List of usage examples for com.itextpdf.text Font getSize
public float getSize()
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public static boolean isTextTooWide(String text, Font f, float width) { return f.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(text, f.getSize()) > width; }
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public static float renderConstrainedText(PdfContentByte content, String text, Font f, float x, float y, int width) { float offset = 0.0f; if (text == null || text.isEmpty()) { return offset; }/*from w w w .j a v a 2s . c o m*/ float w = PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(width) * .95f; String prevStr = ""; text = text.replace("\\n", "\n"); for (String v : text.split("\n")) { String str = ""; for (String s : v.split(" ")) { str += ((!str.isEmpty()) ? " " : "") + s; if (isTextTooWide(str, f, w)) { improveRenderText(content, prevStr, f, x, y + offset); offset -= f.getSize() + 1; prevStr = s; str = s; continue; } prevStr = str; } if (!str.isEmpty()) { improveRenderText(content, prevStr, f, x, y + offset); offset -= f.getSize() + 1; } } return offset; }
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protected static void improveRenderText(PdfContentByte content, String str, Font f, float x, float y) { BaseFont bf = f.getCalculatedBaseFont(false); if (i18Font == null && (System.currentTimeMillis() - LAST_CHECK_TIME > 10000)) { i18Font = FontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(PdfFontDefinition.ExtendedCharacters) .getCalculatedBaseFont(false); LAST_CHECK_TIME = System.currentTimeMillis(); }// w w w .j a v a 2 s . c o m StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(str.length()); boolean extendedCodePoint = false; float effWidth = 0.0f; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char c = str.charAt(i); int codePoint = Character.codePointAt("" + c, 0); boolean curCodePoint = (!bf.charExists(codePoint)) ? true : false; if (curCodePoint != extendedCodePoint) { content.setFontAndSize((extendedCodePoint) ? i18Font : bf, f.getSize()); effWidth += content.getEffectiveStringWidth(buf.toString(), false); buf = new StringBuilder(); extendedCodePoint = curCodePoint; } buf.append(c); } content.setFontAndSize(bf, f.getSize()); effWidth += content.getEffectiveStringWidth(buf.toString(), false); float x_pos = x - (effWidth / 2.0f); // eq. to showTextAligned content.beginText(); content.setTextMatrix(x_pos, y); BaseFont lastFont = bf; @SuppressWarnings("UnusedAssignment") BaseFont currentFont = lastFont; buf = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char c = str.charAt(i); int codePoint = Character.codePointAt("" + c, 0); if (!bf.charExists(codePoint)) { currentFont = i18Font; } else { currentFont = bf; } if (currentFont != lastFont) { content.showText(buf.toString()); buf = new StringBuilder(); content.setFontAndSize(currentFont, f.getSize()); lastFont = currentFont; } buf.append(c); } if (buf.length() > 0) { content.showText(buf.toString()); } content.endText(); }
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@Override public OutputBounds generate(PdfContentByte content) { if (isSkipped()) { return new OutputBounds(getX(), getY(), 0, 0); }// w w w . ja va 2 s. c om float totalWidth = 0.0f; float maxHeight = 0.0f; float cur_x = getX(); float top = getY(); if (getIssue() != null && !getIssue().isEmpty()) { top -= PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(5.0f); Font f = FontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(PdfFontDefinition.SetIssue); content.setFontAndSize(f.getBaseFont(), f.getSize()); String is = getIssue().replace("\\n", "\n"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(is, "\n", true); float x = PdfUtil .convertFromMillimeters(configuration.getUsableWidth() / 2 + configuration.getMarginLeft()); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { is = tokenizer.nextToken(); if (is.equals("\n")) { top -= f.getCalculatedSize() + 2; } else { PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, is, f, x, top, (int) PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(configuration.getUsableWidth())); if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { top -= f.getCalculatedSize() + 2; } } } top -= PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(3.0f); } float spacing = PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(getSpacingMode().getSpacing(box_spacing)); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < columns.size(); i++) { StampSet set = columns.get(i); if (set.isSkipped()) { continue; } float s_w = PdfUtil.findMaximumWidth(set, content); set.setX(cur_x + s_w / 2); set.setY(top); OutputBounds rect = set.generate(content); totalWidth += rect.width + ((count > 0) ? spacing : 0.0f); cur_x += rect.width + spacing; maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, rect.height); count++; } return new OutputBounds(getX() - (totalWidth / 2.0f), getY(), totalWidth, maxHeight + (getY() - top)); }
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@Override public OutputBounds generate(PdfContentByte content) { if (isSkipped()) { return new OutputBounds(getX(), getY(), 0, 0); }/* w w w .ja va 2 s . c o m*/ float maxHeight = 0.0f; float maxWidth = 0.0f; float top = getY(); if (getDescription() != null && !getDescription().isEmpty()) { content.setColorStroke(BaseColor.BLACK); Font descFont = FontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(PdfFontDefinition.CompositeSetDescription); content.setFontAndSize(descFont.getBaseFont(), descFont.getSize()); top -= descFont.getCalculatedSize(); int count = 0; int tc = getDescription().split("\n").length; for (String desc : getDescription().split("\n")) { maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, content.getEffectiveStringWidth(desc, false)); PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, desc, descFont, getX(), top, (int) maxWidth); count++; top -= descFont.getCalculatedSize() + ((count < tc) ? 2 : 4); } } float totalWidth = 0.0f; float totalHeight = getY() - top; float spacing = PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(getSpacingMode().getSpacing(box_spacing)); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { StampRow set = rows.get(i); if (set.isSkipped()) { continue; } totalWidth += PdfUtil.findMaximumWidth(set, content) + ((count > 0) ? spacing : 0.0f); count++; } float cur_x = getX() - totalWidth / 2.0f; count = 0; for (StampRow set : rows) { if (set.isSkipped()) { continue; } set.setX(cur_x + PdfUtil.findMaximumWidth(set, content) / 2.0f); set.setY(top); OutputBounds rect = set.generate(content); count++; cur_x += rect.width + ((count > 0) ? spacing : 0); maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, rect.height); } maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, totalWidth); totalHeight += maxHeight; return new OutputBounds(getX() - (maxWidth / 2.0f), getY(), maxWidth, totalHeight); }
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@Override public OutputBounds generate(PdfContentByte content) { if (isSkipped()) { return new OutputBounds(getX(), getY(), 0, 0); }/*from w w w .j av a2 s .c o m*/ OutputBounds rect = new OutputBounds(getX(), getY(), PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(getWidth() + getPadding()), PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(getHeight() + getVerticalPadding())); if (bisect != Bisect.none && isBorder()) { drawBisect(content, rect); } if (getSetTenantPosition() == null) { drawShape(content, rect); } float verticalPadding = PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(getVerticalPadding()); float w = rect.width; Font f = FontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(PdfFontDefinition.Stampbox); float center = getX() + w / 2; float top = getY() + verticalPadding + f.getCalculatedSize() * 6 + PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(getTextPadding()); if (image != null) { try { com.itextpdf.text.Image img = determineScaledImage(rect, f.getCalculatedSize(), top, isImageOnly()); if (img != null) { content.addImage(img); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.FINER, "An error occured scaling the image. ", e); } } if (!isImageOnly()) { if (shape == Shape.diamond || shape == Shape.triangleInverted) { top = getY() + rect.height / 2.0f + f.getCalculatedSize() * 1.5f; } top += PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, getDenomination(), f, center, top, getWidth()); top -= f.getCalculatedSize() + 1; float d_delta = PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, getDescription(), f, center, top, getWidth()); float rows = (float) Math.ceil(d_delta / f.getCalculatedSize()); top += d_delta; Font f2 = FontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(PdfFontDefinition.StampboxOther); float delta = PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, getDescriptionSecondary(), f2, center, top, getWidth()); if (delta < 1.0f && rows > -3.00) { delta = -1 * (f.getSize() + 1); } if (d_delta >= -1 * (f.getSize() + 1)) { // handle one line descriptions top -= f.getSize() + 1; } top += delta; PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, getCatalogueNumber(), f, center, top, getWidth()); } return rect; }
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@Override public OutputBounds generate(PdfContentByte content) { if (isSkipped()) { return new OutputBounds(getX(), getY(), 0, 0); }/*from w ww.ja v a 2 s. co m*/ float maxWidth = 0; float top = getY(); if (getDescription() != null && !getDescription().isEmpty()) { content.setColorStroke(BaseColor.BLACK); Font descFont = FontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(PdfFontDefinition.RowDescription); content.setFontAndSize(descFont.getBaseFont(), descFont.getSize()); top -= descFont.getCalculatedSize(); int count = 0; int tc = getDescription().split("\n").length; for (String desc : getDescription().split("\n")) { maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, (int) descFont.getBaseFont().getWidthPoint(desc, descFont.getSize())); PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, desc, descFont, getX(), top, (int) (maxWidth * 1.10)); count++; top -= descFont.getCalculatedSize() + ((count < tc) ? 2 : 4); } } float totalWidth = 0; int maxHeight = 0; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < stampContents.size(); i++) { if (stampContents.get(i).isSkipped()) { continue; } totalWidth += stampContents.get(i).getWidth() + stampContents.get(i).getPadding(); if (count > 0) { totalWidth += padding; } count++; maxHeight = Math.max(maxHeight, stampContents.get(i).getHeight()); } totalWidth = PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(totalWidth); float start_x = getX() - (totalWidth / 2.0f); float cur_x = start_x; float totalHeight = getY() - top; float deltaHeight = totalHeight; count = 0; for (IStampContent s : stampContents) { if (s.isSkipped()) { continue; } if (count > 0) { cur_x += PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(padding); } s.setX(cur_x); int delta_y = getVerticalAlignmentOffset(s, maxHeight); s.setY(top - PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(delta_y)); OutputBounds r = s.generate(content); totalHeight = Math.max(r.height + deltaHeight, totalHeight); cur_x += r.width; count++; } maxWidth = (int) Math.max(maxWidth, totalWidth); return new OutputBounds(start_x, getY(), maxWidth, totalHeight); }
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@Override public OutputBounds generate(PdfContentByte content) { if (isSkipped()) { return new OutputBounds(getX(), getY(), 0, 0); }/*from w ww.j a v a 2 s . com*/ float maxWidth = 0; content.setColorStroke(BaseColor.BLACK); float top = getY(); if (getIssue() != null && !getIssue().isEmpty()) { top -= PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(5.0f); Font f = FontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(PdfFontDefinition.SetIssue); content.setFontAndSize(f.getBaseFont(), f.getSize()); String is = getIssue().replace("\\n", "\n"); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(is, "\n", true); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { is = tokenizer.nextToken(); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, content.getEffectiveStringWidth(is, false)); if (is.equals("\n")) { top -= f.getCalculatedSize() + 2; } else { PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, is, f, getX(), top, (int) maxWidth); if (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { top -= f.getCalculatedSize() + 2; } } } top -= PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(3.0f); } if (getDescription() != null && !getDescription().isEmpty()) { Font descFont = FontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(PdfFontDefinition.SetDescription); content.setFontAndSize(descFont.getBaseFont(), descFont.getSize()); top -= descFont.getCalculatedSize(); int count = 0; int tc = getDescription().split("\n").length; for (String desc : getDescription().split("\n")) { maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, content.getEffectiveStringWidth(desc, false)); PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, desc, descFont, getX(), top, (int) maxWidth); count++; if (count < tc) { top -= descFont.getCalculatedSize() + 2; } } } if (getDescriptionSecondary() != null && !getDescriptionSecondary().isEmpty()) { Font secFont = FontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(PdfFontDefinition.SetDescriptionSecondary); content.setFontAndSize(secFont.getBaseFont(), secFont.getSize()); top -= secFont.getCalculatedSize() + PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(3.0f); int count = 0; int tc = getDescriptionSecondary().split("\n").length; for (String desc : getDescriptionSecondary().split("\n")) { maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, content.getEffectiveStringWidth(desc, false)); PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, desc, secFont, getX(), top, (int) maxWidth); count++; if (count < tc) { top -= secFont.getCalculatedSize() + 2; } } } if (!rows.isEmpty()) { top -= ((top != getY()) ? PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(3.0f) : 0); int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < rows.size(); i++) { ISetContent row = rows.get(i); if (row.isSkipped()) { continue; } top -= ((count > 0) ? (PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters(verticalPadding)) : 0.0f); row.setX(getX()); row.setY(top); OutputBounds bounds = row.generate(content); count++; top -= bounds.height; maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, bounds.width); } } if (getComment() != null && !getComment().isEmpty()) { top -= PdfUtil.convertFromMillimeters((int) (0.75 * verticalPadding)); Font cFont = FontRegistry.getInstance().getFont(PdfFontDefinition.SetComment); content.setFontAndSize(cFont.getBaseFont(), cFont.getSize()); for (String s : getComment().split("\n")) { top -= cFont.getCalculatedSize(); maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, content.getEffectiveStringWidth(s, false)); PdfUtil.renderConstrainedText(content, s, cFont, getX(), top, (int) maxWidth); } } OutputBounds rect = new OutputBounds(getX() - maxWidth / 2, getY(), maxWidth, getY() - top); return rect; }