List of usage examples for TreeItem isSelected
public boolean isSelected()
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Create HorizontalPanel for expand, collapse, etc. functions * @return//from www . j a va 2 s. c om */ public HorizontalPanel getFunctionButtons() { HorizontalPanel panel = new HorizontalPanel(); Image expand = new Image(IconBundle.I.get().expand()); expand.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { expand(); } }); Image collapse = new Image(IconBundle.I.get().collapse()); collapse.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { collapse(); } }); Image refresh = new Image(IconBundle.I.get().refresh()); refresh.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { String selected = null; if (rootItem != null) selected = (String) rootItem.getUserObject(); for (Iterator<TreeItem> iter = tree.treeItemIterator(); iter.hasNext();) { TreeItem item =; if (item.isSelected()) { selected = (String) item.getUserObject(); break; } } refreshTree(spaceUname, selected); } }); panel.add(expand); panel.add(collapse); panel.add(refresh); return panel; }
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Updates the feed tree with the new data. Iterates through all the groups and feeds and resets their data with the * new data obtained from config, refreshing the displayed widget. It also resets selection of the tree widget * according to the tree item selection. * //from ww w . j a v a 2 s.c o m * @return true if update has succeeded, false if inconsistencies have been found during the update process. call * {@link FeedTreeWidget#makeFeedTree()} to create the tree from scratch if this function fails. */ private boolean updateFeedTree() { // update the feed tree according to the new data Map feedsbygroup = watch.getConfig().getFeedsByGroupList(); Map groups = watch.getConfig().getGroups(); List groupKeys = new ArrayList(feedsbygroup.keySet()); Collections.sort(groupKeys, new GroupComparator(groups, "All")); for (int i = 0; i < this.groupTree.getItemCount(); i++) { TreeItem currentGroupItem = this.groupTree.getItem(i); GroupTreeItemObject groupUserObject = (GroupTreeItemObject) currentGroupItem.getUserObject(); String currentGroupKey = (String) groupKeys.get(i); Group foundGroup = (Group) groups.get(currentGroupKey); // special case for the All group if (foundGroup == null) { foundGroup = new Group(); foundGroup.setName(currentGroupKey); } groupUserObject.setData(foundGroup, true); // set selected if needed groupUserObject.setSelected(currentGroupItem.isSelected()); Map groupFeeds = (Map) feedsbygroup.get(currentGroupKey); // for each feed in the tree, find it in the data map and update it for (int j = 0; j < currentGroupItem.getChildCount(); j++) { TreeItem currentFeedItem = currentGroupItem.getChild(j); FeedTreeItemObject feedUserObject = (FeedTreeItemObject) currentFeedItem.getUserObject(); Feed currentTreeFeed = (Feed) feedUserObject.getData(); // get feed from the new data Feed foundFeed = (Feed) groupFeeds.get(currentTreeFeed.getName()); if (foundFeed == null) { // then there is an inconsistency of some sort, better remake tree return false; } else { // otherwise, reset the feed of this FeedTreeItemObject and refresh it feedUserObject.setData(foundFeed, true); // set widget's state to tree item state feedUserObject.setSelected(currentFeedItem.isSelected()); } } } return true; }