List of usage examples for TreeItem getText
public String getText()
From source
License:Open Source License
/** * Show the entire IXholon tree as a Tree. * @param node Node from which to start showing the tree. *///from ww w . j a v a 2 s. com public void showTree(IXholon node) { if (tiRoot != null) { // an existing model is already running //removeAll(); } if (app == null) { app = node.getApp(); } xhRoot = node; tiRoot = new TreeItem(); createNode(xhRoot, tiRoot, null); tree = new XholonGuiClassicTree(this); tree.addItem(tiRoot); tree.addSelectionHandler(new SelectionHandler<TreeItem>() { public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<TreeItem> event) { TreeItem ti = event.getSelectedItem(); handleNodeSelection(ti.getText(), ti, tree.isCtrlPressed()); } }); ScrollPanel scrollPanel = new ScrollPanel(tree); scrollPanel.setSize("500px", "500px"); DockPanel panel = new DockPanel(); //this; panel.setStylePrimaryName("xhgui"); panel.add(scrollPanel, DockPanel.CENTER); currentSelectionField = new TextBox(); currentSelectionField.setVisibleLength(60); // 58 currentSelectionField.setMaxLength(200); currentSelectionField.setText("Click on any node to show details"); panel.add(currentSelectionField, DockPanel.SOUTH); // main menu at top of GUI MenuBar mainMenu = new MenuBar(); mainMenu.setStylePrimaryName("mainMenu"); // File MenuBar fileMenu = new MenuBar(true); MenuBar localStorageMenu = new MenuBar(true); boolean enableFileItems = true; //consoleLog(enableFileItems); //consoleLog(Window.Location.getParameter("src")); if ("gist".equals(Window.Location.getParameter("src"))) { //consoleLog("setting to false"); enableFileItems = false; } //consoleLog(enableFileItems); localStorageMenu.addItem("Save", new Command() { @Override public void execute() { IApplication lsApp = new ApplicationNull(); String configFileName = app.getConfigFileName(); lsApp.setConfigFileName(configFileName); JavaApp2Workbook app2Wb = new JavaApp2Workbook(); app2Wb.setWinName("_blank"); // open in new tab or window, lsApp); } }).setEnabled(enableFileItems); // save to localStorage using a new name /*localStorageMenu.addItem("Save as", new Command() { @Override public void execute() { } }).setEnabled(enableFileItems);*/ localStorageMenu.addItem("Edit", new Command() { @Override public void execute() { IApplication lsApp = new ApplicationNull(); String configFileName = app.getConfigFileName(); lsApp.setConfigFileName(configFileName); JavaApp2Workbook app2Wb = new JavaApp2Workbook(); app2Wb.setWinName("_blank"); // open in new tab or window app2Wb.edit(configFileName, lsApp); } }).setEnabled(enableFileItems); localStorageMenu.addItem("Restart from", new Command() { @Override public void execute() { // restart the current app by reloading the HTML page (equivalent to browser F5) // the reloaded app will automatically include the edited changes in localStorage Window.Location.reload(); } }).setEnabled(enableFileItems); // remove from localStorage /*localStorageMenu.addItem("Remove from", new Command() { @Override public void execute() { } }).setEnabled(enableFileItems);*/ fileMenu.addItem("localStorage", localStorageMenu); mainMenu.addItem("File", fileMenu); // Application mainMenu.addItem("Application", new Command() { @Override public void execute() { if (app == null) { //app.println("Application not yet loaded."); } else { app.about(); } } }); // Help MenuBar helpMenu = new MenuBar(true); helpMenu.addItem("About", new Command() { @Override public void execute() { if (app == null) { //app.println("Application not yet loaded."); } else { app.about(); } } }); helpMenu.addItem("Getting Started", new Command() { @Override public void execute() { gettingStarted("Getting Started with Xholon", splashText, 375, 475); } }); helpMenu.addItem("Information", new Command() { @Override public void execute() { if (app == null) { //app.println("Application not yet loaded."); } else { app.information(); } } }); helpMenu.addItem("JavaScript API", new Command() { @Override public void execute() { + "jsapidoc/modules/XholonJsApi.html", "_blank", ""); } }); mainMenu.addItem("Help", helpMenu); HorizontalPanel mainMenuHp = new HorizontalPanel(); mainMenuHp.setStylePrimaryName("mainMenu"); mainMenuHp.add(mainMenu); // toolbar with Controller buttons just below main menu HorizontalPanel toolbar = new HorizontalPanel(); toolbar.setStylePrimaryName("toolbar"); IXholon controlNode = app.getControlRoot().getFirstChild(); while (controlNode != null) { toolbar.add(makeToolbarWidget(controlNode)); controlNode = controlNode.getNextSibling(); } VerticalPanel topVp = new VerticalPanel(); topVp.setStylePrimaryName("mainMenu"); topVp.setWidth("500px"); // 474 topVp.add(mainMenuHp); topVp.add(toolbar); panel.add(topVp, DockPanel.NORTH); RootPanel xhgui = RootPanel.get("xhgui"); if (xhgui == null) { node.consoleLog("WARNING xhgui element does not exist"); } else { xhgui.add(panel); } //((Application)app).clearConsole(); // clear the contents of the xhconsole /*Element element = Document.get().getElementById("xhconsole").getFirstChildElement(); if (element != null) { TextAreaElement textfield = element.cast(); textfield.setValue(""); }*/ }
From source
License:Open Source License
protected String getGuiItemName(final Object guiItem) { final TreeItem ti = (TreeItem) guiItem; return (String) ti.getText(); }
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License:Open Source License
protected TreeItem getGuiItemRecurse(String nodeName, TreeItem ti) { if (nodeName.equals(ti.getText())) { return ti; }/* w w w. j av a 2 s . c o m*/ for (int i = 0; i < ti.getChildCount(); i++) { TreeItem tiChild = getGuiItemRecurse(nodeName, ti.getChild(i)); if (tiChild != null) { return tiChild; } } return null; }
From source
License:Open Source License
protected boolean isInInheritanceHierarchy(Object guiItem) { TreeItem treeItem = (TreeItem) guiItem; while (treeItem != null) { if (treeItem.getText().equals("InheritanceHierarchy")) { return true; }//from w w w. jav a2 s . co m treeItem = treeItem.getParentItem(); } return false; }
From source
License:Open Source License
protected boolean isInMechanismHierarchy(Object guiItem) { TreeItem treeItem = (TreeItem) guiItem; while (treeItem != null) { if (treeItem.getText().equals("MechanismHierarchy")) { return true; }/* www .j a v a2 s .c o m*/ treeItem = treeItem.getParentItem(); } return false; }
From source
License:Apache License
private String findPath(TreeItem item) { TreeItem parent = item.getParentItem(); if (parent == null) { return "/"; } else {/*ww w .j av a 2 s . c om*/ return findPath(parent) + "/" + item.getText(); } }
From source
License:Apache License
private void openedNodes(List<String> ret, TreeItem item, String prefix) { if (item.getState()) ret.add((prefix == null ? "" : prefix + " ") + item.getText()); for (int i = 0; i < item.getChildCount(); i++) openedNodes(ret, item.getChild(i), (prefix == null ? "" : prefix + " ") + item.getText()); }
From source
License:Apache License
private void openNodes(Set<String> nodes, TreeItem item, String prefix) { if (nodes.contains((prefix == null ? "" : prefix + " ") + item.getText())) item.setState(true);/*www. ja va 2 s . c o m*/ for (int i = 0; i < item.getChildCount(); i++) openNodes(nodes, item.getChild(i), (prefix == null ? "" : prefix + " ") + item.getText()); }