Example usage for Java com.itextpdf.text Element fields, constructors, methods, implement or subclass
The text is from its open source code.
int | PARAGRAPH This is a possible type of Element . |
int | ALIGN_UNDEFINED A possible value for paragraph alignment. |
int | ALIGN_LEFT A possible value for paragraph alignment. |
int | ALIGN_CENTER A possible value for paragraph alignment. |
int | ALIGN_RIGHT A possible value for paragraph alignment. |
int | ALIGN_JUSTIFIED A possible value for paragraph alignment. |
int | ALIGN_TOP A possible value for vertical alignment. |
int | ALIGN_MIDDLE A possible value for vertical alignment. |
int | ALIGN_BOTTOM A possible value for vertical alignment. |
int | ALIGN_BASELINE A possible value for vertical alignment. |
int | ALIGN_JUSTIFIED_ALL Does the same as ALIGN_JUSTIFIED but the last line is also spread out. |
List | getChunks() Gets all the chunks in this element. |
int | type() Gets the type of the text element. |