of their subtype (task or activity) // if ((taskStatus.getId() == TaskStatus.FLAGGED && task.getStatus().getId() == TaskStatus.FLAGGED) || task.getClass().equals(taskSubtype)) { Paragraph namePar = new Paragraph(task.getName(), textFont); ListItem taskItem = new ListItem(); taskItem.add(namePar); if (taskStatus.getId() == TaskStatus.WAITING) { Paragraph reasonPar = new Paragraph(task.getWaitReason().getText(), commentFont); taskItem.add(reasonPar); } taskList.add(taskItem); } } doc.add(taskList); }